This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
3 | |
3D reconstruction | |
4 | |
40Hz flicker | |
7 | |
7T fMRI | |
A | |
Acne | |
acoustic communication | |
action | |
action capture | |
action video games | |
activation functions | |
aesthetic | |
aesthetic appreciation | |
affective impression | |
allocentric reference frame | |
alpha band | |
alpha oscillation | |
alpha wave | |
Alphonse Mucha | |
Ambiguity | |
Amblyopia | |
AMD | |
anatomical connectivity | |
Apeature colour mode | |
Aphantasia | |
apparent motion | |
Arousal | |
Arousal Vigilance | |
art appliciation | |
artificial intelligence | |
Attention | |
attention spreading | |
attentional capture | |
attentional control | |
attentional selection | |
Attire | |
attitude | |
attractiveness | |
audiovisual interaction | |
average face | |
awake monkey | |
Awareness | |
B | |
basic research | |
BCI | |
beginner | |
Behavior Generation | |
Behavioral | |
Benchmark | |
beta oscillations | |
binocular combination | |
Binocular correspondence | |
Binocular interaction | |
binocular rivalry | |
binocular summation | |
Binocular Vision | |
Bio-inspired computational modeling | |
Bio-inspired learning | |
biological motion | |
biological motion perception | |
bistable perception | |
blind spot | |
body movement | |
Body movements | |
Bottom-up attention | |
boundary extension | |
boundary transformation | |
brain plasticity | |
brain stimulation | |
C | |
Categorisation-Individuation Model | |
category effect | |
CBV | |
Central Limits Theorem | |
change blindness | |
change detection | |
Chinese Characters | |
Chinese children | |
chromatic aberration | |
citrus greening disease | |
classification image | |
Cluttering | |
CNN | |
coarse-to-fine interaction | |
cognitive blindness | |
cognitive failures | |
color | |
Color familiarity | |
Color matching function | |
Color preference | |
Color preference mechanism | |
Color preference modeling | |
Color vision | |
color-assimilation illusion | |
color-orientation conjunction | |
colour vision defect | |
colugo | |
Communication | |
comparative neuroanatomy | |
comparative neurophysiology | |
Competence | |
complex network | |
complexity | |
computational modeling | |
computational modelling | |
Computational Neurosciences | |
concurrent adaptation | |
cone contrast | |
confidence | |
consciousness | |
contextual cueing | |
contingent capture | |
Continuous flash suppression | |
contour integration | |
contrast decrement fading | |
Contrast sensitivty function | |
cortical magnification | |
cross-cultural | |
Cross-cultural differences | |
cross-modal aesthetics | |
cross-modal interference | |
cross-species comparison | |
crossmodal correspondence | |
crowding | |
cultural differences | |
cybersickness | |
D | |
deaf readers | |
decision-making | |
decoding | |
deep convolutional neural networks | |
Delayed oculomotor task | |
delayed saccade task | |
depth illusion | |
Depth perception | |
depth processing | |
deutan | |
development | |
diffusion MRI | |
digital fabrication | |
Direct Gaze Perception | |
Direction effect | |
disambiguation | |
distance | |
distractor suppression | |
dorsal premotor cortex | |
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex | |
drift-diffusion model | |
driving | |
Driving simulator | |
Dunhuang murals | |
duration adaptation | |
Dynamic Stimuli | |
dynamic updating hypothesis | |
dynamic visual acuity | |
dynamic visual perception | |
E | |
early visual areas | |
Early visual cortex | |
Ebbinghaus illusion | |
Eccentricity | |
EEG | |
EEG analysis | |
electroencephalography | |
electrophysiology | |
Emotion | |
emotion recognition | |
Emotion-induced blindness | |
emplacement | |
encoding | |
epileptogenic zone (EZ) | |
ERP | |
ethnic minority | |
event-related potential | |
evolution | |
evolutionary psychology | |
Executive Function | |
Executive Vigilance | |
exogenous cueing | |
expert | |
expertise | |
explicit matching task | |
exposure | |
expression recognition | |
extreme capsule fasciculus | |
Extreme periphery | |
eye gaze perception | |
eye movement | |
Eye movements | |
eye tracking | |
Eye-Head Coordination | |
eye-tracking | |
F | |
face | |
face perception | |
face recognition | |
faces | |
facial attractiveness | |
Facial Emotion | |
facial expression analysis | |
facial expressions | |
facial features | |
facial image | |
facial recognition | |
fearful faces | |
feature binding | |
feature-based inference | |
Figure-ground segregation | |
Fixational instability | |
fluorescence perception | |
flying squirrel | |
fMRI | |
fMRI-adaptation | |
font | |
frame of reference | |
frequency tagging | |
friendliness | |
frontal cortex | |
Frontal eye fields | |
Functional cosmetics | |
G | |
Gabor patch | |
Galeopterus variegatus | |
gaming addiction | |
gaze perception | |
Gaze shift | |
gaze-induction | |
Gender | |
gender differences | |
generalization ability | |
gist | |
glia | |
Global motion | |
glow | |
Go/No-go task | |
ground surface | |
guilt perception | |
H | |
haptic modality | |
head orientation | |
head-mounted display | |
heatmap | |
Hermann grid | |
hippocampus | |
hostility | |
Huanglongbing (HLB) | |
human-like | |
human-monkey homologies | |
humanness | |
I | |
iEEG | |
IEM decoding | |
illusion | |
implicit learning | |
implicit neural representation | |
impression | |
Impression management | |
Impressions | |
In-group advantage | |
Inattentional blindness | |
Independent Brain-Computer Interface (IBCI) | |
individual difference | |
individual differences | |
inflammation | |
instance theory | |
integration | |
inter-racial face perception | |
intergroup contact | |
internal model | |
internal representation | |
interoception | |
intracranial EEG | |
intrinsic bias | |
intuitive physics | |
inverted encoding model | |
inward bias | |
ipRGC | |
isoluminance | |
J | |
Japanese pottery | |
judicial sentencing | |
K | |
kinaesthetic | |
L | |
LC-NE system | |
left-lateralization | |
levels of processing hypothesis | |
life motion detector | |
Light | |
Local motion | |
long-term memory | |
low vision | |
Low Voltage Fast Activity (LVFA) | |
LSNR | |
luminance | |
lyric display | |
M | |
Macaque | |
macaque monkey | |
macaque V1 | |
machine learning | |
magnocellular | |
material perception | |
media theory | |
Melanopsin | |
memorability | |
Memory color | |
memory encoding time | |
memory formation | |
Mental health | |
mental jigsaw puzzles | |
mental rotation | |
Metacognition | |
metamemory | |
metamer mismatch | |
microsaccade | |
misalignment | |
MLDS | |
modality dominance | |
Modelling | |
Moisturizing | |
monkey | |
monocular deprivation plasticity | |
mood | |
Morinaga's paradox | |
motion | |
motion adaptation | |
motion aftereffect | |
motion coherence | |
Motion detection | |
motion direction | |
motion perception | |
motion sensitivity | |
motion suppression | |
Motor Control | |
motor preparation | |
motor uncertainty | |
movement | |
Multi-modal embodied agent | |
multicultural communities | |
multisensory | |
Multisensory Perception | |
Multitasking | |
music reading | |
music video | |
myopia | |
N | |
N-back | |
N2pc | |
Natural language concept | |
Natural statistics | |
Neural | |
neural decoding | |
neural network model | |
neural oscillations | |
Neuromorphic Computing | |
Neuroscience | |
noise | |
non-human primate | |
non-human primates | |
non-verbal communication | |
Nonverbal Communication | |
O | |
object based attention | |
object perception | |
occipital cortex | |
ocular dominance | |
oculomotor | |
optical artifact | |
optical flow | |
optical illusion | |
optical simulation | |
Orbison illusion | |
orientation | |
orientation discrimination | |
Orientation-defined texture targets | |
orthogonal polynomials | |
oscillation | |
other-race effect | |
other-race face perception | |
own-race bias | |
P | |
parity | |
parvocellular | |
Pd | |
perception | |
perceptual awareness scale | |
perceptual constancy | |
perceptual decision-making | |
perceptual filling-in | |
perceptual learning | |
peripheral vision | |
periphery | |
Person perception | |
personality traits | |
phase opposition | |
phenomenology | |
photoreceptors | |
Physiological Indicators | |
Poggendorff illusion | |
point-light display | |
Ponzo illusion | |
population receptive field (pRF) | |
poster design | |
poster topics | |
prediction | |
Predictive coding | |
preference judgment | |
prefrontal cortex | |
premenstrual syndrome | |
presbyopia | |
prior | |
prior beliefs | |
probabilistic representation | |
probability cueing effect | |
protan | |
prototypical flow snapshots | |
psychometric function | |
Psychophysical reverse correlation | |
psychophysics | |
public lecture | |
pupil | |
Pupil Diameter | |
Pupil Size | |
pupil synchronization | |
pupillary response | |
R | |
Race | |
racial biases | |
re-entry load | |
receptive fields | |
refractive imbalance | |
Regularity information | |
reinforcement learning | |
relative motion | |
Reproducibility | |
response time | |
retina | |
retinal degeneration | |
retinitis pigmentosa | |
retinotopy | |
reverse hierarchy theory | |
reverse perspective illusion | |
reward | |
RNA sequencing | |
RNNs | |
RPE | |
RSVP | |
rubber hand illusion | |
S | |
S-cones | |
saccade | |
Saccade Count | |
Saccade position | |
saccades | |
salience | |
saliency | |
salient distractor | |
scene perception | |
scene properties | |
schizophrenia | |
search paradigm | |
segregation | |
Self presentation | |
Self-identification | |
self-initiated | |
self-motion perception | |
Self-stigma | |
semantic encoding | |
semiotics | |
sentencing decision | |
Serial Dependence | |
shape–color association | |
Short Video | |
Signal detection theory | |
signboard design | |
simulation | |
single-neuron | |
situational motivation | |
SNS advertisements | |
social attention | |
social category | |
social influence | |
Social Media | |
Social perception | |
Social Robot | |
Social signals | |
social superstition | |
social vision | |
space perception | |
spatial bias | |
spatial configuration | |
Spatial Frequency | |
Spatial Orientation | |
Spatial working memory | |
spatial-temporal sequence | |
Spatiotemporal vision | |
Spiking Neural Networks | |
statistical learning | |
steady state visual evoked potentials | |
steady-state visual evoked potentials | |
stereopsis | |
Stereotypes | |
Stigma | |
stochastic resonance | |
Stroop | |
Subjective Visual Vertical | |
subspace analysis | |
superior parietal lobule | |
suprathreshold color differences | |
surface | |
Surface appearance | |
Surface colour mode | |
surprise | |
symposium | |
T | |
taste typicality | |
technology | |
temporal attention | |
temporal compression | |
temporal cortex | |
temporal order context | |
Temporal processing | |
temporal waveform | |
TEO | |
Ternus display | |
Text Mining Analysis | |
texture | |
texture perception | |
Texture Segregation | |
theta | |
theta oscillation | |
three-dimensional object | |
three-dimensional space | |
time carrier | |
time perception | |
TMS | |
Training | |
Transformers | |
transient-induced fading | |
transitive inference | |
Troxler fading | |
Trust Perception | |
Trustworthiness | |
Trustworthiness Judgement | |
two-photon calcium imaging | |
U | |
uncinate fasciculus | |
unconscious | |
unconscious probability | |
useful field of view | |
UV vision | |
UV-induced fluorescence | |
V | |
vection | |
ventral pathway | |
vertical disparity | |
vestibular | |
Vestibulo-Ocular Movement | |
Vestibulo-ocular reflex | |
video gaming | |
Vigilance | |
virtual reality | |
vision | |
Vision therapy | |
visual acuity | |
visual aesthetic | |
visual attention | |
Visual Attentional Blink | |
visual awareness | |
Visual consciousness | |
visual cortex | |
visual detection | |
visual development | |
Visual Dominance | |
Visual features | |
Visual grounding | |
visual hemi-field | |
Visual illusion | |
visual imagery | |
visual improvement | |
visual memory | |
visual modality | |
visual rehabilitation | |
visual representation | |
visual saltation illusion | |
visual search | |
Visual search asymmetry | |
Visual segmentation | |
visual stimulation | |
visual word form area | |
visual working memory | |
visual working memory capacity | |
Visuo-motor control | |
voice perception | |
VR | |
W | |
walking | |
Wide Field of View | |
wide-view stimulation | |
Wollaston illusion | |
word perception | |
word-related N170 | |
working memory | |
working memory capacity |