This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Academic Disciplines | |
AI readiness | |
Artificial intelligence | |
B | |
Behavioural Visibility | |
BERT | |
Bibliometric | |
Bibliometric graph | |
Bibliometric measures | |
Bibliometrics | |
C | |
Circular Economy | |
Circular Economy Bibliometrics | |
citation | |
citation context | |
Citation Impact Analysis | |
Communities Detection | |
Critical strategy | |
Cyber Defense | |
Cybersecurity | |
D | |
data pipeline | |
Deep Learning | |
Design science | |
Digitalization | |
Disruptive science and technology | |
Disruptive technologies | |
division of labor | |
DOI Resolution | |
Domain Knowledge | |
dynamic time warping | |
E | |
EDA industry | |
Emerging Family | |
emerging research topic | |
Emerging Sectors | |
emerging technology | |
Entity Extraction | |
Entity Linking | |
evaluation system | |
F | |
fiber composite materials | |
Finance-Insurance Industry | |
Frugal Innovation | |
G | |
Generative AI | |
Generative Artificial Intelligence | |
GitHub | |
Graph representation learning | |
H | |
home-country effect | |
hysteresis effect | |
I | |
impact | |
Industrial Policy | |
Information retrieval | |
Innovation Ecosystem | |
Innovation research | |
Innovation studies | |
input-output relationship | |
Interdisciplinary Research | |
International collaboration | |
K | |
Key Core Technologies Identification | |
Knowledge Discovery in Biomedical Literature | |
knowledge distillation | |
Knowledge Gene | |
Knowledge Graph | |
Knowledge recombination | |
Knowledge Transfer | |
L | |
large language model | |
Large Language Models | |
LLM | |
LLM-Based Lexical Similarity | |
LLMs | |
M | |
machine learning | |
Marine Research | |
Matrix Factorization | |
Matrix Similarity | |
Medical Research | |
Model fine-tuning | |
Monte Carlo simulations | |
multi-label classification | |
N | |
Named Entity Recognition | |
Natural language processing | |
Network motif | |
New Product Development | |
news analysis | |
news articles | |
Noun Extraction | |
O | |
Online Product Reviews | |
Open Bibliometrics | |
Open Data | |
Open-Source Platform | |
Outlier detection | |
P | |
patent analysis | |
patent analytics | |
Patent citation | |
Patent Complementarity | |
patent function words | |
Patent Gaps | |
Patent Portfolio | |
Patent Similarity | |
perception | |
Portfolio Features | |
positive unlabeled learning | |
Pre-trained Model | |
Punctuated Equilibria Theory | |
Q | |
Quantum Technologies | |
R | |
Relation Extraction | |
Reproducible Science | |
Reviewer Trustworthiness | |
S | |
S&T Priorities | |
SAO Semantics | |
Science Mapping | |
Science of Science | |
scientific contribution | |
Scientometric Analysis | |
Semantic analysis method | |
Semiconductor Industry | |
Sentences Transformers | |
sentiment analysis | |
small molecule drugs | |
smaller LLM | |
SMEs | |
SMTO topic evaluation | |
Social and information networks | |
Social Media Analytics | |
Social Responsibility | |
societal impact | |
Stereo Lithography Appearance | |
Subject-Predication-Object (SPO) predications | |
Sustainability | |
Synthetic Data | |
synthetic data generation | |
T | |
Technological Elements | |
technological leapfrogging | |
Technological similarity | |
Technology Acceptance | |
Technology Function | |
Technology Mining | |
Technology Monitoring | |
Technology Opportunities | |
Technology Opportunity Discovery | |
temporal knowledge networks | |
Tensor Factorization | |
Text Mining | |
topic evolution | |
Topic Identification | |
topic model | |
Topic Modeling | |
Topic modelling | |
topic predictions | |
Trade marks | |
transfer entropy | |
transformative innovation | |
trend forecasting | |
U | |
Unesco documents | |
W | |
weak signal analysis | |
web scraping |