This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
abstract interpretation | |
accuracy | |
actors | |
Algebraic invariants | |
Algorithm | |
Algorithmic game theory | |
Asynchronous Automata | |
Asynchrony | |
Automata | |
axiomatisation | |
axiomatization | |
Axiomatizations | |
B | |
behavioural distance | |
Bidding games | |
Binary relations | |
bisimilarity | |
bisimulation | |
bisimulation semantics | |
Branching bisimulation | |
C | |
Cascade Product | |
causality | |
CCSP | |
circular proofs | |
closure | |
co-induction | |
coalgebra | |
complete lattices | |
completeness | |
computability | |
computational effects | |
concurrency | |
Concurrency theory | |
Concurrent Kleene algebra | |
Configuration structures | |
congruence | |
consensus problem | |
continuity | |
convex sets of distributions monad | |
Counter machine | |
counter machines | |
Cut-off for reachability | |
Cutpoint isolation problem | |
D | |
data releases | |
deadlock freedom | |
decidability | |
derivative language | |
deterministic membership problem | |
deterministic timed automata | |
Distributed and reversible computation | |
distributed systems | |
E | |
Equational theories | |
Erlang | |
exact learning | |
F | |
FIFO machines | |
finite-memory determinacy | |
fixpoint equation systems | |
Flattability | |
Formal semantics | |
Formal Verification | |
G | |
Game theory | |
garbage collection | |
Graph homomorphisms | |
Graph properties | |
guarded expression | |
H | |
Heard-Of model | |
Hybrid automata | |
Hyperlogics | |
Hyperproperties | |
I | |
Ideal Completions for WSTS | |
Imperative programming | |
Inductive invariant | |
Infinite-state system | |
Infinite-state Verification | |
K | |
Kleene algebra with tests | |
Krohn Rhodes Decomposition | |
L | |
labelled Markov chains | |
labelled transition systems | |
lattice theory | |
lax extension | |
Letter-bounded context-free languages | |
Levy's zero-one law | |
linear logic | |
linear time-branching time spectrum | |
M | |
machine learning | |
Markov chain | |
Markov Decision Process | |
Markov decision processes | |
Mazurkiewicz traces | |
mean-payoff | |
memoryless determinacy | |
metrics | |
modal logic | |
Model Checking | |
Model-free reinforcement learning | |
Models of distributed computing | |
Monte Carlo tree search | |
mu-calculus | |
multi push down | |
multi-dimension | |
multiparty compatibility | |
N | |
nominal automata | |
nondeterminism | |
O | |
observations | |
One-Counter Automata | |
optimal strategies | |
P | |
parallel composition | |
Parameterized Verification | |
parity | |
parity games | |
parity objectives | |
Petri nets | |
Polynomial programs | |
Polynomial ranking functions | |
poorman bidding | |
privacy | |
probabilistic choices | |
Probabilistic finite automata | |
probabilities | |
Process algebra | |
Process algebras and calculi | |
Process calculus | |
Program verification | |
proof theory | |
Q | |
quantitative equational theories | |
R | |
Randomisation | |
Reachability | |
Reachability Analysis | |
Reachability games | |
Reachability problem | |
reactive systems | |
recursion | |
References | |
Refinement types | |
regular functiona | |
Relation algebras | |
Rendez-vous Networks | |
residual automata | |
Reversible CCS | |
reversible computing | |
Richman bidding | |
Robustness | |
S | |
Safe Exploration | |
Safe Reinforcement Learning | |
Safety | |
security | |
Security Protocols | |
Semi-algebraic sets | |
separability | |
sequent calculus | |
session types | |
simulation | |
soundness and completeness | |
static analysis | |
Stochastic games | |
straight line | |
string constraints | |
subtyping | |
symbolic advice | |
T | |
Temporal Logic over traces | |
termination detection | |
time-outs | |
timed automata | |
Top | |
total variation distances | |
transducers | |
two-player games on graphs | |
Type equality | |
type theory | |
U | |
unambiguity | |
underapproximation | |
Unit | |
universality | |
up-to techniques | |
V | |
Vector Addidtion Systems | |
Vector addition system | |
vector addition systems | |
Vector addition systems with states | |
verification | |
W | |
Weak bisimulation | |
weighted automata | |
Weighted games | |
Weighted graphs | |
Weighted transducers | |
Wreath Product |