This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
( | |
(minimal) core c-representations | |
A | |
Abductive Reasoning | |
abstract argumentation | |
Analogical Proportions | |
Analogy | |
answer set optimization | |
Answer Set Programming | |
apprenticeship | |
Argumentation | |
Argumentation Systems | |
Armstrong instance | |
Armstrong-property | |
Assumption-Based Argumentation | |
Axiom systems | |
Axiomatization | |
B | |
Belief Base | |
Bipolarity | |
Boehm trees | |
C | |
c-core closure | |
c-Inference | |
c-representation | |
c-representations | |
Cardinality constraint | |
Causal models | |
competence matrix | |
Complete axiomatization | |
complete k-partite graphs | |
Completeness | |
Completions | |
complexity theory | |
Conditional | |
conditional reasoning | |
consistency | |
constraint satisfaction problems | |
D | |
database queries | |
database repairs | |
database theory | |
Derivation rule | |
description logic | |
Distributed systems | |
Diversity bound | |
Duplicate-freeness | |
Dynamic Epistemic Logic | |
E | |
Entailment closure | |
epi-corecursion | |
Error-tolerant reasoning | |
Event-B | |
F | |
feasible edge colorings | |
Finite attribute domain | |
forgetting | |
formal languages | |
from novice to expert model | |
Functional dependency | |
H | |
Hartig Quantifier | |
Higher-order logic | |
Hyperproperties | |
hypertree decompositions | |
I | |
Incompleteness | |
Inconsistency-tolerant reasoning | |
Independence atom | |
Indeterministic laws | |
inductive inference operator | |
infeasible worlds | |
integrated maintenance | |
integrity constraints | |
Interventionist counterfactuals | |
K | |
Knowledge base maintenance | |
Knowledge Representation | |
L | |
Labellings | |
Language fragment | |
Lexicographic Multi-Objective Optimization | |
line graphs | |
Linear temporal logic | |
Linear Temporal Logic on Finite Traces | |
liveness | |
Logic | |
M | |
maintenance optimization | |
maintenance resources | |
Marginal distribution equivalence | |
Marginal identity | |
marginalization | |
Markov Decision Process | |
Model theory | |
Model-based Diagnosis | |
Multiplicity bound | |
N | |
non-free datatypes | |
Non-monotonic Reasoning | |
Nonmonotonic Reasoning | |
Normative Reasoning | |
O | |
ontologies | |
Optimal repairs | |
P | |
Partial MaxSAT | |
Polynomial-time algorithm | |
Probabilistic independence | |
Probabilistic team semantics | |
propositional logic | |
R | |
Relational schema | |
Rescher Quantifier | |
S | |
Semantic constraint | |
semantics | |
semiring semantics | |
Service Composition | |
structural recursion | |
Support | |
syntax splitting | |
System Z | |
T | |
Team semantics | |
temporal logic | |
U | |
Uncertainty | |
Update synthesis | |
V | |
variable elimination | |
variable forgetting | |
verification |