Mary Gates Hall 295
- Session 1A (Jun 27 08:30-10:00) Percolator: Bringing Theory to Practice in University Based Centers
- Session 2F (Jun 27 10:15-11:45) [HOLD]
- Session 3G (Jun 27 13:45-15:15) Percolator: Public Management in the Shadow of Politicization: The Consequences of the American Presidential Election
- Session 4G (Jun 27 15:30-17:00) Percolator: Bridging Law and Public Administration: Conversations in Engaged Public Governance
- Session 5K (Jun 28 08:00-09:30) Civic Engagement
- Session 6L (Jun 28 09:45-11:15) Innovation
- Session 7A (Jun 28 13:15-14:45) Percolator: Bringing Theory to Practice through Sustained Researcher-Policymaker Partnerships
- Session 8M (Jun 28 15:00-16:30) Percolator: Recovering Designs in Cases: A Methodology for Enhancing Domain Knowledge about Public Management
- Session 9A (Jun 29 08:30-10:00) Percolator: Theory and Praxis of Liberatory Justice in Public Service Organizations: Rewards, Challenges, and the Way Forward
- Session 10H (Jun 29 10:15-11:45) Organization Structure, Tasks and Behavior