Days: Wednesday, June 16th Thursday, June 17th Friday, June 18th
Wednesday, June 16th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:20-10:10 Session 2: Keynote Lecture 1
09:20 | Does In Silico Medicine need Big Science? (abstract) |
09:45 | Towards Personalised Computational Medicine – Sano Centre Perspective (abstract) |
10:10-10:40Coffee Break
10:40-12:20 Session 3A: MT 1
10:40 | Smoothing Speed Variability in Age-Friendly Urban Traffic Management (abstract) |
11:00 | An innovative employment of NetLogo AIDS model in developing a new chain coding mechanism for compression (abstract) |
11:20 | Simulation modeling of epidemic risk in supermarkets: Investigating the impact of social distancing and checkout zone design (abstract) |
11:40 | A multi-cell cellular automata model of traffic flow with emergency vehicles: effect of a corridor of life (abstract) |
12:00 | HSLF: HTTP Header Sequence based LSH fingerprints for Application Traffic Classification (abstract) |
10:40-12:20 Session 3B: MT 2
10:40 | Music genre classification: looking for the Perfect Network (abstract) |
11:00 | Big Data for National Security in the Era of COVID-19 (abstract) |
11:20 | Efficient prediction of spatio-temporal events on the example of the availability of vehicles rented per minute (abstract) |
11:40 | Grouped Multi-Layer Echo State Networks with Self-Normalizing Activations (abstract) |
10:40-12:20 Session 3C: AIHPC4AS 1
10:40 | Outlier removal for isogeometric spectral approximation with the optimally-blended quadratures (abstract) |
11:00 | Deep learning model of logging-while-drilling electromagnetic measurements (abstract) |
11:20 | Socio-cognitive Evolution Strategies (abstract) |
11:40 | AI-accelerated CFD simulation based on OpenFOAM and CPU/GPU computing (abstract) |
10:40-12:20 Session 3D: BBC 1
10:40 | Controlling costs in feature selection: information theoretic approach (abstract) |
11:00 | How fast vaccination can control the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil? (abstract) |
11:20 | Uncertainty Quantification of Tissue Damage Due to Blood Velocity in Hyperthermia Cancer Treatments (abstract) |
11:40 | EEG-based Emotion Recognition – Evaluation Methodology Revisited (abstract) |
12:00 | Modeling the electromechanics of a single cardiac myocyte (abstract) |
10:40-12:20 Session 3E: COMS 1
10:40 | Expedited Trust-Region-Based Design Closure of Antennas by Variable-Resolution EM Simulations (abstract) |
11:00 | Optimum Design of Tuned Mass Dampers for Adjacent Structures via Flower Pollination Algorithm (abstract) |
11:20 | On Fast Multi-Objective Optimization of Antenna Structures Using Pareto Front Triangulation and Inverse Surrogates (abstract) |
11:40 | Optimizations of a Generic Holographic Projection Model for GPU's (abstract) |
12:00 | Similarity and Conformity Graphs in Lighting Optimization and Assessment (abstract) |
10:40-12:20 Session 3F: SOFTMAC 1
10:40 | Novel finite element solvers for coupled Stokes-Darcy flow problems (abstract) |
11:00 | Learning nonlinear upscaling model for nonlinear transport problems (abstract) |
11:20 | Staggered DG method for Darcy flows in fractured porous media on general meshes (abstract) |
11:40 | Multi-phase compressible compositional simulations with phase equilibrium computation in the VTN specification (abstract) |
12:00 | Numerical Simulation of Free Surface Affected by Submarine with a Rotating Screw Moving Underwater (abstract) |
10:40-12:20 Session 3G: CLDD 1
10:40 | Chosen Challenges of Imbalanced Data Stream Classification (abstract) |
11:30 | Soft Confusion Matrix Classifier for Stream Classification (abstract) |
11:50 | Some proposal of the high dimensional PU learning classification procedure (abstract) |
10:40-12:20 Session 3H: CSOC 1
10:40 | A Model for Urban Social Networks (abstract) |
11:00 | Three-state opinion q-voter model with bounded confidence (abstract) |
11:20 | The evolution of political views within the model with two binary opinions. (abstract) |
11:40 | How to reach consensus? Better disagree with your neighbor. (abstract) |
12:00 | Efficient calibration of a financial agent-based model using the method of simulated moments (abstract) |
10:40-12:20 Session 3I: DisA 1
10:40 | The Methods and Approaches of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (abstract) |
11:00 | Fake or real? The novel approach to detect online disinformation based on multi ML classifiers (abstract) |
11:20 | Transformer Based Models in Fake News Detection (abstract) |
11:40 | Towards Model-Agnostic Ensemble Explanations (abstract) |
10:40-12:20 Session 3J: CMSA 1
10:40 | A new multi-objective approach to optimize irrigation using a crop simulation model and weather history (abstract) |
11:00 | Bluetooth Low Energy Livestock Positioning for Smart Farming Applications (abstract) |
11:20 | Monitoring the Uniformity of Fish Feeding Based on Image Feature Analysis (abstract) |
13:20-15:00 Session 4A: MT 3
13:20 | Out-plant milk-run-driven mission planning subject to dynamic changes of date and place delivery (abstract) |
13:40 | An Efficient Hybrid Planning Framework for In-Station Train Dispatching (abstract) |
14:00 | Evaluating energy-aware scheduling algorithms for I/O-intensive scientific workflows (abstract) |
14:20 | A Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Due Dates under Conditions of Uncertainty (abstract) |
13:20-15:00 Session 4B: MT 4
13:20 | SGAIN, WSGAIN-CP and WSGAIN-GP: Novel Gan Methods for Missing Data Imputation (abstract) |
13:40 | Machine-Learning Based Prediction of Multiple Types of Network Traffic (abstract) |
14:00 | Scalable handwritten text recognition system for lexicographic sources of under-resourced languages and alphabets (abstract) |
14:20 | Scientific workflow management on hybrid clouds with cloud bursting and transparent data access (abstract) |
13:20-15:00 Session 4C: AIHPC4AS 2
13:20 | AIHPC4AS KEYNOTE: The Discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin (DPG) Method for Convection-Reaction Problems (abstract) |
14:00 | Refined Isogeometric Analysis for Solving Quadratic Eigenproblems in Electromagnetics (abstract) |
14:20 | Supermodeling - a meta-procedure for data assimilation and parameters estimation (abstract) |
14:40 | Effective solution of ill-posed inverse problems with stabilized forward solver (abstract) |
13:20-15:00 Session 4D: BBC 2
13:20 | Towards mimetic membrane systems in Molecular dynamics: characteristics of E.coli membrane system (abstract) |
13:40 | PathMEx: Pathway-based Mutual Exclusivity for Discovering Rare Cancer Driver Mutations (abstract) |
14:00 | Serverless Nanopore Basecalling with AWS Lambda (abstract) |
14:20 | A Software Pipeline Based on Sentiment Analysis to Analyze Narrative Medicine Texts (abstract) |
13:20-15:00 Session 4E: COMS 2
13:20 | Pruned simulation-based optimal sailboat path search using micro HPC systems (abstract) |
13:40 | Two stage approach to optimize electricity contract capacity problem for commercial customers (abstract) |
14:00 | Improved Design Closure of Compact Microwave Circuits by Means of Performance Requirement Adaptation (abstract) |
14:20 | Graph-grammar based longest-edge refinement algorithm for three-dimensional optimally p refined meshes with tetrahedral elements (abstract) |
14:40 | Elitism in Multiobjective Hierarchical Strategy (abstract) |
13:20-15:00 Session 4F: SOFTMAC 2
13:20 | A new finite element method for Stokes equations with pressure Dirichlet boundary condition (abstract) |
13:40 | Poroelasticity Modules for \texttt{DarcyLite} (abstract) |
14:00 | Mathematical Modeling of the Single-Phase Multicomponent Flow in Porous Media (abstract) |
14:20 | An enhanced finite element algorithm for thermal Darcy flows with variable viscosity (abstract) |
14:40 | Multilevel adaptive Lagrange-Galerkin methods for unsteady incompressible viscous flows (abstract) |
13:20-15:00 Session 4G: CLDD 2
13:20 | Classifying Functional Data from Orthogonal Projections -- model, properties and fast implementation (abstract) |
13:40 | Clustering and Weighted Scoring Algorithm Based on Estimating the Number of Clusters (abstract) |
14:00 | Exact Searching for the Smallest Deterministic Automaton (abstract) |
14:20 | Learning Invariance in Deep Neural Networks (abstract) |
14:40 | Mimicking learning for 1-NN classifiers (abstract) |
13:20-15:00 Session 4H: IoTSS 1
13:20 | A Review on Visual Programming for Distributed Computation in IoT (abstract) |
13:40 | Data preprocessing, aggregation and clustering for agile manufacturing based on Automated Guided Vehicles (abstract) |
14:00 | Comparison of Speech Recognition and Natural Language Understanding Frameworks for Detection of Dangers with Smart Wearables (abstract) |
14:20 | A Decision Support System Based on Augmented Reality for the Safe Preparation of Chemotherapy Drugs (abstract) |
13:20-15:00 Session 4I: ACMAIML 1
13:20 | Using Randomized Sub-data Sets for an Ensemble of Deep Learning Models to enhance Robustness (abstract) |
13:40 | A Deep Neural Network Based on Stacked Auto-Encoder and Dataset Stratification in Indoor Localization (abstract) ![]() |
14:00 | Recurrent Autoencoder with Sequence-Aware Encoding (abstract) |
14:20 | A Gist Information Guided Neural Network for Abstractive Summarization (abstract) |
14:40 | Quality of Recommendations and Cold-start Problem in Recommender Systems based on Multi-Clusters (abstract) |
15:00 | Model of the Cold-start Recommender System Based on the Petri-Markov Nets (abstract) |
13:20-15:00 Session 4J: SE4Science 1
13:20 | I/O Associations in Scientific Software: A Study of SWMM (abstract) |
13:40 | Understanding Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity Challenges Within the Research Software Community (abstract) |
14:00 | How has the COVID-19 Pandemic affected working conditions for Research Software Engineers? (abstract) ![]() |
15:10-16:00 Session 5: Keynote Lecture 2
15:10 | Material Transport Simulation in Complex Neurite Networks Using Isogeometric Analysis and Machine Learning Techniques (abstract) |
16:00-16:30Coffee Break
16:30-18:10 Session 6A: MT 5
16:30 | Deep learning driven self-adaptive hp finite element method (abstract) |
16:50 | New variants of SDLS algorithm for LABS problem dedicated to GPGPU architectures (abstract) |
17:10 | Highly Effective GPU Realization of Discrete Wavelet Transform for Big-Data Problems (abstract) |
17:30 | A Dynamic Replication Approach for Monte Carlo Photon Transport on Heterogeneous Architectures (abstract) |
17:50 | Scaling Simulation of Continuous Urban Traffic Model for High Performance Computing System (abstract) |
16:30-18:10 Session 6B: MT 6
16:30 | A Semi-Supervised Approach for Trajectory Segmentation to Identify Different Moisture Processes in the Atmosphere (abstract) |
16:50 | mRelief: A Reward Penalty based Feature SubsetSelection Considering Data Overlapping Problem (abstract) |
17:10 | Reconstruction of Long-Lived Particles in LHCb CERN Project by Data Analysis and Computational Intelligence Methods (abstract) |
17:30 | Motion Trajectory Grouping for Human Head Gestures Related to Facial Expressions (abstract) |
17:50 | DenLAC: Density Levels Aggregation Clustering - A Flexible Clustering Method (abstract) |
16:30-18:10 Session 6C: AIHPC4AS 3
16:30 | Design of borehole resistivity measurement acquisition systems for noisy data using deep learning (abstract) |
16:50 | A Finite Element based Deep Learning solver for parametric PDEs (abstract) |
17:10 | An application of a pseudo-parabolic modeling to texture image recognition (abstract) |
17:30 | A study on a feedforward neural network to solve partial differential equations in hyperbolic-transport problems (abstract) |
16:30-18:10 Session 6D: MESHFREE 1
16:30 | Analysis of vortex induced vibration of a thermowell by high fidelity FSI numerical analysis based on RBF structural modes embedding (abstract) |
16:50 | Automatic Optimization Method based on mesh morphing surface sculpting driven by Biological Growth Method: an application to the Coiled Spring section shape (abstract) |
16:30-18:10 Session 6E: COMS 3
16:30 | Modelling and forecasting based on recurrent pseudoinverse matrices (abstract) |
16:50 | Semi-analytical Monte Carlo optimisation method applied to the inverse Poisson problem (abstract) |
17:10 | Modeling the contribution of agriculture towards soil nitrogen surplus in Iowa (abstract) |
17:30 | An attempt to replace System Dynamics with Discrete Rate Modeling in demographic simulations (abstract) |
17:50 | New On-Line Algorithms for Modelling, Identification and Simulation of Non-Linear Multidimensional Dynamic Systems Using Modulating Functions and Non-Asymptotic State Estimators: Case Study for a Chosen Physical Process (abstract) |
16:30-18:10 Session 6F: SOFTMAC 3
16:30 | Numerical investigation of transport processes in porous media under laminar, transitional and turbulent flow conditions with the lattice-Boltzmann method (abstract) |
16:50 | A three-level linearized time integration scheme for tumor simulations with Cahn-Hilliard equations (abstract) |
17:10 | A Study on a Marine Reservoir and a Fluvial Reservoir History Matching Based on Ensemble Kalman Filter (abstract) |
17:30 | Numerical Investigation on Leakage and Diffusion Characteristics of Domestic Hydrogen-Blended Natural Gas in Indoor Space (abstract) |
17:50 | Modeling and Simulation of Atmospheric Water Generation Unit Using Anhydrous Salts (abstract) |
16:30-18:10 Session 6G: CLDD 3
16:30 | Application of Multi-Objective Optimization to Feature Selection for a Difficult Data Classification Task (abstract) |
16:50 | Deep Embedding Features for Action Recognition on Raw Depth Maps (abstract) |
17:10 | Analysis of variance application in the construction of classifier ensemble based on optimal feature subset for the task of supporting glaucoma diagnosis (abstract) |
17:30 | Multi-objective evolutionary undersamplingalgorithm for imbalanced data classification (abstract) |
17:50 | Missing value imputation method using separatefeatures nearest neighbors algorithm (abstract) |
16:30-18:10 Session 6H: IoTSS 2
16:30 | Metagenomic analysis at the edge with Jetson Xavier NX (abstract) |
16:50 | Programming IoT-spaces: A User-Survey on Home Automation Rules (abstract) |
17:10 | Application of the Ant Colony algorithm for routing in next generation programmable networks (abstract) |
17:30 | Scalable Computing System with Two-Level Reconfiguration of Multi-Channel Inter-Node communication (abstract) |
17:50 | Real-time Object Detection for Smart Connected Worker in 3D printing (abstract) |
16:30-18:10 Session 6I: ACMAIML 2
16:30 | Text-Based Product Matching with Incomplete and Inconsistent Items Descriptions (abstract) |
16:50 | Unsupervised Text Style Transfer via An Enhanced Operation Pipeline (abstract) |
17:10 | Exemplar Guided Latent Pre-trained Dialogue Generation (abstract) |
17:30 | Monte Carlo Winning Tickets (abstract) |
17:50 | Interpreting Neural Networks Prediction for a Single Instance via Random Forest Feature Contributions (abstract) |
18:10 | A Higher-Order Adaptive Network Model to Simulate Development of and Recovery from PTSD (abstract) |
16:30-18:10 Session 6J: SE4Science 2
Working Session to write blog posts
Thursday, June 17th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00-09:50 Session 7: Keynote Lecture 3
09:00 | Enabling High-Performance Large-Scale Irregular Computations (abstract) |
09:50-10:20Coffee Break
10:20-12:00 Session 8A: MT 7
10:20 | Acceleration of the Robust Newton Method by the use of the S-iteration (abstract) |
10:40 | A New Approach to Eliminate Rank Reversal in the MCDA problems (abstract) |
11:00 | Validating Optimal COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Models (abstract) |
11:20 | RNACache: Fast Mapping of RNA-Seq Reads to Transcriptomes using MinHashing (abstract) |
11:40 | Digital image reduction for analysis of topological changes in pore space during chemical dissolution (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 8B: MT 8
10:20 | Oil and Gas Reservoirs Parameters Analysis Using Mixed Learning of Bayesian Networks (abstract) |
10:40 | Analytic and Numerical Solutions of Space-Time Fractional Diffusion Wave Equations with different Fractional order (abstract) |
11:00 | Chebyshev-type rational approximations of the one-way Helmholtz equation for solving a class of wave propagation problems (abstract) |
11:20 | Investigating In Situ Reduction via Lagrangian Representations for Cosmology and Seismology Applications (abstract) |
11:40 | PIES for viscoelastic analysis (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 8C: AIHPC4AS 4
10:20 | Agent-based Modeling of Social Phenomena for High Performance Distributed Simulations (abstract) |
10:40 | Automated Method for Evaluating Neural Network's Attention Focus (abstract) |
11:00 | AI-based optimization of earthquake fiber bundle models using reinforcement learning (abstract) |
11:20 | Machine Learning Control Design for Elastic Composite Materials (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 8D: CompHealth 1
10:20 | Hybrid Predictive Modelling for Finding Optimal Multipurpose Multicomponent Therapy (abstract) |
10:40 | Towards cost-effective treatment of periprosthetic joint infection: from statistical analysis to Markov models (abstract) |
11:00 | Refining the causal loop diagram: a tutorial for maximizing the contribution of domain expertise in computational system dynamics modeling (abstract) |
11:20 | Discovering the diversity of patient treatment decisions through clinical pathways modeling and physician profiling (abstract) |
11:40 | Optimization of Selection of Tests in Diagnosing the Patient by General Practitioner (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 8E: COMS 4
10:20 | Iterative global sensitivity analysis algorithm with neural network surrogate modeling (abstract) |
10:40 | Forecasting Electricity Prices: Autoregressive Hybrid Nearest Neighbors (ARHNN) method (abstract) |
11:00 | Data-Driven Methods for Weather Forecast (abstract) |
11:20 | Generic Case of Leap-Frog Algorithm for Optimal Knots Selection in Fitting Reduced Data (abstract) |
11:40 | Intelligent Planning of Logistic Networks to Counteract Uncertainty Propagation (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 8F: QCW 1
10:20 | Implementing Quantum Finite Automata Algorithms on Noisy Devices (abstract) |
10:40 | OnCall Operator Scheduling for Satellites with Grover's Algorithm (abstract) |
11:00 | Multimodal Container Planning: a QUBO Formulation and Implementation on a Quantum Annealer (abstract) |
11:20 | Portfolio Optimisation Using the D-Wave Quantum Annealer (abstract) |
11:40 | Cross Entropy Optimization of Constrained Problem Hamiltonians for Quantum Annealing (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 8G: MMS 1
10:20 | VVUQ of large-scale applications with QCG-PilotJob (abstract) |
10:40 | Validation, verification and sensitivity analysis in the multiscale fusion plasma simulations (abstract) |
11:00 | Towards a coupled migration and weather simulation: South Sudan conflict (abstract) |
11:20 | Evaluating WRF-BEP/BEM performance: on the way to analyze urban air quality at high resolution using WRF-Chem+BEP/BEM (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 8H: CLDD 4
10:20 | On validity of Extreme Value Theory-based parametric models for out-of-distribution detection (abstract) |
10:40 | Clustering-based Ensemble Pruning in the Imbalanced Data Classification (abstract) |
11:00 | Improvement of random undersampling to avoid excessive removal of points from a given area of the majority class (abstract) |
11:20 | Predictability Classes for Forecasting Bank Clients Behavior by Transactional Data (abstract) |
11:40 | A Non-Intrusive Machine Learning Solution for Malware Detection and Data Theft Classification in Smartphones (abstract) |
13:00-14:40 Session 9A: MT 9
13:00 | Revolve-Based Adjoint Checkpointing for Multistage Time Integration (abstract) |
13:20 | High Resolution TVD Scheme based on Fuzzy Modifiers for Shallow-Water equations (abstract) |
13:40 | Large-scale stabilized multi-physics earthquake simulation for digital twin (abstract) |
14:00 | On the design of Monte-Carlo particle coagulation solver interface: a CPU/GPU Super-Droplet Method case study with PySDM (abstract) |
14:20 | Comprehensive regularization of PIES for problems modeled by 2D Laplace’s equation (abstract) |
13:00-14:40 Session 9B: MT 10
13:00 | Fast and Accurate Determination of Graph Node Connectivity Leveraging Approximate Methods (abstract) |
13:20 | An Exact Algorithm for Finite Metric Space Embedding into a Euclidean Space when the Dimension of the Space is not Known. (abstract) |
13:40 | Resolving Policy Conflicts for Cross-Domain Access Control: A Double Auction Approach (abstract) |
14:00 | An Adaptive Network Model for Procrastination Behaviour Including Self-Regulation and Emotion Regulation (abstract) |
13:00-14:40 Session 9C: AIHPC4AS 5
13:00 | Exploiting the Kronecker product structure of \varphi-functions with applications to exponential time integrators (abstract) |
13:20 | Optimize Memory Usage in Vector Particle-In-Cell (VPIC) to Break the 10 Trillion Particle Barrier in Plasma Simulations (abstract) |
13:40 | Deep Learning for solving partial differential equations using Ritz method (abstract) |
14:00 | Deep learning for prediction of complex geology ahead of drilling (abstract) |
13:00-14:40 Session 9D: CompHealth 2
13:00 | Simulation of Burnout Processes by a Multi-Order Adaptive Network Model (abstract) |
13:20 | Reversed Correlation-Based Pairwised EEG Channel Selection in Emotional State Recognition (abstract) |
13:40 | Regaining Cognitive Control: An Adaptive Computational Model Involving Neural Correlates of Stress, Control and Intervention (abstract) |
14:00 | MAM: A Metaphor-based Approach for Mental Illness Detection (abstract) |
14:20 | Theory of Mind Helps to Predict Neurodegenerative Processes in Parkinson's Disease (abstract) |
13:00-14:40 Session 9E: COMS 5
13:00 | Modeling traffic forecasts with probability in DWDM optical networks (abstract) |
13:20 | Endogenous factors affecting the cost of large-scale geo-stationary satellite systems (abstract) |
13:40 | Description of electricity consumption by using leading hours intra-day model (abstract) |
14:00 | The problem of tasks scheduling with due dates in a flexible multi-machine production cell (abstract) |
14:20 | Discovering the influence of interruptions in cycling training: A data science study (abstract) |
14:40 | Analysis of complex partial seizure using non-linear duffing Van der Pol oscillator model (abstract) |
13:00-14:40 Session 9F: QCW 2
13:00 | Classification using a two-qubit quantum chip (abstract) |
13:20 | Performance Analysis of Support Vector Machine Implementations on the D-Wave Quantum Annealer (abstract) |
13:40 | Adiabatic Quantum Feature Selection for Sparse Linear Regression (abstract) |
14:00 | EntDetector: entanglement detecting toolbox for bipartite quantum states (abstract) |
14:20 | On Decision Support for Quantum Application Developers: Categorization, Comparison, and Analysis of Existing Technologies (abstract) |
13:00-14:40 Session 9G: MMS 2
13:00 | Pathology dynamics in healthy-toxic protein interaction and the multiscale analysis of neurodegenerative diseases (abstract) |
13:20 | A Semi-implicit Backward Differentiation ADI Method for Solving Monodomain Model (abstract) |
13:40 | A Deep Learning Approach for Polycrystalline Microstructure-Statistical Property Prediction (abstract) |
14:00 | MsFEM upscaling for coupled thermo-mechanical problem (abstract) |
14:20 | MaMiCo: Non-Local Means Filtering with Flexible Data-Flow for Coupling MD and CFD (abstract) |
13:00-14:40 Session 9H: IoTSS 3
13:00 | Object-Oriented Internet - Cloud Interoperability (abstract) |
13:20 | Static and Dynamic Comparison of Pozyx and DecaWave UWB Indoor Localization Systems with Possible Improvements (abstract) |
13:40 | Challenges associated with sensors and data fusion for AGV-driven smart manufacturing (abstract) |
14:00 | Dynamic pricing and discounts by means of interactive presentation systems in stationary point of sales (abstract) |
14:20 | Dataset for anomalies detection in 3D printing (abstract) |
13:00-14:40 Session 9I: ACMAIML 3
13:00 | Trojan Traffic Detection Based on Meta-learning (abstract) |
13:20 | Grasp the Key: Towards Fast and Accurate Host-based Intrusion Detection in Data Centers (abstract) |
13:40 | MGEL: A Robust Malware Encrypted Traffic Detection Method Based on Ensemble Learning with Multi-Grained Features (abstract) |
14:00 | TS-Bert: Time-series Anomaly Detection via Pre-training Model Bert (abstract) |
14:20 | Relation order histograms as a network embedding tool (abstract) |
13:00-14:40 Session 9J: CLDD 5
13:00 | Analysis of Semestral Progress in Higher Technical Education with HMM Models (abstract) |
13:20 | Vicinity-based Abstraction: VA-DGCNN Architecture for Noisy 3D Indoor Object Classification (abstract) |
13:40 | Grid-Based Concise Hash for Solar Images (abstract) |
14:00 | Machine learning algorithms for conversion of CVSS base score from 2.0 to 3.x (abstract) |
14:20 | Applicability of Machine Learning to Short-Term Prediction of Changes in the Low Voltage Electricity Distribution Network (abstract) |
14:50-15:40 Session 10: Keynote Lecture 4
14:50 | Empirical Bayesian Inference using Joint Sparsity (abstract) |
15:40-16:10Coffee Break
16:10-17:50 Session 11A: MT 11
16:10 | Improved Lower Bounds for the Cyclic Bandwidth Problem (abstract) |
16:30 | Co-evolution of Knowledge Diffusion and Absorption: A Simulation-Based Analysis (abstract) |
16:50 | Estimation of Road Lighting Power Efficiency Using Graph-Controlled Spatial Data Interpretation (abstract) |
17:10 | Embedding alignment methods in dynamic networks (abstract) |
16:10-17:50 Session 11B: MT 12
16:10 | The OpenPME Problem Solving Environment for Numerical Simulations (abstract) |
16:30 | Building a Prototype for Easy to Use Collaborative Immersive Analytics (abstract) |
16:50 | Implementation of Auditable Blockchain Voting System with Hyperledger Fabric (abstract) |
17:10 | Quantum Data Hub: A Collaborative Data and Analysis Platform for Quantum Material Science (abstract) |
16:10-17:50 Session 11C: CompHealth 3
16:10 | Feature Engineering with Process Mining Technique for Patient State Predictions (abstract) |
16:30 | Comparative Evaluation of Lung Cancer CT Image Synthesis with Generative Adversarial Networks (abstract) |
16:50 | Deep convolutional neural networks in application to kidney segmentation in the DCE-MR images (abstract) |
17:10 | Comparison of Efficiency, Stability and Interpretability of Feature Selection Methods for Multiclassification Task on Medical Tabular Data (abstract) |
17:30 | Side effect alerts generation from EHR in Polish (abstract) |
16:10-17:50 Session 11D: QCW 3
16:10 | Quantum Asymmetric Encryption Based on Quantum Point Obfuscation (abstract) |
16:30 | Index calculus method for solving elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem using quantum annealing (abstract) |
16:10-17:50 Session 11E: MLDADS 1
16:10 | Deep Learning for Solar Irradiance Nowcasting: A Comparison of a Recurrent Neural Network and Two Traditional Methods (abstract) |
16:30 | Automatic-differentiated Physics-Informed Echo State Network (API-ESN) (abstract) |
16:50 | A machine learning method for parameter estimation and sensitivity analysis (abstract) |
17:10 | Auto-Encoded Reservoir Computing for Turbulence Learning (abstract) |
17:30 | Real-time probabilistic inversion of DNN-based DeepEM model while accounting for model error (abstract) |
16:10-17:50 Session 11F: IoTSS 4
16:10 | Profile-driven synthetic trajectories generation to enhance smart systems solutions (abstract) |
16:30 | Augmenting automatic clustering with expert knowledge and explanations (abstract) |
16:50 | Renewable energy-aware heuristic algorithms for edge server selection for stream data processing (abstract) |
16:10-17:50 Session 11G: ACMAIML 4
16:10 | Desensitization Due to Overstimulation: A Second-Order Adaptive Network Model (abstract) |
16:30 | Modified deep Q-network algorithm applied to the evacuation problem (abstract) |
16:50 | Human-like Storyteller: A Hierarchical Network with Gated Memory for Visual Storytelling (abstract) |
17:10 | Discriminative Bayesian Filtering for the Semi-Supervised Augmentation of Sequential Observation Data (abstract) ![]() |
17:30 | Trend Capturing SAX (abstract) |
17:50 | MultiEmo: Multilingual, Multilevel, Multidomain Sentiment Analysis Corpus of Consumer Reviews (abstract) |
16:10-17:50 Session 11H: SmartSys 1
16:10 | Improving UWB Indoor Localization Accuracy Using Sparse Fingerprinting and Transfer Learning (abstract) |
16:30 | Effective Car Collision Detection with Mobile Phone Only (abstract) |
16:50 | Corrosion detection on aircraft fuselage with multi-teacher knowledge distillation (abstract) |
17:10 | Warm-Start Meta-Ensembles for Forecasting Energy Consumption in Service Buildings (abstract) |
17:30 | Supporting the process of sewer pipes inspection using machine learning on embedded devices (abstract) |
17:50 | Explanation-driven model stacking (abstract) |
Friday, June 18th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00-09:50 Session 12: Keynote Lecture 5
09:00 | What do Climate Scientists Use Computer Resources for - The Role of Volcanic Activity in Climate and Global Change (abstract) |
09:50-10:20Coffee Break
10:20-12:00 Session 13A: MT 13
10:20 | Hierarchical Analysis of Halo Center in Cosmology (abstract) |
10:40 | Fast Click-Through Rate Estimation using Data Aggregates (abstract) |
11:00 | A Model for Predicting n-gram Frequency Distribution in Large Corpora (abstract) |
11:20 | Exploiting Extensive External Information for Event Detection through Semantic Networks Word Representation and Attention Map (abstract) |
11:40 | A New Consistency Coefficient in the Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Domain (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 13B: MT 14
10:20 | Scientific Paper Age Prediction (abstract) |
10:40 | Data Augmentation for Copy-Mechanism in Dialogue State Tracking (abstract) |
11:00 | Ensemble Labeling Towards Scientific Information Extraction (ELSIE) (abstract) |
11:20 | Error estimation and correction using the forward CENA method (abstract) |
11:40 | Monte-Carlo Approach to the Computational Capacities Analysis of the Computing Continuum (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 13C: CGIPAI 1
10:20 | Factors affecting the sense of scale in immersive, realistic Virtual Reality space (abstract) |
10:40 | Capsule Network versus Convolutional Neural Network in Image Classification Comparative Analysis (abstract) |
11:00 | State-of-the-art in 3D face reconstruction from a single RGB image (abstract) |
11:20 | Towards understanding time varying triangle meshes (abstract) |
11:40 | Semantic similarity metric learning for sketch-based 3D shape retrieval (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 13D: SPU 1
10:20 | The Necessity and Difficulty of Navigating Uncertainty to Develop an Individual-Level Computational Model (abstract) |
10:40 | Predicting Soccer Results through Sentiment Analysis: A Graph Theory Approach (abstract) |
11:00 | Advantages of interval modification of NURBS curves in modeling uncertain boundary shape in boundary value problems (abstract) |
11:20 | New rank-reversal free approach to handle interval data in MCDA problems (abstract) |
11:40 | Introducing Uncertainty Into Explanaible AI Methods (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 13E: CompHealth 4
10:20 | Modelling Hospital Strategies in City-Scale Ambulance Dispatching (abstract) |
10:40 | des-ist: a simulation framework to streamline event-based in silico trials (abstract) |
11:00 | Data Assimilation in Agent-Based Modeling of Virtual Hospital Indoor Activity for Scheduling and Optimization (abstract) |
11:20 | Identifying Synergistic Interventions to Address COVID-19 Using a Large Scale Agent-Based Model (abstract) |
11:40 | Modeling co-circulation of influenza strains in heterogeneous urban populations: the role of herd immunity and uncertainty factors (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 13F: CCI 1
10:20 | A Method for Improving Word Representation Using Synonym Information (abstract) |
10:40 | Fast Approximate String Search for Wikification (abstract) |
11:00 | ASH: A New Tool for Automated and Full-Text Search in Systematic Literature Reviews (abstract) |
11:20 | A Voice-based Travel Recommendation System Using Linked Open Data (abstract) |
10:20-12:00 Session 13G: MLDADS 2
10:20 | Using machine learning to correct model error in data assimilation and forecast applications (abstract) |
10:40 | From macro to micro and back: Microstates initialization from chaotic aggregate time series (abstract) |
11:00 | Low-dimensional Decompositions for Nonlinear Finite Impulse Response Modeling (abstract) |
11:20 | Latent GAN: using a latent space-based GAN for rapid forecasting of CFD models (abstract) |
11:40 | Intelligent Camera Cloud Operators for Convective Scale Numerical Weather Prediction (abstract) |
13:00-13:50 Session 14: Keynote Lecture 6
13:00 | Implementing Serious Virtual Reality Applications (abstract) |
14:00-15:40 Session 15A: DDCS 1
14:00 | Addressing Missing Values in a Healthcare Dataset Using an Improved kNN Algorithm (abstract) |
14:20 | Improving Wildfire Simulations by Estimation of Wildfire Wind Conditions from Fire Perimeter Measurements (abstract) |
14:40 | Scalable Statistical Inference of Photometric Redshift via Data Subsampling (abstract) |
15:00 | Timeseries based deep hybrid transfer learning framework: A case of electrical vehicle energy consumption (abstract) |
14:00-15:40 Session 15B: WTCS 1
14:00 | Biophysical Modeling of Excitable Cells - a new Approach to Undergraduate Computational Biology Curriculum Development (abstract) |
14:20 | Non-Majors Biology with Laboratories Using Computer Simulations (abstract) |
14:40 | Increasing the impact of teacher presence in online lectures (abstract) |
15:00 | Model-based approach to automated provisioning of collaborative educational services (abstract) |
14:00-15:40 Session 15C: CGIPAI 2
14:00 | ScatterPlotAnalyzer: Digitizing Images of Charts Using Tensor-based Computational Model (abstract) |
14:20 | EEG-Based Emotion Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks (abstract) |
14:40 | Improving Deep Object Detection Backbone with Feature Layers (abstract) |
15:00 | Procedural Level Generation with Difficulty Level Estimation for Puzzle Games (abstract) |
15:20 | ELSA: Euler-Lagrange Skeletal Animations - novel and fast motion model applicable to VR/AR devices (abstract) |
14:00-15:40 Session 15D: SPU 2
14:00 | Vector and triangular representations of project estimation uncertainty: effect of gender on usability (abstract) |
14:20 | The use of type-2 fuzzy sets to assess delays in the implementation of the daily operation plan for the operating theatre (abstract) |
14:40 | Linguistic Summaries using Interval-valued Fuzzy Representation of Imprecise Information - an Innovative Tool for Detecting Outliers (abstract) |
15:00 | Combining heterogeneous indicators by adopting Adaptive MCDA: dealing with Uncertainty (abstract) |
15:20 | Solutions and Challenges in Computing FBSDEs with Large Jumps for Dam and Reservoir System Operation (abstract) |
14:00-15:40 Session 15E: CompHealth 5
14:00 | Two-Way Coupling Between 1-D Blood Flow and 3-D Tissue Perfusion Models (abstract) |
14:20 | Applying DCT combined cepstrum for arteriovenous fistula state estimation (abstract) |
14:40 | Electrocardiogram Quality Assessment with Autoencoder (abstract) |
15:00 | Stenosis assessment via volumetric flow rate calculation (abstract) |
14:00-15:40 Session 15F: CCI 2
14:00 | Learning from Imbalanced Data Streams based on Over-Sampling and Instance Selection (abstract) |
14:20 | Computational Intelligence Techniques for Assessing Data Quality: Towards Knowledge-Driven Processing (abstract) |
14:40 | The Power of a Collective: Team of Agents Solving Instances of the Flow Shop and Job Shop Problems (abstract) |
15:00 | Application of the bagging method and the decision trees to independent data sources (abstract) |
14:00-15:40 Session 15G: MLDADS 3
14:00 | Data Assimilation in the Latent Space of a Convolutional Autoencoder (abstract) |
14:20 | Higher-order hierarchical spectral clustering for multidimensional data (abstract) |
14:40 | Neural Networks for Conditioning Surface-Based Geological Models with Uncertainty Analysis (abstract) |
15:00 | Towards data-driven simulation models for building energy management (abstract) |
15:20 | Data Assimilation using Heteroscedastic Bayesian Neural Network Ensembles for Reduced-Order Flame Models (abstract) |
14:00-15:40 Session 15H: UNEQUIvOCAL 1
14:00 | Detection of conditional dependence between multiple variables using multiinformation (abstract) |
14:20 | Uncertainty Quantification of Coupled 1D Arterial Blood Flow and 3D Tissue Perfusion Models Using the INSIST Framework (abstract) |
14:40 | Semi-intrusive Uncertainty Quantification of a 3D In-stent Restenosis Model with surrogate modeling (abstract) |
15:00 | Uncertainty quantification of COVID-19 exit strategies in an individual-based and geographically stratified transmission model (abstract) |
15:40-16:10Coffee Break
16:10-17:50 Session 16A: DDCS 2
16:10 | Hybrid machine learning for time-series energy data for enhancing energy efficiency in buildings (abstract) |
16:30 | I-80 Closures: An Autonomous Machine Learning Approach (abstract) |
16:50 | Energy Consumption Prediction for Multi-functional Buildings Using Convolutional Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks (abstract) |
16:10-17:50 Session 16B: WTCS 2
16:10 | A collaborative peer review process for grading coding assignments in coursework (abstract) |
16:30 | How Do Teams of Novice Modelers Choose An Approach? An Iterated, Repeated Experiment In A First-Year Modeling Course (abstract) |
16:50 | Undergraduate Capstone Project on One Dimensional Flow Problem (abstract) |
16:10-17:50 Session 16C: CGIPAI 3
16:10 | Composite generalized elliptic curve-based surface reconstruction (abstract) |
16:30 | Supporting Driver Physical State Estimation by Means of Thermal Image Processing (abstract) |
16:50 | Smart Events in Behavior of Non-player characters in Computer Games (abstract) |
17:10 | Place Inference via Graph-based One-class Decisions on Deep Embeddings and Blur Detections (abstract) |
17:30 | Football Players Movement Analysis in Panning Videos (abstract) |
17:50 | Shape reconstruction from point clouds using closed form solution of a fourth-order partial differential equation (abstract) |
16:10-17:50 Session 16D: SPU 3
16:10 | Optimization of Resources Allocation in High Performance Computing under Utilization Uncertainty (abstract) |
16:30 | A comparison of the Richardson extrapolation and the approximation error estimation on the ensemble of numerical solutions (abstract) |
16:50 | Predicted Distribution Density Estimation for Streaming Data (abstract) |
17:10 | LSTM processing of experimental time series with varied quality (abstract) |
17:30 | Sampling method for the robust single machine scheduling with uncertain parameters (abstract) |
16:10-17:50 Session 16E: CompHealth 6
16:10 | Fuzzy ontology for patient emergency department triage (abstract) |
16:30 | TBox - Risk Classification Models for Kidney Graft Failure (abstract) |
16:50 | Ontology-based decision support system for dietary recommendations for type 2 diabetes mellitus (abstract) |
16:10-17:50 Session 16F: CCI 3
16:10 | An Intelligent Social Collective with Facebook-based Communication (abstract) |
16:30 | Multi-Agent Spatial SIR-Based Modeling and Simulation of Infection Spread Management (abstract) |
16:50 | Multi-Criteria Seed Selection for Targeted In uence Maximization within Social Networks (abstract) |
17:10 | How Attachment to your Primary Caregiver Influences your First Adult Relationship: An Adaptive Network Model of Attachment Theory (abstract) |
16:10-17:50 Session 16G: MLDADS 4
16:10 | A GPU algorithm for Outliers detection in TESS light curves (abstract) |
16:30 | Data-driven deep learning emulators for geophysical forecasting (abstract) |
16:50 | NVIDIA SimNet™: An AI-Accelerated Multi-Physics Simulation Framework (abstract) |
16:10-17:50 Session 16H: UNEQUIvOCAL 2
16:10 | Comparison of polynomial chaos expansion and stochastic collocation methods: A case study in forced migration (abstract) |
16:30 | Gaussian Process surrogate models for uncertainty quantification in multiscale fusion simulations (abstract) |
16:50 | Second Order Moments of Multivariate Hermite Polynomials (abstract) |