This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
' | |
'mosaic' framework of models | |
'scientist' | |
( | |
(Language of) Mathematics | |
0 | |
01-laws | |
1 | |
12th century | |
A | |
a posteriori | |
a priori | |
a priori assumptions | |
a-priori-knowledge | |
A-series | |
abduction | |
abductive inference | |
abductive methodology | |
abductive reasoning | |
abelian group | |
absolute graded adjectives | |
Abstact model theory | |
Abstract concepts | |
abstract elementary class | |
abstract elementary classes | |
abstract model theory | |
abstract objects | |
abstract state machine | |
abstraction | |
Abstraction Principles | |
accesibility relation | |
accessible categories | |
accessible category | |
accident | |
accidental theory change | |
accommodation | |
accredited means of knowing | |
accronym:clmpsmod | |
Acculturation | |
Accumulation of knowledge | |
Accuracy | |
accurate and complete representation | |
Action conditionals | |
action type | |
action-at-a-distance | |
Actions | |
actor-network theory | |
actual infinity | |
Actuality-to-Possibility Principle | |
Adaptability Driver | |
Adaptation | |
adaptationism | |
adaptive logics | |
adaptive thinking | |
adequacy criteria | |
Adolf Grünbaum | |
ADS | |
agency | |
agent-based modelling | |
agent-implicating obligations | |
Agents | |
AGM belief revision theory | |
AGM theory | |
AI | |
AI as externalized mind | |
AI ethics | |
AIDS | |
aim of science | |
aim-oriented empiricism | |
Al-Farabi | |
al-Qanun fi al-Tibb | |
Alfred Tarski | |
Algebra | |
Algebra of logic | |
algebra of sets | |
Algebra-valued models of set theory | |
Algebraic equations | |
Algebraic Formulation of Physical Theories | |
algebraic semantics | |
algebraic structure | |
Algebraically Closed Fields | |
algorithm | |
Algorithmic Discovery | |
algorithmic learning theory | |
algorithms | |
alienated forms of scientific communication | |
alienation | |
Alphonse de Candolle | |
ambiguity | |
Analogical Explanation | |
Analogical Logic | |
analogical reasoning | |
Analogies in Mathematics | |
Analogy | |
analogy between politics and science | |
Analysis | |
analytic | |
analytic metaphysics | |
Analytic Philosophy | |
analytic/synthetic dichotomy | |
analytic/synthetic distinction | |
Analytical political philosophy | |
analytical sociology | |
ancient Greek philosophy | |
Animal Cognition | |
Anomalous averages | |
Anthropic principle | |
Anthropocentrism | |
Anthropomorphism | |
anti-exceptionalism about logic | |
anti-psychologism | |
anti-realism | |
anti-reductionism | |
Antireductionism | |
appeal to ignorance | |
Applicability of Mathematics | |
approaching the truth | |
Approximative reduction | |
Arab logic | |
Arabic | |
arabic logic | |
Arabic numerals | |
Arabic tradition of logic | |
argumentation | |
Argumentation Theory | |
Aristotelian Logic | |
Aristotelian metaphysics | |
Aristotle | |
arithmetization of calculus | |
Armstrong | |
articulation of knowledge | |
artificial agents | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
Assertion | |
Assumption | |
Astrophysics | |
asymmetries between disciplines | |
atom | |
atomic model | |
Atomism | |
atomless model | |
Atoms | |
Attractivity Weighting | |
Augustynek | |
Automated Reasoning | |
Automated Science | |
Automated theorem provers | |
automatic analysis of corpora | |
autonomous vehicles | |
Average expected error | |
Averroes | |
Avicenna (Ibn Sina) | |
Avicennian logic | |
awareness | |
axiological scientific realism | |
axiology | |
Axiom | |
axiom of continuity | |
axiom systems | |
axiomatic definitions | |
Axiomatic theories of truth | |
axiomatic theory of truth | |
axiomatic truth theories | |
Axiomatisation | |
axiomatization | |
B | |
B-series | |
Baghdad | |
Baker | |
Banach spaces | |
Barr's theorem | |
Basic Law V | |
basic logical knowledge | |
Basic Oughts | |
Bayes nets | |
bayesian | |
Bayesian inference | |
Bayesian philosophy | |
Bayesian prediction game | |
Bayesian statistics | |
Bayesianism | |
BCI | |
BCIW | |
Behavioral economics | |
behavioral market failure | |
Behaviorist Psychology | |
behavioural public policy | |
belief aggregation | |
Belief Dynamics | |
belief revision | |
Benacerraf's dilemma | |
Berlin Group | |
Bernard Bolzano | |
Bernoulli theorem | |
Bertrand Russell | |
beta-conversion | |
Bi-logic | |
bias | |
Big biological data | |
Big Data | |
biinterpretability | |
bimodal logic | |
binary consequence systems | |
bioethics | |
biological classification | |
biological knowledge | |
biological modalities | |
Biological Order | |
biological possibilities | |
Biology | |
Biomedical ontologies | |
Biomedical Sciences | |
Biomedicine | |
biomimicry | |
biopolitics | |
biosphere | |
blind inference | |
Blinding | |
Boethius' Thesis | |
Boghossian | |
Bohmian Mechanics | |
Bolzano | |
Boole | |
Boolean and Heyting algebras | |
Boolean minimization | |
Bootstrapping | |
Bopp–Podolsky | |
Born–Infeld | |
Bose Einstein condensation | |
Boundaries | |
braid group | |
Brain | |
Breast cancer screening | |
Bridge Principle | |
bridging across disciplines | |
Brier score | |
Bunge | |
burden of proof | |
bureaucracy | |
Busy Beaver Function | |
C | |
CABAT logic | |
calculation | |
calculus | |
canonicity | |
Cardinal invariants | |
cardinality | |
Carnap | |
case studies | |
Case Study: Nitrogen | |
cassatio | |
catch-all hypothesis | |
catch-all problem | |
Categorical properties | |
categoricity | |
Category Theory | |
Catherine Elgin | |
Causal Bayes Net | |
causal discovery | |
Causal Exclusion | |
Causal inference | |
Causal minimality condition | |
causal modeling | |
causal parity thesis | |
Causal reasoning | |
causal relations | |
Causality | |
causation | |
cause of time | |
Cellular circuitry | |
chance | |
channel theory | |
charity | |
Charles Babbage | |
chemical composition | |
chemical element | |
chemical elements | |
Chemical ontologies | |
Chemical philosophy | |
Chemical reactivity | |
Chemistry | |
Chisholm Paradox | |
Chomsky hierarchy | |
Chronogeometric structure | |
Church | |
Church-Rosser theorem | |
Cicada case | |
circular definitions | |
Circularity | |
Circulation | |
Citation analysis | |
Classical and Quantum Mechanics | |
Classical Electrodynamics | |
classical genetics | |
classical logic | |
classical mechanics | |
classical mereology | |
classical science | |
classification | |
Classification of diagrams | |
classification theory | |
Clauselearning | |
Climate change | |
climate models | |
climate uncertainty | |
Clinical Psychoanalysis | |
clocks | |
co-authorship | |
coalitional logic | |
coevolutionary model | |
cognition | |
cognitive | |
cognitive and behavioral research | |
Cognitive Biases | |
cognitive biology | |
cognitive closure | |
Cognitive evolution | |
cognitive neuroscience | |
cognitive representation | |
cognitive robotics | |
Cognitive Science | |
cognitive value | |
Cohen reals | |
Coherence | |
Colin Howson | |
collection | |
collective decision-making | |
Collingwood | |
Coloniality | |
Color concepts | |
coloring | |
Combinatorics | |
Combining Logics | |
Commitment | |
commitments | |
commitments of a theory | |
commitments of foundational theories | |
commom knoweldege | |
common belief | |
Common Cause Principle | |
Common solution | |
communication | |
communicative epistemology | |
communicative machinery | |
commutative diagrams | |
Compactness principle | |
Comparative Psychology | |
Comparison of logics | |
compatibilism | |
Competence | |
competition | |
complementing practices | |
completeness | |
completions | |
complex curves | |
complexity | |
complexity theory | |
Composition | |
Compositionality | |
computability theory | |
computable structures | |
computation | |
computational artefacts | |
computational complexity | |
computational methods | |
computational modeling of perception | |
computational models | |
Computational reliabilism | |
Computational science | |
Computational Trust | |
Computer Assisted Proofs | |
computer science | |
Computer Simulation | |
computer simulations | |
Computer simulations in Medicine | |
computer-aided design | |
Computer-Assisted Proof | |
computer-assisted proofs | |
computing | |
Comte | |
Conceivability | |
Concepetual Reduction | |
Concept | |
Concept classification | |
Concept of objectivity | |
Concept-script | |
Concepts | |
conceptual analysis | |
Conceptual change | |
Conceptual distances | |
Conceptual engineering | |
Conceptual Grounding | |
conceptual mathematics | |
Conceptual revision | |
Conceptual Spaces | |
Concrete concepts | |
Conditional | |
conditional definitions | |
conditional logic | |
Conditionals | |
Condorcet Jury Theorem | |
confirmation | |
confirmation bias | |
confirmation of hypothesis | |
confirmation strategy | |
confrontation model | |
Connexive implication | |
connexive logic | |
conscious mind | |
Consciousness | |
consensus | |
Consequence | |
Consequence Argument | |
Consequence Operator | |
Consequence relations | |
Consequential implication | |
Conservatism | |
conservative extension | |
Conservative extensions | |
Conservative translations | |
Conservativity | |
consistency | |
constitution | |
constitutive a priori | |
constitutive rule | |
Constructionism | |
constructionist realism | |
constructive algebra | |
Constructive function | |
constructive mathematics | |
Constructivism | |
Constructs in science | |
Content | |
Content internalism | |
content-guided methodology | |
Conterfactual Conditionals | |
context | |
Contextual translations | |
contextualism | |
contingency | |
contingent | |
Contingentism | |
continuity | |
continuity of function | |
contraction | |
contradiction | |
Contrastivism about knowledge and justification | |
control experiments | |
convention | |
Conventionalism | |
convergence | |
convergence to the truth | |
conversation | |
conversational scoreboard | |
Coordination | |
Coounterfactuals | |
Copy | |
core beliefs | |
Corpus analysis | |
Corpus linguistics | |
Corpuscularism | |
cosmology | |
cosmopolitanism | |
Cosmos | |
Coulomb’s law | |
count-as | |
count-as conditional | |
Counter-Scientific Information | |
Counterfactual Theory of Explanation | |
Counterfactuals | |
Counterpart Theoretic Semantics | |
Cournot principle | |
Covering Law Model | |
creative abduction | |
creativity | |
credal state accuracy | |
criteria of reality | |
Criteriological models of argumentation | |
critical discussion | |
critical thinking | |
criticism of formalism | |
Cross-cultural Transmission | |
cross-disciplinarity | |
Cue-based Prediction | |
Cultural system | |
Culture | |
Cultures | |
Curry-Howard correspondence | |
cybernetics | |
cycle of life | |
D | |
dark energy | |
Dark matter | |
Darwin | |
data | |
data compression | |
data linkage | |
Data Mining | |
Data model | |
data science | |
data-driven methods | |
David Brewster | |
De Finetti | |
de Finetti lottery | |
De Re/De Dicto Ambiguity | |
death | |
decidable model of causal relations | |
decision support | |
Decision Theory | |
Declarative vs. procedural knowledge | |
Decoloniality | |
Dedekind | |
deductive reasoning | |
Deep Learning | |
deep neural network | |
defamiliarization | |
Defeasible Inference | |
Defective Information | |
defects | |
deference | |
deferential concepts | |
Definability | |
definable family of theories | |
definable sets | |
definition | |
definition of mathematics | |
definitions | |
deflation of false | |
deflation of truth | |
deliberation | |
delta-0 formulas | |
Delusions | |
demarcation criterion | |
demarcation problem | |
democratization of science | |
demonstration | |
Demopoulos | |
Denotational semantics | |
deontic logic | |
Deontic Paradox | |
Dependencies | |
depth | |
Derived Oughts | |
Descartes' arithemtic of line segments | |
Descartes' Geometery | |
descriptive | |
descriptive and means-end knowledge | |
descriptive approach | |
descriptive complexity | |
descriptive set theory | |
determinism | |
Deterministic truths | |
Development of Science | |
developmental systems theory | |
Dewey | |
DGP | |
Diagnosis | |
diagram | |
Diagrammatic reasoning | |
diagrams | |
dialectics | |
Dialogic | |
Dialogical framework | |
dice | |
dichotomy | |
Dieveney | |
difference-makers | |
Differential equations | |
digital determination | |
digital interaction | |
Digital Vigilantism | |
dilemma of case studies | |
Dilemmas experiments | |
Dirac field | |
direction of time | |
directions of fit | |
disagreement | |
disciplinary emotions | |
disciplinary knowledge | |
Discontinuity | |
dispositional gene | |
dispositional realism | |
Dispositions | |
distributed cognition | |
Distributed knowledge | |
divergence | |
diversity | |
division of cognitive labour | |
division of labor | |
do-calculus | |
Double Negation | |
Double Negation Rule | |
Double-Layered Hard Problem | |
doxastic commitment | |
doxastic logic | |
DP postulates | |
drawings | |
Drift | |
Dual intuitionistic logics | |
dual use | |
duality | |
Dunn Belnap logic | |
Dutch Book | |
Dyadic Deontic Logic | |
Dynamic abstractionism | |
Dynamic Doxastic Logics | |
dynamic epistemic logic | |
Dynamic Logic | |
dynamical systems | |
Dynamics | |
E | |
E. K. Voishvillo | |
E. Schröder | |
early modern botany | |
Early modern chymistry | |
Easton's theorem | |
echo chambers | |
Eclecticism | |
ecological civilisation | |
Ecological Rationality | |
ecology | |
econometrics | |
Economic Methodology | |
economic models | |
economics | |
Economics of Discovery | |
Ecumenical logic | |
education | |
educational programs | |
Edward Copleston | |
effect algebras | |
Effective use in the proof | |
effectiveness of scientific representations | |
Einstein | |
electrodynamics | |
electronic personhood | |
Electrophysiological recording | |
elements | |
Eliminativism | |
Embedding | |
embodied cognition | |
embodiment | |
Emergence | |
emergency | |
empathy | |
empircial philosophy of science | |
empirical approaches in philosophy | |
Empirical Equivalence | |
Empirical identity | |
empirical knowledhe | |
Empirical Philosophy | |
Empirical Underdetermination | |
Empiricism | |
Empty Place | |
enculturation | |
encyclopedias | |
end of life | |
Energy-Mass Equivalence | |
engineer concept | |
engineering | |
engineering design | |
Engineering Sciences | |
engineers and technologists | |
Enkrasia | |
Enlightenment | |
Entailment | |
entailment relations | |
enterprise | |
entitlement | |
entity realism | |
entropy of pure quantum states | |
Environmental conditioning of science | |
epistemic ability | |
epistemic action | |
epistemic and cognitive knowledge | |
Epistemic Basing Relation | |
epistemic boundedness | |
Epistemic cultures | |
Epistemic Democracy | |
epistemic entrenchment | |
epistemic evaluation | |
epistemic innovations | |
Epistemic justice | |
epistemic justification | |
epistemic logic | |
epistemic norms | |
Epistemic Objects | |
epistemic pluralism | |
epistemic reasons | |
epistemic relativism | |
Epistemic task | |
Epistemic tool | |
epistemic utility | |
epistemic value | |
epistemic virtues | |
Epistemological Racism | |
Epistemologies of the south | |
epistemology | |
Epistemology of Complex Systems | |
Epistemology of disagreement | |
Epistemology of Economics | |
Epistemology of Modality | |
Epistemology of numbers | |
epistemology of science | |
epistemology of testimony | |
equipollence of deductive systems | |
Equity | |
equivalence relations | |
Equivalence testing | |
error | |
Error analysis | |
Error-handling | |
Essentialism | |
eternal inflation | |
Ethical agreements | |
Ethical Matrix | |
ethics | |
ethics of AI | |
ethics of science | |
ethnographic study | |
Euclid's Geometry | |
Euclid's theory of equal figures | |
Euclidean geometry | |
Euclidean norms | |
Euclidian Geometry | |
evaluation | |
evaluation decisions | |
evaluation strategy | |
evaluative claims | |
evaluative language | |
Everett | |
evidence | |
evidence logic | |
Evidence Standards | |
Evidence statements | |
evidential probability | |
evidential support | |
Evo-Devo | |
evolution | |
evolution of science | |
evolutionary | |
evolutionary computing | |
Evolutionary Epistemology | |
Evolutionary Explanation | |
evolutionary functional analysis | |
evolutionary game theory | |
evolutionary psychology | |
exactly true logic | |
excess of objectivity | |
exchangeability | |
Excluded Middle | |
exemplifications | |
Existential Quantification | |
existential quantifier | |
expected harm | |
experiment | |
Experimental economics | |
Experimental Organisms | |
experimental philosophy | |
experimental realism | |
experimental study | |
Experiments | |
expertise | |
experts and non-experts | |
explainability | |
explanation | |
explanation by models | |
explanation paradox | |
Explanations | |
Explanations by Constraint | |
explanatory power | |
explanatory process | |
explanatory understanding | |
Explication | |
expressive power | |
Extension | |
External validity | |
Extrapolation | |
F | |
fact/value dichotomy | |
facticity of understanding | |
factive vs. non-factive understanding | |
factivity | |
Factual accounts of understanding | |
Fake news | |
fallbacks | |
Falsifiability | |
Falsificationism | |
falsity-by-misunderstanding | |
family of theories | |
Family Therapy | |
feasible interpretability | |
feasible knowledge | |
feasible number | |
feasible reducibility | |
feasibly computable | |
feedback | |
Fellowships | |
feminism | |
Feyerabend | |
Fictions | |
field | |
field theories | |
fight with idealism | |
figurativeness | |
Fine-tuning | |
finite definitions | |
finite models | |
finitism | |
Finks | |
First Order Language | |
First Order Logic | |
First Principles | |
first-degree entailment | |
first-order modal logic | |
fitness | |
fitness maximization | |
Fixed Point | |
fixed point logic | |
flavours | |
fluxions | |
Folk Psychology | |
Force field | |
forces | |
Forcing | |
Forcing axioms | |
forking | |
forking topology | |
form | |
formal | |
formal and informal norms | |
formal criteria | |
Formal Epistemology | |
formal language theory | |
formal logic | |
formal meanings | |
formal methods | |
Formal models for change in cognitive systems | |
Formal ontology | |
formal philosophy | |
formal philosophy of science | |
Formal semantics | |
Formal vs. Informal Mathematics | |
Formalisation | |
formalism | |
formalism without foundationalism | |
formalization | |
Formalization of Geometry | |
formalization of the logic of mathematics | |
formalization with foundationalism | |
formalization without foundationalism | |
forward-looking deductive inference | |
Foucauldian dispositifs | |
Foucault | |
foundationalism | |
foundations of geometry | |
foundations of mathematics | |
Foundations of probability | |
Foundations of Quantum Mechanics | |
Foundations of science | |
Four-Color Theorem | |
four-valued logic | |
fragmented authoritarian environmentalism | |
Frame Problem | |
Frame Semantics for Non-Classical Logics | |
frames | |
framework | |
Francis Bacon | |
Free Choice | |
Free logic | |
free parameters | |
Free set theory | |
free will | |
free-choice permission | |
Frege | |
Frege G | |
Frege's philosophy of mathematics | |
frequentism | |
Freud | |
Freud's Representation Theory | |
From Contradictions to Defectiveness to Pluralism in Science | |
function | |
functional analysis | |
functional explanation | |
Functional theories and ontologies | |
further | |
future generations | |
fuzzy logic | |
fuzzy plurivaluationism | |
G | |
G. Boole | |
G. Frege | |
G3 | |
G\"{o}del's incompleteness theorem | |
Gaisi Takeuti | |
Game Semantics | |
Game Theoretic Semantics | |
Game Theory | |
game-theoretic semantics | |
games for logics | |
GDPR | |
Gender Gap | |
Gene expression noise | |
genealogy of ideas | |
General Equilibrium Theory | |
general extensional mereology | |
General Philosophy of Science | |
general proof theory | |
General Relativity | |
generalised real line | |
generalization | |
Generalizations | |
generalized Baire space | |
generalized Baire spaces | |
Generalized Darwinism | |
Generalized Interpretability | |
generalized ortomodularity | |
genetic information | |
genetics | |
genidentity | |
geometric logic | |
geometric stability theory | |
Geometrical equations | |
geometrization | |
geometry | |
germline genome editing | |
Gestalt Theory | |
Girard Embedding | |
Giuseppe Peano | |
Given | |
Glivenko's Theorem | |
Glivenko’s ‘translation’ | |
Global South | |
Global Warming | |
glossary | |
GMOs | |
Goals | |
Goedel | |
Goedel Disjunction | |
Gottlob Frege | |
graded adjectives | |
graded logics | |
Graham Priest | |
gravitational waves | |
Greek | |
Grounding | |
Group belief | |
group identification | |
group learning | |
group theory | |
Grünbaum | |
Guibert | |
Guidobaldo dal Monte | |
gunk | |
gustation | |
Gödel | |
Gödel Embedding | |
Gödel translation | |
H | |
Hans Reichenbach | |
Hard Problem | |
Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium model | |
Harmony | |
Harnessing Stochasticity | |
Heidegger interview | |
Helge Kragh | |
Hempel | |
Herbert Simon | |
hereditarily undecidable theory | |
Hermann von Helmholtz | |
Hermann Weyl | |
hermeneutics | |
heuristic | |
Heuristics | |
higgs boson | |
high energy physics | |
high-energy physics | |
higher | |
higher Baire spaces | |
Higher Order Logic | |
Higher-order identity | |
Higher-order Logic | |
Higher-order modal logic | |
higher-order predicate calculus | |
higher-order thought | |
higher-order vagueness | |
Hilary Putnam | |
Hilbert | |
Hilbert's Foundations of Geometry | |
Hilbert's program | |
hinge epistemology | |
historical epistemology | |
Historical knowledge | |
historical memory | |
historical ontology | |
historical reality | |
Historical Sciences | |
Historicism | |
Historiography | |
history | |
history and philosophy of chemistry | |
history and philosophy of mathematics | |
history and philosophy of science | |
history of 20th-century philosophy of science | |
History of analysis | |
History of chemistry | |
history of demarcation | |
History of geometry | |
history of logic | |
history of mathematical logic | |
History of mathematics | |
history of philosophy | |
history of philosophy of science | |
history of Russian philosophy | |
history of science | |
history of science technology and philosophy | |
History of the Calculus | |
History of the philosophy of science | |
holism | |
holobionts | |
Homomorphism | |
HPC-thesis | |
HPS | |
human behavior ecology | |
Human being | |
Human enhancement technology | |
humanism | |
Humanities | |
Humeanism | |
Husserl | |
hybrid data | |
hybrid logic | |
Hybrid Logics | |
Hybrid-Epistemic Logic | |
Hypercomputing Mind | |
Hyperintensional Semantics | |
hyperintensionality | |
Hypotheses-Deduction | |
hypothesis | |
Hypothesis Testing | |
hypothetical logic | |
Hypothetico-deductive method | |
I | |
I. Yanovich | |
Ian Hacking | |
Ibn Sahlān al-Sāwī | |
ideal notation | |
Ideal theory | |
idealization | |
idealizations | |
identifying criteria | |
identity | |
Identity of Indiscernibles | |
Identity of proofs | |
ideogram | |
IIT | |
Ilkka Niiniluoto | |
illusion | |
image schemas | |
images | |
imaginaries | |
Imaging | |
immediate justification | |
immunizations | |
immunizing strategies | |
immunology | |
Impenetrability of particles | |
Imperassertion | |
Imperative inference | |
imperative logic | |
Imperatives | |
imperfect mastery | |
implicational paradox-free | |
implicit attitudes | |
Imprecision | |
Imre Lakatos | |
in-depth interview | |
incoherence | |
incomplete information | |
incompleteness | |
Incompleteness Theorem | |
inconsistencies | |
Inconsistency | |
Inconsistency-tolerant logics | |
independence | |
independence proofs | |
indeterminacy of reference | |
Indicative vs. Subjunctive | |
Indispensability arguments | |
individual actions | |
individuality | |
individuation | |
Induction | |
inductive inference | |
inductive logic | |
Inductive method | |
inductive risk | |
Inductively approaching truths | |
inductivism | |
Industry-funded Science | |
inference | |
Inference to Hidden Factors | |
Inference to the best explanation | |
inferential aspects of understanding | |
inferential definitions | |
inferential patterns | |
Inferentialism | |
infinitary model theory | |
infinite gods paradox | |
infinite lottery logic | |
infinite quantities | |
infinitely small quantities | |
infinitesimals | |
infinity | |
informal knowledge | |
informal logic | |
Informal Proofs | |
Informal provability | |
informal rigorous mathematics | |
information | |
information criterion | |
Information Dynamics | |
information technologies | |
inheritance | |
innovative practice | |
inquisitive semantics | |
Institution Theory | |
institutions | |
instrumental rationality | |
Instrumentalism | |
integratable vs. alternative theories | |
integrated history and philosophy of science | |
integrated HPS | |
Integrated Information Theory of Consciousness | |
intelligence | |
intelligent design | |
intelligent machine | |
Intension | |
intensional logic | |
Intensional operators | |
Intensionality | |
intention | |
inter-level experiments | |
interaction | |
intercomparison projects | |
interdisciplinarity | |
interdisciplinary research | |
interest | |
interests | |
intergenerationaljustice | |
interlinguistics | |
interlocking models | |
internal time | |
Internal/external distinction | |
international auxiliary language | |
international collaboration | |
international laboratories | |
Internationalism | |
interoperability | |
Interpretation | |
interpretation of quantum mechanics | |
Interpretationalism | |
interpretations of probability | |
interpreted inductive logic | |
Interrogative Model of Inquiry | |
intersection | |
Intertheoretical relations | |
Interventionism | |
Interventionist account of causation | |
interventions | |
intrinsic property | |
intuition | |
Intuitionism | |
intuitionistic logic | |
intuitionistic modal logic | |
INUS | |
INUS Conditions | |
Invariance | |
inverse function | |
involuntary cognition | |
involuntary musical imagery | |
IPCC | |
irreversible state changes | |
irrevocable revision | |
Isaac Newton | |
Islamic Philosophy | |
Isomorphism | |
Israel Scheffler | |
Istanbul University | |
iterated belief revision | |
IYPT | |
J | |
Jacobson radical | |
Jacques Lacan | |
joint actions | |
Jordanus de Nemore | |
Justication Dialogical Logic | |
justifiability | |
justifiability and revisability of logical laws | |
Justification | |
justification logic | |
justification of deduction | |
justification of methodological rules | |
K | |
Kant | |
Kantian program in neuroscience | |
Karl Popper | |
Karl R. Popper | |
kinds | |
Kit Fine | |
knowing how | |
knowledge | |
knowledge society | |
Kripke semantics | |
Kripkenstein | |
Kuhn | |
Kuhnian losses | |
L | |
labelled sequent calculus | |
Lakatos | |
Lamarckism vs. Darwinism | |
lambda | |
Landauer's principle | |
language | |
language games | |
Language of mathematics | |
language of the sciences | |
large cardinals | |
Late Medieval Natural Philosophy | |
Latino sine flexione | |
law of AI | |
law of conditional non-contradiction | |
laws | |
Laws of Nature | |
Layered View of the Hard Problem | |
learning | |
Learning Conditionals | |
learning probabilities | |
Lebesgue measure | |
legal aspects | |
legal positivism | |
legal theory | |
legisimilitude | |
Leibniz | |
Lepidobatrachus | |
Levels | |
lexical monism | |
Leśniewski | |
Liar Paradox | |
Liar-paradox | |
Liberal paradigm | |
Life | |
Life Sciences | |
lifeworld | |
likelihood | |
limits | |
Lindenbaum's Lemma | |
Linear logic | |
Linguistic Normative Model of Argumentation | |
linguistic relativism | |
Linguistics | |
list structures | |
living substance | |
logic | |
Logic at Soviet Union | |
Logic for Games | |
logic of change | |
Logic of Discovery | |
logic of questions | |
Logic of scientific knowledge | |
logic system | |
logic-based software agents | |
Logical Analysis | |
logical apriorism/aposteriorism | |
logical constants | |
logical construction | |
Logical empiricism | |
logical existence | |
logical expressions | |
logical form | |
Logical Inferentialism | |
Logical Modalities | |
Logical Negation | |
logical notation | |
logical omniscience | |
logical philosophy | |
logical pluralism | |
Logical positivism | |
logical pragmatics | |
logical semantics | |
logical system | |
Logical Topologies | |
logical truth | |
Logics | |
logics for games | |
logics of agency | |
Luhmann | |
Lvov-Warsaw school | |
Löwenheim-Skolem theorem | |
M | |
M. J. Cresswell | |
MacFarlane | |
machine learning | |
Machine-learning | |
Maclaurin | |
Manipulability | |
Many Worlds | |
many-valued logic | |
Mapping | |
Margaret Cavendish | |
Mario Bunge | |
Marx | |
Marxism | |
Mary Hesse | |
Masks | |
massive modularity thesis | |
material equivalence | |
material implication | |
Mathematical cognition | |
Mathematical education | |
Mathematical existence | |
Mathematical explanation | |
Mathematical Explanations of Natural Phenomena | |
mathematical fuzzy logic | |
mathematical idealization | |
mathematical infinity | |
Mathematical Intuition | |
Mathematical Justification | |
mathematical knowledge | |
Mathematical language | |
mathematical logic | |
Mathematical Methods | |
mathematical notation | |
mathematical pluralism | |
mathematical practice | |
mathematical practices | |
mathematical proof | |
Mathematical Proofs | |
mathematical proving | |
Mathematical realism | |
Mathematical Structuralism | |
Mathematical style | |
Mathematical Understanding | |
Mathematics | |
Mathematics in China | |
matter theory | |
Max Weber | |
Maxwell's demon | |
Maxwell–Lorentz | |
meaning | |
Meaning variance | |
Mechanical reasoning | |
mechanicism | |
Mechanics | |
Mechanics of Sixteenth Century | |
mechanism | |
Mechanisms | |
media memory | |
media sphere | |
Medical big data | |
medical gaze | |
Medical guidelines disagreement | |
medical knowledge | |
Medical Sciences | |
medicalisation | |
medicine | |
medieval logic | |
medieval natural science | |
medieval philosophy | |
memory studies | |
Mendeleev | |
mental arithmetic | |
Mental Disorders | |
mental illness | |
mereology | |
mereology of abstract procedures | |
messy science | |
Meta-analysis of Case Reports | |
Meta-induction | |
Meta-inductive probability aggregation | |
Meta-linguistic Negotiation | |
meta-representations | |
metabolic pathway regulation | |
metacognition | |
Metaethics | |
metamathematics | |
metametaphysics | |
Metaontological minimalism | |
metaphilosophy | |
metaphysical assumptions | |
metaphysical essence | |
metaphysical modality | |
metaphysical pluralism | |
Metaphysics | |
metaphysics of causation | |
metaphysics of Leibniz | |
Metaphysics of Modality | |
metaphysics of science | |
metasemantics | |
metatheoretical structuralism | |
metatheory | |
metatheory of logic | |
methodological change | |
methodological holism | |
methodological individualism | |
Methodologies | |
methodology | |
Methodology of Algorithmic Processes | |
methodology of historical knoweledge | |
Methodology of political philosophy | |
methodology of science | |
Michael Dummett | |
micro-directives | |
microbiome | |
Microeconomics | |
Mimickers | |
mind | |
mind-independence | |
Minimalism | |
Minkowski spacetime | |
miracles | |
misinformation | |
mistake argument | |
mixed-methods | |
Modal comprehension principles | |
Modal Epistemology | |
modal logic | |
Modal Logics | |
Modal Realism | |
Modal structuralism | |
modalities | |
Modalities in Science | |
modality | |
Model | |
Model Existence | |
model generators | |
Model of counting | |
Model Organisms | |
model selection | |
model theory | |
model-based philosophy of science | |
model-based reasoning | |
model-based science | |
model-theoretic arguments | |
model-theoretic paradigm shift | |
modeling | |
Modeling Human Reasoning | |
models | |
models as tools | |
models of arithmetic | |
Models of reality | |
Modern axiomatics | |
Modern Science | |
modernity | |
Modified gravity | |
Modified Newtonian dynamics | |
modthy | |
Modularity | |
Molecular Biology | |
molecular structure | |
molecular symmetry | |
MOND | |
monogenesis | |
Monolayered Hard Problem | |
Moore's Paradox | |
moral philosophy | |
Moral Realism | |
moral reasons | |
Mordehai Milgrom | |
more-than-hypothesis | |
morphogenesis | |
Multi-agent system | |
Multi-agent systems | |
multi-scale modeling | |
multiagent system | |
Multicausal Model | |
multimodality | |
multiple attitudes | |
Multiple Determination | |
multiple realisation | |
Multiverse | |
music cognition | |
Muslim | |
mutual misunderstanding | |
Mutually inverse implication | |
mysterianism | |
N | |
Nagel | |
naming practice | |
nanoscale materials | |
nanotechnologies | |
nanotechnology | |
narrative logic | |
Narratives | |
Narrativism | |
Nash Equilibrium | |
Nassau Senior | |
nationalism | |
natural | |
natural and formal language | |
natural deduction rules of inference | |
natural kind | |
natural kind term | |
natural kinds | |
natural language | |
Natural language processing | |
Natural numbers | |
Natural science | |
natural selection | |
naturalism | |
Naturalized Epistemology | |
Naturalized Metaphysics | |
naturalness | |
Nature | |
Nature of numbers | |
necessary | |
Necessitism | |
Necessity | |
Negation | |
negative facts | |
negative translations | |
Neighborhood Logic | |
neighbourhood semantics | |
Nelson Goodman | |
Nelson's logic N4 | |
neomechanistic explanation | |
nerve impulse propagation | |
Network motifs | |
Network simulation | |
Networks | |
Neurath | |
Neurobiological Theories of Consciousness | |
neurodegenerative disease | |
neurolinguistics | |
Neurology | |
Neurophysiology | |
Neuropsychoanalysis | |
Neuroscience | |
neuroscientific models | |
New Mechanists | |
New technologies | |
Newcomb's Problem | |
Newton I | |
NGS | |
Nicholas Maxwell | |
Nineteenth century | |
Nineteenth-century geometry | |
No-coincidence argument | |
No-Miracles Argument | |
no-no paradox | |
nomenclature | |
non-Archimedean fields | |
non-causal explanation | |
Non-Causal Explanations | |
non-classical logic | |
Non-classical logics | |
non-classical probability | |
Non-deterministic logic | |
non-empirical confirmation | |
Non-empirical Theory Assessment | |
Non-empty terms | |
Non-epistemic values | |
non-explanatory forms | |
non-fasity logic | |
nonreductive individualism | |
nonstandard models of arithmetic and set theory | |
normal modality | |
normative | |
normative approach | |
Normative Epistemology | |
normative freedom | |
normative naturalism | |
Normative nature of diagrammatic proofs | |
normative sovereignty | |
Normativity | |
Norms | |
notation | |
notion of quantity | |
novel predictions | |
novelty | |
Nuclear physics | |
number | |
numbering | |
Numerals | |
Numerical cognition | |
nutritionism | |
O | |
object theory | |
objectivity | |
objectless ideas | |
Ockham's razor | |
old evidence problem | |
olfaction | |
omitting types | |
One-to-one correspondence | |
online environments | |
Ontic-chunky constraint | |
ontological existence | |
Ontological reduction | |
ontology | |
ontology of economics | |
Ontology of Evolution | |
Ontology of Physics | |
Ontology of quantum mechanics | |
opacity | |
open graphs and hypergraphs | |
Open-endedness | |
operator | |
orbital approximation | |
order of concepts | |
Order Theory | |
ordinary knowledge | |
Organism | |
organizational envisioning and narration | |
Organon | |
origami proofs | |
Origin of scientific method | |
Origins | |
orthoalgebras | |
P | |
P-hacking | |
Pain | |
Paracomplete logics | |
paraconsistency | |
Paraconsistent logic | |
Paraconsistent logics | |
paradigm shifts | |
Paradox | |
Paradoxes | |
Pareto Efficiency | |
Parmenides’ semantic viewpoint | |
part-whole principle | |
Partial structures | |
Particle Physics | |
particles | |
Particulars | |
Past-actions | |
pastings | |
paternalism | |
Pathway | |
Paul Feyerabend | |
Peano | |
Peano arithmetic | |
Peer disagreement | |
Peirce | |
Penrose tilings | |
penumbral connection | |
perception | |
perceptual experience | |
perceptual taxonomy | |
periodic system | |
Periodic Table | |
permission | |
Permutation | |
Personal Identity | |
Perspective | |
perspectivism | |
Persuasion Games | |
Pessimistic Induction | |
Petr Vopěnka | |
phase space | |
Phenomena | |
phenomenality | |
phenomenological analysis | |
Phenotypic Plasticity | |
Philip Kitcher | |
philoscience | |
philosophical logic | |
Philosophical methodology | |
philosophy | |
Philosophy of | |
philosophy of behavioural science | |
Philosophy of Biology | |
philosophy of chemistry | |
Philosophy of Cognitive Sciences | |
Philosophy of Consciousness | |
Philosophy of cosmology | |
Philosophy of Data Science | |
philosophy of education | |
philosophy of engineering | |
philosophy of food | |
Philosophy of historiography | |
philosophy of history | |
philosophy of information | |
Philosophy of Language | |
Philosophy of Logic | |
philosophy of mathematical diagram | |
Philosophy of Mathematical Practice | |
philosophy of mathematics | |
philosophy of measurement | |
philosophy of medicine | |
Philosophy of Mind | |
Philosophy of Physics | |
philosophy of science | |
philosophy of science in practice | |
Philosophy of set theory | |
philosophy of social science | |
philosophy of social sciences | |
philosophy of spacetime | |
philosophy of technology | |
philosophy of time and change | |
photon wave function | |
physical interaction | |
Physical Ontology | |
physicalism | |
physics | |
picture-writing | |
Pitowsky | |
placebo | |
plant science | |
Plausibility models | |
pleasure | |
plural reality | |
pluralism | |
Pluralistic Epistemology | |
Poincaré | |
points | |
Points of view | |
pointwise intersection | |
Political Economy | |
political philosophy | |
politics | |
polygenesis | |
polynomial time/space complexity | |
Polypterus | |
polysystem | |
Popper | |
Popper's Experiment | |
popular mathematics | |
Port Royal Logic | |
Positive Epistemology | |
Positive Logic | |
positivism | |
possible state | |
Possible-translation semantics | |
Possible-Worlds | |
Post | |
Post-truth | |
post-truth phenomena | |
posterior | |
potential and actual infinity | |
potential infinity | |
potentially infinite domains | |
Power Over Nature | |
practical realism | |
Practice-turn | |
Pragamatic reasoning | |
pragma-dialectical theory of argumentation | |
Pragmatic or partial truth | |
Pragmatics | |
pragmatics of communication | |
Pragmatism | |
Pragmatist epistemology | |
Prawitz's conjecture | |
Predator-prey modelling | |
predicate | |
Predicate Logic | |
Predicative Failure | |
prediction | |
prediction market | |
predictions | |
predictive algorithms | |
Prehistoric stone tool technology | |
Preposcription | |
present generations | |
presupposition | |
Primary and Secondary Process | |
principle | |
Principle of correspondence | |
Principle of Excluded Middle | |
principle of measure concentration | |
Principle of Mediocrity | |
prior | |
Priority merge | |
probabilistic laws | |
probabilistic truth | |
Probabilistic truths | |
probabilistic update rules | |
probabilities on sentences | |
probability | |
probability aggregation | |
probability logic | |
Probability Problem | |
Probability Theory | |
problem of induction | |
problem of scientific progress | |
problem-driven interdisciplinarity interdisciplinarity forcing problems | |
Problematic clustering | |
procedural semantics | |
Process | |
Process Algebra | |
Productivity | |
profession | |
Program Extraction | |
progress | |
progress of science | |
projection | |
Proof | |
proof analysis | |
Proof Appraisals | |
proof complexity | |
proof events | |
Proof Representation Structures | |
proof texts | |
proof theory | |
Proof Transformation | |
Proof-theoretic semantics | |
propensities | |
Propensity | |
Proper Names | |
properties | |
properties of causal relations | |
property of existence | |
propositional accuracy | |
propositional content | |
Propositional dynamic logic | |
propositional logic | |
propositional theory | |
propositions of change | |
prosentence | |
Provability | |
Proving | |
Pseudo-finiteness | |
pseudo-science | |
pseudoscience | |
Psychiatry | |
Psycho-physical (non-dualistic) interactionist theory | |
Psychoanalysis | |
psychologism | |
Psychology | |
Psychotherapy | |
Public Engagement | |
public policy | |
public policy norms | |
public policy-making | |
Public scientific knowledge | |
Publication norms | |
Publication record | |
Pure and applied mathematics | |
Puzzles from clusters of anomalies | |
Pythagorean number theory | |
Pythagorean theorem | |
Q | |
Qualitative research (interviews and focus groups) | |
qualitative theories | |
quantifiers | |
Quantitative conception of evidential support | |
quantitative linguistics | |
Quantitative research (questionnaire) | |
quantitative theories | |
quantum chemistry | |
Quantum Controversy | |
Quantum Dutch Book | |
quantum field theory | |
quantum gravity | |
quantum measurement | |
Quantum Mechanics | |
quantum technologies | |
Quantum Theory | |
Quasi-Boolean negation | |
quasi-legality | |
quasi-truth | |
Quine equivalence | |
Quinean logic | |
R | |
R. G. Collingwood | |
race | |
radical theory change | |
radical uncertainty | |
Radicalism | |
Rado Sigma Function | |
ramified type theory | |
Ramsey test | |
rank | |
rational choice theory | |
Rational reasoning | |
rational warrant | |
Rationality | |
Real Closed Fields | |
Real Definition | |
real numbers | |
real patterns | |
real possibilities | |
real relations | |
real-closed fields | |
Realisability | |
realism | |
Realism and Anti-realism | |
realist theory of truth and meaning | |
reality | |
realizability | |
Realization | |
reasoning | |
reasoning method | |
Reasoning Time | |
Receptor | |
Reciprocal action | |
Reciprocity | |
Recursive definitions | |
reducibility | |
reduct | |
Reduction | |
reductionism | |
reference | |
referential practice | |
Reflection principles | |
Reflection schema | |
Reflective equilibrium | |
Regret Weighting | |
Regularity theory of causation | |
Regulation | |
Reichenbach | |
Rein Vihalemm | |
relationalism | |
relative frequency | |
Relative Modality | |
relative superwarrant | |
Relativism | |
relativistic spacetime | |
relativity | |
Relevance logic | |
relevant logic | |
Relevant logics | |
religion | |
remoteness | |
Repeated games | |
Repertoire | |
representation | |
research | |
Research funding | |
Residuated Lattices | |
resistance | |
resource-aware reasoning | |
Responsibility | |
retailism | |
reverse engineering | |
reverse mathematics | |
reverse-engineering | |
revision | |
revision theory | |
revolution | |
revolutions | |
rhetoric of science | |
Richard Rorty | |
Richard Whately | |
right to explanation | |
Rigid and variable embodiment | |
rigidity | |
risk factors | |
Robert Boyle | |
robot ethics | |
robustness | |
Rogers semilattice | |
Roman Empire | |
Ross paradox | |
routine practice | |
Routley-Meyer semantics | |
Routley-Meyer type semantics | |
Rudolf Carnap | |
rule-following | |
Russell | |
Russell's Paradox | |
S | |
SAT Solving | |
scale | |
scales of nature | |
scenarios | |
scepticism | |
Schelling's model | |
schematism of historical knowledge and the structure of historical being | |
Schizophrenia | |
science | |
Science and democracy | |
Science and society | |
Science and technology studies | |
science and values | |
science as practical activity | |
science as public good | |
science communication | |
science denialism | |
Science education | |
science fiction | |
science studies | |
science-policy interface | |
science-related museums | |
scientific adviser model | |
Scientific Alternatives | |
scientific change | |
Scientific commitments | |
scientific culture | |
Scientific discourse | |
scientific discovery | |
Scientific Explanation | |
scientific freedom | |
scientific goals | |
Scientific Innovation | |
scientific inquiry | |
Scientific Instrument | |
scientific language | |
Scientific laws | |
scientific literacy | |
Scientific metaphysics | |
Scientific Method | |
Scientific Methods | |
scientific models | |
scientific narrative | |
scientific objectivity | |
Scientific pluralism | |
scientific practice | |
scientific practices | |
scientific progress | |
scientific realism | |
scientific realism debate | |
scientific representation | |
scientific responsibility | |
scientific revolutions | |
scientific skepticism | |
scientific texts | |
scientific theory | |
scientific understanding | |
Scientist logic | |
scientists' views of science | |
Scientometrics | |
scientometry | |
scientonomy | |
Second order properties | |
sectarianism | |
segmentation | |
selection principles | |
Self-Organization | |
selfish genes | |
Sellars | |
semantic | |
Semantic account | |
semantic completeness | |
Semantic control | |
semantic paradoxes | |
semantic programming | |
Semantic Relationism | |
semantic strength | |
semantics | |
semantics for actions | |
semiotics | |
Semiotics of mathematics | |
Separation between science and state | |
Sequent calculus | |
set theory | |
set-generated frames | |
set-theoretic mereology | |
Sharh al-Mawaqif | |
Sheaves | |
Signaling games | |
signalling theory | |
Significance testing | |
similarity | |
Similarity Approach | |
simplicity | |
Simulation | |
Simulations | |
single-peakedness | |
singularities | |
Situated Models | |
Situation calculus | |
Situation semantics | |
Skeptical method | |
Skepticism | |
Skolem Normal Form | |
Slurs | |
smart systems | |
Snomed | |
Social Choice Theory | |
social constructivism | |
social context | |
Social engineering | |
social epistemology | |
social media | |
social networks | |
Social ontology | |
social reality | |
social science | |
sociality | |
socio-cultural prospects | |
sociocentrism | |
Sociology | |
Sociology of science | |
Sociotechnology | |
Socratic scientific realism | |
Sofia Yanovskaya | |
Solidarity | |
Sorites Paradox | |
sorites paradoxes | |
Sortal | |
Soviet science and technology policy | |
space | |
Space and time | |
Space-time structure | |
spacetime | |
Spatial and Chemical relations | |
speaker-meaning | |
speaker/hearer meaning | |
special epistemic status of science | |
Special Relativity | |
species | |
species persistence | |
Splicing Logics | |
Spontaneous symmetry breaking | |
Stability | |
stability of frequencies | |
stability of traits | |
Stalnaker Conditional | |
Stance | |
Standard cosmological model | |
statistical inference | |
statistical mechanics | |
statistics | |
status function | |
STEM | |
Stern-Gerlach experiment | |
Stit logic | |
STIT theory | |
Stochasticity | |
stopping-rule | |
Strategic games | |
Strategic Inference | |
strongly minimal sets | |
structural equations | |
structural mapping theory | |
structural realism | |
structural representation | |
Structural Unconscious | |
structuralism | |
structuralist linguistics | |
structure | |
Structure of scientific theories | |
STS | |
style | |
Styles in Mathematics | |
subframe logics | |
subject | |
Subject - object relations | |
Subject natural logic | |
subjective | |
subjective Bayesianism | |
Subjective Probability | |
subjectivity | |
substantivalism | |
Substructural logic | |
Success in Science | |
Successors of singular cardinals | |
Super-Humeanism | |
superintuitionistic logics | |
Supervenience | |
surrogacy condition | |
survey | |
Sustainability | |
sustainability science | |
Swarm effect | |
syllogism | |
syllogisms | |
syllogistics | |
symbolical object | |
symmetry | |
sympathy | |
Syntactical variations | |
syntax-semantics debate | |
synthetic | |
Syriac | |
system sciences | |
Systems biology | |
T | |
Tableaux procedure | |
Tableaux system | |
Taiwan | |
Take-the-Best | |
Tarski | |
Tarski Boundary | |
Tarskian Semantics | |
taxonomy | |
teacher education | |
teaching | |
Team Semantics | |
team structure | |
technical knowledge | |
technical norms | |
technological innovation | |
technological knowledge | |
Technological model of knowledge | |
technology | |
technoscience | |
technoscientific world | |
Teleology | |
Temporal Logic | |
Temporal-Epistemic Logic | |
term | |
term-modal logic | |
Terms and concepts in the life sciences | |
testimonial speakers | |
testimony | |
Testing philosophical theories | |
Tetrapods | |
Textual practice | |
Textuality | |
the anthropic technological principle | |
The circulation of epistemic values | |
the concept of set | |
The direction of time | |
The intensionality of G2 | |
The Liar paradox | |
The Monist | |
The No Free Lunch Theorem | |
The Problem of Many Hands | |
the relation between a sensation and a belief | |
The Rigorization of Analysis | |
the sorites paradox | |
The Standard Interpretation | |
The Teaching of Analysis | |
theology | |
theoretical concepts | |
Theoretical equivalence | |
theoretical identification | |
theoretical monism | |
theories | |
Theories of concepts | |
theories of gravity | |
theories of truth | |
theorizing | |
theory | |
theory change | |
Theory choice | |
Theory Development | |
Theory Interpretation | |
theory of formalization | |
Theory of Impetus | |
Theory of Inquiry | |
Theory of Meaning | |
theory of numberings | |
theory of numerosities | |
theory of proposition | |
theory of types | |
theory pursuit | |
Theory reduction | |
theory representation | |
Theory-acceptance | |
Theory-ladenness | |
therapeutic improvement | |
thermodynamic limit | |
thesis | |
Thomas Kuhn | |
thought experiment in mathematics | |
thought experiments | |
thought experiments in the experimental sciences | |
thought-stopper | |
three-valued pluralism | |
Tilings of the plane | |
time | |
Time symmetry | |
timelines | |
title: Some Directions in Model Theory | |
tool development | |
tool-driven research | |
topological explanation | |
Topological Infinite Graph Theory | |
Topological Semantics | |
topology | |
Topology of State Space | |
Toulmin’s model of argument | |
Trading Zone | |
trading zones | |
Traditional Square of Opposition | |
transcendental | |
transcendental logic | |
transdisciplinarity | |
transformation | |
transhumanism | |
transition system | |
transitions | |
translation | |
translation between practices | |
translational cognitive neuroscience | |
Translations | |
Translations between logics | |
transparent intensional logic | |
Transparent Intensional Logic TIL | |
tree of life | |
Tree property | |
Tricotomy | |
trivial pluralism | |
Trivialism | |
trust | |
truth | |
truth conditional semantics | |
Truth in Science | |
truth theories | |
Truth-Leading | |
truth-maker | |
Truth-Maker Semantics | |
truth-makers | |
Truthfulness | |
truthlikeness | |
Truthlikeness of probabilistic prediction | |
truthteller paradox | |
Turing Limit | |
Turing Machine | |
tv series | |
two-valued logic | |
type theory | |
U | |
ultrafinitism | |
ultraproduct construction | |
Ultraproducts | |
Unconceived Alternatives | |
unconsicousness | |
Undecidability | |
Underdetermination | |
Underdetermination of Theory by Data | |
underdetermination of theory choice | |
understanding | |
Unfalsifiability | |
ungroundedness | |
unification | |
uniform distribution | |
Uniformity | |
Unique solutions | |
Uniqueness | |
United index system | |
unity of origin | |
unity of science | |
unity of species | |
Univalent Foundations of Mathematics | |
universal transducer | |
universalistic conception of logic | |
Universals | |
universe | |
Universe odf Discourse | |
unobservable object | |
untested knowledge | |
Utopias and Dystopias | |
V | |
V.I. Vernadsky | |
Vacuum | |
vagueness | |
Valdimir Nikolayevich Ivanovsky | |
validation | |
Validity | |
value conflicts | |
Value Maps | |
Values | |
values in economics | |
values in political science | |
values in science | |
variable | |
variable definition | |
Variable occurrence | |
Variable-sharing Property | |
variety | |
veridical perception | |
Verificability | |
Verification and Validation | |
verisimilitude | |
Victorian | |
Vienna Circle | |
virtue epistemology | |
virtue theory | |
visual proofs | |
Visual thinking in mathematics | |
Vitalism | |
vocation | |
Vopěnka's Alternative Set Theory | |
voting cycles | |
W | |
wave function | |
Weber | |
well-ordered science | |
Wilfrid Sellars | |
William Whewell | |
witnessed universe | |
Wittgenstein | |
Wolff | |
Worldmaking | |
writing | |
Wu Jing | |
Y | |
Yablo's paradox | |
Yang Hui | |
Z | |
Zeno's paradox | |
ZIlber | |
Zombies | |
Ł | |
Łukasiewicz | |
Λ | |