This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
- | |
- Global warming | |
- Grand challenges | |
- Impact of research | |
- Obesity | |
- Users of research | |
- Wicked problems | |
A | |
absorptive capacity | |
academia | |
academic careers | |
Academic Consortium | |
Academic Engagement | |
academic entrepreneurship | |
Academic innovations | |
Academic labor | |
Academic Patent | |
Academic productivity | |
Academic profession | |
Academic recruitment processes | |
Academic research labs | |
Academic-Industry Linkage | |
accelerators | |
Additionality | |
additive manufacturing | |
Adoption | |
Advanced technology adoption | |
advisory committee | |
advocacy coalition | |
Aerospace | |
Africa | |
African scientists | |
Agenda Setting | |
Agro-processing | |
Air Pollution | |
Alternative fuels | |
analysis of research proposals | |
Analytical heuristic | |
Argentina | |
artificial intelligence | |
Asia-Pacific | |
Assessment | |
assimilative innovation | |
automated clustering | |
automation | |
autonomous vehicles | |
aviation | |
B | |
barriers | |
Basic research | |
basic research policy | |
basic science | |
Basque Country | |
Bayh-Dole | |
benefit-cost analysis | |
best practices | |
Bibliometric analysis | |
bibliometric methods | |
Bibliometrics | |
Boundary Work | |
Brain-drain | |
Brazilian evaluation system | |
Brexit | |
broad careers | |
broadening participation | |
broader impacts | |
business innovations | |
Business intelligence | |
business plan / pitch competition | |
C | |
Canada | |
Canadian aerospace sector | |
capabilities | |
Capability building | |
capacity | |
career | |
career development | |
Career path transparency | |
Career Satisfaction | |
career stage progression | |
case study | |
Causal inference | |
causality | |
Central America Scientific Work Force | |
challenges | |
Championing Leadership | |
Chile | |
China | |
China's Scientific and technological system reform | |
Chinese academic | |
Chinese firms | |
citation impact | |
Clean energy | |
Clean Water | |
cleantech | |
climate change | |
Clothing | |
Co-authorship | |
co-authorship analysis | |
Co-creation | |
Co-learning | |
Co-publication networks | |
coauthorship network | |
collaboration | |
collateral | |
Colocation | |
Combinatorial innovation | |
combinatoric capacity | |
combinatoric innovation | |
Commercialisation | |
commercialization | |
community engagement | |
community innovation survey | |
Company publications | |
competence fields | |
competences framework | |
competitive advantage | |
compilative innovation | |
conflict institutional logics | |
Consequences | |
Constraint | |
content analysis | |
contest | |
Contest models | |
cooperative R&D | |
corporate publishing | |
Correction Effect | |
Country profiles | |
crisis | |
cross-border regional innovation system | |
Cross-disciplinary collaboration | |
cross-region interactions | |
D | |
Data Analysis | |
data sharing | |
data-driven innovation | |
Database-merging | |
Decarbonization of transportation | |
Defense | |
defensive publishing | |
Delayed recognition | |
deliberative polling | |
demand side innovation policy | |
demand-sided innovation policy | |
Democracy | |
Demographic Analysis | |
developing countries | |
developing country | |
developing economy | |
Difference-in-differences | |
Digital Science Dimensions | |
digital transition | |
discovery | |
disease burden | |
diversity | |
doctoral candidates | |
doctoral education | |
doctoral training | |
doctoral training policy | |
Doctoral Workforce | |
Drivers of change in R&I policy | |
Drug regulation | |
dynamic capabilities | |
dynamic governance and policy learning | |
Dynamics of innovation behaviour | |
E | |
E-skills | |
early career | |
early career researchers | |
East Asian Innovation Studies | |
Econometrics | |
economic cycle | |
Economic Development | |
economics of science | |
Education | |
effects | |
Egocentric network | |
El Salvador | |
Emergence | |
Emerging economies | |
emerging economy | |
emerging science and technology | |
Emerging Sectors | |
emerging technologies | |
emerging technology | |
empirical investigation | |
Employment Generation | |
Energy innovation | |
energy policy | |
energy storage | |
energy technology innovation | |
Entrepreneurial Ecosystems | |
entrepreneurship | |
environment | |
environmental collaboration and governance | |
environmental conflict | |
environmental effects | |
Environmental policy | |
Environmental Regulation | |
epistemic dimensions | |
ERC | |
Ethnic diversity | |
Europe | |
European Framework Programs | |
European regions | |
European research Council | |
evaluation | |
evaluation framework | |
evidence-based evaluation | |
evidence-based policy | |
Evolutionary game theory | |
experimentation | |
Experiments | |
Expert Systems | |
Exploration | |
Externalities | |
F | |
faculty careers | |
Faculty hiring | |
Faculty recruitment | |
faculty reward and recognition | |
Familial DNA Matching | |
FDI | |
federal funding | |
federalism | |
feed-in tariffs for renewable energies | |
Finance | |
financing | |
firm growth | |
firm innovations | |
firm researchers | |
first-movers | |
Foreign Nationals | |
Formal | |
formal-informal interactions | |
founders' human capital | |
Fourth industrial revolution | |
Framework | |
Frameworks | |
Fraunhofer | |
Full-text search | |
Functional procurement | |
Functional specifications | |
Fundamental science | |
funding | |
funding acknowledgements | |
funding by topic | |
Funding innovation | |
future of work | |
G | |
Game Theory | |
gender | |
Gender bias | |
gender/racial bias | |
gendered language | |
Generality | |
geography of innovations | |
Germany | |
global | |
Global Health | |
Global science | |
Global Scientific Leadership | |
Global South | |
global value chain | |
Google Scholar h-index | |
Governance | |
Governance networks | |
governance of innovation processes | |
Government Agencies | |
Government funding | |
government grants | |
government policy | |
graduate education | |
Grand Challenges | |
grants | |
Grimpact | |
Guatemala | |
H | |
HBCUs | |
Health | |
Health policy | |
healthcare | |
high-technology | |
Higher Education | |
history | |
Honduras | |
Hong Kong | |
human capital | |
Hypercompetition | |
I | |
I-Corps | |
ICTs | |
ideas | |
immediacy | |
Immigration | |
Impact | |
impact assessment | |
Impact evaluation | |
impact fields | |
Implementation Evaluation | |
incentives to publish | |
inclusion | |
Inclusive Growth | |
Inclusive innovation | |
incubators | |
India | |
Indian Universities | |
indicator model | |
Indicators | |
indirect cost compensation | |
individual assessment | |
industry 4.0 | |
industry emergence | |
industry funding | |
Informal | |
informal economy | |
informal sector | |
Informal settings | |
information policy | |
innovation | |
innovation actors | |
Innovation and development | |
innovation and exnovation | |
Innovation diffusion | |
innovation financing | |
Innovation Governance | |
Innovation instruments | |
Innovation management | |
innovation measurement | |
innovation outcomes | |
innovation pattern | |
innovation performance | |
Innovation policies | |
innovation policy | |
innovation system | |
innovation systems | |
Innovation systems and Institutions | |
innovation systems assessmentagriculture policies | |
Institutional characteristics | |
Institutional Entrepreneurship | |
Instrument validation | |
Intellectual Property | |
Inter-Organizational Mobility | |
interdisciplinarity | |
interdisciplinary | |
interdisciplinary research | |
intergovernmental relationship | |
International collaboration | |
International mobility | |
International R&D Cooperation | |
International rankings | |
International research collaboration | |
International Space Station | |
invention | |
involvement of actors | |
IP | |
J | |
Japan | |
journal citation factors | |
journal evaluation | |
K | |
Key Enabling technologies | |
Knowledge | |
knowledge asymmetry | |
Knowledge diffusion | |
knowledge disclosure | |
knowledge diversification | |
knowledge diversity | |
Knowledge exchange | |
Knowledge production | |
Knowledge spillover pool | |
knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship | |
Knowledge Transfer | |
Knowledge utilization | |
knowledge-based theory | |
Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurship | |
L | |
lab-to-market | |
labor force | |
labor market overseas returnees | |
Latent Dirichlet Allocation | |
Laypersons | |
leadership | |
learning | |
Legislatures | |
Life sciences | |
LIPS | |
Living Labs | |
LMICs | |
local and spatial dynamics | |
local policy | |
M | |
major facilities | |
manufacturing | |
manufacturing sector | |
Market exclusivity | |
markov chain modeling | |
measurement | |
Measurement concept | |
measurement of innovation | |
measures | |
media framing | |
media influence | |
meta-evaluation | |
Meta-research | |
methods | |
Metrics | |
Metrics and Impacts | |
Mexico | |
Microenterprises | |
Mining royalties | |
Mission-oriented policies | |
Mission-oriented policy | |
mobility | |
Mode of Learning | |
Monitoring | |
multi-level governance | |
Multi-level Perspective | |
multinational | |
N | |
nacaps | |
nanoscience | |
narratives | |
NASA | |
National agriculture innovation systems | |
National Innovation System | |
National Natural Parks | |
National Science Foundation | |
Natural Language Processing | |
Network | |
network mode | |
Networks | |
Nigeria | |
NIH | |
NIH grants | |
NLP | |
Nobel Prize | |
non-R&D intensive firms | |
Non-scientists | |
normalised deviance | |
North America | |
North-South | |
novelty | |
NSF | |
nuclear energy | |
O | |
OECD countries | |
Ontologies | |
Open Access | |
Open business models | |
open data | |
Open Innovation | |
open science | |
Open-access publishing | |
operation mechanism | |
Optoelectronic semiconductors | |
ORAU | |
organisation studies | |
organizations | |
Originality | |
P | |
panel review | |
panel study | |
Parenting | |
participatory methods | |
Particulate Matter | |
Parts consolidation | |
patent analysis | |
Patent Indicators | |
Patent metrics | |
patent pledge | |
patenting | |
patents | |
Path-transformative | |
peer review | |
performance | |
persistent identifier | |
perspectives | |
Pharmaceutical Industry | |
Pharmaceuticals | |
PhD training | |
Philanthropy | |
policy | |
Policy Analysis | |
policy change | |
policy coordination | |
Policy Impact Evaluation | |
Policy implementation | |
Policy Implication | |
policy instruments | |
Policy learning | |
policy mix | |
Policy network | |
Policy networks | |
policy system | |
Policymaking | |
politicized science | |
Politics of Attention | |
Porter Hypothesis | |
post-truth | |
Postdoc | |
postdoc benefits | |
postdoc salaries | |
postdocs | |
predicting breakthrough | |
prestige | |
principal-agent problems | |
problem solving | |
Product procurement | |
productive interactions | |
Productivity | |
professional doctorate | |
professional evaluation | |
professional jurisdiction | |
professionality | |
proposal success | |
Proximity | |
public administration | |
public doctoral universities | |
public opinion | |
Public Policies of ST&I | |
Public Procurement for Innovation | |
public R&D funding | |
Public Research Institutes | |
Public Understanding of Science | |
Public value | |
publically-funded IP | |
Publication Impact | |
Publication Output | |
publications | |
publicly funded | |
Q | |
QCA | |
Quality evaluation | |
quasi-experimental methods | |
R | |
R&D | |
R&D evaluation | |
R&D investment | |
R&D subsidies | |
R&D Tax Credits | |
R&D/S&T investment | |
randomized controlled trials | |
reconnaissance | |
reflexive institutionalism | |
regional innovation system | |
Regulation | |
regulatory sandbox | |
related variety | |
remote sensing | |
Renewable portfolio standards | |
replicability | |
Research & Development | |
Research agendas | |
Research and development | |
Research and innovation impact | |
research assessment | |
research careers | |
Research choices | |
Research collaboration | |
research evaluation | |
research excellence | |
research funding | |
research governance | |
research grants | |
research groups | |
research impact | |
Research impact assessment | |
research infrastructure | |
research institutions | |
research integrity | |
Research management | |
research misconduct | |
research misconducts | |
research on research | |
research output | |
Research outputs | |
research performance | |
Research policy | |
Research priorities | |
Research publication by firm | |
Research themes | |
research topic choice | |
research universities | |
research university | |
research utilization | |
Research value | |
Research Visibility | |
Researcher mobility | |
resesarch doctorate | |
Resistance to discoveries | |
resource acquisition | |
resource misallocation | |
Responsible Innovation | |
responsible research and innovation | |
Retraction | |
return migration | |
Returnee academics | |
risk perception | |
risk regulation | |
Robotics | |
RRI | |
Russia | |
S | |
S&E | |
S&E PhDs | |
S&E Workforce | |
S&T Policy | |
satellite | |
SBIR | |
Scaling-up | |
scholarly productivity | |
Scholarly publishing | |
science | |
science & engineering | |
Science advice | |
science advise | |
science advisor | |
Science and Engineering | |
Science and Engineering Indicators | |
Science and Engineering PhDs | |
Science and Engineering Workforce | |
science and innovation policies | |
science and policy | |
Science and Technology Policy | |
Science award | |
science careers | |
Science Dynamics | |
science mapping | |
science of science | |
science policy | |
Science technology and innovation | |
Science Technology and Innovation Policies | |
science-based innovation | |
Science-industry collaborations | |
science-policy | |
Science-related technology | |
Scientific and Technical Information (STI) | |
Scientific and Technological Development | |
scientific career | |
Scientific Enterprise | |
Scientific impact | |
scientific mobility | |
Scientific production | |
Scientific productivity | |
scientific publications | |
scientific workforce | |
Scientometrics | |
SCISIP Grant | |
Sectorial Energy Fund | |
Security | |
shale gas | |
Shared resource | |
Shark Tank | |
Shenzhen | |
Signalling | |
Skill demand | |
Skill-biased technological change | |
small and medium enterprises | |
small firms | |
smart city | |
Smart specialization | |
Smart Technology | |
smart-manufacturing | |
SME | |
SMEs | |
Social capital | |
social engagement | |
Social inclusion | |
Social innovations | |
Social Network Analysis | |
social networks | |
Social networks analysis | |
Social Sciences and Humanities fields | |
social scientists | |
Social Sector Development | |
social technologies | |
societal alignment | |
Societal Grand Challenges | |
Societal impact | |
socio-technical transitions | |
sociology of professions | |
sociology of science | |
sociotechnical imaginary | |
South Africa | |
Space Policy | |
Space Situational Awareness | |
Space Sustainability | |
Space Traffic Management | |
spillover | |
Spillover effects | |
spin-off companies | |
start-up firm | |
startups | |
state capitalism | |
Stay Rates | |
STEM Labor Mobility | |
STEM workforce | |
STI Capacity Building | |
STI Developing countries | |
STI indicators | |
STI opportunities | |
strategic foresight | |
strategic human resource measurement | |
Strategy | |
Structural analyses | |
structural evaluation | |
student inbreeding' | |
student laundering | |
survey analysis | |
Survey instrument | |
Survey of Doctorate Recipients | |
survey research | |
sustainability transitions | |
sustainable development | |
Sustainable development goals | |
Swedish R&I policy | |
synthetic biology | |
systemactic literature review | |
Systems of Innovation | |
T | |
Taiwan | |
taxonomy | |
team science | |
Technical change | |
technical risk | |
Technological Competitiveness | |
technological diversification | |
Technological Innovation | |
technology | |
Technology adoption | |
Technology assessment | |
technology commercialization | |
technology emergence | |
Technology Forecasting | |
Technology Intensity | |
Technology Policy | |
technology portfolio | |
technology readiness level | |
technology transfer | |
technology transfer office | |
Technology transfer offices | |
Technology transitions | |
Tensions | |
Territory | |
Test Beds | |
text mining | |
the Allocation of Scientific Research Fund | |
the Guangdong-Hong Kong- Macao Greater Bay Area | |
the Policy reform of Scientific Research Project Management | |
the reform and opening-up policy | |
third mission | |
Third-generation R&I policy | |
time series analysis | |
topic modeling | |
Total Factor Productivity | |
Trade policy | |
Tragedy of the Commons | |
Trans-disciplinary convergence | |
transformation of S&T achievements | |
Transformative innovation | |
transformative innovation policy | |
Transformative research | |
Transformative STI policies | |
translational medicine | |
translational research | |
translational science | |
Translatlantic gap | |
transparency | |
transport policy | |
Transversality | |
TVET | |
U | |
UK | |
UK Research Landscape | |
uncertainty | |
undergraduate education | |
United Kingdom | |
universities | |
university | |
university entrepreneurship | |
University management | |
University Patent Policy | |
university policies | |
university research centers | |
University Technology Transfer | |
University-Industry collaboration | |
university-industry interaction | |
university-industry interactions | |
university-industry linkages | |
unrelated variety | |
US National Park System | |
Use of research in policy | |
use of science | |
User perspective | |
V | |
valley of death | |
venture capital | |
W | |
Web of Science | |
Webscraping | |
website data | |
whistleblow | |
White House | |
wind energy | |
Women in STEM | |
Work-Life-Balance | |
worker well-being | |
Workforce |