This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
abstraction | |
accessibility | |
ACL2s | |
Array-based transitions systems | |
Asymptotically-tight | |
ATP | |
ATP System | |
Attestation logics | |
Automated Deduction | |
Automated Deduction in Geometry | |
Automated First-Order Theorem Proving | |
automated geometry proving | |
Automated grading | |
Automated Induction | |
automated reasoning | |
automated theorem proving | |
Automatic Complexity Analysis | |
Automatic feedback | |
automatic theorem provers | |
automatic theorem proving | |
automatic-theorem-prover | |
avatar | |
Award | |
Awards | |
Axiomatic Theories of Truth | |
B | |
bana-comon | |
Basic Paramodulation | |
Best Papers | |
Bill McCune | |
binary decision diagram | |
Bounded Model Checking | |
Break 1 | |
Break 2 | |
Break 3 | |
C | |
C Programs | |
CADE | |
Case Analysis | |
ccsa | |
CDCL | |
certificate | |
Chromium | |
clause selection | |
Closed Forms | |
Cloud | |
CNF | |
collatz conjecture | |
Combination | |
commonsense reasoning | |
Competition | |
completeness | |
complexity | |
Complexity Analysis | |
Compliance | |
computational complexity | |
computational model | |
computer-assisted mathematics | |
Condensed Detachment | |
Connection Method | |
Constraint | |
contexts | |
Coq | |
COQ plugin | |
countable | |
Counter-example generation | |
D | |
Darkside | |
Datalog | |
Decidability of Termination | |
decision procedure | |
deductive verification | |
deep inference | |
defeasible deontic logic | |
delta-complete decision procedures | |
dependent type | |
dependent type theory | |
derivational complexity | |
Description Logic | |
Description Logics | |
deVrijer’s proof | |
diagrams | |
discovery | |
Disjunctive | |
domain-specific language | |
DSL | |
dynamic geometry software | |
Dynamic Geometry Systems | |
E | |
Edinburgh Logical Framework | |
Education | |
EL | |
Elektron | |
elimination | |
entailment problems | |
Equational Reasoning | |
Equational Theorem Proving | |
estimating probability | |
Euclidean planar geometry | |
evaluation | |
Exercise Generation | |
Expected Runtimes | |
Expected Sizes | |
Explanations | |
explicit | |
external prover | |
F | |
Facilitating | |
Fast | |
first-class Booleans | |
first-order logic | |
first-order resolution | |
first-order theorem proving | |
Formal Mathematics | |
formal methods | |
formal proof | |
Formal proofs | |
formal verification | |
formalization | |
Functional Programming | |
G | |
GATP | |
Generation | |
GeoGebra | |
geometric inequality | |
geometry | |
Geometry automated theorem provers | |
GPU | |
graph | |
graph convolutional network | |
Guidance | |
H | |
Hacking | |
Halting Problem | |
hard typing | |
Herbrand | |
Heuristics | |
higher-order logic | |
Higher-order Pattern Unification | |
higher-order rewriting | |
Hyper tableau | |
I | |
IDE | |
IMO Grand Challenge | |
Implementation | |
Implicational Logic | |
induction | |
inductive definitions | |
Inductive Reasoning | |
inductive type | |
Inference | |
inprocessing clausification | |
integer induction | |
integer programming | |
Integrity constraints | |
Interactive Proof Assistant | |
interactive theorem proving | |
Internet routing | |
Interpretation Methods | |
interpreted Boolean type | |
intuitionistic logic | |
Intuitionistic Propositional Logic | |
isabelle | |
Isabelle Proof Assistant | |
Isabelle/VSCode | |
ITP | |
J | |
JavaRes | |
K | |
Knuth-Bendix completion | |
L | |
labelled tableaux | |
Lace | |
lambda-calculus | |
Law | |
Learned | |
Learning | |
Lemmas | |
Linear constraint loops | |
LLVM | |
Local Tracing | |
Logic | |
Logic programming | |
logical framework | |
Logical Frameworks | |
logical relation | |
logical transformation | |
logical transformations | |
Logics | |
Loop | |
M | |
machine learning | |
many-one reduction | |
Mathematica | |
Mathematical Induction | |
mathematical software | |
mathematics education | |
mathematics for engineers | |
matrix interpretations | |
Mechanizing Meta-Theory | |
Meeting | |
Meta Level Reasoning | |
meta logic | |
meta-logic | |
Meta-Theory | |
MetaCoq | |
metalogic | |
Modal Logics | |
Model computation | |
Model construction | |
models | |
modularity | |
Morality | |
Multiphase-linear ranking functions | |
Multivariate | |
N | |
Natural Language Processing | |
Nelson-Openn | |
Networked | |
Newbie | |
next step guidance | |
Nipkow | |
Node.js | |
Non-classical | |
non-Fregean logics | |
non-linear constraint solving | |
non-linear real arithemic | |
Non-Termination | |
Normal Forms | |
normative reasoning | |
O | |
object logic | |
olympiad | |
Opening | |
Optimizations | |
Order-Sorted Algebras | |
P | |
Parallel | |
parallelism | |
Parametric Systems | |
Place | |
Policy based routing | |
Polite Combination | |
Polynomial bounds | |
Polynomial Loops | |
polynomial termination | |
polynomials | |
Positive Almost Sure Termination | |
Probabilistic | |
Probabilistic Integer Programs | |
Project | |
projective geometry | |
Proof | |
proof assistant | |
Proof assistants | |
Proof automation | |
proof certificates | |
proof checking | |
proof explanation | |
proof logging | |
Proof procedures | |
proof reconstruction | |
Proof Representations | |
Proof search | |
proof strategy | |
proof tactic | |
proof terms | |
Proofs | |
Property based testing | |
Propositional Logic | |
Prover | |
pseudo-Boolean | |
PyRes | |
Q | |
quantified Boolean formula | |
R | |
real quantifier elimination | |
Reasoning | |
Reception | |
Recursion | |
recursive neural networks | |
Redundancy | |
Reflection | |
refutational completeness | |
reinforcement learning agents | |
relevance | |
Religion | |
Repair | |
resolution | |
resolution method | |
Results | |
rewriting | |
ruler and compass constructions | |
runtime complexity | |
S | |
SAT | |
satisfiability | |
Satisfiability Modulo Theories | |
satisfiability solving | |
saturation | |
saturation-based theorem proving | |
Secondary schools geometry proofs | |
security protocols | |
Sentential Calculus with Identity | |
Separation Logic | |
Sequent calculus | |
Serverless | |
services | |
set of support | |
Shared Memory | |
Simplification | |
simplification ordering | |
Simply typed lambda calculus | |
Skolem | |
SML | |
SMT | |
SMT solvers | |
SMT solving | |
soft typing | |
Solving | |
SOS | |
splitting | |
static analysis | |
string rewriting | |
Strong normalization | |
Structural Induction | |
subformula linking | |
SUMO | |
superposition | |
Sylvan | |
symbol precedence | |
Symbolic Execution | |
Symbolic integration | |
system description | |
T | |
Tactics | |
Tarski | |
TBA | |
TBA1 | |
TBA2 | |
TBA3 | |
Techniques | |
term rewriting | |
Term Rewriting Systems | |
termination | |
Termination analysis | |
The 2020 | |
The 2021 | |
Theorem | |
theorem prover | |
theorem proving | |
Theory Combination | |
Theory of Computation | |
Tobias | |
Topical | |
TPTP | |
TPTP problem set | |
TPTP World | |
Tracing | |
transcendental functions | |
translation | |
Trust | |
Truth Predicate | |
Turing machines | |
type systems | |
type theory | |
Typescript | |
U | |
uncertain reasoning | |
Uncertainty Principle | |
undecidability | |
Unification | |
unit equality | |
unsatisfiability proofs | |
user interface | |
User interfaces | |
V | |
Vampire | |
W | |
Ways | |
Woody Bledsoe | |
Work-stealing | |
Worst-case | |
Z | |
Zipperposition |