This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
academic frontiers | |
Alzheimer's Disease | |
anchor points | |
ARMA modeling | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
artificial intelligence (AI) | |
automobile technology | |
B | |
BERT | |
Bibliographic coupling | |
Bibliometric analysis | |
bibliometrics | |
Bibliometrics delineation | |
biological sciences projects | |
biomedical field | |
Blockchain | |
Brokerage Position | |
business model transformation | |
C | |
capabilities performance | |
Case study | |
catastrophe theory | |
China | |
Circular Economy | |
citation | |
citation count | |
Citation Influence Model | |
citation polarity | |
citation purpose | |
city innovation | |
classification | |
Clustering | |
collaboration network | |
Collaborative innovation | |
Community evolution | |
Comparative Study | |
competitive technological intelligence | |
Convolutional Neural Network | |
convolutional neural network (CNN) | |
cooperation | |
Cooperative R&D | |
cord-19 | |
coronavirus | |
corpus | |
COVID-19 | |
D | |
Data Bridging | |
Decision making | |
deep learning | |
demand-pull emerging technologies | |
Developmental trajectory | |
digital trace data | |
disruptive technologies identification | |
Document classification | |
domain C-value | |
drug development | |
Dynamic network | |
dynamic novelty | |
dynamic topic models | |
E | |
electric drive technology | |
embryo stage | |
Emergent Technologies | |
emerging keyword | |
Emerging technologies | |
emerging technology | |
Emerging Technology and Business Model Identification | |
emerging topic | |
emerging topics | |
Energy Transition | |
entropy value | |
European energy demand | |
Evolution | |
evolutionary trend | |
expertise extraction | |
F | |
face-to-face contact theory | |
Financial data | |
Forecasting | |
G | |
Global Innovation Networks | |
Global Innovation Value Chain | |
Global tech Mining | |
Graph Analysis | |
GraphSage | |
H | |
hierarchical topic modeling | |
historical text corpora | |
I | |
Index | |
Influence change | |
information entropy | |
information extraction | |
informetrics | |
innovation | |
Innovation Ecosystem | |
Innovation Ecosystems | |
Innovation network | |
Innovation policy | |
innovation system | |
innovative design | |
Intellectual Property | |
intemediary | |
Interdisciplinary pattern | |
Interdisciplinary research | |
interdisciplinary topic | |
Intermediacy | |
international collaboration | |
International technology diffusion | |
internet of things | |
IPC Mapping | |
K | |
K-mean clustering | |
knowledge graph | |
knowledge network | |
knowledge networks | |
knowledge spillover | |
knowledge spillovers | |
L | |
Latent Dirichlet Allocation | |
LDA | |
life cycle | |
Link prediction | |
linking research output to SDG | |
Literature-based discovery | |
LIWC | |
M | |
M&A determinants | |
matching | |
milestone technology | |
Model Validation | |
MOOCs | |
multi-dimensional statistics | |
Multi-source | |
N | |
national scientific collaboration network | |
natural language processing | |
naïve Bayes | |
Network Analysis | |
Network Maps | |
networks | |
Neural Models | |
new social trends | |
Node embedding | |
nonstop flight | |
novelty | |
O | |
organization | |
Organizational capabilities | |
outlier detection | |
P | |
pandemic | |
paradigm shift | |
Partner selection | |
patent | |
patent analysis | |
patent citations | |
patent claims | |
patent enhanced design | |
patent indexes | |
patent mining | |
patent network | |
Patent Similarity | |
Patents | |
Piecewise linear representation (PLR) | |
policy evaluation | |
post catch-up | |
Precision Medicine | |
problem solution | |
Project business | |
promising patents | |
Python Packages | |
Q | |
quantitative analysis | |
Quoted frequency | |
R | |
R Routine | |
R&D Network Analysis | |
random forest | |
Regional-based R&D activities | |
research and development | |
research front | |
research funding | |
research hotspots | |
research trend | |
resource | |
rising stars | |
Roadmap | |
S | |
s-curve fitting | |
SAO | |
SAO (subject-action-object) structure | |
Scenarios | |
science | |
science and technology policy | |
science and technology text mining | |
scientific breakthrough | |
Scientific Collaboration | |
Scientific community | |
Scientific cooperation networks | |
Scientific Publications | |
Scitometric Mapping | |
SDG | |
search processes | |
semantic analysis | |
semantic patent analysis | |
semantic path analytics | |
Semantic Similarity | |
shared tasks | |
similarity measurement | |
Sino-US scientific collaborations | |
Smart Manufacturing | |
SMEs | |
social media | |
Social Network Analysis | |
socio-technical systems | |
special issues | |
SPO triples | |
Startup Profiles | |
STI topic analysis | |
Strategic management | |
structure entropy | |
super tie | |
support vector machines | |
sustainability | |
Systems of Innovation | |
T | |
tech mining | |
Techmining | |
technical terminology extraction | |
technological distance | |
technological dynamics | |
technological efficiency matrix | |
Technological influence | |
technological innovation | |
technological roadmap | |
technological speciation | |
technology convergence | |
Technology Emergence | |
Technology infrastructure | |
Technology Intelligence | |
Technology Life cycle | |
Technology opportunities | |
Technology opportunities analysis | |
technology spillovers | |
technology trajectory | |
technology trends | |
technology/function matrix | |
temporal graph embedding | |
Term analysis | |
text analysis | |
Text classification | |
text mining | |
text-mining | |
Textual Features | |
thin film magnetic head | |
topic analysis | |
topic evolution | |
Topic Extraction | |
Topic Modeling | |
topic recognition | |
Topical novelty | |
trademarks | |
transformative research topics | |
trend monitoring | |
U | |
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) | |
Unstructured Data Mining | |
User Profiling | |
V | |
Vantage Point | |
VR | |
W | |
Weak signals | |
Word Embeddings | |
Word2Vec | |
X | |
xgboost |