This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
active documents | |
adaptive learning | |
Adaptive Learning Assistant) | |
adaptive learning system | |
AI systems | |
Aldor | |
ALeA | |
Alexander dual | |
Algebraic Number Fields | |
Alonzo classical higher-order logic | |
annotation | |
Annotation Tool | |
annotations | |
AnnoTize | |
auto-informalization | |
automated classification | |
automated reasoning | |
Automated Theorem Provers | |
automatic sequence | |
automatic theorem-proving | |
B | |
base ten blocks | |
Benchmarking | |
Bias | |
Big Math | |
Binary Decision Diagrams | |
built-in knowledge | |
C | |
Category theory | |
Change frequency | |
ChatGPT | |
code formatter | |
Code smell | |
coding assistance | |
compound graph layout | |
computational biology | |
Computational Grammar | |
computer algebra | |
Computer algebra libraries | |
computer algebra system | |
concurrency | |
confidence | |
confidential computing | |
Controlled natural language | |
Coq Proof Assistant | |
correctness | |
cross-aspect | |
D | |
Dataset | |
Deep learning | |
Demonstration | |
digitisation | |
disambiguation | |
Dismantlability | |
dynamic geometry | |
E | |
E-Learning system | |
educational software | |
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics | |
Enhanced content accessibility | |
Evasiveness | |
Examples | |
Experiences | |
External assertions | |
F | |
Families of objects | |
finite automaton | |
First-Order Logic | |
Floating point errors | |
Formal means | |
Formal methods | |
Formal proof | |
formal specification and verification | |
formalisation | |
Formalization | |
Formalization of mathematics | |
Formalization quality | |
formalized mathematics | |
Formally Verified Numerical Methods | |
Formulation generation | |
Foundational libraries | |
free groups | |
G | |
Generalizability | |
GeoGebra | |
group theory | |
Grouped Dependency Visualization Graph | |
H | |
Heterogeneous formal reasoning | |
HTML5 | |
HTML5 document annotation | |
I | |
Informal means | |
Informal Proofs | |
Interaction | |
Interaction and Evaluation | |
interactions | |
interactive theorem proving | |
Interoperability | |
Interoperability of provers | |
interventions | |
Isabelle | |
Isabelle/HOL | |
Isomorphisms | |
Iterative convergence | |
J | |
Jacobi method | |
JavaScript | |
judgmental equality | |
K | |
KBKF | |
knowledge graph | |
L | |
LambdaPi/Dedukti | |
large language model | |
Large language models | |
LaTeX | |
Lean | |
Lean proof assistant | |
Lean theorem prover | |
learning analytics | |
Learning Assistant | |
Learning Support Services | |
Levebee | |
Libraries of proofs | |
Limitations | |
linear algebra | |
Linear programming word problems | |
Linter | |
Little Theories | |
log of manipulation | |
logical framework | |
Logical puzzles | |
M | |
Machine Learning | |
Machine Learning Datasets | |
Math concepts database | |
Math concepts organization | |
math knowledge management | |
Math word problems | |
Mathematical Knowledge | |
Mathematical Knowledge Management | |
Mathematical Objects | |
Mathematical Software of the Future | |
mathematical terminology | |
Mathematical texts | |
mathematics | |
MathGloss | |
mathlib | |
Mathmatics Subject Classification (MSC) | |
MathML annotations | |
maths | |
mechanization | |
MetiTarski Variable Ordering | |
Mizar | |
Mizar Mathematical Library (MML) | |
MMT | |
Modular gcd Algorithms | |
modularity | |
Module mechanism | |
morphism equality | |
multiple inheritance | |
N | |
Named entity-based augmentation | |
Naproche | |
Natural Language | |
Natural Language Processing | |
Natural Language Proof Checking | |
Natural Proof Checking | |
Nominal AC-Matching | |
Nominal Matching | |
number theory formalization | |
numeric computation | |
O | |
OMDoc | |
On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences | |
Online catalogue | |
Organizing Mathematical Knowledge | |
P | |
Physics Engine | |
Polynomial Greatest Common Divisors | |
Primitive Elements | |
productive failure | |
Proof | |
Proof assistant | |
Proof assistants | |
proof of algorithm | |
Proof Visualization | |
propositional equality | |
ProVerif | |
PVS | |
Q | |
QBF | |
QParity | |
Query language | |
R | |
React | |
recommendation system | |
remote attestation | |
representation theorems | |
Robotics | |
RusTeX | |
S | |
Semantic Markup | |
semantic service | |
semantic web | |
server side verification | |
Shallow embeddings | |
Simplicial complex | |
Simulation | |
Solver | |
Static analysis | |
STEM document annotation | |
STEM education | |
support systems | |
symbolic security analysis | |
system entry | |
T | |
teaching | |
Tetrapod model | |
theorem proving | |
Theory Graphs | |
theory isomorphism | |
theory morphism | |
theory morphisms | |
Theory Repositories | |
Translation of mathematical statements | |
Translation of natural language into formal code | |
trust | |
Type Theory | |
typeclasses | |
V | |
Verification | |
VSCode for the Web | |
W | |
web application | |
Wiedijk Theorems |