Days: Wednesday, May 31st Thursday, June 1st Friday, June 2nd
Wednesday, May 31st
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00-09:45 Session Keynote Speaker S1
09:00 | The Dynamics of Higher-Order Networks: the Effect of Topology and Triadic Interactions (abstract) |
09:45-10:45 Session Oral O1: Network Analysis
09:45 | Diagnosing Network Attacks by a Machine-Learning Approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Davide Coppes |
10:00 | Characterisation of the Robustness of Weighted Networks, a First Step to Better Understand the Context of Humanitarian Operations (abstract) PRESENTER: Aurélie Charles |
10:15 | Filtering Real World Networks: a Correlation Analysis of Statistical Backbone Techniques (abstract) PRESENTER: Ali Yassin |
10:30 | Interaction Network and Graphlets to Identify Sport Teams’ Signature (abstract) PRESENTER: Quentin Bourgeais |
10:45-11:15Coffee Break
10:45-11:15 Session Poster P1: Morning Session
Knowledge Graph for NLG in the Context of Conversational Agents (abstract) PRESENTER: Hussam Ghanem |
Are Networks Really Useful? --- Interplay Between Structures and Vector Representations (abstract) |
DyHANE: Dynamic Heterogeneous Attributed Network Embedding (abstract) PRESENTER: Liliana Martirano |
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Selfish Nodes Detection in a Blockchain (abstract) |
Quantile Regression: an Approach Based on GEV Distribution and Machine Learning (abstract) PRESENTER: Lucien M. Vidagbandji |
Blockchain for the Maritime: a Modular Proposition (abstract) PRESENTER: Rim Abdallah |
Measuring Movie Script Similarity Using Characters, Keywords, Locations, and Interactions (abstract) PRESENTER: Majda Lafhel |
Identifying Influential Nodes: the Overlapping Modularity Vitality Framework (abstract) PRESENTER: Stephany Rajeh |
11:15-12:30 Session Oral O2: Social Complexity
11:15 | Visualizing Mobile Phone Communication Data in Criminal Investigations: the Case of Media Multiplexity (abstract) PRESENTER: Martina Reif |
11:30 | Bounded Confidence Models Generate Additional Clusters When the Number of Agents is Growing (abstract) PRESENTER: Guillaume Deffuant |
11:45 | Monetization in Online Streaming Platforms: an Exploration of Inequalities in Twitch.Tv (abstract) PRESENTER: Antoine Houssard |
12:00 | Political Participation and Voluntary Associations : A Hypergraph Case Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Amina Azaiez |
12:15 | Opinion Dynamics Model Revealing yet Undetected Cognitive Biases (abstract) |
12:30-14:00Lunch Break
14:00-15:30 Session Oral O3: Dynamics & Self-Organization
14:00 | A Toy Model for Approaching Volcanic Plumbing Systems as Complex Systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Remy Cazabet |
14:15 | Reconstruction of Variables of Interest in Nonlinear Complex Systems: Application to a C. Elegans Biological Neural Network (abstract) PRESENTER: Nathalie Verdière |
14:30 | Agent-Based Modelling to Simulate Realistic Self-Organizing Development of the Mammalian Cerebral Cortex (abstract) PRESENTER: Roman Bauer |
14:45 | How to Grasp the Complexity of Self-Organised Robot Swarms? (abstract) PRESENTER: Jérémy Rivière |
15:00 | Analysis of a Network of Hodgkin-Huxley Excitatory and Inhibitory Neurons (abstract) PRESENTER: B. Ambrosio |
15:15 | Hopf Bifurcation in Oncolytic Therapeutic Model with Viral Lytic Cycle (abstract) PRESENTER: Radouane Yafia |
15:30-16:00Coffee Break
16:00-16:45 Session Keynote Speaker S2
16:00 | Resilience and transitions from local Digital Twins to global complex urban systems (abstract) |
16:45-18:30 Session Oral O4: Diffusion & Epidemics
16:45 | Supply, Demand and Spreading of News During COVID-19 and Assessment of Questionable Sources Production (abstract) PRESENTER: Pietro Gravino |
17:00 | A Local Agent-Based Model of COVID-19 Spreading and Interventions (abstract) PRESENTER: Perrette Benjamin |
17:15 | Towards a Generic Agent Based Vector-Host Model (abstract) PRESENTER: Cyrine Chenaoui |
17:30 | Exploring and Optimising Infectious Disease Policies with a Stylised Agent-Based Model (abstract) PRESENTER: Juste Raimbault |
17:45 | Impact of Timing of the Booster Dose on SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant Epidemic in France (Nov 2021 - May 2022) (abstract) PRESENTER: Laura Di Domenico |
18:00 | Contact Networks in Daily-Life Pedestrian Crowds and Risks of Viral Transmission (abstract) PRESENTER: Alexandre Nicolas |
18:15 | Minimizing Epidemic Spread Through Mitigation of anti-Vaccine Opinion Propagation (abstract) PRESENTER: Sarah Alahmadi |
Thursday, June 1st
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:45-10:45 Session Oral O5: Linguistics & Multilayer
09:45 | Imbalanced Multi-Label Classification for Businessrelated Text with Moderately Large Label Spaces (abstract) PRESENTER: Muhammad Arslan |
10:00 | SINr: a Python Package to Train Interpretable Word and Graph Embeddings (abstract) PRESENTER: Thibault Prouteau |
10:15 | Topics Evolution Through Multilayer Networks (abstract) PRESENTER: Andrea Russo |
10:30 | Towards Efficient Multilayer Network Data Management (abstract) PRESENTER: Georgios Panayiotou |
10:45-11:15Coffee Break
10:45-11:15 Session Poster P2: Morning Session
Backbone Extraction of Weighted Modular Complex Networks Based on Their Component Structure (abstract) PRESENTER: Sanaa Hmaida |
NetBone: a Python Package for Extracting Backbones of Weighted Networks (abstract) PRESENTER: Ali Yassin |
Automation and Fluidity of Logistics Transactions Through Blockchain Technologies (abstract) PRESENTER: Maxence Lambard |
Secure Access Control to Data in off-Chain Storage on Blockchain-Based Consent Systems by Cryptography (abstract) PRESENTER: Mongetro Goint |
Privileging Permissioned Blockchain Deployment for the Maritime Sector (abstract) PRESENTER: Rim Abdallah |
Poster Presentation: Preterm Birth Indicates Higher Neural Rich Club Organisation than Term Counterparts (abstract) PRESENTER: Katherine Birch |
From Geographic Data to Spatial Knowledge in Agent-Based Modeling Applied to Land Use Simulation (abstract) PRESENTER: Severin Vianey Kakeu Tuekam |
Transactive Memory Systems in Startup Firms (abstract) PRESENTER: Wei Shi |
11:15-12:30 Session Oral O6: Urban
11:15 | How to Reduce Streets-Network Sprawl? (abstract) PRESENTER: Supharoek Chattanachott |
11:30 | A Hybrid Network: Sea-Land Connectivity in the Global System of Cities (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Barbara Polo |
11:45 | Agent-Based Modelling of Urban Expansion and Land Cover Change: a Prototype for the Analysis of Commuting Patterns in Geneva, Switzerland. (abstract) PRESENTER: Flann Chambers |
12:00 | Radial Analysis and Scaling Law of Housing Prices in French Urban Areas Using DVF Data (abstract) PRESENTER: Gaëtan Laziou |
12:15 | Towards a Geographical Theory Different from That of the Natural Sciences: Foundations for a Relational Complexity Model (abstract) |
12:30-14:00Lunch Break
14:00-15:15 Session Oral O7: Structure & Dynamics
14:00 | On the Impact of Introducing Random Modifications to the Neighborhood of the Abelian Sandpile (abstract) PRESENTER: Paulin Héleine |
14:15 | Asymptotic Dynamic Graph Order Evolution Analysis (abstract) PRESENTER: Vincent Bridonneau |
14:30 | Who to Watch When? Strategic Observation in the Inverse Ising Problem (abstract) PRESENTER: Zhongqi Cai |
14:45 | The Architecture of Multifunctional Ecological Networks (abstract) PRESENTER: Mar Cuevas-Blanco |
15:00 | Temporal Betweenness Centrality on Shortest Paths (abstract) PRESENTER: Mehdi Naima |
15:15-15:45Coffee Break
16:30-18:15 Session Oral O8: Mobility
16:30 | Delineation of City Districts Based on Intraday Commute Patterns (abstract) PRESENTER: Yuri Bogomolov |
16:45 | Analysis of the German Commuter Network (abstract) PRESENTER: Christian Wolff |
17:00 | Academic Mobility as a Driver of Productivity: a Gender-Centric Approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Mariana Macedo |
17:15 | Mobility Networks as a Predictor of Socioeconomic Status in Urban Systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Devashish Khulbe |
17:30 | Is Paris a Good Example for a X-Minute City? Modeling City Composition on POI Data and X-Minute Statistics in Paris (abstract) PRESENTER: Sarah J Berkemer |
17:45 | Impact of Pedestrian Flocking Tactics on Urban Networks (abstract) PRESENTER: Guillaume Moinard |
18:00 | From CONSumers to PROSumers: Spatially Explicit Agent-Based Model on Achieving Positive Energy Districts (abstract) PRESENTER: Erkinai Derkenbaeva |
Friday, June 2nd
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00-09:45 Session Keynote Speaker S5
09:00 | Taming the Wild West of Social Media: the Digital Services Act and Its Effects on Computational Social Science (abstract) |
09:45-10:45 Session Oral O9: Communities
09:45 | Filtering the Noise in Consensual Community Detection (abstract) PRESENTER: Antoine Huchet |
10:00 | Deep Learning Attention Model for Supervised and Unsupervised Network Community Detection (abstract) |
10:15 | Quality Certification of Vertex Cover Heuristics on Real-World Networks (abstract) |
10:30 | Multigraph Transformation for Community Detection Applied to Financial Services (abstract) PRESENTER: Estelle Cherrier-Pawlowski |
10:45-11:15Coffee Break
11:15-12:30 Session Oral O10: Innovation Diffusion
11:15 | The Impact of Heterachical Ties on Information Diffusion (abstract) PRESENTER: Sasha Piccione |
11:30 | A Pattern of Diffusion of Artificial Intelligence in Science: the Development of an AI Scientific Specialty in Neuroscience (abstract) PRESENTER: Sylvain Fontaine |
11:45 | Junk Science Bubbles and the Abnormal Growth of Giants (abstract) PRESENTER: Floriana Gargiulo |
12:00 | Territorial Development as an Innovation Driver: a Complex Network Approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Francesco De Nicolò |
12:15 | Unpacking Popularity: Volume, Longevity, Connectivity and Globality (abstract) PRESENTER: Mariana Macedo |
12:30-14:00Lunch Break
14:00-14:45 Session Keynote Speaker S6
14:00 | Complex Systems Perspective on the Ocean Ecosystem (abstract) |
14:45-15:30 Session Oral O11: Socio-Technical Systems
14:45 | Integrated Bi-Objective Model for Berth Scheduling and Quay Crane Assignment with Transshipment Operations (abstract) PRESENTER: Marwa Samrout |
15:00 | Network Structures of a Centralized and a Decentralized Market. a Direct Comparison. (abstract) PRESENTER: Sylvain Mignot |
15:15 | Let'S Tweet About Soccer? a Gender-Centric Question (abstract) PRESENTER: Akrati Saxena |