This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
a. | |
Accelerator computing | |
Accelerators | |
Adaptive Optics | |
Address Clustering | |
address sampling | |
Affinity | |
AIOps | |
All-Substrings LCS | |
AllScale | |
AMPI | |
AMTs | |
Analytical model | |
Anomaly Diagnosis | |
Applied Mathematics | |
approximate computing | |
Approximation algorithm | |
Architecture-aware Pruning | |
Asymptotic performance | |
Asynchronous Parallelism | |
Asynchronous task execution | |
Asynchronous Tasking | |
Asynchrony | |
Aurora-SX | |
Author keywords: | |
auto-scheduling | |
Auto-tuning | |
Autonomous control | |
B | |
b. | |
Benchmark testing | |
benchmarking | |
Benford's Law | |
Bi-objective optimization | |
Big Data | |
Bioinformatics | |
BLAS | |
Blockchain | |
Blockchain Analysis | |
breadth-first search | |
Buffering | |
Burst buffers | |
C | |
C++ | |
c. | |
Cache-Oblivious | |
Capacity Planning | |
ccNUMA | |
CFD simulations | |
Charm++ | |
checkpointing | |
chip multiprocessor | |
Closing | |
Cloud | |
Cloud Computing | |
Cloud Scaling | |
clustering | |
CNN | |
Co-execution | |
Collaboration | |
Collaborative Computing | |
Collective behavior | |
communication delays | |
Communication Optimizations | |
Community engagement | |
compiler | |
Complexity | |
Computational Astronomy | |
computational model | |
Computational Science | |
Compute Continuum | |
Computing clouds | |
Concurrency | |
Conference | |
Containers | |
Contextual Bandits | |
Control theory | |
Cost distributions | |
Coughing and Sneezing simulations | |
COVID-19 | |
Covid-19 Diffusion | |
cross-chain communication | |
CUDA | |
CUDA Graph | |
D | |
data access queries | |
Data Analytics | |
Data Assimilation | |
data layout | |
data locality | |
data-parallel applications | |
debug registers | |
Decentralised Exchange | |
decentralized exchange | |
deep learning | |
Deep neural network | |
Deep Neural Networks | |
Deep Reinforcement Learning | |
Denial-of-service | |
Deployment | |
design patterns | |
Digital Twin | |
Directives | |
Distributed Algorithm | |
Distributed computing | |
distributed e-business workflows | |
Distributed Machine Learning | |
Distributed memory systems | |
Distributed Shared Memory | |
Distributed Stream Processing | |
Distributed Systems | |
DNN | |
Domain decomposition | |
Domain Specific Language | |
Domain-specific runtime | |
DPC++ | |
E | |
EASY backfilling | |
Edge | |
Edge computing | |
efficient algorithms | |
Emerging hardware | |
Empirical evaluation | |
emulation | |
Energy Efficiency | |
Energy optimization | |
energy saving | |
Epidemiological simulation | |
Euro-Par 2021 | |
Euro-Par 2022 | |
Eviction policy | |
Exascale Computing Project | |
External trees | |
Extreme-Scales | |
F | |
FaaS | |
Factorized Sparse Approximate Inverse | |
Failure Characterization | |
Failure Distribution | |
Farewell | |
fault tolerance | |
Fault-aware resource allocation | |
Fault-tolerant Execution | |
FFT | |
Field Programmable Gate Array | |
Fine-grain Parallelism | |
fixed-parameter algorithm | |
Fog | |
frequency scaling | |
G | |
GAN | |
Genetic Sequence Comparison | |
Ginkgo | |
Glasgow | |
GPU | |
GPU Computing | |
GPU preemption | |
GPU programming | |
GPU sharing | |
Graph AI | |
graph databases | |
graph problems | |
Graph Processing | |
Graphical DSL | |
Graphs | |
H | |
hardware accelerators | |
hardware performance counters | |
Hardware Transactional Memory | |
Heterogeneity | |
Heterogeneous architectures | |
Heterogeneous computing | |
Heterogeneous data processing | |
Heterogeneous platforms | |
heterogeneous voltage | |
hierarchical architectures | |
High performance clouds | |
High Performance computing | |
High performance computing (HPC) | |
High Performance Conjugate Gradient | |
high-dimensional | |
high-performance computing | |
High-performance Graph Computing | |
HPC | |
HPC Systems | |
HPCG | |
HPX | |
Hybrid parallel computing | |
I | |
IaaS | |
IaC | |
IC-PCP | |
Impact of node failures on MPI parallel jobs | |
Incomplete Sparse Approximate Inverse | |
Intel GPUs | |
Inter-GPU communication | |
Irregular application | |
J | |
Java parallel streams | |
K | |
Kernel Fusion | |
kernel perforation | |
Key-Value Store | |
Keyword 1 | |
Keyword 2 | |
Keyword 3 | |
Keyword1 | |
Keyword2 | |
Keyword3 | |
Knowledge distillation | |
Knowledge Graphs | |
Kubernetes | |
L | |
large scale graph data | |
Lattice Boltzmann method | |
Layer fusion | |
LCS | |
linear algebra | |
Linked lists | |
Lisbon | |
llvm | |
load balancing | |
Load Imbalance | |
Load-balancing | |
Lock-freedom | |
Longest Processing Time (LPT) heuristic | |
loop optimization | |
Lower Bound | |
LU | |
M | |
Machine Learning | |
Mahalanobis distance | |
makespan | |
Manycore Parallelism | |
manycore systems | |
Math library | |
matrix factorizations | |
Memory Contention | |
memory hierarchy | |
memory traffic prioritization | |
memory-aware algorithms | |
Memory-aware scheduling | |
microservice | |
Microservices | |
Min-max optimization | |
Min-sum optimization | |
Mixed Precision | |
MLOps | |
Mobile Computing | |
Model management pipeline | |
model parallelism | |
Molecular dynamics | |
MPI | |
Multi-agent systems | |
Multi-GPUs | |
multi-resource scheduling | |
multicore | |
Multicore CPUs | |
Multilevel Memory | |
Multiphysics | |
N | |
NEC | |
Network performance | |
Neural Network Partitioning | |
neural networks | |
Non-Interactive | |
Non-linear Optimization Problems | |
nonvolatile memory | |
Numerical Linear Algebra | |
O | |
offloading | |
oneAPI | |
online job scheduling | |
Online Scheduling | |
OpenCL | |
OpenMP | |
Optimization | |
Orthogonal resource | |
Overlapping communication and computations | |
P | |
parallel | |
Parallel Algorithms | |
Parallel Approximation Algorithms | |
parallel computing | |
Parallel Dynamic Programming | |
Parallel ILU preconditioner | |
parallel label propagation | |
Parallel machines | |
Parallel model training | |
parallel numerical methods | |
Parallel Programming | |
Parallel String Comparison | |
Parallel tool | |
Parallelism | |
Parallelization | |
Particle simulations | |
Particle-In-Cell (PIC) | |
Performance | |
Performance Analysis | |
Performance Modeling | |
Performance optimization | |
Performance portability | |
Performance scalability | |
Pipelining | |
Plasma Simulation | |
polyhedral model | |
Power regulation | |
Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient | |
Preconditioning | |
Priority queues | |
Privacy | |
process mapping | |
Profiling | |
Programming model | |
programming models | |
public procurement | |
Q | |
Quality of Service | |
R | |
RDMA | |
Real-Time Processing | |
Reconfigurable architectures | |
Reinforcement Learning | |
Reliability | |
rematerialization | |
Replica Selection | |
Replication | |
Reputation | |
resilience | |
Resource Management | |
Resource Optimization | |
Resource sharing | |
reuse distance | |
Rigid jobs | |
runtime system | |
Runtime systems | |
S | |
SABNAtk | |
Scalability | |
scheduling | |
Scheduling and optimization | |
Score-P | |
Sequence Alignment | |
Serverless | |
Serverless computing | |
Serverless trace | |
Serverless workload | |
Service level objective | |
Service mesh | |
Shared data-structures | |
Sigmoid model | |
simulated annealing | |
simulation | |
Skip lists | |
Smart Contract | |
smart contracts | |
Social media | |
Software Transactional Memory | |
Sparse computation | |
sparse format | |
Sparse Linear Algebra | |
Sparse linear systems | |
Sparse matrix matrix multiplication | |
Spatial prisoner’s dilemma game | |
SpMV | |
Spot GPU | |
Stochastic Levenberg-Marquardt | |
Stream | |
Stream Processing | |
String Comparison | |
subgraph isomorphism | |
Supercomputers | |
Supply chain management | |
SYCL | |
Synthetic node failure trace generation | |
T | |
Tail Latency | |
Task granularity | |
task graph parallelism | |
Task parallelism | |
Task Scheduling | |
Task-based Programming | |
task-based programming model | |
Task-Based Runtimes | |
Task-level parallelism | |
Tasking | |
Tasks sharing data | |
Telemetry | |
Tensor core | |
time-lock puzzle | |
tool | |
trace | |
TRSM | |
Trust | |
V | |
Vector computing | |
Verifiable Delay Function | |
Video Transcoding | |
virtual infrastructure planning | |
W | |
Weighted All-Substrings LCS | |
Weighted LCS | |
Welcome | |
workflow | |
workload | |
Workshare | |
Z | |
Zero Copy | |
Zero Copy API |