This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
( | |
(Eco)Poverty | |
1 | |
15-minute city | |
A | |
Accountancy System | |
accumulated crisis | |
act of choice | |
Action Research | |
active school travel | |
Activism | |
activity space | |
Adaptable process of urban design | |
adaptation | |
Adaptation strategies | |
Adaptive Capacity | |
adaptive regulation | |
Adriatic Sea | |
aesthetics | |
affordable housing | |
Agency | |
agency enhancement | |
Agenda setting | |
Agonistic urban politics | |
agro-food | |
Agrophotovoltaic | |
algorithms | |
alternative housing initiatives | |
Amalgamation | |
amalgamations | |
applied research | |
appropriation | |
appropriation of space | |
appropriation of spaces | |
apps and digitalization | |
Architecture | |
architecture collectives | |
artificial intelligence | |
artist-activists | |
artist-led space | |
Atlas | |
Austerity urbanism | |
Automated and Shared Mobility | |
Avatar | |
B | |
Balkans | |
Banija | |
Belfast | |
Belgrade | |
beyond GDP | |
Body of deliberation | |
body politics | |
bottom-up coastal transformation | |
boundary work | |
boundary-setting | |
Bratislava | |
Build Back Better | |
bureaucratic decision | |
C | |
campsites | |
campuses | |
capacities | |
Car-dependence | |
career paths | |
caring—with | |
cascade effects | |
case study | |
Central and Eastern Europe | |
Central Europe | |
central-local relations | |
childhood and adolescence | |
children's perception | |
Chrono-urbanism | |
circular economy | |
cities | |
cities and towns | |
Cities Network | |
citizen engagement | |
citizen mobility | |
citizen mobilization | |
citizen science | |
citizens engagement | |
Citizens’ assemblies | |
city | |
city as a living organism | |
city diplomacy | |
City of the Tagus Estuary | |
City Planning | |
City region | |
city strategy | |
City-region growth | |
Civic engagement | |
civic participation | |
Civil society | |
climate | |
Climate adaptation | |
climate awareness | |
Climate Change | |
Climate Change Adaptation | |
climate change adaption | |
climate city contract | |
Climate Common Heritage | |
climate fairness and justice | |
Climate governance | |
climate impact analysis | |
Climate neutrality | |
Climate resilience | |
Climate service | |
Climate transformation | |
Climate transition | |
Cloughjordan | |
cluster analysis | |
co-creation | |
Co-production | |
CO2 offset | |
coastal planning | |
coastal resilience | |
Coastal-landscape | |
coliving | |
collaboration | |
Collaborative governance | |
collaborative urban planning | |
collapse | |
collective action in cities | |
commoning | |
communality | |
communities | |
Communities of Practice | |
Community | |
Community action | |
Community cohesion | |
Community Engagement | |
community involvement | |
community networks | |
Community Participation | |
community power structure | |
Community resilience | |
Community Wealth Building | |
Community-centered Resilience | |
Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) Europeanisation | |
compact city | |
Compact urbanism | |
comparative | |
Comparative analysis | |
comparative historical analysis | |
Comparative urban analysis | |
Computer games | |
concept mapping | |
Conflict | |
conflict heritage | |
containers | |
Cool pavement | |
Copernicus | |
coping | |
corruption | |
counterurbanisation | |
Covid 19 | |
Covid-19 | |
Creative practices | |
creativity | |
crisis | |
Crisis Governance | |
crisis of local governance | |
critical heritage studies | |
Critical Infrastructure | |
critical infrastructures | |
critical junctures | |
critical spatial practice | |
Croatia | |
cross-sector partnership | |
CSR | |
cultural heritage | |
cyber capital | |
cycling policy | |
Czech Republic | |
Czechia | |
D | |
Danubian shrinking cities | |
Dataset combinations | |
Democracy | |
Democratic innovations | |
Democratic participatory process | |
Democratization | |
densification | |
Description | |
Design Quality | |
devolution | |
didactics | |
digital | |
digital exclusion | |
Digital participation | |
digital placemaking | |
digital platforms | |
digital tools | |
digital urbanism | |
Digital-Twin | |
digitalisation | |
direct election of mayors | |
Discourse | |
discourse analysis | |
displacement | |
do-it-together | |
Doughnut Economics | |
downsized living | |
Drones | |
dynamic panel model | |
E | |
earthquake | |
Ecological Footprint | |
Ecological Network | |
ecology | |
economic development | |
economic transition | |
ecosystem services | |
ecovillage | |
edible public spaces | |
Educational user profile | |
energy cooperatives | |
energy efficiency | |
energy performance | |
energy self-sufficient city | |
Engaged Scholarship | |
England | |
England & Italy | |
Enhancing the sense of belonging | |
entanglement | |
enterprises | |
entropy weighting method | |
environmental care | |
Environmental compensation mechanisms | |
environmental exposure | |
environmental impacts | |
Environmental Justice | |
environmental policies | |
environmental symbiosis | |
Ephemeral urbanism | |
Ethical Urban Development | |
Ethnic diversity | |
ethnographic approaches | |
Europe | |
European Arctic | |
European Cohesion Policy | |
European Green Deal | |
European Integration | |
European inter-urban networks | |
European sub-Arctic cities | |
Europeanisation | |
Evaluation | |
evolutionary economic geography | |
Experiential Learning | |
experiment | |
F | |
Farmland | |
female mayors | |
female representation | |
Finland and Sweden | |
First and last mile connectivity | |
Fiscal competition | |
Fiscal policymaking | |
Fiscal space | |
flood disaster | |
Flood management | |
flood risk reduction | |
Floods | |
FOI | |
food security | |
Food self-production | |
Food supply and demand | |
food system | |
Forestry | |
Fragile consensus | |
France et Spain | |
Freight transport | |
functional urban areas | |
future-proof | |
Futures | |
G | |
GBGI | |
Gender | |
Gender policies | |
Gentrification | |
GHG emissions | |
GIS | |
good government | |
governance | |
governance instruments | |
Governance Model | |
Great geneva | |
green cities | |
Green conflict | |
Green infrastructure | |
Green policies | |
green regeneration strategy | |
green roofs | |
green transition | |
growth management | |
H | |
Habitat | |
Headwater system areas | |
health disparities | |
healthy places | |
heritage | |
Heritage landscapes | |
Hessen | |
High-density cities | |
historic villages | |
historical institutionalism | |
homelessness | |
Homes and Neighbourhoods | |
hospitality | |
hotels | |
Housing | |
housing affordability | |
Housing crisis | |
housing policies | |
housing prices | |
housing social work | |
human-centered places | |
human-environment relations | |
Hungary | |
I | |
I would prefer not to | |
ICA | |
Iceland | |
identity | |
images of civic activism | |
Immigrant | |
impact on the neighbourhood | |
implementation research | |
implications on democracy | |
In-depth interviews | |
Inclusion | |
inclusive | |
inclusive city | |
inclusive concepts | |
Inclusive decision-making process | |
inclusive development | |
indicators | |
industrial towns | |
inequalities | |
inequality | |
informal social engagement | |
informality | |
inner areas | |
inner city core | |
inner peripheries | |
innovation | |
innovative cities and regions | |
Institutional rules | |
institutional theory | |
Institutionalization | |
institutions | |
Insurance | |
integration | |
integrity | |
inter-municipal cooperation | |
interactive data visualizations | |
interdisciplinarity | |
Intergroup contact | |
intermunicipal cooperation | |
international cooperation | |
invited governance | |
involvement | |
Ireland | |
Isfahan Bazaar | |
isolation | |
Italy | |
J | |
journals | |
Just sustainability transition | |
just transition | |
Justice | |
K | |
knowledge cocreation | |
knowledge partnerships | |
knowledge production | |
L | |
land function | |
Land take | |
Land Use Change Model | |
land use planning | |
Land-water interface | |
Landscape-Planning-and-Design | |
Landscapes | |
learning landscape | |
learning processes | |
legal analysis | |
legitimacy | |
Lisbon | |
Lisbon Metropolitan Area | |
literature review | |
liveability | |
living lab | |
living where the immaterial matters | |
Local Action Group (LAG) | |
Local Actors | |
local autonomy | |
Local coordination | |
local decision making | |
local democracy | |
local development | |
Local Environmental sustainability | |
local governance | |
local government | |
Local government reform | |
local governments | |
local governments´role | |
local identity | |
local knowledge | |
Local leadership | |
Local Level | |
local participation | |
local participatory democracy | |
Local Politics | |
Local Territorial Strategies | |
lockdown | |
low-carbon transitions | |
M | |
management plans | |
Mangroves | |
manufacturing | |
map-making | |
mapping | |
marginalized communities | |
marine spatial planning | |
Matera | |
Mayoral leadership | |
mayors | |
meaningful participation | |
merger | |
Meta-Analysis | |
Meta-regression | |
metropolis | |
metropolitan areas | |
metropolitan governance | |
micro-urbanisation | |
migration | |
milan | |
minority | |
missions | |
Motivations | |
MRT-induced Gentrification | |
multi-level governance | |
multifunctionality | |
multilevel governance | |
Municipal | |
municipal associations | |
municipal climate network | |
municipalities | |
N | |
National Strategy for Inner Areas | |
Natural Capital Policies | |
Nature-Based Solutions | |
NEB | |
Neighborhood | |
net-zero | |
Net-zero Neighbourhood | |
network | |
new urban theory | |
new use of urban spaces | |
new-build | |
no resources exploiting | |
non-European | |
nonprofits | |
O | |
observatory | |
One city approach | |
Open data platform | |
oppositional cities | |
Overspending | |
overtourism | |
P | |
pandemic | |
parish councils | |
participation | |
participation tools | |
participatory approaches | |
participatory budget | |
Participatory budgeting | |
participatory democracy | |
participatory democracy practices | |
Participatory governance | |
Participatory planning | |
Participatory Urbanism | |
partnerships | |
Payment for Ecosystem Services | |
pedagogy | |
pedestrian activities | |
Pedestrian Catchment Area | |
pedestrians perspective | |
Penta-Helix Model | |
perception | |
Perceptions | |
peri-urban | |
periphery | |
permanent crisis | |
person environment interaction | |
Philippines | |
photovoice methods | |
place | |
Place attachment | |
Place identity | |
place making | |
Place naming | |
place-based approach | |
Place-based leadership | |
placemaking | |
planning | |
planning guidelines | |
Planning tool | |
Poland | |
Policies | |
policy analysis | |
Policy dialogue | |
Policy diffusion | |
policy instruments | |
policy priorities | |
policy transfer | |
political conflicts | |
Political economy | |
political participation | |
political representation | |
political responsibility | |
Politics | |
Polities | |
pollution | |
popular referenda | |
population growth | |
Populist politics | |
port sustainability | |
Portland | |
Portuguese Climate Law | |
post-industrialization | |
post-pandemic urban spaces | |
post-socialist city | |
post-soviet society | |
power | |
Power of place | |
Poznań | |
practices of care | |
Prague | |
Prediction models | |
preipheral urban development | |
preparedness | |
Principle Component Analysis (PCA) | |
private rentals | |
production of space | |
productive territory | |
Property and construction lobbies | |
protagonist participation | |
Protest movements | |
proximity | |
proximity bias | |
Public Art | |
public management | |
public participation | |
public policies | |
Public realm | |
Public space | |
public transport | |
Public Values | |
Q | |
qualitative research | |
Quality | |
Quality of Life | |
R | |
Racial Capitalism | |
Radiative Forcing | |
Radical right | |
re-signification | |
reality | |
reality as a resource | |
recentralization | |
recognition | |
recovery | |
reflexive governance | |
regime theory | |
regional governance | |
regional planning | |
regional policies | |
regionalism | |
Regions of North Italy | |
regression analysis | |
Regulation | |
representation | |
research | |
Research-by-design | |
residence | |
Residential Neighbourhoods | |
Resilience | |
resilience building | |
Resilience City | |
resiliency | |
resilient community | |
resonance | |
restorative environments | |
rethinking space | |
Retreat Strategy | |
Rhineland-Westphalia | |
Right to housing | |
Riparian regeneration projects | |
risk communication | |
risk perception and communication | |
rommunity resilience | |
Rotterdam | |
rural areas | |
S | |
scholarship | |
school squares | |
science-policy partnerships | |
segregation | |
Self-Constructed cities | |
Self-governance | |
Self-Organization | |
Self-sufficiency | |
Sense of belonging | |
Sense of Place | |
sense-making | |
Sensory ethnography | |
serious gaming | |
sharing | |
sharing economy | |
short-term rentals | |
shrinking cities | |
sicily | |
situated practitioner | |
small | |
small cities | |
small enterprises | |
small municipalities | |
small town | |
smart and digital cities | |
smart and sustainable small cities | |
smart cities | |
smart city | |
smart city agenda | |
smart governance | |
smart mobility | |
smart specialisation | |
snai | |
social belonging | |
social capital | |
social cohesion | |
social entrepreneurship | |
social exclusion | |
social inclusion | |
Social inequality | |
social innovation | |
Social justice | |
social responsibility | |
social sustainability | |
socio-economic inclusion | |
Socio-spatial differentiation | |
soft planning | |
soil | |
Solar potential | |
Space Syntax | |
Spatial analysis | |
spatial behavior | |
spatial design | |
spatial effects | |
spatial governance and planning systems | |
spatial media | |
spatial multi-criteria assessment | |
Spatial planning | |
Spending volatility | |
Spontaneous urbanism | |
Stakeholder involvement | |
Stakeholder Theory | |
stakeholderness | |
strategic planning | |
Strategic-planning | |
strategy | |
Structural changes | |
sub-municipalities | |
survey experiment | |
sustainability | |
sustainability transformation | |
sustainability transition | |
Sustainable | |
sustainable and inclusive urban development | |
Sustainable city | |
sustainable communities | |
sustainable development | |
sustainable land management | |
sustainable mobility | |
sustainable transitions | |
sustainable transportation | |
Sustainable transportation infrastructure | |
sustainable urban development | |
sustainable urban development strategies | |
sustainable urban mobility | |
sustainable urban transformations | |
Sweden | |
Systematic review | |
T | |
tactical urbanism | |
tangible intangible effects | |
temporary use | |
territorial development | |
Territorial efficacy | |
Territorial Governance | |
Territorial Identity | |
Territorial reforms | |
Territorial regeneration | |
testbed | |
The car paradigm | |
the potential of the existing | |
the right to the city | |
third-sector | |
tiny home villages | |
tiny houses | |
tourism accommodation | |
tourism ecosystem | |
tourism intensity | |
tourism planning | |
town centre management | |
town centre revitalization | |
towns | |
Traditional knowledge | |
transcalarity | |
Transdisciplinary Governance | |
transformation | |
transformative potential | |
Transformative power | |
Transformative Resilience | |
Transit Oriented Development | |
transition | |
Transition Studies | |
Transnational municipal networks | |
Transparency | |
travel behavior | |
travel footprints | |
trust | |
U | |
Ukraine | |
urban | |
urban activator | |
urban actors | |
Urban agenda | |
Urban agriculture | |
urban and rural energy transitions | |
urban climate change | |
Urban climate hazards | |
urban commons | |
urban context | |
Urban democracy | |
urban design | |
Urban development | |
Urban education | |
Urban food strategy | |
urban forestry | |
Urban forests | |
urban form | |
urban gardening | |
urban governance | |
urban green spaces | |
Urban heat island | |
urban heritage | |
Urban Innovative Actions (EU) | |
urban interaction | |
Urban landscape | |
Urban Management | |
Urban metabolism | |
Urban mobility | |
urban planning | |
urban policy | |
Urban politics | |
urban post-growth | |
urban project | |
urban public spaces | |
Urban redevelopment | |
urban regeneration | |
urban resilience | |
urban resilience and adaptive measure | |
Urban soilless agriculture | |
Urban Stakeholder | |
urban structure | |
urban sustainability | |
Urban system | |
urban transformation | |
urban transformations | |
V | |
Value chains | |
Value pluralism | |
Viable Cities | |
Viable Systems Model | |
Voter turnout | |
vulnaribility | |
vulnerability | |
W | |
Walkability | |
walking behaviour | |
Wallonia (Belgium) | |
war | |
waste management | |
wellbeing | |
wicked problems | |
Z | |
ZAN | |
zoning | |
İ | |
İzmir |