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09:00-10:30 Session 110A: Tools
Location: Maths LT1
Let this Graph be your Witness! An Attestor for Verifying Java Pointer Programs

ABSTRACT. We present a graph-based tool for analysing Java programs operating on dynamic data structures. It involves the generation of an abstract state space employing a user-defined graph grammar. LTL model checking is then applied to this state space, supporting both structural and functional correctness properties. The analysis is fully automated, procedure-modular, and provides informative visual feedback including counterexamples in the case of property violations.

MaxSMT-Based Type Inference for Python 3
SPEAKER: Marco Eilers

ABSTRACT. We present Typpete, a sound type inferencer that automatically infers Python 3 type annotations. Typpete encodes type constraints as a MaxSMT problem and uses a system of optional constraints and specific quantifier instantiation patterns to make the constraint solving process efficient. Our experimental evaluation shows that Typpete scales to real world Python programs and outperforms state-of-the-art tools.

The JKind Model Checker
SPEAKER: Andrew Gacek

ABSTRACT. JKind is an open-source industrial model checker. JKind uses multiple parallel engines to prove or falsify safety properties of infinite state models. It is portable, easy to install, performance competitive with other state-of-the-art model checkers, and has features designed to improve the results presented to users: *inductive validity cores* for proofs and *counterexample smoothing* for test-case generation. It serves as the back-end for various industrial applications.

The DEEPSEC prover

ABSTRACT. In this paper we describe the DeepSec prover, a tool for security-protocol analysis deciding equivalence properties, modelled as trace equivalence of two processes in a dialect of the applied pi calculus.

SimpleCAR: An Efficient Bug-Finding Tool Based On Approximate Reachability
SPEAKER: Rohit Dureja

ABSTRACT. We present a new safety hardware model checker SimpleCAR that serves as the “bottom-line” for evaluating and extending Complementary Approximate Reachability (CAR), a new SAT-based model checking framework inspired by classical reachability analysis. We demonstrate the performance of SimpleCAR on challenging benchmarks from the Hardware Model Checking Competition. Our experiments indicate that SimpleCAR is particularly suited for unsafety checking, or bug-finding; it is able to solve 7 unsafe instances within 1 hour that are not solvable by any other state-of-the-art technique, including BMC and IC3/PDR, within 8 hours. We also report 1 bug and 48 counterexample generation errors in the model checkers compared in our analysis.

StringFuzz: A Fuzzer for String Solvers

ABSTRACT. In this paper, we introduce StringFuzz: a modular SMT- LIB problem instance transformer and generator for string solvers. We supply a repository of instances generated by StringFuzz in SMT-LIB 2.0/2.5 format. We systematically compare Z3str3, CVC4, Z3str2, and Norn on groups of such instances, and identify those that are particularly challenging for some solvers. We briefly explain our observations and show how StringFuzz helped discover causes of performance degradations in Z3str3.

10:30-11:00Coffee Break
11:00-12:00 Session 112A: CAV Invited Talk: Somesh Jha
Location: Maths LT1
Semantic Adversarial Deep Learning

ABSTRACT. Fueled by massive amounts of data, models produced by machine-learning (ML) algorithms, especially deep neural networks, are being used in diverse domains where trustworthiness is a concern, including automotive systems, finance, health care, natural language processing, and malware detection. Of particular concern is the use of ML algorithms in cyber-physical systems (CPS), such as self-driving cars and aviation, where an adversary can cause serious consequences.

However, existing approaches to generating adversarial examples and devising robust ML algorithms mostly ignore the {\em semantics} and {\em context} of the overall system containing the ML component. For example, in an autonomous vehicle using deep learning for perception, not every adversarial example for the neural network might lead to a harmful consequence. Moreover, one may want to prioritize the search for adversarial examples towards those that significantly modify the desired semantics of the overall system. Along the same lines, existing algorithms for constructing robust ML algorithms ignore the specification of the overall system. In this paper, we argue that the semantics and specification of the overall system has a crucial role to play in this line of research. We present preliminary research results that support this claim.

12:00-12:30 Session 114: Static Analysis
Location: Maths LT1
Permission Inference for Array Programs

ABSTRACT. Information about the memory locations accessed by a program is, for instance, required for program parallelisation and program verification. Existing inference techniques for this information provide only partial solutions for the important class of array-manipulating programs. In this paper, we present a static analysis that infers the memory footprint of an array program in terms of permission pre- and postconditions as used, for example, in separation logic. This formulation allows our analysis to handle concurrent programs and produces specifications that can be used by verification tools.

Our analysis expresses the permissions required by a loop via maximum expressions over the individual loop iterations. These maximum expressions are then solved by a novel maximum elimination algorithm, in the spirit of quantifier elimination.

Our approach is sound and is implemented; an evaluation on existing benchmarks for memory safety of array programs demonstrates accurate results, even for programs with complex access patterns and nested loops.

Program Analysis is Harder than Verification: A Computability Perspective

ABSTRACT. We study from a computability perspective static program analysis, namely detecting sound program assertions, and verification, namely sound checking of program assertions. We first provide a general computability model for domains of program assertions and corresponding program analysers and verifiers. Next, we formalize and prove an instantiation of Rice's Theorem for static program analysis and verification. Then, within this general model, we provide and show a precise statement of the popular belief that program analysis is a harder problem than program verification: we prove that for finite domains of program assertions, program analysis and verification are equivalent problems, while for infinite domains, program analysis is strictly harder than verification.

12:30-14:00Lunch Break
14:00-15:30 Session 115: FLoC Plenary Lecture: Byron Cook
Location: Maths LT1
Formal Reasoning about the Security of Amazon Web Services

ABSTRACT. Amazon Web Services (AWS) uses and develops tools based on formal verification to reason about the security of AWS itself, as well as the security of systems that customers build on AWS. This talk will focus on how AWS services connect customers to logic-based techniques, as well as how AWS uses formal verification internally to provide higher assurance of its security.

15:30-16:00Coffee Break
16:00-18:00 Session 116A: Oxford Union Debate: Ethics & Morality of Robotics

Public debate on "Ethics & Morality of Robotics" with panelists specializing in ethics, law, computer science, data security and privacy:

  • Prof Matthias Scheutz, Dr Sandra Wachter, Prof Jeannette Wing, Prof Francesca Rossi, Prof Luciano Floridi & Prof Ben Kuipers

See http://www.floc2018.org/public-debate/ for further details and to register.

Location: Oxford Union
19:00-21:30 FLoC banquet at Ashmolean Museum

FLoC banquet at Ashmolean Museum. Drinks and food available from 7pm (pre-booking via FLoC registration system required; guests welcome).