This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Adoption | |
Algorithm aversion | |
Amazon Mechanical Turk | |
American Civil War | |
Annotator disagreement | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
Artificial Swarm Intelligence | |
Asset markets | |
Awareness Systems | |
B | |
Barriers to Innovation | |
Bayesian models | |
belief space | |
benchmarks | |
Boundary Spanning | |
burstiness | |
C | |
career | |
Chatbot | |
Citizen Science | |
Civic Tech | |
Co-creation | |
Co-production | |
collaboration | |
collective conversational memory | |
collective intelligence | |
Collective intelligence in business | |
Collective intelligence in public sphere | |
collective learning | |
Commonsense Annotation | |
Communication networks | |
Community question answering | |
Computational analogy | |
computer simulation | |
Computer traders | |
content moderation | |
convolutional neural network | |
coordination | |
Critique | |
Crowd capital | |
Crowd dinamics | |
Crowd organizations | |
Crowd truth | |
crowd work | |
crowd-based translation | |
crowdfunding | |
Crowdoscope | |
Crowdsourcing | |
cumulative cultural evolution | |
cyber-physical social systems | |
cyber-physical systems | |
D | |
Data Classification | |
Data Visualisation | |
Decision Making | |
deep learning | |
Design | |
dialog systems | |
Digital humanities | |
distant supervision | |
distributed cognition | |
distributed search | |
E | |
economic mechanisms | |
entrepreneurship | |
Experiments | |
expert crowd | |
exploration | |
F | |
Face recognition | |
Feedback | |
flocking | |
G | |
Genealogy | |
Group discussion | |
group processes | |
H | |
History | |
Human computation | |
Human Swarms | |
Human-AI interaction | |
Human-centered perspective | |
Human-Computer Interaction | |
human-machine partnership | |
Human-robot interaction | |
I | |
Image analysis | |
image moderation | |
Influence network | |
information sharing | |
Innovation | |
Innovation Governance | |
investors | |
L | |
learning | |
learning and training | |
literature reviews | |
M | |
machine intelligence | |
machine learning | |
machine translation | |
mapping | |
market design | |
Market efficiency | |
Market volatility | |
Mediated communication | |
multi-agent | |
N | |
natural language processing | |
network topology | |
novelty | |
O | |
Online Citizen Science | |
Online communities | |
online experiments | |
Open Innovation | |
Open innovation platforms | |
Opinion Research | |
P | |
Participation | |
peer production | |
Person identification | |
population rationality | |
Public Sector | |
R | |
randomized experiments | |
recommender systems | |
relation extraction | |
Research methods | |
role equivalence | |
S | |
Search | |
shared social identity | |
Small Teams | |
social behavior | |
Social Choice Theory | |
social computation | |
Social learning | |
social networks | |
software development | |
stigmergy | |
survey | |
systematic mapping study | |
T | |
team performance | |
topic modeling | |
trajectories | |
transactive memory systems | |
Travelling Salesperson Problem | |
U | |
User Experience | |
V | |
virtual reality | |
Virtual Teams | |
W | |
Wikipedia | |
wisdom of crowds | |
Z | |
zooniverse |