This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
$ | |
$\alpha$-Mixing | |
3 | |
3-layer | |
A | |
A-channel | |
abandonment | |
active learning | |
actor-critic | |
Additive White Gaussian Noise Broadcast Channel | |
admission control | |
Admittance matrix estimation | |
Adversarial Attack | |
Adversarial Environments | |
adversary | |
Age of Information | |
algorithm design | |
Allocation of heterogeneous resources | |
almost-trees | |
alternating direction method of multipliers | |
altruism | |
Anomaly detection | |
Anticipatory Decision Maker | |
approximate message passing | |
assignment problems | |
asymptotic optimality | |
Authentication | |
automatic generation control | |
average consensus | |
AWGN | |
B | |
bandits | |
Barzilai-Borwein (BB) step-sizes | |
Bayesian inference | |
Bayesian mechanism design | |
Bayesian Persuasion | |
Bayesian regret | |
BCMP queueing network | |
best arm identification | |
Bioprocess | |
Bisection stochastic block model | |
Black-box Optimization and Reinforcement Learning | |
blockchain | |
Bonacich centrality | |
Bounded gradients | |
bounds | |
Burst of deletions | |
Byzantine Attacks | |
C | |
capacity | |
cardinality | |
Cascade Multiple Description Network | |
Cascading failure | |
causal inference | |
Causality | |
chance constraints | |
Change detection | |
change-point detection | |
Change-points detection | |
channel assignment | |
channel symmetries | |
charging stations | |
Chen-Fliess series | |
Circuit dynamics | |
Clustering | |
Coded computing | |
Coding Techniques and Applications | |
collision channel | |
Colonel Blotto | |
Combinatorial Optimization | |
Commitment | |
Community detection | |
Competitive resource allocation | |
complex projective codes | |
Composite regret | |
compressed sensing | |
Computed Tomography | |
concentration bound | |
congestion | |
consensus | |
Consensus Equilibrium | |
Constant Weight Sum Codes | |
Continuous game | |
control | |
control systems | |
Controlled sensing | |
Controller parameterization | |
Convergence Rates | |
convex optimization | |
Convex relaxation | |
cooperation | |
correlated perturbations | |
Count-weighted networks | |
Coupled activities | |
coupling of encoding schemes | |
covering radius | |
Cumulative sum (CUSUM) test | |
D | |
Data acquisition | |
data-driven change detection | |
data-driven decision-making | |
Decentralized control | |
decomposable optimization | |
deep image prior | |
deep learning | |
Deep reinforcement learning | |
Deep-learned error-correcting codes | |
Degree corrected stochastic block models | |
Degree Tables | |
Delay Minimization | |
deletion channel | |
descent ascent method | |
Detection and Estimation | |
detection-recovery gap | |
Differential Game | |
Differential privacy | |
dimension reduction | |
Dirichlet distribution | |
discrete curvature | |
discrete geometry | |
dispatching algorithms | |
Distillation | |
Distributed Agreement | |
distributed algorithms | |
distributed computation | |
distributed control | |
distributed energy resources | |
Distributed Estimation | |
Distributed Learning | |
Distributed optimization | |
distributed stopping | |
Distribution learning | |
distribution networks | |
distribution shift | |
distributional Robustness | |
disturbance estimation | |
DNA Codes | |
Domain Adaptation | |
DRO | |
Dynamic Watermarking | |
dynamical systems | |
E | |
Economic Dispatch | |
electric vehicles | |
electricity market | |
embeddings | |
engagement | |
Entropic regularization | |
Entropic-VaR | |
entropy | |
epidemics | |
Equiangular tight frames | |
Error correcting codes | |
Error exponents | |
Escaping Saddle Points | |
estimation | |
expander graphs | |
expected throughput | |
Experimentation | |
Explainable AI | |
exploitation versus exploration | |
exploration | |
F | |
false discovery rate | |
feature identification | |
Federated Learning | |
Finite Block Length Information Theory | |
Finite blocklength information theory | |
finite-state compression | |
finite-state dimension | |
finite-time regret analysis | |
Forced Oscillations | |
formal methods | |
formal power series | |
Forney | |
frequency control | |
fundamental limits | |
G | |
game theory | |
games on graphs | |
Gaussian two-way channels | |
General Lotto game | |
generalization power | |
Generalized likelihood ratio | |
generative adversarial networks | |
global optimality | |
Gossiping | |
Gradient Descent algorithm | |
gradient descent ascent | |
gradient play | |
graph | |
graph learning | |
Graph Neural Networks | |
Graph theory | |
Grid-forming control | |
Grid-forming/following control | |
Group testing | |
groups | |
Guardrails | |
H | |
Hashing | |
heavy-traffic | |
Heterogeneous networks | |
heteroskedastic noise | |
Hierarchical information structure | |
high dimensional statistics | |
high load | |
High-dimensional estimation | |
high-dimensional statistics | |
Human sensor interaction | |
Hungarian algorithm | |
hybrid systems | |
Hypothesis testing | |
I | |
Ideal point distribution | |
identification | |
image reconstruction | |
imitation learning | |
Incentive Compatibility | |
independence | |
index coding | |
influence maximization | |
information design | |
Information Freshness | |
Information Measures | |
information theoretic learning | |
information theoretic lower bounds | |
information theoretic threshold | |
Information theory | |
information-theoretic bounds | |
Information-theoretic security | |
interactive learning | |
intermittent measurements | |
Interpretation | |
Inverse dynamic game | |
Inverse optimal control | |
inverse problems | |
Inverter-based resources | |
K | |
Kalman Filter | |
Kernel methods | |
Kron-reduced admittance matrix | |
L | |
landscape analysis | |
Large systems | |
lattice | |
learning | |
learning theory | |
Learning to control | |
learning trajectory | |
learning with side information | |
Leave-one-out analysis | |
lightning network | |
line packings | |
linear adaptive filtering | |
linear coding | |
linear dynamical systems | |
Linear matrix inequality | |
Linear Quadratic Differential Game | |
linear regression | |
load balancing | |
low-degree polynomials | |
low-rank matrix estimation | |
low-rank MDP | |
Lyapunov functions | |
Lyapunov stability | |
M | |
Machine Learning | |
manifold optimization | |
Markov decision process | |
Markov decision processes | |
Markov game | |
matrix completion | |
Matrix inversion | |
Matrix scaling | |
Maximum mean discrepancy | |
MDS erasure codes | |
mean estimation | |
Mechanism Design | |
meta-learning | |
Meta-Model | |
MIMO | |
minimax lower bound | |
minimax optimal | |
minimax problems | |
minimum error entropy | |
minrank | |
missing data | |
Mixed equilibrium | |
Mixed Regression | |
Mixture model | |
Model Based Reconstruction | |
model deviation | |
Model Predictive Control | |
Model selection | |
model uncertainty | |
Model-Based Control | |
Moment Bounds | |
Monotone games | |
Multi-agent learning | |
Multi-agent online learning | |
multi-agent reinforcement learning | |
multi-agent systems | |
Multi-armed bandit | |
multi-armed bandit problem | |
multi-armed bandits | |
Multi-Interval Look Ahead Electricity Market | |
Multi-message PIR | |
Multi-Object Rearrangement | |
Multi-Robot Path Planning | |
multi-secretary | |
multi-server systems | |
Multi-task Learning | |
multi-task regression | |
Multiagent reinforcement learning | |
Multiple access channels (MAC) | |
multiple data streams | |
multiple hypothesis testing | |
multivariate dependence decomposition | |
multivariate feature extraction | |
multivariate interaction | |
mutual information | |
N | |
Nash equilibria | |
Nash Equilibrium | |
Natural policy gradient | |
nested H-score | |
Network control | |
Network Defense | |
network games | |
Network Information Theory | |
Network Overload | |
networks | |
neural collapse | |
Neural networks | |
neural tangent kernel (NTK) | |
Non-convex optimization | |
non-Gaussian noise | |
non-linear bandit | |
Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access | |
non-stationarity | |
nonlinear systems | |
normality | |
normalized maximum likelihood | |
NP-hardness | |
O | |
ODE limit | |
offline multi-agent reinforcement learning | |
offline reinforcement learning | |
online knapsack | |
online learning | |
Online linear regression | |
Online optimization | |
OOD detection | |
opinion dynamics | |
Optimal detection | |
Optimal transport | |
optimality | |
Optimization | |
outlier rejection | |
Over-the-Air computation | |
overparameterization and overfitting | |
P | |
PAC | |
parallelization | |
partial information decomposition | |
Participation Factors | |
path queries | |
Perimeter Defense | |
Permutation codes | |
Personalized Learning | |
perturbation | |
phase transition | |
Phasor Measurement Units | |
Physical layer security | |
planted dense cycles | |
planted structure | |
Plug-and-Play | |
Policy gradient | |
Policy Optimization | |
Polynomial Codes | |
posterior sampling | |
Potential game | |
power electronics | |
Power System Control | |
Power system dynamic performance | |
Power System Dynamics | |
Power system stability | |
power systems | |
Power Systems Control | |
Preference learning | |
Primary- and Secondary-frequency Control | |
privacy | |
Private information retrieval | |
Private Information Retrieval (PIR) | |
proportional asymptotics | |
proximal methods | |
public signals | |
pure exploration | |
pursuit-evasion games | |
Q | |
q function | |
Q-linear convergence | |
Quantization | |
Quantum Decision Maker | |
Quantum detection | |
Quasi-Newton methods | |
Queueing theory | |
queuing system | |
Quickest change detection | |
R | |
random access | |
random adaptation | |
random features | |
Randomized algorithm | |
Ranking | |
Rate Control | |
Reachability | |
reachability analysis | |
regret guarantees | |
reinforcement learning | |
representation | |
representation learning | |
Resource allocation | |
Reversible Codes | |
Reversible-Complement Codes | |
reward poisoning attack | |
ride-hailing platforms | |
risk | |
Risk-Aware Control | |
RL | |
Robust filtering | |
Robust learning | |
robust optimization | |
robust policy gradient | |
robust reinforcement learning | |
S | |
saddle-point problems | |
Safe Control | |
Safety | |
safety control synthesis | |
sample compelxity | |
sample complexity | |
Scalar linear network coding | |
Schedule based learning | |
Scheduling | |
scheduling algorithms | |
Schroedinger bridge | |
Second-order cone programming | |
secrecy | |
Secure coded computing | |
Secure Distributed Matrix Multiplication (SDMM) | |
sensitivity | |
Sensor Networks | |
Sequential analysis | |
sequential change detection | |
Sequential detection | |
sequential methods | |
session code: BIHU3 | |
SGD | |
Shannon entropy | |
Shannon Theory | |
Shortest-Rememaining-Processing-Time | |
Single-phase radial network | |
Singular subspace | |
Social networks | |
Sparse-view CT | |
sparsification | |
Spectral clustering | |
Spectral perturbation | |
Spectral thresholding | |
SRPT | |
stability | |
stabilization | |
State-of-Charge Dependent Offers and Bids | |
Statistical machine learning | |
Statistical rates | |
Statistical Signal Processing | |
Stepwise procedure | |
Stochastic approximation | |
Stochastic approximation algorithms | |
stochastic control | |
stochastic games | |
Storage | |
Strategic Communication | |
strong data processing inequalities | |
Strong LLN | |
structure learning | |
Subpacketization | |
subspace clustering | |
sum-rank metric codes | |
Superlinear convergence | |
system identification | |
T | |
TAP free energy | |
Temporal Communication Dependencies | |
Temporal difference learning | |
time-scale theory | |
Time-varying resource requirements | |
Timeseries Forecasts | |
trajectory games | |
transaction channels | |
Transfer learning | |
trust region method | |
two time scale algorithms | |
two-sided queues | |
Two-time scale approximation | |
U | |
UCB algorithm | |
Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communications | |
Uncertain Systems | |
uncertainty | |
Uncertainty Quantification | |
unique information | |
universal prediction | |
universality | |
Unsourced random access | |
Unsupervised deep learning | |
Upper Confidence Bound | |
urban mobility | |
Utilization in datacenters | |
V | |
value function | |
variable length coding | |
Variational inequality | |
variational inference | |
varying charging rate | |
Voltage control | |
Voltage Regulation | |
voters model | |
W | |
Wardrop equilibrium | |
Warehouse Automation | |
Wasserstein distance | |
Wastewater treatment | |
wireless | |
Wireless communications | |
wireless scheduling | |
worst-case | |
Z | |
zero-error | |
Zero-error source coding | |
Zero-sum game | |
zero-sum games | |
Zero-sum matrix and Markov games | |
Zeroth-order Methods |