This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
accentuated personalities | |
Acceptance Behaviors | |
accessibility | |
Adaptation to Health and Safety Protocols | |
adaptive agent | |
Adaptive Neural System | |
Adaptive Virtual Environments | |
Adaptive Virtual Environments (AVE) | |
addiction | |
ADHD | |
adolescence | |
adolescents | |
Aeromedical Computerized Cognitive Screening | |
affect dynamics | |
Affect Theory | |
Affective computing | |
affective processing | |
African American | |
Aging | |
Aging and Health | |
AI | |
AI-generated art | |
Alzheimer | |
Alzheimer's disease | |
Alzheimer's Risk Assessment | |
ANAM | |
Antecedents to Behaviors | |
anxiety | |
anxiety disorders | |
Anxiety Symptom Severity | |
Anxiety symptoms | |
app development | |
Applied Games | |
Applied Philosophy | |
Applied social psychology | |
AR | |
Art and technology | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
artificial intelligence (AI) | |
assessment | |
Assistive Device | |
Attitude change | |
Augmented reality | |
Augmented Reality (AR) | |
autism | |
autism spectrum disorder | |
Autobiographical and Event Memory | |
Avatar Representation | |
B | |
BDNF | |
Behavior Manipulation | |
Behavioral | |
Behavioral Economics | |
Believable virtual characters | |
best practices | |
bias | |
Big data | |
biofeedback | |
biomedical and biopsychosocial use-case applications | |
biomedical translation | |
Body image | |
Brain computer interface | |
Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) | |
Brainstorming | |
Break up | |
Burnout | |
Bystander Intervention | |
C | |
Caregiving | |
character and application fidelity | |
chess-playing | |
children | |
Chronic pain | |
Ciberpsychology | |
Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (CAMI) | |
Clans | |
Clinical Ethics | |
Clinical High Risk for Psychosis | |
Clinical Memory Assessments | |
Clinical practice | |
clinical procedure | |
Clinical psychology | |
clinical therapy | |
Clinical Training | |
Cloud Computing | |
cluster analysis | |
Cognitive | |
Cognitive Activities | |
Cognitive Assessment | |
Cognitive Assessments | |
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy | |
Cognitive engagement | |
Cognitive Function | |
cognitive health | |
Cognitive health promotion | |
Cognitive Overload | |
cognitive performance | |
Cognitive Research | |
Cognitive stimulation | |
Cognitive Task | |
cognitive training | |
Collaboration | |
Collaborative Environments | |
Collaborative Virtual Reality | |
Commercial Space | |
commercial video game | |
Communication skills | |
Community in Schools | |
complex emotion | |
complexity matching | |
Complexity Synchronization | |
Complexity synchronization and EEG | |
computational reasoning | |
Computer Science | |
Computer-Administered Test Batteries | |
computer-based assessment | |
Computerized assessment | |
COMT | |
Conceptual Framework | |
consequential conversations | |
constraint networks | |
Construction Quality Management | |
Coordinated Specialty Care | |
Corpus Linguistic analysis | |
Cortical circuity | |
COVID-19 | |
CP | |
Creativity | |
Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining | |
Crucial Event Rehabilitation Therapy | |
Crucial Events | |
Crucial Events Rehabilitation Therapy | |
cultural values | |
Cyber Security | |
Cyber space | |
Cyber victims | |
Cyber-Based Spaceflight Functional Assessment | |
Cyberbullying | |
cybercrime | |
Cyberpsychology | |
cybersecurity | |
Cybersecurity Implementation | |
Cybersecurity Training | |
Cybersickness | |
D | |
dark patterns in video games | |
data interoperability | |
Data-Driven Methods | |
dating apps | |
delight | |
Dementia | |
Depression | |
Depressive symptoms | |
Diagnostics | |
Dialectical Engagement | |
Diffusion Entropy Analysis | |
Digital | |
Digital art impact | |
Digital Biomarkers | |
digital citizenship | |
digital health | |
digital stress | |
Digital System | |
digital technology | |
digital therapy | |
dissemination and implementation | |
Distance Barriers | |
Distress tolerance | |
Driving simulator | |
Déjà Vu and Memory | |
E | |
Early Bipolar Disorder | |
early serious mental illness | |
Early Warning Systems | |
Earthquake Victims | |
ECG | |
ECoG | |
Education | |
educational psychology | |
EEG | |
elastic net regression | |
Elderly | |
Electroencephalography | |
Electroencephalography (EEG) | |
Elite triathletes | |
Embedded learning | |
Embodiment | |
emerging technology | |
Emoji | |
emotion | |
Emotion Dysregulation | |
Emotion regulation | |
Emotional Connectivity | |
emotional expressions | |
Emotional response | |
Emotions | |
Engagement | |
Epilepsy | |
Epistemology | |
Ethical Considerations | |
Ethical Hacker | |
ethics | |
Event Related Desynchronization | |
evidence-based treatment | |
Executive functions | |
Experimental validation | |
extended cognition | |
Extended Mind | |
Extended Reality | |
Extended Reality (XR) | |
eye-tracking | |
F | |
Facial expressions | |
Factor Analysis | |
Familiarity | |
Familiarity Detection in Memory | |
Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) | |
First Episode Psychosis | |
Fist Episode Psychosis | |
Flow | |
Frailty | |
Frontal theta neurofeedback | |
Functional Assessment | |
Functional Capability Assessment | |
Functional Connectivity | |
Functional Lead Techniques | |
G | |
Game Transfer Phenomena | |
Games | |
Gamification | |
Gaming | |
gaming disorder | |
Gender equality | |
Generative AI | |
Generative Artificial Intelligence | |
generative images | |
genomics | |
Geohazards | |
Geotechnical Hazard Forecasting | |
Geriatric Rehabilitation | |
Ghosting | |
global teams | |
H | |
Hallucinations | |
Hand Dexterity | |
Haptic Feedback | |
harmful content online | |
HCI | |
healthcare | |
healthcare applications | |
Heart Rate Variability | |
height exposure | |
Helping Behavior Scale | |
High-Performance Servers | |
Higher Education | |
HMDs | |
human body odors | |
Human Computer Interaction | |
Human Factors | |
Human interaction | |
Human Performance | |
Human-automation interactions | |
Human-Centric Cybersecurity | |
Human-Computer Interaction | |
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) | |
Human-Machine Interaction | |
Human-Technology Interaction | |
I | |
Ideation | |
Identity Theft | |
iEEG | |
Image Generation | |
Immersive Gaming | |
Immersive technologies | |
Immersive virtual reality | |
Insomnia | |
Instructional Design | |
Intelligent Virtual Tutoring Systems | |
Interactive media | |
Internal State Detection | |
Internet addiction | |
Internet-delivered | |
Interpersonal Communication | |
Interpersonal synchronization | |
Intracortical brain-machine interfaces | |
Intracranial EEG | |
Invariance Testing | |
involuntary phenomena | |
IOT | |
Islamophobia | |
K | |
keywords | |
knowledge graph | |
knowledge graphs | |
L | |
Language learning | |
Large Language Models | |
LGBTQ+ | |
Locomotion | |
Long-term Memory Dynamics | |
loot boxes | |
M | |
Machine Learning | |
Machine Learning (ML) | |
machine-learning | |
maladaptive Behavior | |
malicious actor | |
Maria Giulia Sergio | |
Mathematical model | |
media | |
media multitasking | |
Medical Certification | |
Medical devices | |
Memory | |
Memory Assessment | |
Memory Functioning Models | |
Memory Search Effort | |
Mental Health | |
Mental health assessments | |
Mental health/well-being | |
Mental Work Load (MWL) | |
Metaheuristic Algorithms | |
metaphysics | |
metaverse | |
Methods | |
military | |
Mindfullness internet intervention | |
Mindfulness | |
Minimally invasive neurosurgery | |
Minimally Invasive Neurosurgical Procedures | |
mixed emotions | |
Mixed Reality | |
Mixed Reality for rehab | |
mobile application | |
Mobile applications | |
Mobile Device Applications | |
Modeling Human Function | |
Mohammed Zahir Khan | |
Motion Sickness | |
motivation | |
Movement Disorders | |
Multi-modal Nature of Memory | |
Multifractality | |
Multimodal | |
Multimodal approach | |
Multimodal assessment | |
Multimodal Intervention | |
Multisensory Integration | |
Music Complexity | |
N | |
narrative theory of identity | |
National Aerospace System | |
natural language processing (NLP) | |
Naturalistic Memory Assessment | |
Nature | |
needle phobia | |
Neural network interactions | |
Neuro-Haptic Feedback | |
Neurocognitive | |
neurodivergent | |
neurodiversity | |
Neuroethics | |
Neurogaming | |
Neuromodulation | |
Neuromodulatory devices | |
Neurophysiological Assessments | |
Neuroprosthesis | |
Neuropsychology | |
Neuropsychology Virtual Reality | |
neuroscience | |
Non-Invasive | |
non-verbal identification | |
nostalgia | |
Novel Memory Assessment Techniques | |
Novel psychometric tasks | |
Novel Technologies | |
Nuanced Aspects of Human Memory | |
O | |
Observation | |
Older Adults | |
On line relationship | |
Onlife | |
Online behavioral activation | |
online communities | |
Online Dating | |
Online Deception | |
online ethnography | |
online gaming | |
Online harms | |
online learning | |
Online platforms | |
Online Social Behavior | |
online support | |
online training | |
Open source | |
organizational citizenship | |
Organizational Security | |
P | |
Pandemic-Responsive Strategies | |
parental mediation | |
Parkinsonian Tremor | |
Parkinson’s Disease | |
pattern self | |
pedagogical agents | |
perceived vulnerability | |
Perceptions of Hacking | |
perceptivo-motor style | |
Performance | |
Performance Evaluation | |
Personality Assessment | |
personality traits | |
perspective taking | |
Persuasive Messages | |
philosophy | |
phobia | |
Physical self-perception | |
Physics education | |
Physiological Biomarkers in Memory Studies | |
Physiological reactions | |
Pilot Certification | |
Pilot Functional Capability Assessment | |
pilots | |
Post COVID-19 condition | |
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder | |
posture | |
precision mental healthcare | |
predictive processing | |
preoperative stress | |
Presence | |
Problematic Smartphone Use | |
Problematic Social Media Use | |
problematic use | |
Process Philosophy | |
Projection system | |
Prospective memory | |
Prosthetic hand technology | |
provider training | |
PSMU | |
Psychedelics | |
psychogenic non-epileptic seizures | |
Psychological assessment | |
psychological diagnosis | |
psychological first aid | |
psychological interventions | |
Psychological state | |
psychological transformation | |
psychology | |
Psychometric assessment | |
Psychometric Properties | |
psychopathology | |
psychophysiology | |
psychosis | |
PTSD | |
public speaking anxiety | |
Puzzles | |
Q | |
Quantification of behavior | |
R | |
Radicalization | |
Radicalized Ecosystems | |
Rehabilitation | |
Relaxation | |
remote learning | |
Research Ethics | |
Respiration | |
responsive virtual humans | |
Risk Assessment | |
Romantic Relationships | |
Rural | |
Rural and Frontier | |
rural communities | |
Rural populations | |
Ryan Haight Act | |
S | |
saccade latency | |
Safety | |
satisfaction | |
satisfaction with life scale | |
Saudi Arabia | |
scalable mental health | |
Scams | |
scheduling | |
schizophrenia | |
scientometrics | |
Scoping Review | |
security | |
self | |
self efficacy | |
Self-Presentation Strategies | |
self-statements | |
semantic data harmonization | |
Sense of presence | |
Sensors | |
Sensory feedback | |
Sensory Integration and Memory | |
sentiment analysis | |
serious game | |
Serious Game-Based Learning | |
sexting | |
shift work | |
simulation | |
simulator | |
singularity | |
sleep | |
sleep health | |
Social Anxiety | |
social capital | |
social connectedness | |
Social interactions | |
Social Media | |
Social media use | |
social networking | |
Social perceptions | |
social stimulation | |
Socio-emotional Influences on Memory | |
Socio-technical systems | |
Space Participant | |
Spatial Memory | |
Stem education | |
STEM education in VR | |
Stereoelectroencephalography | |
Stereotactic laser ablation (SLA) | |
Streaming | |
stress inoculation | |
Stress Management | |
Students | |
Subjectivity | |
suicide | |
supervised machine learning | |
surgical outcome | |
Swarm Intelligence | |
Swiping | |
T | |
teaching and learning design | |
Technogenesis | |
Telehealth | |
telehealth assessments | |
telemedicine/virtual assessment | |
telepsychiatry | |
telepsychology | |
Thematic Analysis | |
Therapy | |
Third space | |
Tip-of-the-Tongue Experiences | |
Transgender | |
transition networks | |
trauma | |
Treatment of anxiety and depression | |
Trust Calibration | |
Trust components | |
Trust dynamics | |
Trust in automation | |
Trust timescales | |
U | |
underserved communities | |
United Kingdom | |
Unity Engine | |
unity game engine | |
User Engagement | |
User Interface & User Experience | |
User-centered design | |
V | |
Video game | |
video game addiction | |
Video Games | |
video games effects | |
videogames | |
violence | |
Virtual companion | |
virtual environment | |
Virtual Environments | |
Virtual Human | |
Virtual Humans | |
Virtual Patients | |
Virtual Presence | |
Virtual Reality | |
Virtual Reality and Learning | |
virtual teams | |
VirtuL Reality | |
visuospatial abilities | |
VR | |
VR+HRVB phone app | |
VR/AR/XR | |
W | |
Wellbeing | |
X | |
XR | |
XR education | |
Y | |
young people | |
Younger Adults | |
Youth Vaccine Education |