Days: Tuesday, May 30th Wednesday, May 31st Thursday, June 1st Friday, June 2nd
Tuesday, May 30th
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08:30-09:00 Session 1: Registration for tutorials and workshops
Location: Hall Niveau 2 Bâtiment INRIA
09:30-11:00 Session 2A: Tutorial 1 (first part)
Location: Tutorial Room A008 Jean Legras
09:30 | {log}: Programming and Automated Proof in Set Theory (I) (abstract) |
09:30-11:00 Session 2B: The Rodin Workshop session I
Location: Amphithéâtre Gilles Kahn
09:30 | Rodin: two years of updates PRESENTER: Guillaume Verdier |
09:45 | Proof automation for Event-B theories PRESENTER: Peter Riviere |
10:15 | Constructing the Real Numbers using RODIN and EBRP’s plugin PRESENTER: Dominique Cansell |
11:00-11:30Coffee Break
11:30-13:00 Session 3A: Tutorial 1 (second part)
Location: Tutorial Room A008 Jean Legras
11:30 | {log}: Programming and Automated Proof in Set Theory (II) |
11:30-13:00 Session 3B: The Rodin Workshop session II
Location: Amphithéâtre Gilles Kahn
11:30 | Rodin-hs: A set of libraries and tools for handling Rodin files in Haskell |
11:50 | CamilleX 3.0 PRESENTER: Son Hoang |
12:10 | Formalisation of a Software Development Process |
12:30 | A Rigorous Iterative Analysis Approach for Capturing the Safety Requirements of Self-Driving Vehicle Systems: PRESENTER: Fahad Alotaibi |
13:00-14:00Lunch Break
13:30-15:30 Session 4: Tutorial Talk 2
Location: Tutorial Room A008 Jean Legras
13:30 | Teaching Alloy with Alloy4Fun (abstract) PRESENTER: Nuno Macedo |
14:00-15:30 Session 5: The Rodin Workshop session shared with IVOIRE Workshop
Location: Amphithéâtre Gilles Kahn
15:30-15:45Coffee Break
15:45-18:45 Session 6A: Tutorial Talk 3
Location: Tutorial Room A008 Jean Legras
15:45 | Using B to program the CLEARSY Safety Platform Starter Kit For Education (abstract) |
15:45-17:30 Session 6B: The IVOIRE Worskhop
Location: Amphithéâtre Gilles Kahn
15:45 | Validation-Driven Development |
16:15 | A Case-study for Incremental Validation |
16:45 | Compositional Simulation of Abstract State Machines for Safety Critical Systems |
17:15 | Wrap Up |
20:00-23:00Dinner in Nancy at the Grand Café Foy, 1 Place Stanislas
Wednesday, May 31st
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09:30-10:30 Session 9: Keynote Talk 1
Location: Amphithéâtre Gilles Kahn
09:30 | Formal verification of electronic voting systems (abstract) |
10:30-11:00Coffee Break
11:00-13:00 Session 10: Proof and Model Engineering
Location: Amphithéâtre Gilles Kahn
11:00 | Introducing Inductive Construction in B with the Theory Plugin (abstract) |
11:30 | Encoding TLA+ Proof Obligations Safely for SMT (abstract) |
12:00 | Standalone Event-B models analysis relying on the EB4EB meta-theory (abstract) |
12:30 | Adding records to Alloy (abstract) PRESENTER: David Chemouil |
13:00-14:00Lunch Break
14:00-16:00 Session 11: Security and Theory
Location: Amphithéâtre Gilles Kahn
14:00 | Designing Secure Systems using Hierarchical STPA and Event-B (abstract) |
14:30 | Behavioural Theory of Reflective Algorithms (abstract) |
15:00 | Journal-First: Building Specifications in the Event-B Institution (abstract) |
15:30 | Exploration of Reflective ASMs for Genetic Algorithms and Security (abstract) |
16:00-16:30Coffee Break
16:30-17:30 Session 12: Keynote Talk 2
Location: Amphithéâtre Gilles Kahn
16:30 | Refinements of Hybrid Dynamical Systems Logic (abstract) |
19:00-23:30 Gala Dinner at the Hotel de Villle Nancy Place Stanislas
Location: Hôtel de Ville de Nancy- Place Stanislas
Thursday, June 1st
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09:00-11:00 Session 13: ABZ 2023 Case Study AMAN
Location: Amphithéâtre Gilles Kahn
09:00 | Modeling and Analysis of a Safety-critical Interactive System through VOs (abstract) |
09:30 | Task Model Design and Analysis with Alloy (abstract) PRESENTER: Alcino Cunha |
10:00 | Modeling and Verifying an Arrival Manager using Event-B (abstract) |
10:30 | formal MVC: a pattern for the integration of ASM specifications in UI development (abstract) |
11:00-11:30Coffee Break
11:30-12:30 Session 14: Keynote Talk 3
Location: Amphithéâtre Gilles Kahn
11:30 | VerCors & Alpinist: verification of optimised GPU programs (abstract) |
13:00-14:00Lunch Break
14:00-15:30 Session 15: Modelling I
Location: Amphithéâtre Gilles Kahn
14:00 | Modelling an Automotive Software System with TASTD (abstract) |
14:30 | TASTD a real-time extension for ASTD (abstract) |
15:00 | Thread-Local, Step-Local Proof Obligations for Refinement of State-Based Concurrent Systems (abstract) |
15:30-16:00Coffee Break
16:00-17:00 Session 16: Keynote Talk 4
Location: Amphithéâtre Gilles Kahn
16:00 | Using Deep Ontologies in Formal Software Engineering PRESENTER: Burkhart Wolff |
17:00-18:00 Session 17: Modelling 2
17:00 | Pattern-based Refinement Generation Through Domain Specific Languages (abstract) |
17:20 | Modeling the MVM-Adapt System by Compositional I/O Abstract State Machines (abstract) |
Friday, June 2nd
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08:30-10:30 Session 18: Validation
Location: Amphithéâtre Gilles Kahn
08:30 | Validation of Formal Models by Interactive Simulation (abstract) |
08:50 | Crucible Tools for Test Generation and Advanced Animation of Alloy Models (abstract) |
09:10 | Verifying Event-B Hybrid Models using Cyclone (abstract) |
09:30 | Validation by Abstraction and Refinement (abstract) |
09:50 | Verifying temporal relational models with Pardinus (abstract) PRESENTER: Julien Brunel |
10:30-10:45Coffee Break
10:45-11:45 Session 19: Doctoral Session I
10:45 | Exploring a methodology for formal verification of safety-critical systems (abstract) |
11:15 | Extending Modelchecking with ProB to Floating-Point Numbers and Hybrid Systems (abstract) |
11:45-12:45 Session 20: Doctoral Session II
Location: Amphithéâtre Gilles Kahn
11:45 | A framework for formal verification and validation of railway systems (abstract) |
12:15 | Using Lambdapi to verify proof obligations of TLAPS generated by veriT (abstract) |
13:00-14:00Lunch Break