This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
1 | |
16S rDNA | |
16S rRNA gene | |
A | |
Adaptation | |
Adaptative Assotiacion | |
Aggregation | |
Alien Invasive Species | |
Alien Species | |
Ambulacraria | |
Ancestral state reconstruction | |
Annelida | |
annotation | |
Anthozoa | |
Anthropic impact | |
Argonaute | |
Ascidian | |
ascidian biodiversity | |
Ascidians | |
Assisted Evolution | |
Asterionellopsis thurstonii | |
B | |
bacteria | |
barcoding | |
Behavioral ecology | |
Behaviour | |
Benthos | |
Bioactivity screening | |
Biodiveristy | |
Biodiversity | |
Biodiversity assessment | |
biodiversity data | |
Biodiversity management | |
Biogeography | |
Bioinformatics | |
biomarkers | |
bivalves | |
Bivalvia | |
Bottleneck | |
Brachyura | |
Brown macroalgae | |
C | |
Calcifying organisms | |
Cancer cells | |
Cell proliferation | |
Cephalopods | |
Ciona robusta | |
Circadian clock | |
circadian rhythms | |
Climate change | |
clock genes | |
Clonal Evolution | |
Cnidaria | |
Cnidarians | |
CO2 vents | |
comparative genomics | |
competition | |
Conservation | |
Convergent evolution | |
cophylogeny | |
Coralline macroalgae | |
Corals | |
Crab | |
Cryptic species | |
cytotoxicity | |
D | |
data standardization | |
database | |
ddRAD | |
Deep sea | |
Deep-sea | |
Demography | |
Desiccation | |
Diet | |
digestive tract | |
dipensable genes | |
diversification | |
diversity | |
DNA methylation | |
E | |
echinoderms | |
Ecology | |
eDNA | |
Elasmobranchs | |
Endangered species | |
endo-siRNA | |
endocrine system | |
Energy metabolism | |
Environmental DNA | |
environmental stress | |
enzymes | |
Euphausia superba | |
Evolution | |
evolutionary rates | |
experimental model organism | |
F | |
Feeding cue | |
feeding habits | |
female reproductive fluid | |
Fin whale | |
Fish | |
Fish assemblages | |
Fisheries | |
Fitness | |
fluorescence | |
fruits | |
G | |
Gene expression | |
Gene regulation | |
genes | |
Genetic diversity | |
genome differentiation | |
Genome evolution | |
Genomic | |
Genomic arrangement | |
Genomic Discovery | |
Genomic erosion | |
genomics | |
geometric morphometrics | |
georeferencing | |
geothermal environments | |
GIS analys | |
Global change | |
global warming | |
Gombessa Expedition | |
grass goby | |
Group-foraging | |
H | |
heat stress | |
Heterobranchia | |
hidden lineages | |
High-Throughput DNA Sequencing | |
Histology | |
Historical data | |
holobiont | |
Hox cluster | |
Hox genes | |
hybridisation | |
hybrids detection | |
hydrothermal vents | |
Hydrozoa | |
hyperdiversification | |
hypersaline | |
I | |
Illumina sequencing | |
Immune system evolution | |
in silico homology domain approach | |
inflorescences | |
innate immunity | |
inorganic contaminants | |
Integrate Taxonomy | |
integrative taxonomy | |
internal rostrum morphology | |
introgression | |
L | |
Labridae | |
larval development | |
Learning | |
Lebanon | |
life-history traits | |
Limpets | |
local adaptation | |
Longevity | |
Lophotrochozoa | |
Low tide | |
Low-light | |
lunar cycle | |
M | |
Macroevolution | |
Managment | |
Marine Citizen science | |
marine invertebrate chordate | |
marine mammal | |
Marine Protected Areas | |
Marine Species | |
MaxEnt | |
Mediterranean | |
Mediterranean Sea | |
meiofauna | |
mesophotic zone | |
metabarcoding | |
Metabolomics | |
metal transport systems | |
metamorphosis | |
Metazoa | |
Microalgae | |
microbial community | |
microbial metabolism | |
Microbiome | |
microbiota | |
microplastics | |
microRNA | |
miRNA | |
Mitochondria | |
mitochondrial markers | |
mitochondrion | |
Mitogenome | |
molecular evolution | |
Molecular markers | |
mollusc | |
Molluscs | |
mtDNA | |
Multiple stresses | |
mussels | |
mytilus galloprovincialis | |
N | |
nanoplastics | |
natural history collections | |
Nemertea | |
neogastropods | |
Niches | |
nitric oxide synthase | |
NO signaling | |
non-gametic components | |
nudibranchs | |
nuDNA | |
O | |
Ocean Acidification | |
Ocean Exploration | |
ocean warming | |
Octocorals | |
octopus trophic studies | |
Octopus Vulgaris | |
Odacidae | |
Opheliidae | |
Oxidative stress | |
P | |
pangenome | |
pathways | |
pdp1 | |
Pecten | |
phenotypic evolution | |
Photo-physiology | |
Photosynthesis | |
phylogenetics | |
Phylogeny | |
phylosymbiosis | |
Physiology | |
piRNA | |
plankton | |
Plasticity | |
Platynereis dumerilii | |
Polychaetes | |
Population genomics | |
Populations and Species | |
Ports and marinas along the Salento peninsula | |
Posidonia oceanica | |
predator | |
presence/absence variation | |
Priming | |
Prionace glauca | |
protochordates | |
Protocooperation | |
Pycnogonida | |
R | |
RAD sequencing | |
Rafting behaviour | |
Raja | |
Regeneration | |
reproductive timing | |
research bias | |
Reserve effect | |
Retinoic Acid Receptor | |
Retinoic Acid Signalling | |
Retrograde signaling | |
RNA interference | |
RNAi | |
RNAseq | |
Runs of Homozygosity | |
S | |
Sabellids Polychaeta | |
scallop | |
Scaridae | |
Scyphozoa | |
Sea slugs | |
sea turtles population genetics | |
Sea urchin | |
Sea urchins | |
Seagrasses | |
Seahorse | |
Seahorses | |
Sedimentation rates | |
seminal fluid | |
sex determination | |
sex-biased genes | |
sexual maturation | |
sexual selection | |
Shark | |
shark populations | |
Shell evolution | |
small RNA | |
SncRNAs | |
SNPs | |
Sociality | |
Somniosus rostratus | |
speciation | |
Species delimitation | |
Species Distribution Model | |
sperm | |
sperm competition | |
Spurilla neapolitana | |
Stem cell | |
stomach contents | |
Stress-memory | |
Structural Variants | |
surviving climate change | |
swimming | |
Symbiodiniaceae | |
symbiosis | |
T | |
tail regression | |
teleosts | |
Terrestrialization | |
thermal ecology | |
Timetree | |
tissues | |
top predator | |
toxins | |
Traits analysis | |
transcriptome mining | |
transcriptome sequencing | |
transcriptomic | |
Transcriptomics | |
Transgenerational effects | |
translation | |
Transposable Elements | |
Trophic ecology | |
U | |
Underwater noise | |
Upside-down jellyfish | |
V | |
Velutinoidae | |
Venice Lagoon | |
venom | |
vertebrates | |
vision | |
vri | |
W | |
western Mediterranean | |
Whole genome duplication | |
Whole genome sequencing | |
Whole mitogenome sequencing | |
Wildlife management | |
Wound healing | |
wrasses | |
X | |
Xiphias gladius | |
Z | |
Zosterisessor ophiocephalus |