This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Adaptive | |
Adaptivity | |
additive manufacturing | |
adjoint equation | |
Adjoint-based methods | |
Aerodynamics | |
ageing | |
anisotropy | |
assembly | |
automated modeling | |
automatic differentiation | |
B | |
Bayesian inference | |
Biomedical engineering | |
Biomedicine | |
Biot | |
C | |
cardiac mechanics | |
Cerebral electrodiffusion | |
cfd | |
Clinical applications | |
clogging | |
complex engineering geometries | |
Complex Numbers | |
Computational Fluid Dynamics | |
computational physiology | |
concrete | |
conjugate heat transfer | |
Constitutive models | |
convection | |
coupled 1D-3D flow models | |
coupled models | |
Coupled Multi-physics models | |
cracking | |
D | |
Darcy | |
development | |
DFS | |
Digital Math | |
Direct FEM Simulation | |
directed energy deposition | |
Dislocation Dynamics | |
Dislocation Patterns | |
dolfin-x | |
domain decomposition | |
Domain Decomposition Methods | |
E | |
Earth | |
earth modelling | |
earth models | |
Education | |
elasticity | |
electromagnetic field theory | |
electromagnetic stimulation | |
F | |
FEM | |
FEniCS | |
fines detachment | |
fines migration | |
finite element | |
Finite Element Analysis | |
finite elements | |
Fixed point methods | |
fluid | |
fluid flow | |
fluid structure interaction | |
fluid-structure interaction | |
form compiler | |
fractured porous media | |
FSI | |
G | |
General relativity | |
Generalized Characteristic Based Split | |
geodynamics | |
geophysics | |
Google Compute Engine | |
GPU | |
Grade-two | |
H | |
heat equation | |
Helmholtz equations | |
heterogeneous media | |
high performance | |
HPC | |
I | |
Inexact Newton-CG method | |
Inf-Sup | |
Infinite-dimensional inverse problems | |
inverse problems | |
Isogeometric analysis | |
K | |
Keras | |
Kinetic theory | |
L | |
Lagrangian-Eulerian | |
large geometrical voids | |
LEoPart | |
Low Salinity Water Flooding | |
Low-rank approximation | |
M | |
machine learning | |
magma | |
Mandel problem | |
mantle | |
mantle convection | |
Manufacturing | |
melt focusing | |
melt pool | |
melt transport in the mantle | |
mesh | |
mesh quality | |
microchannel heat sinks | |
microphysiological systems | |
mid-ocean ridges | |
Mixed dimensional framework | |
mixed dimensional PDEs | |
mixed finite element method | |
mixed finite elements | |
mixed-dimensional | |
MixedFEM | |
modeling | |
Mortar finite element method | |
multigrid | |
multiphase | |
multiphysics | |
N | |
Navier Stokes | |
Navier-Stokes | |
Neural Network | |
Neurons | |
nitsche | |
Non-Newtonian | |
nonlinear | |
O | |
Oldroyd | |
Omega_h | |
optimization | |
P | |
Particle-Mesh | |
particles | |
PDE constrained optimization | |
permeability loss | |
Phase-field damage | |
Plastic Deformation | |
pneumatic membrane | |
polycrystal | |
pore pressures | |
Poro-elasticity | |
poroelasticity | |
porous media | |
Preconditioners | |
pressure | |
pyrometer | |
R | |
Reaction-driven cracking | |
reactive | |
renewable | |
Rheology | |
rock mechanics | |
S | |
shape derivatives | |
singular elliptic equations | |
Smooth basis functions | |
Software library | |
Solid Earth applications | |
Solid Mechanics | |
solidification | |
Stabilized FEM | |
Stationary solutions | |
stokes | |
subduction | |
T | |
temperature | |
thermal conductivity | |
Thermodynamics in FEM models | |
Time-harmonic equations | |
topology optimization | |
transport | |
triaxial test | |
two-phase flow | |
U | |
uncertainty quantification | |
Unified Continuum | |
Unified continuum modeling | |
upscaling | |
V | |
velocity | |
viscous | |
X | |
x-ray diffraction |