This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
1 | |
1. Intellectual Capital Efficiency (ICE) | |
2 | |
2. Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) | |
3 | |
3. Capital Employed Efficiency (CEE) | |
4 | |
4. Human Capital Efficiency (HCE) | |
A | |
Access to Culture | |
accounting | |
ADV | |
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) | |
asset referenced tokens | |
B | |
bibliometric analysis | |
breach of contract | |
business expenses | |
C | |
case study | |
Cashless payment transactions | |
central bank digital currencies | |
Circular Economy (CE) | |
competitiveness | |
Consumption | |
controlling | |
Corporate Communication Strategy | |
corporate social responsibility | |
Croatia | |
crypto assets | |
Cuisine | |
Culinary Identity | |
Cultural Indicators | |
cultural institution | |
D | |
dark tourism | |
DEA | |
Digital competencies | |
Digital Economy (DE) | |
digital euro | |
Digital Revolution | |
digital technology user (DTU) | |
digital transformation | |
digitalization | |
distributed ledger technology | |
E | |
e-money tokens | |
Economic growth | |
economic value added | |
economics | |
Economy | |
education | |
efficiency | |
Employee performance | |
employees | |
employer branding | |
employment philosophy | |
Entrepreneurial intentions | |
Entrepreneurial self-efficacy | |
Entrepreneurial success | |
environment | |
environmental impact | |
environmental protection | |
ESG | |
ESG Ratings | |
EU | |
EU legislation | |
Euro Stoxx 50 | |
European countries | |
European Union | |
F | |
FDI | |
Food Heritage | |
Framework Development | |
fundamental rights | |
G | |
Gen Z | |
gender roles | |
glass ceiling | |
Global value chains | |
green GDP | |
green growth | |
greenhouse gas emissions | |
H | |
Happiness at work | |
Heritage | |
Heritage Managers | |
Hospitality | |
hotel | |
hotel industry | |
HR marketing | |
human capital | |
I | |
Indigenous Foods | |
Industry 4.0 | |
inflation | |
information systems | |
integrative literature review | |
interest expenses | |
interest rate | |
internal marketing | |
Investments | |
Island Destination | |
Istria | |
J | |
Justice | |
L | |
Leadership | |
leasing company | |
legal person | |
liability for damage | |
Local public sector | |
M | |
management | |
management accounting | |
market competitiveness | |
marketing network | |
memorable tourism experience | |
monetary policy tightening | |
N | |
nautical tourism | |
non-proprietary damage | |
O | |
organizational project management maturity projects | |
P | |
panel cointegration approach | |
Pension | |
Pension funds | |
pension system | |
Perceived employer expectations | |
personality right | |
Platforms | |
population ageing | |
post-COVID-19 period | |
pro-sustainable behaviour | |
public administration | |
public sector | |
Q | |
qualitative analysis | |
R | |
Regulation | |
relationship commitment | |
renewable energy consumption | |
rural tourism | |
S | |
S&P 500 | |
Salary | |
Self-evaluation | |
Serbia | |
Short-term rental | |
small and medium enterprises | |
smart tourism | |
smart tourism destinations | |
Social Economy | |
Social Entrepreneurship | |
Social Impact Measurement | |
social inclusion | |
Social Innovation | |
South Africa | |
Stakeholder Engagement | |
stock market indices | |
Strategic Communication | |
Students | |
success | |
suppliers | |
surveillance capitalism | |
sustainability | |
Sustainable Development | |
sustainable tourism | |
Sustainable Tourism Development | |
T | |
talent management | |
technology in tourism | |
technology innovations | |
Theory of Value | |
Tisa River | |
touching art | |
Traditional Craft | |
travel patterns | |
U | |
UNESCO World Heritage | |
utility tokens | |
V | |
Value-Driven Messaging | |
values | |
W | |
Water Quality | |
Work motivation |