This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
2 | |
2D unknown view tomography | |
3 | |
3D printing | |
A | |
Absorbing sets | |
Access-redundancy | |
Acheivable | |
active learning | |
Actuator Faults | |
adaptive algorithms | |
Adaptive Control | |
Adaptive Exploration | |
Adaptive filtering | |
adaptive identification | |
Adaptive systems | |
Adaptivity | |
Adversarial analysis of perception/neural network-based control systems | |
Adversarial Attacks | |
adversarial machine learning | |
adversarial network | |
age of information | |
aggregation | |
Aggregative Games | |
Aggregative Potential Games Characterization | |
AIMD algorithm | |
alpha posteriors | |
altruistic player | |
Analog source-channel coding | |
anomaly detection | |
anomaly detectors | |
asymptotic behaviors | |
Asymptotic enumeration | |
Asymptotic normality | |
Asymptotic optimality | |
Asymptotic statistics | |
attack resilient control | |
Augustin information | |
autonomous systems | |
Average Delay | |
Average run length | |
AWGN channel | |
B | |
Backward Reachability Analysis | |
Bandit | |
bandits | |
barrier functions | |
Bayesian Decentralized Learning | |
Bayesian Statistics | |
Bee identification problem | |
benign overfitting | |
best arm identification | |
Best policy identification | |
Bias reduction | |
Bootstrap | |
Byzantine Resilience | |
C | |
calibration | |
Carleman linearization | |
Catastrophic forgetting | |
Causal graph recovery | |
Certifiable estimation | |
certified guarantees | |
Certified Robustness | |
change detection | |
Change-point detection | |
Channel Capacity | |
Channel Simulation | |
characteristic graph | |
Chemical Reaction Network | |
Chen--Fliess series | |
Chen-Fliess series | |
chromatic number | |
Client selection | |
Closed-loop identifiability | |
Clustering | |
Coded Caching | |
coded computation | |
coding | |
Colored flows | |
Combinatorial Bandits | |
Combinatorial batch codes | |
Community detection | |
Compressed sensing | |
Compression-based recovery | |
Compressive Sensing | |
Computation | |
Computational imaging | |
computational method | |
Computer vision | |
Concentration | |
cone programming | |
confirmation bias | |
Conformal prediction | |
Consecutive files | |
constant geometric rate | |
Constant stepsize | |
constrained codes | |
Constrained control | |
contrastive learning | |
convergence | |
convergence analysis | |
Converse Bound | |
convex optimization | |
convexity | |
Cooperation | |
Cooperative MARL | |
Correlated Disturbances | |
Correlated stochastic block models | |
Correlation matrices | |
corrupted linear systems | |
Counterfactual Inference | |
coupon collector problem | |
Covariance recovery | |
covering codes | |
D | |
data separation | |
Datastreams | |
Decentralized algorithms | |
Decentralized control | |
decentralized partially observable Markov decision process (Dec-POMDP) | |
Decentralized Reinforcement Learning | |
Decentralized Stochastic Control | |
decentralized system | |
Decision Feedback Equalization | |
decision theory | |
decision-dependent problems | |
deep learning | |
Deep unfolding | |
Delay Performance Optimization | |
Demand-side management | |
design | |
Detection delay | |
deterministic approximation | |
differential privacy | |
diffusion approximation | |
diffusion models | |
Distributed algorithms | |
Distributed Beamforming | |
Distributed computing | |
Distributed control | |
Distributed Data-Parallel Shampoo | |
distributed detection | |
Distributed energy resources | |
distributed learning | |
Distributed optimization | |
Distributed Storage | |
Distributed system | |
distributed systems | |
distribution-free | |
distributionally robust control | |
diversity | |
DNA based data storage | |
DNA data storage | |
DNA storage | |
downlink beamforming | |
dynamic population | |
Dynamic Programming | |
Dynamic Tolling | |
dynamic traffic | |
dynamical systems | |
E | |
early stopping | |
eigenvalues | |
electrical vehicles | |
Electricity market | |
electricity markets | |
electricity rates | |
Energy communities | |
Energy-delay tradeoff | |
Entropic regularization | |
epidemics | |
equilibrium analysis | |
Erasures combinatorial batch codes | |
Error correcting codes | |
error exponent | |
estimation | |
EV charging network control | |
Evolutionary game theory | |
Excess distortion probability | |
explainability | |
Exploration vs. Exploitation | |
Exponential Family | |
extremum seeking | |
F | |
Failure Detection of Learning Systems | |
Fair Machine Learning | |
fairness | |
Fairness Accuracy Tradeoffs | |
False discovery rate | |
false positive control | |
Fault Detection | |
feature attributions | |
feature extraction | |
feature learning | |
FedAvg and FedProx | |
federated learning | |
Federated optimization | |
federated recommendation system | |
federated unlearning | |
Federation | |
feedback | |
Finite blocklength coding | |
Fisher divergence | |
Fixed Point | |
Formal Methods | |
formal power series | |
Forward model | |
Fractionally Spaced Equalization | |
Free-Space Communication | |
frequency control | |
Function compression | |
functional differential equations | |
G | |
game theory | |
GAN | |
Gaussian barycenters | |
Gaussian point source model | |
Gaussian Process Regression | |
Gaussian sequence model | |
Generalization | |
generative model | |
Generative modeling | |
Global optimization | |
gossip networks | |
Gradient Descent | |
gradient dynamics | |
gradient oscillation | |
Graph clustering | |
graph coloring | |
graph entropy | |
Graph matching | |
graphons | |
Greedy Cover Algorithm | |
grid topology optimization | |
Grid-aware optimization | |
Grid-forming control | |
Group Fairness | |
H | |
Herding | |
heterogenous systems | |
high-dimensional dynamic systems | |
High-dimensional systems | |
hockey-stick divergence | |
Holder class | |
human-in-the-loop | |
Hypothesis testing | |
Hyvärinen score | |
I | |
ill-conditioning | |
incentive design | |
incentive mechanism | |
Independence | |
Information Acquisition | |
Information cascades | |
information decomposition | |
Information design | |
information geometry | |
Information Theory | |
Instantaneous Coding | |
Integral Quadratic Constraints | |
Interacting Particle Systems | |
interactive learning | |
Interconnected Systems | |
intermediate layers | |
Interpolation | |
inverse problems | |
Inverse Reinforcement Learning | |
IoT | |
Isabelle | |
iteratively reweighted least squares | |
J | |
Joint decoding | |
Joint inference and reconstruction | |
joint source channel coding | |
K | |
k-means clustering | |
k-mer based algorithms | |
Kalman filter | |
Kalman filtering | |
Koopman linearization | |
L | |
Label noise | |
large alphabet | |
large language models | |
LASSO estimator | |
law of iterated logarithm | |
learning | |
Learning and adaptive systems | |
learning theory | |
likelihood-free inference | |
Linear Coding Placement | |
linear convergence | |
Linear MDP | |
Linear Optimization | |
Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) | |
Linear Quadratic Gaussian systems | |
Linear Quadratic sub-Gaussian systems | |
Linear Systems | |
linear time-varying systems | |
Linearly constrained optimization | |
Lipschitz Constant Estimation | |
load balancing | |
local minimax optimality | |
Logarithmic loss | |
logistic loss | |
Low Rank Matrix Completion | |
Low rank plus Sparse | |
low-dimensional models | |
Low-Rank | |
Low-rank matrix recovery | |
low-rank matrix sensing | |
low-rank optimization | |
Lowest eigenvalue | |
Lyapunov | |
Lyapunov methods | |
Lyapunov Stability Analysis | |
M | |
M-estimation | |
M/M/1 Queues | |
machine learning | |
machine learning for optimization | |
MapReduce | |
Markov chain | |
Markov Decision Processes | |
Markov model | |
Markov process | |
Mask optimization | |
matrix games | |
Max-affine regression | |
maximum likelihood | |
maximum likelihood estimate | |
Maximum Likelihood Estimation | |
MDPs | |
MDS Codes | |
Mean-field games | |
mesh networks | |
method of steepest descent | |
minimax | |
minimax testing | |
Minimization | |
Missing Data | |
Mixed-expert demonstrations | |
Molecular Programming | |
Monotone partitional information mechanisms | |
motion planning | |
multi-agent learning | |
Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) | |
multi-agent systems | |
Multi-Armed Bandits | |
multi-armed bandits (MAB) | |
Multi-edge type low-density parity-check codes | |
Multi-resource allocation | |
multi-task learning | |
multi-terminal information theory | |
multidimensional opinion dynamics | |
Multiplex network | |
Multiset | |
multishot capacity | |
N | |
Nash equilibrium | |
nesting technique | |
Net energy metering | |
network decoding | |
network games | |
Neural Feedback Loops | |
Neural Network | |
Neural network theory | |
neural networks | |
Neural tangent kernel | |
noisy communication | |
Non-adaptive Group testing | |
Non-binary Codes | |
non-catalytic | |
non-convex optimization | |
Non-homogeneous Markov chain | |
Non-linear analog coding | |
non-parametric | |
non-parametric regression | |
nonconvex optimization | |
nonlinear AC power flow | |
nonlinear control | |
Nonlinear Dynamics | |
Nonlinear systems | |
O | |
one-shot | |
online allocation | |
Online learning | |
Operating envelopes | |
Optimal control | |
optimal power flow | |
Optimal Tradeoff | |
optimality theory | |
optimization | |
Optimization and control | |
optimization geometry | |
Out-of-distribution detection | |
overparameterization | |
Overparametrized model | |
P | |
P-matrix | |
PAC | |
Packet Deadline | |
Packet Drop | |
Parameter Free | |
Pareto efficiency | |
partial observability | |
Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes | |
Partially observed Markov decision processes | |
Participation Factors | |
pattern recognition | |
performative prediction | |
Personalization | |
phase transitions | |
physical layer security | |
Piecewise affine Systems | |
piecewise linear approximation | |
planar wind farm model | |
planted subgraph recovery | |
Pliable Index Coding | |
Plug-and-Play (PnP) | |
point density function | |
Population dynamics | |
posterior sampling | |
Potential Games | |
Power flow | |
Power system dynamics | |
power systems | |
preconditioned gradient descent method | |
Preconditioned Gradient Optimization | |
Preemptible instances | |
preferential attachment | |
priorities | |
Privacy | |
privacy amplification | |
privacy preservation | |
probability guarantees | |
projection complexity | |
proximal policy optimization | |
Proximal updates | |
Public Channel | |
public goods | |
purity-distillation | |
Push-sum algorithm | |
Q | |
Q-learning | |
Quadratic equation | |
quantization | |
Quantum Cryptography | |
Quantum Key Distribution | |
quantum side information | |
Queueing Systems | |
Quickest change detection | |
quickest detection | |
quotas | |
R | |
random binning | |
random graphs | |
random initialization | |
Random processes | |
Randomized Kaczmarz method | |
randomized smoothing | |
ranking | |
Reachability | |
Reachability Analysis | |
Recommender Systems | |
recurrent neural networks | |
reduced-order modeling | |
Reed-Muller codes | |
Regret | |
regret-optimal control | |
Regularization | |
regularizers | |
Reinforcement Learning | |
reinforcement learning with human feedback | |
reliability | |
ReLU Neural Networks | |
remote source coding | |
representation learning | |
representation theory | |
Representative-Based Decoding | |
reproducibility | |
Restless bandits | |
Riemannian manifold optimization | |
Robot Safety | |
robotics | |
Robust Bellman equation | |
Robust Blackwell optimality | |
robust learning | |
Robust Learning with Poisoned Data/Model | |
Robust Machine Learning | |
Robust RL | |
Robustness | |
Rotation-invariant features | |
Runtime verification | |
S | |
saddle-point method | |
safety | |
Safety Certification | |
sample complexity | |
Sampling from high-dimensional distributions | |
scalability | |
Scheme | |
score matching | |
score-based models | |
secrecy capacity | |
secure codes | |
Security | |
self-interested player | |
selfish routing | |
Semidefinite programming | |
sensor attacks | |
sensor systems | |
Separation | |
Sequential analysis | |
sequential dependence | |
sequential estimation | |
sequential methods | |
sgd | |
Shannon capacity | |
Shared Key Lengths | |
Signal temporal logic | |
Similarity digraph | |
Similarity measurement | |
simulated tempering | |
Single-shot compression | |
Snapshot compressive imaging | |
social networks | |
social planner | |
Source coding | |
Sparsity | |
Spatial resource allocation | |
Spectral clustering | |
Stability | |
statistical efficiency | |
statistical error | |
Statistical Fairness | |
statistical signal processing | |
statistical theory | |
Stein's unbiased risk estimator | |
Stochastic Approximation | |
stochastic block model | |
stochastic control | |
Stochastic Extragradient | |
stochastic games | |
Stochastic Gradient Descent | |
Stochastic Gradient Descent Ascent | |
stochastic iterative methods | |
Stochastic localization | |
stochastic optimization | |
stochastic processes | |
Stochastic Systems | |
stragglers | |
Strong Coordination | |
Strong Secrecy | |
strong stochastic transitivity | |
Sub-gradient method | |
submodularity | |
Subspace Channelization | |
Super-linearization | |
Symbol detection | |
Synthetic Controls | |
T | |
T equivalent circuit | |
Tail Bounds | |
testing multinomials | |
three-phase transformer | |
trace reconstruction | |
Trade-off | |
Transfer learning | |
Transformers | |
Transportation networks | |
Trapping sets | |
Treating interference as noise | |
trustworthiness | |
two-dimensional grid | |
two-sample testing | |
Two-time-scale stochastic optimization | |
U | |
UCB | |
unbalanced network | |
Uncertain Sensitive Attributes | |
unconstrained codes | |
Uncoordinated MAC | |
uniformity testing | |
Uniqueness | |
unitary voltage system | |
unnormalized statistical models | |
Unobserved Confounding | |
unsupervised learning | |
V | |
Variational Federated Learning | |
variational inequalities problems | |
variational inference | |
verification | |
W | |
Wasserstein distance | |
Weak Feller Continuity | |
wireless networks | |
wiretap channel | |
Z | |
zero-sum | |
zero-sum games |