This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Admissibility | |
Admissible Rules | |
algebra | |
algebraic completeness | |
algebraic semantics | |
algebraic specification | |
Ampersand | |
Apodictic Syllogistic | |
Aristotle | |
automated reasoning | |
axiomatisation | |
B | |
belief modality | |
belief revision | |
Bias | |
Birkhoff completeness | |
bisimulation | |
bisimulation characterization | |
Bisimulation contractions | |
Bisimulations | |
BL-algebras | |
blank1 | |
blank2 | |
blank3 | |
blank4 | |
Boolean classifiers | |
Bounded bisimulations | |
C | |
Calculus of higher-level rules | |
canonical extensions | |
canonical frame | |
canonical model | |
canonicity | |
Cantor derivative | |
Coalgebra | |
coalgebraic logic | |
Common Knowledge | |
Communication protocols | |
completeness | |
complexity | |
computational complexity | |
conditional logic | |
Craig interpolant | |
Cut elimination | |
Cut-elimination | |
cyclic group representation | |
Cyclic proofs | |
D | |
Data migration | |
deducibility | |
deontic logic | |
dependence | |
Derivation Trees | |
distributed computing | |
Distributed Knowledge | |
distributive skeleton | |
diversity | |
double negation | |
Double negation nucleus | |
Dualizing object | |
Dymamical systems | |
Dynamic Epistemic Logic | |
E | |
epistemic logic | |
epistemic modality | |
Exponential succinctness | |
expressivity | |
F | |
filtration | |
finite MV-chains | |
first-order logic | |
First-order modal logic | |
FLe-algebra | |
frame definability | |
full Lambek calculus | |
fundamental logic | |
fusion of logics | |
fuzzy logic | |
Fuzzy relations | |
G | |
Generative software | |
Girard quantale | |
GLP | |
Goldblatt-Thomason Theorem | |
Graded Modal Logic | |
Grothendieck construction | |
Group knowledge | |
H | |
Hennessy-Milner theorem | |
higher-dimensional automaton | |
Homomorphism | |
Horn formula | |
Hybrid Logic | |
hyper-Ackermannian problems | |
Hypothesis elimination | |
I | |
Icard spaces | |
Ignatiev frame | |
Ignatiev logic | |
import-export | |
Incremental software deployment | |
indicatives | |
initiality | |
Injustice | |
inquisitive logic | |
Instantial Neighborhood Logic | |
institution | |
Intermediate logics | |
interval order | |
intuitionistic logic | |
Intuitionistic Modal Logic | |
Invariants | |
involutive FL-algebras | |
K | |
Kleene algebra | |
knowability | |
Kreisel-Putnam logic | |
Kripke models | |
L | |
lattices | |
lax modality | |
linear temporal logic | |
logic | |
M | |
many-valued modal logic | |
metaphysics | |
Modal definability | |
Modal Heyting Algebras | |
Modal invariance | |
Modal logic | |
modal logics | |
modal translation | |
Modularity | |
modus ponens | |
Moore sentences | |
MTL-algebras | |
N | |
Natural deduction | |
necessity | |
neighborhood semantics | |
Nested sequents | |
non-classical modal logic | |
Non-distributive modal logics | |
non-interleaving concurrency | |
non-monotonic logic | |
non-normal modal logic | |
Non-wellfounded proof theory | |
normalization | |
O | |
obligation | |
Op-fibration | |
orthologic | |
P | |
Paraconsistent modal logic | |
Paraconsistent transition systems | |
Path axioms | |
permission | |
Pi2-Rules | |
plausibility model | |
Polarity-based semantics | |
Polyhedral semantics | |
pomset with interfaces | |
positive fragment | |
positive modal logic | |
positive MV-algebras | |
possibility | |
predicate modal logic | |
preference models | |
presupposition | |
Pretabular Varieties | |
Priestley spaces | |
probabilistic primitives | |
Product modal logic | |
product of modal logics | |
program equivalence | |
prohibition | |
Projectivity | |
Proof theory | |
propositional modal logic | |
Propositional quantifier | |
provability logic | |
Q | |
qualitative calculi | |
quantale enriched category | |
Quantales | |
quantum clause | |
Quasi relation algebras | |
R | |
Reachability | |
Relation algebra | |
Relational Semantics | |
representation | |
representations | |
Residuated Lattice | |
resolution | |
rewrite systems | |
S | |
S4 | |
Sahlqvist formula | |
Schema change | |
semantics of modal logic | |
semiorers | |
Semiring | |
sequence variables | |
Sequent calculus | |
simplicial complex | |
Simulations | |
small model property | |
Social epistemology | |
space | |
Spatial logics | |
spectrum | |
Star-autonomous category | |
stone duality | |
strict implication | |
strict-tolerant logic | |
strong completeness | |
strong Kripke completeness | |
structural proof theory | |
Subformula property | |
substitution | |
Substructural Logic | |
substructural logics | |
Sup-preserving endomorphisms. | |
superintuitionistic predicate logic | |
system of slices | |
T | |
Tabular Varieties | |
tba | |
three-valued logic | |
time | |
topological semantics | |
Total category | |
truncation modality | |
U | |
Ultrafilter extensions | |
Unification | |
Uniform Interpolation | |
Unranked symbols | |
update | |
V | |
validity | |
van Benthem characterization theorem | |
varying-domain semantics | |
virtue ethics | |
W | |
weak pseudocomplementation | |
weakening | |
well quasi orders | |
While-program | |
Wittgenstein sentences | |
WNM-algebras | |
worms | |
Z | |
Zero downtime |