This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Action and change | |
Action Rules | |
Answer Set Programming | |
Answer set programming in dynamic domains | |
application | |
Applications | |
ArgQL | |
AspectOWL | |
Automated Reasoning | |
Automated Theorem Proving | |
Autonomous Driving | |
Autonomous Vehicle (AV) | |
B | |
base change | |
Behaviour Planning | |
belief change | |
belief revision | |
Benchmark | |
Benchmark Generator | |
Biology | |
C | |
Challenges | |
Cognitive assistants | |
Computational argumentation | |
Computational Complexity | |
Conflict-driven constraint learning | |
connection method | |
Cooperative agents | |
Counterfactual reasoning | |
COVID-19 | |
D | |
Datalog | |
datalog provenance | |
datalog(S) | |
DatalogMTL | |
Decision model and notation | |
Declarative Language | |
Defeasible Deontic Logic (DDL) | |
Defeasible Logic | |
defeasible reasoning | |
democratization | |
Description logic | |
Description logic EL | |
E | |
Epistemic Logics | |
Error-tolerant reasoning | |
existential rules | |
experience in logic | |
Expert System | |
Explainable AI | |
Explainable Machine Learning | |
Explanation | |
F | |
first-order logic | |
formal proof | |
G | |
GDPR | |
H | |
High-Utility Action Rules Mining | |
High-Utility Mining | |
hybrid ASP | |
Hybrid Learning | |
I | |
Industrial Application | |
industrial applications | |
K | |
Keyword search | |
Knowledge Graphs | |
Knowledge Representation | |
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning | |
L | |
Legal Logic | |
LegalRuleML | |
Logic programming | |
Logical Programming | |
Logical reasoning | |
LP^MLN | |
M | |
Magic Set Transformation | |
Materialisation | |
Metadata | |
Model theoretic semantics | |
Modelling | |
Multi-Agent Systems | |
Multi-Component Machine | |
N | |
neural networks | |
Neuro-Symbolic AI | |
non-monotonic reasoning | |
Normative Reasoning | |
NP-Hardness | |
O | |
Ontological Reasoning | |
Ontology | |
Ontology Based Data Access | |
Optimal repair | |
Overtaking | |
Overview | |
P | |
Partial functions | |
PhD | |
Preventive Maintenance Scheduling | |
Probabilistic reasoning | |
Problem Formalization | |
process automation | |
Proof | |
proof representations | |
Prova | |
Q | |
Query answering | |
Query rewriting and optimization | |
Querying argumentative information | |
R | |
Reasoning | |
representability | |
Rotating Machinery | |
Rule Engine | |
Rule Engines | |
Rule Formalization | |
Rule Learning | |
Rule-driven interpolation-based query optimization | |
Rules | |
S | |
SARS-CoV-2 | |
Skolem functions | |
Smart City | |
Smart Contract | |
Stream Processing | |
Stream Reasoning | |
Structured Rule Base | |
T | |
Temporal Reasoning | |
Theory | |
Theory revision | |
TPTP | |
U | |
Universal model | |
Use-case in agroecology | |
user study | |
V | |
Vadalog | |
Validation | |
Verbalisation | |
Verification | |
Virology | |
Visualisation | |
W | |
Warded Datalog+/- | |
why-provenance | |
Ο | |
Οnline debating |