This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
aaa | |
abstraction | |
Annotation tool | |
ARQMath | |
artificial intelligence | |
asymptotics | |
Authoring tools | |
automated exam generation | |
automated geometry proving | |
automated reasoning | |
automated reasoning in teaching | |
automated theorem proving | |
automatic geometric reasoning | |
automatic theorem production | |
automation | |
Axiomatic Systems | |
B | |
bbb | |
border array | |
C | |
Calculation Tools | |
Cause-Consequence Diagram | |
ccc | |
circle homeomorphisms | |
client | |
collaboration | |
Combinatorial Design Theory | |
Combinatorics | |
combinatorics on words | |
communication vs. certification | |
Commutative diagrams | |
Completeness | |
Complex Networks | |
Computational topology | |
Computer Algebra | |
computer vision | |
confluence | |
Copy-and-paste | |
Coq proof assistant | |
Coreference resolution | |
D | |
deep learning | |
definition extraction | |
Dependent Type Theory | |
Development Tool | |
didactics | |
Differential Geometry | |
Digital Mathematical Libraries | |
digital model to learn workflows in math | |
diophantine set | |
Disambiguation | |
disciplined convex programming | |
Docker Virtualization | |
Dual setting directional overcurrent relay | |
Dynamic documents | |
dynamic geometry | |
dynamic geometry software | |
dynamical systems | |
E | |
elpi | |
equality | |
Euclidean planar geometry | |
EuDML | |
Event Tree | |
Experimental Mathematics | |
experimental setup | |
export | |
eye-tracking | |
F | |
Fibonacci | |
Fibonacci squares | |
flexiformal mathematics | |
formal abstracts | |
formal logic | |
Formal Mathematics | |
formal methods | |
formal methods in math teaching | |
formal proof | |
formal proofs | |
formal system | |
formal verification | |
Formalisation | |
Formalization | |
formalized mathematics | |
formula embedding | |
foundations of mathematics | |
G | |
Gambler's Ruin Problem | |
Game Engine | |
Gauss diagrams | |
GeoGebra | |
geometric inequality | |
geometry | |
graph representation learning | |
Gromov-Hausdorff space | |
Grounding of formulae | |
group actions | |
H | |
here | |
Heuristic Optimisation | |
Heuristic Selection | |
Higher-Order Logic | |
horn clauses | |
I | |
IDE front-ends | |
Implicit arguments | |
inductive benchmarks | |
inductive data types | |
Informal Documents | |
informal proof | |
information retrieval | |
inquiry-based learning | |
integers | |
interactive theorem proving | |
Isabelle | |
Isabelle/HOL | |
K | |
keywords | |
Knowledge Management | |
L | |
lambda calculus | |
LaTeX | |
Lean | |
library | |
library maintainence | |
Linear Algebra | |
linebreaking | |
Linked OpenData | |
Locales | |
LOD | |
log data of manipulation | |
Logic Programming | |
M | |
Machine Learning | |
markdown | |
math formula search | |
Math Information Retrieval | |
Math Web Search | |
Math-Term | |
mathematical content structuring | |
Mathematical Documents | |
Mathematical Equations | |
mathematical expressions | |
mathematical knowledge management | |
Mathematical language processing | |
mathematical practice | |
mathematical programming | |
mathematical software | |
mathematics | |
mathematics practitioner | |
Mathematics Subject Classification | |
mathlib | |
MathML | |
metamath | |
MIaS | |
Mizar | |
Mizar Mathematical Library | |
MMT | |
Moodle | |
MSC | |
N | |
Naproche | |
natural language | |
Natural language processing | |
Natural-style Proofs | |
neural networks | |
no | |
O | |
online course examination | |
Online Learning | |
OpenMath | |
P | |
pattern matching | |
polymath | |
porting tools | |
premise selection | |
prime numbers | |
primitive word | |
Probabilistic Model Checking | |
Probability Theory | |
proof assistant | |
Proof Assistants | |
proof automation | |
proof graph | |
Proof Mining | |
Proof Synthesis | |
Propositional Logic | |
ProVerif | |
python | |
Q | |
QED manifesto | |
QED system | |
quotient types | |
R | |
RDF | |
real quantifier elimination | |
Realizability conditions | |
record types | |
Reliability Block Diagram | |
reversal symmetry | |
rotation number | |
rrr | |
S | |
Satisfiability Checking | |
Satisfiability Modulo Theories | |
self-supervised learning | |
semantic parsing | |
Semantic Web | |
sequence-to-sequence model | |
Serious Games | |
set theory | |
Simple Knowledge Organisation System | |
simple type theory | |
SKOS | |
smart power grids | |
soft types | |
Software Engineering | |
solving geometric construction problems | |
sophize | |
Soundness | |
sss | |
Strassen | |
structure | |
structured data | |
Symbolic Computation | |
symbolic security analysis | |
synthetic data | |
T | |
Tactical Learning | |
tba1 | |
tba2 | |
tba3 | |
tbd1 | |
tbd2 | |
tbd3 | |
Teaching | |
terminology | |
Theorem Provers | |
Theorem Proving | |
theory assistants | |
tool platform | |
Transform Methods | |
ttt | |
type | |
type-checking | |
typeclass diamonds | |
typeclasses | |
Typesetting | |
U | |
undefinedness | |
Unity | |
User Experience | |
User Interfaces | |
V | |
verification | |
visual recognition | |
W | |
Web service | |
Web-Browsers | |
WebMIaS | |
X | |
xxx | |
Y | |
yyy | |
Z | |
Z property | |
zzz |