This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
abnormal FDI | |
Acquisitions | |
Adaptation Finance | |
Affordable and Accessible Transport | |
Africa | |
Africa Trade | |
Agri-tech | |
Agricultural economics | |
Amphan cyclone | |
Analogies | |
anonymous and non-anonymous approach | |
Anticipated consumption | |
Antitrust | |
artificial intelligence | |
Assam | |
asset prices | |
asset pricing anomalies | |
asymmetric development | |
Asymmetric loss | |
Automation | |
B | |
Backward participation | |
Band spectrum regression | |
Bank competition | |
bank deposits | |
Bank performance | |
Bank Regulation | |
barriers | |
Bitcoin Regulation | |
Bitcoin Returns | |
Bitcoin Volatility | |
Blue carbon fishery | |
Bond markets | |
Bond returns | |
Bond Yield | |
bribery | |
Burkina Faso | |
Business activities | |
Business Cycles | |
C | |
California effect | |
Capability Approach | |
capital assets | |
Capital flight | |
Carbon Emissions Mitigation | |
Carbon sink | |
carbon tax | |
Carob | |
Causal Loop Diagram | |
CDS | |
CDS spreads | |
central bank communication | |
Central bank projections | |
CGE model | |
ChatGPT | |
Chemistry | |
Child care | |
Child health outcomes | |
China | |
choice experiment | |
circular economy | |
circularity | |
cities | |
citizen participation | |
Civil conflict | |
climate change | |
Climate finance | |
cluster analysis | |
CO2 emissions | |
Colombia | |
competition policy | |
Confidence Indicators | |
Conflicts | |
Connectedness | |
constraint | |
consumer search | |
consumption | |
Convergence | |
Copper | |
core inflation | |
Corporate Agility | |
corporate reputation | |
Corporate Strategies | |
Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) | |
Corruption | |
Cost analysis | |
Counter-cyclicality | |
Counterfactual analysis | |
Counterfactuals | |
COVID-19 | |
COVID-19 crisis | |
Credit Cycles | |
Credit Spreads | |
crises | |
cross-border asset holdings | |
Cross-country Analysis | |
cryptocurrency | |
Cryptocurrency Regulation | |
cso | |
Cultured meat | |
current account imbalance | |
Cyclical systemic risk | |
D | |
Data analysis | |
Data analytics skills | |
Data envelopment analysis | |
Debt service to income | |
Debt sustainability | |
Democracy | |
Developing countries | |
Developing Economies | |
difference in difference in difference | |
Diffusion | |
digital financial service | |
digital remittances | |
Digital transformation | |
Distance | |
divergence | |
Divestitures | |
Domestic Violence | |
DSGE | |
durable consumption | |
dynamic conditional correlation | |
Dynamic Factor Models | |
Dynamic Panel | |
dynamic panel models | |
Dynamic panel probit model | |
dynamic panel system GMM | |
Dynamics | |
E | |
E-government readiness index | |
Ecological Footprint | |
Ecological policies | |
ecological transition | |
Economic conditions | |
Economic Development | |
economic geography | |
Economic globalization | |
Economic growth | |
Economic Integration | |
economics | |
effective taxation | |
Egyptian Exchange lending rate | |
Elections | |
emerging economies | |
Emerging technologies | |
Empirical economics | |
employment | |
Endogenous regime-switching | |
energy communities | |
Energy poverty | |
energy substitution | |
Energy transition | |
Enterprise management | |
Entrepreneurship | |
Entrepreneurship Education | |
Entropy Balancing | |
environment | |
Environmental Account and Accounting | |
environmental conservation | |
Environmental degradation | |
Environmental Kuznets curve | |
Environmental Management | |
environmental performance | |
Environmental policy stringency | |
Environmental sustainability | |
Environmental Taxes | |
Environmental vulnerability | |
ESG | |
Estructural Changes | |
EU | |
EU-27 | |
euro area | |
Euro-Area | |
Europe | |
European Central Bank | |
European countries | |
European Economy | |
european green deal | |
European Union | |
Eurozone | |
Eurozone markets | |
exchange and structural mobility | |
Exchange rate | |
Exchange rate channel | |
Exchange rates | |
expectation | |
Export growth | |
External Sustainability | |
Extreme Weather Event | |
F | |
Factor Model | |
Fare Free Public Transport | |
Federal reserve | |
Female Labour Force | |
Financial crises | |
Financial crisis | |
Financial development | |
Financial inclusion | |
financial institutions | |
Financial Integration | |
financial news media | |
Firm innovation | |
firm's employment | |
firm-level exports and imports | |
Fiscal credibility | |
Fiscal Decentralization | |
fiscal policy | |
fiscal reaction function | |
fiscal response | |
fiscal sustainability | |
fiscal-monetary policy mix | |
Food choice motives | |
Food packaging | |
Food price volatility | |
Food Security | |
Forecasting | |
Forecasting demand | |
Foreign Direct Investment | |
foreign exchange rate | |
foreign exchange risk | |
Foreign investors | |
Formal and Informal Institutions | |
Forward guidance | |
Forward participation | |
Functional shocks | |
fuzzy topsis | |
G | |
gender | |
Gender Development | |
Gender gap | |
Gendered Mobility | |
General Equilibrium Model | |
Geographical Economics | |
Geopolitical Risk | |
Geopolitics | |
Germany | |
GHG emissions | |
Gini Index | |
Global Citizenship | |
Global financial integration | |
global frictions | |
Global Value Chains | |
Globalization | |
GMM | |
GMM estimation | |
Gold mine | |
Google Trends | |
government | |
Government loans | |
Graduate Education/Research | |
Gravity | |
Gravity Model | |
Great Financial Crisis | |
Great Recession | |
green antitrust | |
Green Deal | |
green finance | |
Green parties | |
green transformation | |
green-social deal | |
growth models | |
Growth-at-Risk | |
GS2SLS | |
H | |
Happy planet index | |
Health expenditure | |
House price to income | |
households savings | |
Housing returns | |
Human capital | |
Human Development | |
Hurricane | |
I | |
Idiosyncratic volatility | |
illicit financial flows | |
Immigration | |
impacts of cultural factors on equality | |
In ation expectation formation | |
income | |
indebtedness | |
India | |
Indian Regions | |
Individual environmental preferences | |
individual perception | |
Industrialization | |
Inequality | |
inflation | |
Inflation anchoring | |
information-provision experiment | |
informational barriers | |
Infrastructure | |
innovation | |
inspection game | |
institution quality | |
Institutional trust | |
Instrumental Variable Strategy | |
instrumental variables | |
Insurance | |
international co-movement | |
international finance | |
International Monetary Fund | |
International Supply Chains | |
International trade | |
Investment | |
investor attention | |
investor sentiment | |
IPAT | |
IPV | |
Islamic banking | |
IT skills | |
Italy | |
J | |
JEL:520 | |
Job satisfaction | |
L | |
Labor Force Participation | |
Labor Market | |
labor market frictions | |
Labor provisions | |
labour participation | |
Lag-augmented vector autoregression | |
land renting behaviour | |
Large-scale household survey | |
litigation decisions | |
Local investors | |
Local Labor markets | |
local projection | |
local-projection models | |
Location decisions | |
Log export ban | |
loss and damage | |
M | |
Machine learning | |
macroeconomic news announcements | |
macroprudential policy | |
Male Backlash | |
Managing expectations | |
market mismatch | |
media | |
mental health | |
Migration | |
Minimum Wage | |
Mitigation Finance | |
Mobile Money | |
monetary policy | |
Monetary policy shock | |
Monetary policy transmission | |
monetary surprises | |
Money-Financed Fiscal Stimulus | |
Montecarlo simulation | |
Multi-Sided Market | |
Multinational firms | |
multivariate regression | |
N | |
Natural disasters | |
Natural Resources | |
Natural resources taxation | |
Nearest neighbours analysis | |
Network Model | |
Network-based Indicators | |
network-effect | |
New Keynesian | |
NGEU Funds | |
nonlinear dynamics | |
Nowcasting | |
Nuclear energy | |
O | |
occupational heat stress | |
Official Development Assistance | |
oil and gas companies | |
Oil and gas industry | |
Oil price expectations | |
Optimal policy | |
Option trading | |
output gap | |
Overlapping Generations | |
Ownership concentration | |
ownership structure | |
P | |
paid working hours | |
panel convergence | |
Panel data | |
panel quantile regression | |
Parametric approach | |
Platform Competition | |
Policy evaluation | |
Political budget cycle | |
Political relations | |
Political Tensions | |
pooled-mean group | |
population | |
Portugal | |
Premature mortality | |
Price Shocks | |
primitive privacy | |
pro-poor growth | |
Probit Model | |
Productivity | |
Property Taxation | |
Public sector efficiency | |
Public sector performance | |
PVAR model | |
Q | |
Quantile Local Projections | |
quantile regression | |
Quantile regression analysis | |
Quantitative Model | |
Queen bee syndrome | |
R | |
raw materials | |
RCT | |
Real bank credit | |
real estate markets | |
Real total debt | |
Realized volatility | |
Recessions | |
Redistribution | |
Regime-Switching | |
regional residential prices | |
regions | |
Regulatory | |
relative transition | |
Remittances | |
Renewable energies | |
Renewable energy | |
Renewable energy consumption | |
renewable investment | |
Rent-sharing | |
rents | |
reproducibility | |
reputation | |
Research Network | |
Revenues | |
rice | |
risk aversion | |
Risk Management | |
risk sharing | |
Risk-aversion | |
RRi | |
Russian invasion of Ukraine | |
S | |
S&P500 | |
sanctions | |
search and matching | |
Second-round effects | |
Secondary data | |
Sectoral FDI | |
Sectoral Transition | |
sectors | |
Self-Preferencing | |
SES Framework | |
Skill Premium | |
Small Open Economy | |
social acceptance | |
social capital | |
Social media | |
social perception | |
social responsibility | |
solitude | |
sovereign bond spreads | |
sovereign debt | |
Sovereign External Debt | |
Sovereign Risk | |
Spain | |
Spatial | |
Spatial spillover effect | |
spectral analysis | |
Spillover | |
Stock and Flow Diagram | |
Stock Market Performance | |
stock returns | |
Structural Transformation | |
Structural Vector Autoregression | |
Subprime crisis | |
Survey forecasts | |
Sustainability | |
Sustainable Development | |
Sustainable Development Goals | |
Sustainable entrepreneurship | |
sustainable growth | |
Sustainable Livelihood Approach | |
sustainable transition | |
Synchronization Panel Data | |
syndemic | |
Synthetic Control Method | |
Systemic Risk | |
T | |
tax avoidance | |
tax evasion | |
tax haven | |
tax havens | |
Tax structure | |
Taxable agglomeration rents | |
Technological Innovation | |
technology shocks | |
Temperature shocks | |
text analysis | |
textual analysis | |
TFP | |
The rule of law | |
Time-varying causality | |
time-varying coefficients | |
Time-varying parameters | |
Trade | |
Trade agreements | |
Trade and Development | |
Trade Cost | |
transition from a lawless system to a fair regime | |
Transport Policy Evaluation | |
Treasury bills yield rate | |
Trust | |
U | |
uncertainty | |
unconventional monetary policy | |
United Kingdom | |
urbanization | |
V | |
VAR | |
Variance-risk premium | |
VAW | |
Vector Autoregression | |
Violent Conflicts | |
Voice and Accountability | |
volatility forecasting | |
vulnerability | |
W | |
Wages | |
Wald test | |
Waste-to-Energy | |
Wavelet analysis | |
Welfare analysis | |
wind energy | |
Women representation | |
Women Travel | |
Wood processing | |
World Uncertainty |