Mary Gates Hall 238
- Session 1L (Jun 27 08:30-10:00) Human Resource Management Topics
- Session 2G (Jun 27 10:15-11:45) Roundtable discussion: Reflections and rhetoric
- Session 3K (Jun 27 13:45-15:15) Coproduction Studies
- Session 4M (Jun 27 15:30-17:00) Network Structure
- Session 5D (Jun 28 08:00-09:30) Innovations in Public Procurement for Public and Citizen Value
- Session 6E (Jun 28 09:45-11:15) Nonprofit Resource Development
- Session 7I (Jun 28 13:15-14:45) Budgeting Strategies
- Session 8D (Jun 28 15:00-16:30) Trust in Government
- Session 9E (Jun 29 08:30-10:00) Navigating the Complexities of Public Service Performance Management: Insights from Interorganizational and Interpersonal Perspectives
- Session 10G (Jun 29 10:15-11:45) Organizational Theories and Practices