This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Abstract interpretation | |
abstraction | |
Abstraction-Refinement | |
ACAS Xu | |
Access control policies | |
ACL2 | |
algorithm | |
approximate membership query | |
ApproxMC | |
Archimedean condition | |
atomic actions | |
Attractors | |
automata | |
automata theory | |
Automated Controller Synthesis | |
automated testing | |
automaton | |
autonomous systems | |
Axiomatic Specification | |
B | |
Barrier certificates | |
benchmark | |
Bifurcation analysis | |
Bilinear matrix inequalities | |
Binary Decision Diagrams | |
blockchain | |
bloom filters | |
Boolean function synthesis | |
Boolean networks | |
Bounded Verification | |
Buchi objectives | |
Bug catching | |
Büchi automata | |
C | |
CHC | |
Circuit Semantics | |
Circuits | |
Cloud computing | |
Cloud-Computing Services | |
complementation | |
composition | |
Compositional Testing | |
Computer Architecture | |
Computer-aided verification | |
Concurrency | |
Concurrent Libraries | |
concurrent programs | |
Conflict Serializability | |
Consistency | |
Constrained Horn Clause | |
Constrained Sampling | |
consumption Markov decision processes | |
Controller Program | |
controller synthesis | |
Convolutional Neural Networks | |
cooperative semantics | |
Cory Doctorow | |
counting | |
covering array | |
Craig interpolant | |
Cutoffs | |
Cyber-Physical Systems | |
D | |
Data Flow | |
Data-driven formal methods | |
debugging | |
decidability | |
deductive and statistical reasoning | |
Deductive Verication | |
Deductive Verification | |
Deep learning | |
Deep Neural Networks | |
Deposit contract | |
diagnosis | |
Discrete-Time Stochastic Systems | |
Distributed Systems | |
domain-specific language | |
DTMC Model learning | |
E | |
educational tools | |
Efficient Verification | |
electronic computer-aided design | |
electronic design automation | |
Ethereum | |
Explanability | |
F | |
Failure probability bound | |
falsification | |
fault localization | |
finite automata | |
Finite MDPs | |
formal languages | |
formal methods | |
Formal verification | |
FPGA | |
Frequency estimation | |
G | |
Gate Detection | |
generalized Büchi automata | |
Graph theory | |
H | |
hardware verification | |
hashing-based counting | |
High Performance Computing Platform | |
Hybrid systems | |
hyperproperties | |
HyperQPTL | |
I | |
IC3 | |
Infinite State Model Checking | |
Information flow security | |
Interpolation | |
invariants | |
J | |
just-in-time compilation | |
K | |
knowledge base | |
L | |
labeled transition system | |
Laplace smoothing | |
layered proofs | |
Learning from Demonstrations | |
lexicographic | |
Libra | |
linear temporal logic | |
linear typing | |
Linearizability | |
liveness | |
LogicLounge | |
Loop invariant generation | |
LTL | |
M | |
machine learning | |
Markov Chain | |
Markov Decision Process | |
Markov Decision Processes | |
Max-SMT | |
MDPs | |
Merkle tree | |
metaprogramming | |
metrics | |
Microarchitectures | |
minimal unsatisfiable subsets | |
Mixed Monotonicity | |
Model Checking | |
Model validation | |
Modular Verification | |
Monte Carlo Simulation | |
multi-objective | |
Multipliers | |
MUS | |
N | |
neural network | |
Neural Network Verification | |
nonlinear systems | |
nonlinear vehicles | |
O | |
ODE Integration | |
omega automata | |
omega-automata | |
Omega-regular properties | |
OpenFlow | |
Optimization | |
ORAM verification | |
Ownership | |
P | |
PAC bound | |
Parallel Algorithms | |
parameterized verification | |
Partial Order Reduction | |
Path Enumeration | |
PDR | |
permissions | |
Petri Nets | |
population Markov chains | |
Predicate abstraction | |
probabilistic model checking | |
Probabilistic programming | |
probabilistic properties | |
probabilistic verification | |
Program analysis | |
Program logics | |
program repair | |
program slicing | |
program synthesis | |
program verification | |
proof assistants | |
Property Directed Reachability | |
Q | |
QBF | |
quality | |
Quantified Boolean Formulas | |
quantitative hyperproperties | |
quantitative logic | |
Quantitative program analysis | |
quantitative verification | |
R | |
reach-avoid requirements | |
reachability | |
Reachability Analysis | |
reactive synthesis | |
Realizability | |
reasoning with permissions | |
Recursive Structures | |
Reducer | |
refinement | |
regular expressions | |
Reinforcement learning | |
ReLU | |
repair tool | |
Replicated Systems | |
Representation learning | |
resource-constrained systems | |
Robustness | |
Robustness Analysis | |
Root Causing | |
Runge-Kutta Method | |
Runtime Verification | |
S | |
safety | |
Safety verification | |
sampling | |
SAT | |
satisfiability | |
Satisfiability modulo theories | |
SDN debugging | |
security verification | |
semi-definite programming | |
semi-deterministic | |
separation logic | |
Side channel | |
Side channels | |
simple stochastic games | |
simulation | |
Smart contract | |
smart contracts | |
SMT | |
SMT solving | |
SMT-based Symbolic Model Checking | |
Software Testing | |
software tool | |
Software verification | |
Software-Defined Network Verification | |
Software-defined Networks | |
Spacer | |
Specification Inference | |
Specification-based testing | |
Star Set | |
Statistical Model Checking | |
Stochastic Differential Equations (SDEs) | |
stochastic game | |
stochastic games | |
stochastic systems | |
strategy synthesis | |
Stream Monitoring | |
sum of squares | |
symbolic execution | |
synthesis | |
T | |
teaching | |
Temporal Logic | |
Temporal logic formulas | |
Testing | |
timed automata | |
tool | |
Transfer learning | |
translator | |
Tree Decompositions | |
Turing machines | |
U | |
Unbounded safety verification | |
UniGen | |
uninterpreted programs | |
V | |
Validation of verification results | |
value iteration | |
verification | |
Verification witnesses | |
Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms at TU Wien | |
W | |
Weak Consistency | |
Weakly-hard systems | |
widest path problem | |
Z | |
zero-knowledge proof verification |