This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
AE | |
AES | |
algebraic attack | |
Algebraic group model | |
alignment padding | |
approximate trapdoors | |
ARX ciphers | |
B | |
Berstein-Vazirani algorithm | |
binary code similarity | |
block cipher | |
Block cipher family | |
blockchain | |
Boomerang attack | |
Broadcast Encryption | |
C | |
Classification | |
code-based cryptography | |
compiler provenance | |
Complete context-hiding | |
Consistency | |
Cryptology | |
Cube Attack | |
D | |
Decisional linear assumption | |
differential cryptanalysis | |
Differential-Linear Cryptanalysis | |
digital signatures | |
Division Property | |
DKG | |
E | |
Encrypted Network Traffic | |
F | |
Fast Fourier Transformation | |
G | |
Gaussian preimage sampling | |
generic composition | |
Grain-like structures | |
Graph Neural Network | |
group actions | |
H | |
Hash Function | |
hash-based signatures | |
Homomorphic linear combination | |
Homomorphic secret sharing | |
Homomorphic signatures for subset and superset mixed predicates | |
I | |
IBE | |
Identity-Based Encryption | |
Identity-based signature | |
Identity-based signatures | |
Impossible differential | |
information set decoding | |
integrity | |
isogenies | |
Isogeny-based cryptography | |
K | |
kem | |
key exchange | |
key injection | |
Key recovery | |
Key schedule | |
L | |
lattice | |
lattice-based cryptography | |
layer-2 | |
Learning with errors | |
lightweight ciphers | |
Lightweight Cryptography | |
Linear Cryptanalysis | |
Linear structure | |
Low Latency | |
M | |
Middle-Product LWE | |
modular | |
module lattices | |
MPC-Friendly Block Ciphers | |
N | |
Nearly linear decryption | |
NIST | |
P | |
Pairing-based Cryptography | |
password authenticated key exchange | |
payments | |
Plantlet | |
post-quantum | |
post-quantum cryptography | |
post-quantum security | |
privacy-enhancing technologies | |
Provable security | |
public key cryptography | |
Q | |
quantum algorithm | |
quantum random oracle model | |
quantum security | |
R | |
Related-cipher attack | |
S | |
Searchable Encryption | |
SHA-3 | |
SIMD | |
SKINNY64 | |
Software Security | |
Stream cipher | |
strong unforgeability | |
structures | |
superposition attacks | |
symmetric cryptography | |
syndrome decoding problem | |
T | |
Threshold Schemes | |
Tight reduction | |
Trapdoor Privacy | |
Trivium | |
Truncated differential | |
U | |
Unforgeablity | |
Universal composability | |
V | |
Verifiable random function | |
VRF | |
W | |
Windows binaries | |
Z | |
Zero-correlation linear hull |