This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Abdominal obesity | |
academic | |
Acceptability | |
accreditation policies | |
action plan | |
Active breaks | |
Activity monitors | |
adaptation | |
Addiction | |
addiction disorder | |
Addiction Studies | |
Addictology | |
adherence | |
adolescence | |
adolescent | |
adolescent dating violence | |
adolescent health | |
adolescents | |
adolescents with intellectual disability | |
advertisement liking | |
Advertising | |
advocacy | |
Aggression | |
alcohol | |
Alcohol consumption | |
Alcohol drinking | |
Alcohol intervention | |
alcohol use | |
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test | |
alternative to prison | |
anabolic androgenic steroids | |
Anabolic-androgenic-steroids | |
anxiety | |
anxiety disorders | |
Assess evidence | |
assessing prevention needs | |
assessment | |
attitudes | |
automatized system | |
Autonomy | |
availability | |
B | |
Balkan | |
Behaviour | |
behavioural risk factors | |
beliefs | |
Binge drinking | |
Bioethics | |
Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) | |
BMI | |
Brazil | |
breast cancer | |
Bullying | |
C | |
Cancer prevention | |
cannabis | |
cannabis resistance | |
cannabis use | |
capacity building | |
careful presence | |
caring and protection | |
Causal inference | |
Causality | |
change of habits | |
chat | |
child and adolescent health | |
child anxiety life interference scale | |
child mental health | |
child psychopathology | |
Child sexual abuse prevention | |
child witnesses | |
children | |
Children and Youth | |
Children mental health | |
children prevention | |
Children's services | |
chronic disease | |
chronic patients | |
cigarettes | |
cigarillos | |
cigars | |
class climate | |
Classroom | |
Cluster-randomised controlled trial | |
coalitions for prevention | |
cognitive interviewing | |
cognitive preparation | |
Cohort study | |
College students | |
Combined | |
Communicate evidence | |
Communication | |
CommunitY | |
Community Wide | |
Community-based intervention | |
community-based prevention | |
comorbid mental health problems | |
Comparative Regression Discontinuity Design | |
Compassion | |
Complex intervention | |
Complex Interventions | |
complex systems | |
components | |
computer tailored intervention | |
Computerized prevention programs | |
Conflict exposed | |
consumer information | |
Context and Implementation of Complex Interventions | |
Core components | |
cost effectiveness | |
cost-effectiveness | |
counselling | |
Crack cocaine use | |
Crime | |
crime mapping | |
Crime prevention programme | |
criminal justice system | |
Criterion Validity | |
critical moments | |
cultural adaptation | |
Cultural change community | |
cultural diversity | |
curriculum | |
Cyberbully victims | |
Cyberbullying | |
D | |
d-health | |
Darknet | |
data collecting | |
data mining | |
dating and relationship violence | |
dating violence prevention | |
Decision makers | |
decision tree | |
Decision-making | |
decisionmakers | |
Denmark | |
depression | |
depressive symptoms | |
Design Thinking Approach | |
determinants | |
Dietary intake | |
digital communication | |
Digital platform | |
Digital technology | |
Disenfranchised populations | |
disparities | |
Displaced population | |
dissemination | |
diversion scheme | |
domestic violence | |
Doping | |
Drinking cultures | |
drug abuse | |
drug abuse prevention | |
drug availability | |
drug prevention | |
Drug prevention interventions | |
Drug treatment | |
drug use | |
drugprevention | |
drugs | |
Drugs Use | |
drunkenness | |
DSM-5 | |
E | |
e-cigarettes | |
e-health | |
e-health effectiveness | |
E-Mental Health | |
Early intervention | |
Eating | |
eating behavior | |
education | |
education and training | |
education level | |
EFA exploratory factorial analysis | |
Effective components | |
effectiveness | |
efficacy | |
efficiency | |
Elderly people | |
Electronic Agression | |
emotion regulation | |
Empowerment | |
England | |
Environmental prevention | |
epidemiology | |
EPPIC project | |
EUPC curriculum | |
Europe | |
European adaptation of the Universal Prevention Curriculum | |
European Code Against Cancer | |
European Union (EU) | |
European Universal Prevention Curriculum | |
Evaluation | |
evaluation research | |
evaluation study | |
evidence | |
evidence and social contexts | |
Evidence based | |
evidence based policy | |
Evidence Based Practice | |
Evidence Based Prevention Programs | |
evidence based programs | |
Evidence gap | |
Evidence informed decision making | |
Evidence informed policy making | |
evidence into practice | |
Evidence to decision framework | |
evidence-based | |
evidence-based policy | |
evidence-based practice | |
evidence-based prevention | |
Evidence-based program | |
Evidence-based programmes | |
evidence-based programs | |
Executive functions | |
Exercise referral | |
Exposure level | |
externalizing problems | |
F | |
Failure | |
families at risk and their resilience | |
Family | |
family based prevention | |
family communication | |
Family Competence Program | |
Family dynamics | |
family prevention | |
family resilience | |
family-base intervention | |
Family-based | |
FAO | |
Feasibility | |
feasibility study | |
Food supply fraud | |
Football | |
Formative evaluation | |
Frailty | |
Framing problematic substance use | |
friendship dynamics | |
G | |
Gambling | |
Gamification | |
gender | |
Gender differences | |
general population | |
geo-political zones | |
geography of crime | |
GIS in crime analysis | |
Good Behavior Game | |
Gym-goers | |
H | |
harm reduction | |
harms | |
health | |
Health Behaviour Change | |
health education | |
health in the workplace | |
Health Inequalities | |
health information | |
Health literacy | |
Health promotion | |
Healthcare | |
healthy behaviours | |
healthy eating | |
help-seeking | |
high risk youth | |
hospital | |
hot spot analysis | |
HPV vaccine promotion | |
Hypertension | |
I | |
I-Change Model | |
immigrants | |
implementation | |
implementation barriers and successes | |
Implementation evidence base | |
Implementation of intervention | |
Implementation process evaluation | |
Improvement | |
indicated prevention | |
indicators in implementers training | |
Indigenous adolescents | |
Indigenous youth | |
Infant/Child Health Development | |
Injection drug users | |
innovation | |
Innovative research | |
Intensity levels | |
Intergenerational Poverty Cycles | |
international survey | |
Internet | |
internet-based intervention | |
intervention | |
intervention analogues | |
intervention design | |
intervention development | |
interventions | |
Interventions knowledge | |
intoxications | |
intuitive eating | |
J | |
Jordan | |
juveniles | |
K | |
Kindergarten | |
knowledge | |
Knowledge transfer | |
Knowledge translation | |
Knowledge translation platform | |
knowledge-transfer | |
Kyrgyzstan | |
L | |
labelling | |
law enforcement | |
leadership | |
Learning | |
life coaching | |
Life Skills Education | |
lifestreaming | |
Lions Quest Skills for Adolescence | |
livestreaming applications | |
local authorities | |
local partnership | |
local prevention systems | |
M | |
m-health | |
Management prevention | |
mandatory participation in the intervention | |
marijuana | |
Marketing | |
mass-media campaign | |
measurement | |
Measurement feedback system | |
Mediation analysis | |
mental health | |
Mental health and wellbeing | |
mental health promotion | |
Metacontingencies | |
Mexico | |
migrants & ethnic minorities (MEM) | |
migration | |
Mindfulness | |
Minority youth service users | |
minors | |
mixed method research | |
mobile app | |
mobile applications | |
mobile phone | |
model of management | |
moderation of normative beliefs in professionals | |
Moderators | |
Modifiable risk factors | |
Modular approach | |
monitoring and evaluation | |
monitoring systems change | |
mortality | |
Multi-component | |
Multi-component program | |
Multisite Trial | |
N | |
national strategy | |
ndicated prevention | |
needs assessment | |
needs for complex interventions | |
network | |
networking | |
New designing techniques | |
new prevention technology | |
new psychoactive substances | |
new technologies | |
Nicaragua (LMIC) | |
Nicotine dependence | |
Nigeria | |
nightclubs | |
normalisation of drug use | |
Normative beliefs | |
norms | |
Null or negative results | |
O | |
Obesity | |
obesity prevention | |
offending behaviour | |
Online | |
Online assessment | |
online prevention | |
opinionmakers | |
outcomes | |
Overweight | |
P | |
Parent organization | |
Parent-Child communication | |
parental mediation | |
parental monitoring | |
parental warmth | |
parenting | |
parenting intervention | |
parenting programs | |
Parenting skills | |
parenting styles | |
parents | |
Participant responsiveness | |
Patient education | |
Patient feedback | |
peer ethnic violence prevention | |
peer relationship quality | |
peers | |
peers’ prevalence | |
people who inject drugs | |
permissiveness | |
personality traits | |
Physical activity | |
physical aggression | |
Planning | |
Plitics | |
Poland | |
Policy | |
policy maker | |
policy makers | |
Policy Transfer | |
policymakers | |
polish-ukrainian collaboration | |
positive development | |
Prague Model | |
Preconception health | |
Pregnancy | |
Prevalences | |
Preventative programs | |
Prevention | |
prevention and public health | |
prevention in complex networks | |
Prevention interventions | |
prevention network | |
prevention of drug use | |
prevention of substance use | |
prevention planning | |
Prevention policy | |
Prevention policy opinion and decision makers | |
prevention practice | |
Prevention program | |
prevention programing | |
prevention programs based on scientific evidence | |
prevention research | |
Prevention science | |
Prevention service | |
prevention system in Ukraine | |
prevention systems | |
Prevention Technolgies | |
prevention technology | |
prevention workforce | |
prevention-related policies | |
Preventive approaches | |
preventive program | |
preventive public policies | |
primary care | |
Primary School Prevention Programs | |
Problem behaviour | |
Problem solving skills | |
problem-solving policy | |
process analysis | |
professional development | |
program | |
Program Evaluation | |
programme development | |
prohibitive law | |
Promote evidence base practice | |
PSHE | |
Psychometrics | |
Psychotherapy | |
Public health | |
public policies | |
Public policy | |
Q | |
Qualitative | |
Qualitative research | |
Qualitative study | |
quality criteria | |
quality of life in school | |
quality standards | |
Quasi-experimental methods | |
quit attempt | |
R | |
Racism | |
random forest | |
Randomised controlled trials | |
Randomized controlled trial | |
Randomized trial | |
Rapid Cycle Testing | |
RCTs | |
Realism | |
Realist evaluation | |
recommending preventive activities | |
refugees | |
refusal skills | |
registries | |
Regression Discontinuity Design | |
Regulation | |
relapse prevention | |
Research | |
research design | |
research to practice | |
resilience | |
Resources | |
Responsible beverage service | |
risk and protective factors | |
Risk Behavior | |
risk behaviours | |
Risk communication | |
Risk factor | |
Risk factors | |
risk perceptions | |
risks | |
risky behaviours | |
Risky Sexual Behavior | |
Rock and Water | |
S | |
scale-up | |
Scaling up | |
school | |
School and Family Prevention Program | |
school based | |
School based prevention | |
School environment | |
School Prevention | |
School-Based | |
School-based interventions | |
school-based prevention | |
schoolchildren | |
schoold-based preventive strategies | |
Schools | |
Secondary school students | |
Sedentary behaviors | |
Selective intervention | |
selective prevention | |
Self-directed programming | |
self-help | |
self-medication | |
Self-report | |
Service Design | |
sex differences | |
sexual aggression | |
sexual and reproductive health | |
Sexual health | |
sexual risk reduction | |
skills | |
sleep problems prevention | |
smokeless tobacco | |
Smoking | |
smoking cessation | |
social acceptability | |
Social and Academic Development | |
social and emotional skills | |
social anxiety | |
Social determinants of health | |
Social influence | |
social marketing intervention | |
social network analysis | |
Social Network Sites | |
social networks | |
Social norms | |
Social safety | |
Social skills | |
social validity | |
Socio Emotional Learning | |
Socio-emotional adjustment | |
socioeconomic inequalities | |
South Africa | |
Spain | |
Specialized Training Course in Prevention of Addictions | |
Sports | |
Standards | |
Strengthening Families Program | |
Students | |
study assesment | |
substance abuse | |
Substance Abuse Prevention | |
Substance misuse intervention | |
Substance use | |
substance use problems | |
substance use professionals | |
suicide prevention | |
Super Skills for Life | |
Supervised injection facility | |
Supervised injection site | |
survey | |
sustainability | |
synthesis | |
systematic review | |
systematization and effective applicability | |
systems approach | |
T | |
TA’s | |
teacher behavior management | |
Teacher training | |
Teacher-led | |
teachers | |
technology | |
Technology acceptance | |
technology-assisted program | |
teen dating violence | |
Teenagers | |
theory of change | |
theory of planned behavior | |
tobacco | |
tobacco marketing | |
tobacco purchases | |
traditional gender roles | |
Training | |
Training interests | |
Training needs | |
Training needs assessment | |
training of trainers | |
training programmes | |
transborder | |
translation | |
Translational science | |
Trauma | |
treatment | |
Treatment demand indicator (TDI) | |
Trials | |
U | |
universal prevention | |
Universal prevention curriculum | |
university curricula | |
university setting | |
University students | |
Unplugged | |
UPC | |
Urban American Indians | |
User-Centred Design | |
using evaluation results in practice | |
V | |
videofeedback | |
Violence | |
Virtual humans | |
virtual reality | |
Vulnerability | |
vulnerable populations | |
W | |
war on drug | |
Wearable technologies | |
Web-based | |
web-based interventions | |
Web-site | |
weekly budget | |
weight | |
well-being | |
Women | |
Women’s health | |
Y | |
Young | |
Young people | |
young people in touch with criminal justice systems | |
youth | |
Youth health clinics | |
youth identity | |
Youth justice system | |
Youths |