This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Abstractive Text Summarization | |
Accessibility | |
accountability | |
adaptive instruction | |
Adware | |
Agents | |
AI | |
AI Act | |
AI ethics | |
AI Ethics Guidelines | |
Ai Impact | |
AI in healthcare | |
AI in Medicine | |
AI regulation | |
AI Safety | |
AI Tutor | |
algorithmic fairness | |
Analysis AI | |
Analysis of Models | |
Annotations | |
Anomaly Detection | |
answer set programming | |
Anthropomorphism | |
Applications of AI | |
Applied ethics | |
Army Planning | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
artificial intelligence in education | |
Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis | |
atmospheric motion vectors | |
Attention | |
Attention models | |
Attentional Asynchrony | |
audio | |
authorship attribution | |
Automated Planning | |
Automated Reasoning | |
automated scenario generation | |
Automatic Case Elicitation | |
Automatic diagnosis of Alzheimer's | |
autonomous intersection management | |
B | |
BART-PT model | |
Bayesian Methods | |
Behavior representation | |
BERT | |
Beta-Liouville Distribution | |
bias | |
Biomedical | |
Biomedical Ontologies | |
Biosignal classification | |
bootstrapping | |
Brazilian Portuguese | |
Brian | |
C | |
Case Based Reasoning | |
CatBoost Architecture | |
ChatGPT | |
Class Imbalance | |
classification | |
climate | |
climatology | |
clinical | |
CLIP | |
Clustering | |
CNN | |
Coalition games | |
Cognitive Architecture | |
Cohorts | |
Collaborative Agents | |
Colon Cancer | |
Colour passing | |
competition | |
Complexity | |
Computational Complexity | |
Computer Vision | |
conditional | |
conditional belief base | |
conditional reasoning | |
Constraint Composite Graph | |
content moderation | |
Contrastive learning | |
Contrastive predictive coding | |
Conversational Chatbot | |
conversational Large Language Model | |
ConvLSTM | |
Convolutional Neural Network | |
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) | |
Convolutional Neural Networks | |
Cooperative Multi-agent Systems | |
Coordination | |
Correlation of Forces and Means | |
Corrosion | |
Counter-Speech | |
Counterfactual Reasoning | |
Credit card fraud detection | |
Curriculum Learning | |
Cyber-Physical Data Fusion | |
Cyber-Physical Systems | |
cybersecurity | |
D | |
Data Augmentation | |
Data diversity and representation | |
Data imputation | |
data integrity attacks | |
data mining | |
Decision Agents | |
decision-making | |
deep | |
Deep Learning | |
Deep Learning Application | |
Deep Learning Models | |
diabetes | |
Diabetes prognosis | |
diagnosis | |
Dialogue systems | |
digital transformation | |
Dirichlet Compound Multinomial Distribution | |
Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems | |
DL | |
Double Soft Set | |
DQN | |
Dungeon Graph | |
Durability of materials | |
dynamic airlift problem | |
Dynamic environments | |
Dynamic graph | |
Dynamic time warping | |
Dyslexia | |
E | |
Education | |
EEG | |
election fraud | |
election security | |
electroencephalogram | |
Electroencephalography | |
electronic domain | |
Embedded System | |
Emergency Department | |
Emergency Vehicles | |
Emoji-Enhanced Feedback | |
emotion recognition | |
empty methods | |
Encoder-decoder models | |
enrollment prediction | |
ensemble learning | |
Ensemble modeling | |
Environmental Issues | |
equalized odds | |
Ethical pluralism | |
Ethics | |
Ethics of artificial intelligence | |
Ethics Syllabi | |
Euclidean geometry | |
Evaluation benchmarks | |
Evaluation metrics | |
evidence retrieval | |
Expectation-Maximization (EM) | |
Experimental fine-tuning | |
explainability | |
Explainable AI | |
Explainable AI (XAI) | |
Explainable Artificial Intelligence | |
Explainable Planning (XAIP) | |
exponentiation | |
Eye-tracking | |
F | |
fairness | |
fairness impossibility | |
Fake News Detection | |
Feature saliency | |
Feature Selection | |
federated knowledge graphs | |
Figure Generation | |
Fine-tuning | |
FLAN-T5 model | |
flare | |
forecasting | |
Formal Concept Analysis (FCA)Systems Parameters | |
freedom of speech | |
Fully-Observable Non-Deterministic (FOND) Planning | |
G | |
Game Theory | |
Games | |
Gaming | |
GCN | |
Generative Adversarial Network | |
Generative Adversarial Networks | |
Generative AI | |
Generator and Discriminator Loss | |
genetic algorithms | |
Goal Operations | |
government health communication | |
Graph | |
Graph Attention Network | |
Graph Convolutional Network | |
Graph Convolutional Networks | |
Growth Mindset | |
H | |
Hand gestures recognition | |
Hardware Acceleration | |
Hate Speech | |
Healthcare | |
Heuristic | |
Hidden Markov Model | |
Hierarchical Agents | |
Hierarchical feature learning | |
hierarchical planning | |
Hierarchical reinforcement learning | |
hierarchical task networks | |
High-throughput sequencing | |
HTN | |
HTN learning | |
Hue | |
Human Bias | |
human cognition | |
Human Machine Interface | |
Human/AI bias | |
hypoglycemic event | |
hypostases | |
I | |
ICA Rejection | |
Image Classification | |
Imbalanced Classification | |
implicit opinions | |
Income Tax | |
Incomplete Information | |
inductive inference operator | |
information propagation | |
Interoperability | |
Interpretability | |
interpretable | |
intersection interaction | |
Intrusion Detection Systems | |
IoBT | |
Irony Detection | |
Islamophobia | |
Issue classification | |
iterated optimization | |
K | |
Knowledge Compilation | |
Knowledge discovery | |
knowledge distillation | |
Knowledge Engineering | |
Knowledge exchange | |
Knowledge Graph | |
Knowledge Infusion | |
Knowledge Representation | |
knowledge representation and reasoning | |
Knowledge Transfer | |
L | |
Lab on a chip | |
labeling | |
Landmarks | |
Language Conditioned RL | |
language models | |
Large Language Models | |
Large Language Models in Education | |
Large-scale Language Models | |
learning | |
legal reasoning | |
Length of Stay Prediction | |
Lexical and syntactic features | |
Lifted probabilistic inference | |
Literature survey | |
LLM | |
LLMs | |
logical modalities | |
Long Short-Term Memory | |
low-resource domain | |
Low-resource Language | |
LSTM | |
Lung and Colon Cancer | |
Lung and Colon Cancer Using Deep Learning | |
Lung Cancer | |
M | |
machine | |
machine learning | |
Machine Learning Application | |
Malware | |
Malware classification | |
Malware Forensics | |
MARL | |
matching | |
Mathematica Theory of Categorization | |
mathematical formalization | |
Medical Applications | |
Medicine | |
Mental health | |
meteorology | |
Microfluidic | |
military training | |
Minimum Message Length (MML) | |
Minimum Weighted Vertex Cover | |
Minkowski distance | |
Minorization-Maximization (MM) | |
Mistral | |
Mixture model | |
mixture model clustering | |
ML | |
Mobile Fog AI | |
Mobile Robots | |
Mode collapse | |
model compression | |
Moise | |
monitoring | |
MS-RNN | |
Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning | |
Multi-agent System | |
Multi-agent systems | |
multi-class | |
Multi-Class Classification | |
Multi-head attention | |
multi-head self attention | |
Multi-objective Optimization | |
Multi-robot systems | |
Multi-target tracking | |
Multiagent | |
Multimodal | |
multimodal fusion | |
Multinomial Nested Dirichlet Mixture (MNDM) | |
Multivariate Analysis | |
N | |
Named Entities recognition | |
named entity detection | |
Natural Language Processing | |
Natural Language Processing (NLP) | |
Navigation | |
Navmesh | |
Navy | |
Nearest Neighbor | |
Negative Side Effects | |
network analysis | |
Neural Congruency | |
Neural Network | |
Neural Networks | |
News opinion | |
NLP | |
NLP Cluster | |
Node Anomaly | |
nonmonotonic reasoning | |
novelty search | |
nowcasting | |
NP-Complete | |
O | |
object detection | |
Online Education | |
Ontologies | |
Ontology | |
operational | |
opinion identification | |
optimization | |
organization | |
Organizational hierarchy | |
Organizational Models of Agents | |
P | |
paradox of AI explainability | |
Parallel multi-head attention mechanisms | |
Parse tree derived features | |
parsing | |
Partial Alternatives | |
partial maxsat problem | |
Particle Filter | |
PDDL+ planning | |
Perception | |
Personalized PageRank | |
Petri net | |
Phonetics | |
Phonology | |
plan verification | |
planning | |
poetry | |
Policy | |
Political orientation | |
Portuguese Language | |
positive predictive value | |
Prediction | |
Predictive Maintenance | |
predictive model | |
Preemption | |
Preference Reasoning | |
Preferences | |
Preprocessing | |
Principal Component Analysis | |
prioritization | |
Probabilistic Anchoring | |
Probabilistic Graphical Models | |
Probabilistic relational models | |
probative value | |
Procedural Generation | |
Prognostic | |
Programming | |
prompting | |
pruning | |
Pulmonology | |
Q | |
QCNN | |
Qualitative Spatial and temporal reasoning | |
quantization | |
Quantum | |
QuatE | |
Quaternion | |
Question generation | |
R | |
Radar signal classification | |
RAG | |
ranking functions | |
Ray casting | |
Reading disorders | |
Reasoning | |
Reasoning Under Uncertainty | |
Recurrent Neural Network | |
Recurrent neural networks | |
Reinforcement Learning | |
relevance chain | |
Remaining Useful Life | |
RepAA | |
representational networks | |
Reproducibility | |
resource allocation | |
Responsible AI | |
Retrieval Augmented Generation | |
Retrieval-Augmented Generation | |
Reward engineering | |
Robotics | |
S | |
sample efficient reinforcement learning | |
satellite data | |
satellite telemetry | |
segmentation | |
Semantic Localization | |
Semantic world modeling | |
Semantic-enrichment | |
sensors | |
sentiment analysis | |
sequence recommendation | |
Sets | |
severe weather | |
Sexual assault prevention | |
Shortest Walk | |
Simulation | |
Simulator | |
smart contracts | |
Smart home control | |
Smart Manufacturing | |
social identity theory | |
social media | |
Social Models | |
Social-Technical | |
Socio-technical approach | |
Soft Set | |
solar | |
Solar Energy | |
Solar Flares | |
Speech emotion recognition | |
Spoken transcriptions and written text | |
SQuAD-v1.1 dataset | |
Squeeze and Excitation Network | |
statistical matching | |
statistics | |
Structural Causal Model | |
Synthesis | |
Synthetic Data | |
system W | |
System Z | |
Systematic discrimination issues via AI | |
T | |
t-SNE visualization | |
T5 model | |
Task allocation | |
Tax | |
Temporal Context | |
test | |
Text Classification | |
Text Mining | |
Text Summarization | |
TextBlob | |
Textbook Problems | |
Textual Data Analysis | |
Textual data from US presidents | |
Theory of Mind | |
Tiered Labeling | |
Time Series Classification | |
tolerance | |
tool | |
Topic Modeling | |
topographic maps | |
traffic simulation | |
Training | |
Transfer Learning | |
transformer | |
Transformer Model | |
Transformers | |
translation understanding | |
Transparency | |
Triage | |
Tutorial | |
U | |
Uncertainty | |
underwater robot | |
Unit Selection | |
Unity | |
university administration support | |
Unstructured Data | |
Urban Traffic Control | |
V | |
Vector | |
versatile AI | |
Video Content Analysis | |
virtual mental health counselor | |
Vision-Language Models | |
visual recommendation | |
W | |
Wasserstein Distance | |
water quality | |
Waypoints | |
weather forecasting | |
weather prediction | |
Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problem | |
Word Burstiness | |
Word Embedding | |
Y | |
youth language styles |