This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
- | |
- monitoring green infrastructures | |
- multifuncional values of agricultural areas | |
- urban and periurban agricultural areas | |
1 | |
1. Urban | |
2 | |
2. organic | |
3 | |
3. foods | |
4 | |
4. sustainability | |
5 | |
5. Nepal | |
A | |
Access to credit | |
access to land | |
Action labs | |
activism | |
adaptive cycle | |
Addis Ababa | |
Administrative data | |
Adoption of Innovations | |
African conflicts | |
African GI | |
agency | |
agglomeration | |
Agri app | |
Agri mobile apps | |
Agri-Environment Schemes | |
Agri-rural | |
Agri-tourism | |
agri-urbanism | |
Agriapp | |
agricultural business diversification | |
Agricultural Census | |
agricultural cooperative | |
agricultural craft brewery | |
agricultural extension | |
Agricultural Frontier | |
Agricultural land | |
agricultural park | |
Agricultural transition | |
agriculture | |
agriculture and food security | |
agriculture of the middle | |
agriculture space | |
Agrifood system planning | |
Agritourism | |
agrobiodiversity | |
Agroecological transition | |
agroecology | |
Agroecosystem | |
Agroforestry | |
allometric model | |
allotment garden | |
allotment gardens | |
alternative food provisioning | |
Amsterdam | |
Amsterdam Metropolitan area | |
Aniene River | |
Animal welfare | |
animal-assisted intervention | |
anthropology | |
aquaponic | |
Artisanal Cheese | |
asia | |
assessment | |
Australia | |
Austria | |
Award | |
awareness | |
B | |
Belo Horizonte MG BR | |
Berlin | |
berry supply chains | |
Best practices | |
Better environment | |
biobased economy | |
Biodiversity | |
blemish | |
Brazil | |
brazilian grass root and civil society initiatives | |
Bricolage | |
Brokerage activity | |
Built environment | |
business ecosystem | |
Business model analysis | |
Business Model Canvas | |
business modelling | |
business models | |
business strategies | |
C | |
Canada | |
canteen | |
Canvas Business Model | |
capital | |
capitalism | |
carbon footprint | |
Care farming | |
Care farms | |
carrying capacity | |
Catalonia | |
catering | |
Certification systems | |
changing urban food systems | |
Chemical | |
children | |
Chile | |
chisanchisho | |
cities | |
citizenship | |
city | |
city food policies | |
city landscape | |
city planning | |
City region food system | |
City-Region Food System | |
Civic agriculture | |
civic agricuture | |
civic economy | |
Civic farmer | |
civic food networks | |
climate change | |
Cluster Analysis | |
co-creation | |
co-creation mode | |
co-prodution | |
CO2 | |
Coffee | |
Collaboration | |
Collaborative Purchasing Systems | |
Collecting centers | |
collective action | |
collective brand | |
Collective gardens | |
collective lands | |
Common Agricultural Policy | |
common goods management | |
Community | |
Community building | |
Community embeddedness | |
community empowerment | |
community garden | |
community gardens | |
community involvement | |
Community of Practice | |
Community Supported Agriculture | |
community-building | |
comparative study in CEE | |
compensation payments | |
Competitivness | |
compost | |
Composting | |
Concept formation | |
Connecting farms and society | |
constitutional process | |
Consumer | |
consumer food habits | |
consumer survey | |
consumption | |
cooperation | |
Cooperative game theory | |
coping mode | |
Corsica | |
Costs and Benefits | |
Cotton | |
counter movements | |
Countryside consumption | |
craft beer | |
craft brewery | |
credence | |
Crisis | |
critical succes factors | |
crop residue | |
crop yield | |
crop-livestock integration | |
cropping pattern | |
cross-country comparison | |
CSA | |
Cultivation practice | |
Cultural landscape | |
Czechia | |
Côte d'Ivoire | |
D | |
dambo cultivation | |
Dar es Salaam | |
decision making | |
degree of localness | |
demonstration garden | |
density | |
design principles | |
determinats | |
developing rural areas | |
development model | |
development strategies | |
didactical activities | |
Diet | |
dietary guidelines | |
differentiated socio-technical transitions | |
direct marketing concepts | |
direct sales shop | |
direct selling | |
Disadvantaged area | |
discontinuity | |
Discourse analysis | |
Disease | |
diversification | |
drivers | |
Dynamic Entrepreneurial Eco-systems | |
dynamics of transitions | |
E | |
eco market | |
eco-economy | |
eco-island | |
eco-tourism | |
ecological footprint | |
ecological traditional knowledge | |
econometrics | |
economic and social benefits | |
economic and social sustanaibility | |
economic aspects | |
economic crisis | |
economic dimension of urban agriculture | |
Economic impact at the farm level | |
economic returns | |
Economic structural transformation and Urbanization | |
Ecosystem service | |
ecosystem services | |
Ecosystem services values | |
Ecuador | |
edible garden | |
edible landscape | |
education on food sustainable | |
education/training | |
Educational rural tourism | |
elderly | |
emerging actor-network | |
empiric European survey | |
empowerment | |
entrepreneurial ecosystem | |
entrepreneurial models | |
entrepreneurial skills | |
Entrepreneurs | |
entrepreneurship | |
environmental assessment | |
environmental goods | |
environmental practices | |
environmental services | |
EU | |
EU Law of Geographical Indications | |
European case study survey | |
european food strategies experencies | |
Ex-combatants | |
Expansive learning cycle | |
Exploration | |
extensive land use | |
F | |
facebook groups | |
Factor Analysis | |
FADN survey | |
Fair trade and organic certifications | |
family | |
Family Agriculture | |
family business | |
Family farmer | |
family farmers | |
family farming | |
family farms | |
farm | |
Farm apps | |
farm enterprise | |
Farm family | |
farm family income | |
Farm level analysis | |
Farm production | |
farm service provision | |
farmer's behaviour | |
farmer-managed public goods | |
farmers | |
Farmers Market | |
Farmers markets | |
farming | |
farming adaptation | |
farming strategies | |
farming transformation | |
Farmland loss | |
Farmland preservation policy | |
farms typologies | |
favela | |
Feminization of agriculture | |
Fighting hunger and poverty | |
finance | |
financial logic | |
Financialisation | |
Food | |
food access | |
Food and nutrition security | |
Food and nutritional security | |
Food assistance | |
Food chains | |
Food chains performances | |
food community self-supply | |
food consumption | |
Food Contaminants | |
food democracy | |
Food Deserts | |
food distribution channels | |
food eating and buying | |
Food economy | |
food geography | |
food governance | |
food growing | |
Food Insecurity | |
food justice | |
food local production | |
Food planning | |
food policy | |
Food Policy Councils | |
food procurement | |
Food production | |
food pyramid | |
Food quality | |
food regime | |
food retail | |
Food safety and Nutrition | |
food security | |
food self-provisioning | |
food self-sufficiency | |
food service | |
food short chain | |
food sovereignty | |
food supply chains | |
food system | |
Food systems | |
Food tourism | |
Food Trucks | |
food urban planning | |
Food value chains | |
food waste | |
FoodRoof | |
Formal urban garden movement | |
Formative intervention | |
formless | |
frames | |
frames of food | |
France | |
French cheese supply chain | |
From Seed to Table | |
functions and benefits of urban agriculture | |
G | |
GAEC | |
garden therapy | |
GAS | |
geographical indication | |
Geographical Indications | |
GI | |
GI strategic role and policy | |
GIS | |
GIs and marks compared and contrasted | |
global chains | |
Global food systems | |
Global Value Chain | |
Governance | |
governance processes | |
government role | |
grass root migrants and civil society movements | |
Grass-root food movements | |
Grassroots initiatives | |
Greece | |
Green care | |
Green Care concept | |
Green Care service types | |
Green Infrastructure | |
green masterplan | |
Green-Blue Infrastructure | |
greening | |
grower’s cooperative | |
Guided tour on PDO / PGI Farms | |
H | |
Habit loop | |
habits | |
healing garden | |
health care | |
Healthy | |
healthy diets | |
Healthy Eating | |
heterogeneity of urban agriculture | |
high tunnels | |
High-income countries | |
Higher Education | |
highway | |
Hindu Kush Himalayan region | |
Home garden | |
Homonymie | |
Horticultural therapy | |
horticulture | |
Household | |
household food production | |
household gardening | |
housing projects | |
Hungary | |
hydroponics | |
I | |
image of the place | |
impact | |
Inclusive business models | |
Increasing the productivity of official teams | |
information communication technology | |
Information model | |
infrastructure | |
Innovation | |
innovation environments | |
Innovation System | |
innovations | |
innovative business models | |
innovative concepts | |
innovative entrepreneurship in urban agriculture | |
Institutional | |
institutional catering | |
institutional food procurement | |
Institutional food procurement programmes | |
institutional frameworks | |
institutional kitchens | |
institutional markets | |
Institutional Procurement Programmes | |
Institutional sales to local schools | |
institutionalisation | |
institutions | |
integrated approach | |
Integrated farming | |
integrated strategies | |
Integration | |
intergenrational gardening | |
International Coffee market | |
International Trade | |
Interview survey | |
Introduction | |
Inventory | |
investment appraisal | |
Irrigation system | |
Italian-German comparison | |
Italy | |
J | |
jayalaxmi agrotech | |
Jiyok Mokgori | |
K | |
kindergarten farms | |
Knowledge | |
knowledge management | |
Knowledge Networks | |
Knowledge sharing | |
L | |
laboratory effect | |
labour relations | |
land access | |
land grab | |
Land use | |
land use and land occupation | |
land use change | |
Land use changes | |
land use management | |
land-care agricultural practices | |
Land-use planning | |
Landscape | |
Landscape patterns | |
landscape stewardship | |
Landscapes | |
Latent Exposure | |
Lazio | |
LEADER initiative | |
Least Developed Countries | |
Legal framework | |
lessons learned | |
LIDC | |
Life Cycle Assessment | |
Lifelong learning | |
Lifescapes | |
Lifestyle | |
Lifestyle Movement | |
Lifestyle Politics | |
lifestyles | |
Lisbon Metropolitan Area | |
Livelihoods | |
local activation | |
local administration | |
local agricfood system | |
Local Agricultural Resources | |
local and rural development | |
local chains | |
Local Communities | |
local cooperation | |
Local development | |
local economic development | |
local food | |
local food access | |
local food in Japan | |
local food in Korea | |
local food movements | |
Local food networks | |
local food production | |
local food products | |
local food supply chains | |
local food system | |
local food systems | |
Local milk value chain | |
Local payment scheme | |
local production | |
local self-sufficiency | |
Local value chains | |
Local varieties | |
Longitudinal study | |
lowland farmers | |
M | |
Madrid bio-region | |
mainstream | |
Maize | |
manure | |
Mapping | |
market | |
market liberalization | |
Market Orientation | |
Market segmentation | |
markets | |
Mathematical Programming Model | |
media analysis | |
Media debates | |
Mediators | |
Mediterranean | |
mediterranean diet | |
Mediterranean region | |
Mental Health | |
Mental models | |
methodology | |
metropolis | |
Metropolitan areas | |
Mexico | |
Microcredit | |
migrants | |
Minimal processing | |
minor crops | |
Misura 1.2.4 | |
mixed farming systems | |
Mixed land management goals | |
Mobile apps for farmer | |
mobilities | |
modified atmosphere storage | |
Morocco | |
motivation | |
Motivations | |
Multi-level governance | |
Multi-storied agroforestry system | |
multifunctional agriculture | |
multifunctional land use | |
multifunctionality | |
multifunctionality of urban agriculture | |
Multitemporal spatial analysis | |
municipal solid waste | |
municipal waste compost | |
N | |
National Committee | |
natural resources | |
Nature | |
needs | |
nested market | |
network | |
Networking | |
New Rural Paradigm | |
new ruralities | |
new urban orchards | |
niche | |
niche innovation | |
non-market added values | |
non-market transaction | |
nutrition | |
nutriënt use efficiency | |
O | |
Off-farm activities | |
Olive farming | |
Olive oil | |
open space technology | |
organic | |
Organic farming | |
organic food | |
organic gardening | |
organic production | |
organic public procurement | |
Organic Solid Waste Community Management | |
organizational development | |
origin products | |
Other gainful activities (OGA) | |
Out-migration | |
Owners profile | |
P | |
PAA | |
packaging | |
paradigm | |
partecipative planning process | |
Participation of colletive interests | |
Participative Action Research | |
participative and emancipatory methods | |
Participatory action research | |
participatory approach | |
participatory certification | |
Participatory data collection | |
Participatory design | |
participatory goods | |
participatory guarantee systems | |
Participatory planning | |
participatory process | |
Pastoralism | |
Pastoralists | |
pathways | |
Patterns of consumption | |
PDO | |
PDO and PGI | |
Pearl River Delta__China | |
Peasant agriculture | |
Peasant economy | |
Pecorino di Picinisco PDO | |
peer comunication | |
Perception | |
performance-based approach | |
Peri-urban | |
peri-urban agriculture | |
Peri-urbanisation of the Regional Landscape | |
periurban | |
Periurban agriculture | |
Periurban areas | |
periurban farming | |
periurban planning | |
Peru | |
Photography | |
Physical functional ability | |
Piadina Romagnola" Case | |
planning | |
Planning challenges | |
Planning strategy | |
Planning Tool | |
PNAE | |
policies | |
policy | |
Political agenda | |
political ecology | |
Portugal | |
Post-conflict reintegration | |
post-harvest processes | |
postharvest | |
postharvest aspects of urban food security | |
postharvest losses | |
postharvest management | |
Powder milk industry | |
power law | |
power relations | |
practice-oriented sustainable food planning | |
Practices | |
Prague | |
price volatility | |
proactivity | |
Process approach | |
Producer | |
producers and consumers relations | |
Productive Gardens | |
productive landscape | |
productivist | |
productivity | |
professional farming | |
profitable urban farming | |
Project design and replication using internet | |
Protected Designation of Origin | |
Public debate | |
public lands | |
public participation | |
Public policies | |
Public policies for rural development | |
public policy | |
public procurement | |
Public services | |
Public Space | |
Purchase for Progress (P4P) | |
Q | |
quality | |
quality brands | |
Quality classifying scheme | |
Quality labels | |
quality of life | |
Quick fix | |
R | |
re-agrarianisation | |
reciprocity | |
reciprocity economic relation | |
recreational activities | |
regenerative food systems | |
regional brand | |
Regional branding | |
Regional Branding Initiatives | |
Regional Collective Trademark | |
regional designation | |
regional development | |
regional experiences | |
regional food system | |
regional level | |
regional network | |
regional or local agricultural products | |
relational goods | |
Relationship analysis | |
representative farms | |
reputation | |
resilience | |
resources ranking | |
resources uses objectives | |
responsible tourism | |
retail distribution | |
Right to Food | |
Rio de Janeiro | |
Risk manager | |
roles | |
Rome | |
Rome outskirt | |
Roof top gardening | |
roof-top gardens | |
Rural | |
rural areas | |
Rural areas in Colombia | |
rural communities | |
rural developement | |
Rural development | |
Rural Development Programme | |
rural entrepreneurs | |
rural entrepreneurship | |
rural extension | |
Rural Idyll | |
Rural land use change | |
rural landscape | |
rural nonfarm activities | |
rural population | |
Rural Tourism | |
Rural traditional food products | |
Rural-urban partnership | |
rural-urban relationships | |
Rural-Urban strategy | |
Rurban | |
S | |
safety | |
Scenario Modelling | |
school feeding | |
school food | |
school food programs | |
school garden | |
scouting | |
Seasons of life | |
secondary school | |
self development | |
self-confidence | |
self-consumption | |
self-governence | |
self-identification | |
self-organization | |
Self-provisioning | |
self-sufficiency | |
septage | |
Sharing | |
short food chains | |
short food supply chain | |
Short food supply chains | |
singapore | |
Slow Food | |
Small farmers | |
Small scale | |
Small scale food business | |
Smallholder farmers | |
Smart farming practices | |
social action | |
social activities | |
social aspects | |
social benefits | |
social brand | |
social capital | |
Social Cohesion | |
social construction of space | |
Social demands | |
social entrepreneurs | |
social entrepreneurship | |
Social Exclusion | |
Social farming | |
social farming in France | |
social farming practices | |
Social franchising | |
social groups | |
social horticulture | |
Social inclusion | |
social innovation | |
Social Metabolism | |
social movements | |
Social network | |
Social Network Analysis | |
Social networks | |
social performance | |
social practice | |
Social practice theory | |
Social Protection | |
social responsibility | |
Social Sustainability | |
Social Technology | |
social-ecological sustainability | |
Social-ecological system | |
social-economic and environmental impacts | |
Sociality | |
societal demands | |
Society oriented farming | |
socio-ecological transformation | |
socio-economic characteristics | |
socio-environment | |
socio-technical innovation | |
Socioeconomic externalities | |
Solanum lycopersicum | |
solidarity purchase | |
Solidarity purchasing Group | |
Spain | |
spatial food practices | |
spatial justice | |
spatial planning | |
spatial planning for urban agriculture | |
spatial typology | |
spatiality of food systems | |
Special Needs | |
Spinacia oleracea | |
SROI | |
stakeholder involvement | |
Stakeholder participation | |
stakeholder processes | |
Story-telling | |
Street food | |
Street Vending | |
students | |
Sub-Saharan Africa | |
subsistence farming | |
Supply chain | |
Supply Chain Management | |
supply-chain | |
Suriname | |
sustainability | |
sustainability assessment | |
Sustainability index | |
sustainability transition theory | |
sustainability transitions | |
sustainable agriculture | |
sustainable development | |
sustainable diet | |
sustainable diets | |
sustainable food chains | |
Sustainable food production | |
Sustainable food supply | |
Sustainable Food Supply Chains | |
sustainable food systems | |
Sustainable Productive landscape | |
sustainable public food procurement | |
sustainable rural development | |
Sustainable wheat production | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
Synthetic Indicators of Quality | |
Systems innovation | |
T | |
Tanzania | |
Tchad | |
territorial agri-food networks | |
Territorial approach | |
territorial brand | |
Territorial development | |
territorial network | |
territorial planning | |
territoriality | |
therapeutic activities | |
therapeutic garden | |
Therapeutic Horticulture | |
Threats | |
Tourism | |
Trademarks | |
Traditional Food Products (PAT) | |
Traditional know-hows | |
training | |
Trans-disciplinary | |
Transformation | |
transience | |
Transition | |
Transition theory | |
Trees | |
Turkey-Isparta city | |
turnover | |
Typicity | |
U | |
Uganda | |
UK | |
Umbrella brand | |
understanding | |
university food procurement | |
Upland farmers | |
Urban | |
urban agriculture | |
Urban Agriculture Europe | |
urban allotment gardens | |
urban and peri-urban regions | |
urban and periurban agriculture | |
urban biodiversity | |
urban commons | |
Urban community gardens | |
Urban composting | |
Urban CSA | |
Urban demands | |
urban farmers | |
Urban farming | |
Urban Feeding | |
Urban food and agriculture system | |
Urban food gardening | |
urban food growing | |
Urban food initiatives | |
Urban food markets | |
Urban food planning | |
urban food policies | |
Urban food policy | |
urban food security | |
urban food strategies | |
urban food strategy | |
Urban food system | |
urban forestry | |
urban fruit | |
urban garden | |
urban gardening | |
urban gardens | |
urban growth | |
Urban Mediterranean phenomenon | |
urban nutrition | |
urban planning | |
Urban population | |
Urban Regeneration | |
urban sprawl and self sufficiency | |
urban systems | |
urban target | |
urban vacant land | |
Urban vegetable gardens | |
Urban-Rural Linkages | |
Urban-rural relationships | |
urban-rural scenarios | |
urban/rural relationship | |
urbanisation | |
Urbanisation processes | |
Urbanization | |
Uzbekistan | |
V | |
value addition | |
value creation | |
values | |
Values led planning | |
Vetrina Toscana | |
viable group model | |
Vienna | |
Vietnam | |
Vocational training | |
Volunteers | |
vulnerabilities | |
W | |
waste | |
water conservation | |
Water service costs | |
well-being | |
western Mexico | |
wetland cultivation | |
WG3 | |
Wheat | |
wheat to bread chains | |
willingness to pay | |
Wine region | |
Wine Routes | |
Wine tourism | |
Wineries | |
women empowerment | |
Y | |
yields | |
Z | |
Zambian farmers | |
zoning |