Days: Sunday, March 24th Monday, March 25th Tuesday, March 26th Wednesday, March 27th Thursday, March 28th
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Multigrid is one of the few optimal methods for solving systems of equations arising from the discretization of partial differential equations as well as a wide variety of related problems on graphs. In this tutorial we will introduce the key ingredients of the multigrid method (smoothing and coarse grid correction), explain their complementarity (they don't work well alone), and describe the most common cycling strategies. We will present the concepts and motivating analysis using a simple geometric approach to solving the linear system arising from the discretization of the diffusion equation on structured orthogonal grids. Then we will highlight the elements of the algorithm that have been advanced to provide robustness and flexibility for more general problems (e.g., operator dependent interpolation, galerkin coarse grid operators, and algebraic methods), noting that these topics will be covered in more detail in the subsequent tutorials. Finally, we'll touch on the popular and powerful use of multigrid as a preconditioner for Krylov methods such as the conjugate gradient method.
The focus of this tutorial is on algebraic multigrid (AMG). The tutorial will start with the basic principles of algebraic multigrid methods, followed by introducing two general methods: CF based algebraic multigrid and aggregation based algebraic multigrid. An overview of these methods, including common algorithms for their construction will be covered. The goal is to identify the key components of AMG. Advanced algebraic methods such as compatible relaxation, adaptive AMG, and element based AMG will also be briefly covered. In addition, an overview of some of the supporting theory will be given.
This tutorial will start with an introduction to parallel computing and cover the classical computer taxonomy, programming models, parallel performance metrics, and parallelizing PDE-based problems. The talk will then move on to parallel multigrid, including parallel algebraic multigrid and parallel multigrid software design. Finally, some current research topics will be touched on as well as a brief introduction to parallel time integration (multigrid in time).
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08:00 | Three Multigrid Interpretations of the Parareal Algorithm (abstract) |
08:25 | Space-Time Finite Element Solvers of Parabolic Evolution Problems with Non-smooth Solutions (abstract) |
08:50 | Multilevel convergence theory for multigrid-reduction-in-time (MGRIT) (abstract) |
09:15 | Multigrid Reduction in Time preconditioning for parallel-in-time Krylov solver (abstract) |
09:40 | Space-time adaptivity with multigrid reduction in time for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations (abstract) |
08:00 | Error Analysis of Inline ZFP Compression for Multigrid Methods (abstract) |
08:25 | Fast and backward stable parallel MGS-GMRES (abstract) |
08:50 | Optimizing communication of Krylov subspace methods using blocking and pipelining techniques (abstract) |
09:15 | adaFACx - smoothed restriction to damp additive multigrid (abstract) |
09:40 | Toward interoperability support between scalable linear solver libraries in hypre (abstract) |
10:25 | Learning Prolongation for Diffusion Problems with Random Coefficients (abstract) |
10:50 | Multilevel Methods for Neural Networks (abstract) |
11:15 | Can we do better? Using machine learning to optimize multigrid methods (abstract) |
11:40 | Towards the automatic optimization of geometric multigrid methods with evolutionary computation (abstract) ![]() |
10:25 | PCPATCH - A new preconditioner in PETSc to express subspace correction methods (abstract) |
10:50 | A Reynolds-robust augmented Lagrangian preconditioner for the 3D stationary Navier-Stokes (abstract) |
11:15 | Braess-Sarazin relaxation for H(div) and H(curl) (abstract) |
11:40 | A monolithic mixed-dimensional multigrid method for single-phase flow in fractured porous media (abstract) |
12:05 | On Scalable Block Preconditiooners for Implicit / IMEX FE Continuum Plasma Physics Models (abstract) |
16:30 | Algebraic Multgirid: theory and practice (abstract) |
16:55 | An Adaptive AMG preconditioner for ill-conditioned structural problems (abstract) |
17:20 | Automatic Construction of AMG Smoothers (abstract) |
17:45 | Algebraic Multigrid for Systems of Elliptic Boundary-Value Problems (abstract) |
18:10 | Parallel performance of algebraic multigrid with domain decomposition (abstract) |
16:30 | Highly Parallel Additive Multigrid with Scaled Correction (abstract) |
16:55 | Parallel Multigrid with Adaptive Multilevel hCGA on Manycore Clusters (abstract) |
17:20 | revisiting Householder orthogonalization scheme for iterative methods (abstract) |
17:45 | An efficient asynchronous incomplete LU iteration for convection-diffusion problems on structured grids (abstract) |
18:10 | Algorithm Exploitation & Evolving AI/Cognitive Examples on IBM’s Data Centric Systems (abstract) |
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08:00 | On selecting coarse-grid operators for Parareal and MGRIT applied to linear advection (abstract) |
08:25 | Convergence analysis for parallel-in-time solution of hyperbolic systems (abstract) |
08:50 | Hyperbolic PDEs and Parallel-In-Time: A Revival in Reduction Methods (abstract) |
09:15 | Computation of Gaussian quadrature rules using a multi-level Parareal-like parallel approach applied to the Stieltjes procedure (abstract) |
09:40 | Analysis of an overlapping variant of parareal (abstract) |
08:00 | Adaptive FEM for the fractional Laplacian: a priori and a posteriori error estimates, efficient implementation and multigrid solver (abstract) |
08:25 | p-multigrid based solvers for Isogeometric Analysis (abstract) |
08:50 | A Multilevel Approach for Trace System in HDG Discretizations (abstract) |
09:15 | Nonlinear multigrid solvers for finite volume discretization of subsurface flow (abstract) |
10:25 | Advanced Multi-Level Sampling Methods for Large-Scale Bayesian Inverse Problems (abstract) |
10:50 | A hierarchical multilevel Markov chain Monte Carlo approach for large-scale Bayesian inference (abstract) |
11:15 | Multilevel Monte Carlo methods for statistical solutions of hyperbolic conservation laws (abstract) |
11:40 | An asymptotic preserving multilevel Monte Carlo method for particle based simulation of kinetic equations (abstract) |
12:05 | MG/OPT and multilevel Monte Carlo for robust PDE constrained optimization (abstract) |
10:25 | Rounding error analysis for mixed precision multigrid solvers (abstract) |
10:50 | Engineering multilevel support vector machines (abstract) |
11:15 | A blocked adaptive cross approximation algorithm and its hierarchical generalization (abstract) |
11:40 | Performance of the Scheduled Relaxation Jacobi method in a geometric multilevel setting (abstract) |
12:05 | Local Fourier Analysis and Robust Optimization (abstract) |
16:30 | The Analysis of SA-AMG Method by Applying Hybrid MPI/OpenMP Parallelization on Cluster Supercomputer System (abstract) |
16:55 | Multi-step Node-Aware Communication in Parallel AMG (abstract) |
17:20 | Fast distributed triple-matrix multiplication on GPUs in AMG setup (abstract) |
17:45 | Improving Scalability of Algebraic Multigrid by a Specialized MATVEC and Divide and Conquer MatMat Product (abstract) |
16:30 | Application of Algebraic Multigrid Preconditoned Block Solvers in a Validation Study of Simulating Human Heart Function (abstract) |
16:55 | Multigrid for Bundle Adjustment (abstract) |
17:20 | Nitsche's Method for Abstract Variational Constrained Minimization, with Applications to Plates and Shells. (abstract) |
17:45 | Multigrid Optimization for Large-Scale Ptychographic Phase Retrieval (abstract) |
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08:00 | Parallel-in-time methods for eddy current problems (abstract) |
08:25 | A Parallel-in-Time Multigrid Preconditioner for KKT System Arising in Full Space Optimization (abstract) |
08:50 | Time Parallelization for the Heat Equation Based on Diagonalization (abstract) |
09:15 | Towards a parareal coarse propagator for numerical weather prediction. (abstract) |
09:40 | Layer-Parallel Training of Deep Residual Neural Networks (abstract) |
08:00 | Preconditioning Li-Ion Battery Models with Algebraic Multigrid in FEniCS (abstract) |
08:25 | A fully coupled, scalable eigenvalue solver with a subspace coarsening AMG preconditioner for neutron transport equations (abstract) |
08:50 | A fast high order algorithm for multiple scattering from extremely large three dimensional configurations (abstract) |
09:15 | An implicit approach to phase field modeling of solidification for additively manufactured metals (abstract) |
09:40 | A Discretization-Accurate Stopping Criterion for Iterative Solvers on Finite Element Approximation (abstract) |
10:25 | A Multigrid Method Tailored to Semi-structured Grids (abstract) |
10:50 | Matrix-free multigrid block-smoothers for higher-order DG discretisations (abstract) |
11:15 | Matrix-Free Multigrid on Hierarchical Hybrid Grids (abstract) |
11:40 | Structured grid approach to accelerate multigrid on NGP (abstract) |
12:05 | Automating Communication Aggregation in Robust Structured Multigrid (abstract) |
10:25 | Monolithic Multigrid for a Mixed-Method B-Field Finite-Element Formulation for Incompressible, Resistive Magnetohydrodynamics (abstract) |
10:50 | p-Multigrid Block Reduction Preconditioning for an All-Speed High-Order Compressible Flow Solver (abstract) |
11:15 | High-Order Fully-Implicit Sharp-Interface Algorithm for Multi-fluid Contacts (abstract) |
11:40 | A scalable multigrid reduction framework for coupled multiphase poromechanics (abstract) |
12:05 | Multigrid solvers for semi-implicit hybridised DG methods in fluid dynamics (abstract) |
16:30 | Efficient operator-coarsening multigrid schemes for local discontinuous Galerkin methods (abstract) |
16:55 | Robust solvers for a stabilized discretization of the poroelastic equations (abstract) |
17:20 | Enhanced Multi-Index Monte Carlo by means of Multiple Semi-Coarsened Multigrid for Anisotropic Diffusion Problems (abstract) |
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08:00 | High-Order Low-Order Nonlinear Convergence Accelerator for the Rosenbluth-Fokker-Planck Collision Operator and Applications to Multiscale Problems in Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) (abstract) |
08:25 | A Fully Implicit Kinetic Electromagenetic Model for Magnetically Confined Fusion Plasma Simulations (abstract) |
08:50 | Moment-based multilevel preconditioning for an implicit, conservative, hybrid particle-kinetic-ion fluid-electron algorithm (abstract) |
09:15 | Application of Multigrid Preconditioning for Lagrangian Radiation-Hydrodynamics (abstract) |
09:40 | A Multiscale Finite Element Method with Locally Adaptive Bubble Function Enrichment (abstract) |
10:25 | Efficient solution of transient non-linear flow problems in the subsurface (abstract) |
10:50 | Adaptive, Parallel, Matrix-free Geometric Multigrid for Stokes Equations with Large Viscosity Contrast (abstract) |
11:15 | Modelling Musical Instruments (abstract) |
11:40 | Multilevel (quasi-)Monte Carlo methods for a random elliptic eigenvalue problem (abstract) |