This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
a posteriori error estimate | |
adaptive algebraic multigrid | |
adaptive algorithms | |
adaptive coarse spaces | |
adaptive domain decomposition methods | |
adaptive mesh refinement | |
additive Schwarz | |
advection | |
advection-diffusion | |
aggregation | |
algebraic multigrid | |
algebraic multigrid (AMG) | |
algebraic preconditioner | |
algorithmic resilience | |
all-at-once discretization | |
All-in-one solvers | |
AMG (algebraic multigrid) | |
AMG-preconditioned Krylov | |
AMGe | |
analytic compression | |
Anderson acceleration | |
Arnoldi expansion | |
artificial intelligence | |
asymptotic-preserving | |
asynchronous | |
asynchronous iterative linear solver | |
asynchronous iterative methods | |
asynchronous Jacobi method | |
Asynchronous methods | |
augmented lagrangian | |
B | |
Backward Error | |
backward stability | |
batched GEMM | |
Bayesian inverse problems | |
Bayesian Optimization | |
BDDC | |
Biot Equations | |
block GMRES | |
Block Krylov Subspace methods | |
Block preconditioners | |
block Toeplitz systems | |
block vector | |
block-structured relaxation | |
Boltzmann transport equation | |
C | |
C-AMG smoothers | |
canonical correlation analysis | |
chaos | |
Chebyshev | |
Chebyshev approximation | |
Chebyshev polynomials | |
Cholesky factorization | |
climate | |
Closures | |
coarsening quality | |
collaborative autonomy | |
collective multigrid | |
companion linearization | |
Concentration Inequalities | |
conformal mapping | |
conjugate gradient method | |
Conjugate heat transfer | |
Conservation laws | |
conservative | |
Consistency and inconsistency | |
Constrained Optimization | |
continuous finite element | |
convection-diffusion problems | |
convergence acceleration | |
Convolutional Neural Networks | |
coupled models | |
Coupled systems | |
Coupling | |
Credible Interval | |
CUR decomposition | |
D | |
data corruption and delay | |
data-driven discretization | |
Data-Driven Modeling | |
Deblurring | |
decentralized computing | |
deep learning | |
Deep Neural Networks | |
deflated conjugate gradient | |
DEIM | |
diffusion synthetic acceleration | |
Dimensionality Reduction | |
Dirichlet-Neumann method | |
discrepancy principle | |
dispersion | |
distance laplacian | |
Domain decomposition | |
Domain Decomposition based pre-conditioner | |
Domain Decomposition Methods | |
Drift-diffusion equations | |
Dynamic inverse problem | |
E | |
earth system models | |
Eddington factor | |
Edge-preservation | |
eigensolver | |
eigenvalue detection | |
elliptic partial differential equations (PDE) | |
energy minimization prolongation | |
Epidemiology | |
evolutionary | |
exponential fitting | |
exponential residual | |
exponential time integration | |
F | |
fast direct solver | |
FEM | |
Feynman-Kac | |
finite element | |
Finite Element Method | |
finite-element computations | |
fixed-point methods | |
Flexible GMRES | |
flexible methods | |
flexible preconditioning | |
fractional parabolic equations | |
fusion | |
G | |
Gateaux derivative | |
GCR | |
generalized Golub-Kahan | |
generalized moving least squares | |
genetic algorithm | |
Global and local conservation | |
global coarsening | |
Global Convergence | |
Golub-Kahan Bidiagonalization | |
GPU | |
GPU (graphical processing units) | |
GPU acceleration | |
GPU algorithm | |
GPU-Accelerated | |
GPUs | |
graph Laplacian | |
graph network | |
graph neural network | |
Graph Neural Networks | |
Graphical LASSO | |
graphnet | |
gyrokinetic | |
H | |
Helmholtz decomposition | |
Helmholtz equation | |
Heterogeneous Time-stepping | |
hierarchical matrices | |
hierarchical matrix | |
high performance computing | |
High-order | |
high-order methods | |
history matching | |
HOLO | |
HPC | |
Hutchinson's trace estimator | |
hybrid methods | |
Hybrid Regularization | |
hyperbolic | |
Hyperbolic conservation laws | |
I | |
ICF | |
IMEX | |
Implicit | |
Implicit Methods | |
Implicit Runge-Kutta | |
Incompressible flow | |
Indefinite systems | |
infinite Arnoldi | |
initial iterate | |
inner stopping criteria | |
Interior point methods | |
interior-point method | |
interpolation | |
Intrinsic dimension estimation | |
inverse problems | |
Isogeometric Analysis | |
iterative linear solver | |
Iterative Methods | |
iterative methods for linear systems | |
Iterative Methods for Neural Networks | |
Iterative Randomized Solver | |
iterative refinement | |
Iterative solution methods | |
Iterative solver | |
Iterative solvers | |
iterative triangular solvers | |
J | |
Jacobi Iteration | |
Johnson-Lindenstrauss | |
K | |
kernel-capturing multigrid | |
kinetic plasma model | |
Krylov methods | |
Krylov Recycling | |
Krylov solvers | |
Krylov space methods | |
Krylov subspace method | |
Krylov subspace methods | |
Krylov Subspace Recycling | |
Krylov subspaces | |
Krylov-Schur | |
L | |
Lagrange multipliers | |
learning multigrid | |
Level set method | |
linear equations | |
linear Maxwell equatios | |
Linear operators | |
linear programming | |
linear solvers | |
Lippmann Schwinger Equation | |
Liquid Crystals | |
local Fourier analysis | |
local smoothing | |
localization | |
Localized Orthogonal Decomposition Method | |
locally implicit method | |
locally refined spatial grids | |
Logically Rectangular Grid | |
loss of orthogonality | |
Low Rank Approximation | |
low-rank approximation | |
Low-rank approximations | |
Low-rank methods | |
low-rank tensors | |
low-synchronization algorithms | |
lp norms | |
M | |
machine learning | |
magnetized plasma | |
magnetohydrodynamics | |
mass matrix | |
matrix exponential | |
matrix inverse | |
matrix-free | |
matrix-free methods | |
meshfree methods | |
MFEM | |
MHD | |
Microreactor | |
mimetic finite differences | |
mixed precision | |
Mixed-Precision Arithmetic | |
mixed-precision computing | |
Model order reduction for dynamical systems | |
Monolithic multigrid | |
monotone scheme | |
Monte Carlo | |
Monte Carlo methods | |
multi-scale | |
multi-secant | |
multi-view learning | |
multidomain | |
multigrid | |
Multigrid Method | |
Multigrid methods | |
multigrid reduction in time (MGRIT) | |
multigrid-in-time | |
multilevel iteration methods | |
multilevel methods | |
Multilevel Monte Carlo | |
multilevel Monte Carlo (MLMC) | |
multilevel preconditioners | |
Multiphysics | |
multiphysics coupling | |
Multiple rhs | |
multiple right hand sides | |
multirate | |
multiscale | |
Multiscale Finite Elements | |
multivariate interpolation | |
N | |
Navier-Stokes equations | |
Neutron Transport | |
Newton's method | |
Newton--Krylov methods | |
Newton-Krylov-multigrid methods | |
Non-linear elliptic BVP | |
Nonlinear Diffusion Acceleration | |
Nonlinear Domain Decomposition Methods | |
nonlinear iteration | |
Nonlinear iterative solvers | |
nonlinear optimization | |
nonlinear preconditioning | |
nonlinear projection | |
nonlinear solver | |
Nonlinear Solvers | |
nonlinear system solvers | |
nonpolynomial bases | |
Nonsymmetric linear systems | |
numerical simulation | |
O | |
ocean-atmosphere | |
ODEs on low-rank manifolds | |
Optimal Control | |
optimal local approximation spaces | |
Optimal Transport Problem | |
optimization | |
orthogonal Hessenberg reduction | |
Overlapping Schwarz | |
overlapping Schwarz methods | |
P | |
parallel communication | |
parallel computing | |
parallel in time | |
parallel performance | |
parallel-in-time | |
parameterized linear systems | |
Parareal | |
partial differential equations | |
Particle-in-Cell | |
partitioned schemes | |
PDE-constrained optimization | |
PDEs on surfaces | |
phi matrix function | |
Physics-Based Preconditioning | |
plasma | |
Plasma Physics | |
plasmoid instability | |
PN junction | |
Poisson | |
polynomial bases | |
Polynomial preconditioning | |
Poroelasticity | |
Powell-Symmetric-Broyden | |
precoditioning | |
Preconditioned Iterative Methods | |
preconditioned Krylov subspace methods | |
preconditioner | |
Preconditioning | |
pressure projection | |
Probabilistic Rounding Analysis | |
Prolongation | |
Proximal Methods | |
Pseudospectra | |
Q | |
Quasi Static | |
Quasi-Monte Carlo | |
Quasi-Newton | |
R | |
Rademacher Random Vectors | |
radial basis functions(RBF) | |
radiation transport | |
Randomised numerical linear algebra | |
randomization | |
randomized eigensolvers | |
randomized solvers | |
Rank Structured Matrices | |
redistribution | |
Reduced Order Models | |
Reduction-Based Multigrid | |
Regularization | |
remap | |
repeated domain partitioning | |
reservoir simulation | |
Residual Estimation | |
resilient computing | |
restarting | |
restricted additive Schwarz | |
Restricted SVD | |
Rightmost eigenmatrices | |
risk-adverse optimal control under uncertainty conditional value at risk | |
Ritz values | |
S | |
Saddle point linear system | |
Saddle-point problems | |
Saddle-point systems | |
Scharfetter-Gummel scheme | |
sea-ice | |
Sequence of Eigenvalue Problems | |
sequentially quadratic programming | |
shallow water equations | |
Shifted Laplace preconditioner | |
shifted linear systems | |
sine transform based preconditioners | |
Singular Value Decomposition | |
smoothed aggregation | |
smoothed aggregation multigrid | |
solution transfer | |
space-time finite element methods | |
space-time multigrid | |
Sparse Approximate Inverse | |
sparse Cholesky | |
sparse matrix | |
sparse matrix format | |
Sparse precision matrix estimation | |
sparse reconstruction | |
Sparse System | |
sparse triangular solves | |
Spectral abscissa | |
Spectral function | |
spectral methods | |
Stability | |
Stabilizations | |
staggered finite-difference method | |
stationary solvers | |
stencil-CSR matrix format | |
Stochastic discontinuous Galerkin | |
Stochastic Optimization | |
Stokes equations | |
Stopping Criteria | |
streamline upwind Petrov-Galerkin | |
stretched meshes | |
Strong-Scalability | |
Structure-preserving iterative methods | |
Sub-Exponential | |
subset selection | |
Subspace method | |
symmetry | |
T | |
Tensor methods | |
tensor product | |
Tikhonov regularization | |
time stepping | |
Time-dependent | |
Time-dependent Maxwell's equations | |
Tomographic reconstruction | |
total variation | |
Trace estimation | |
Transport and nuclear applications | |
Turbulent Flows | |
U | |
U-Net | |
Uncertainty Quantification | |
Unstructured mesh | |
unsymmetric partitioned matrices | |
V | |
Variable Projection Method | |
velocity-stress Newton | |
visco-resistive implicit MHD | |
viscous-plastic rheology | |
Vlasov-Maxwell system | |
W | |
Wave iterations | |
| | |
|| ||_1-norm | |
|| ||_max-norm |