This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
$ | |
$\alpha$-lift | |
$\varepsilon\textrm{-}$ differential privacy | |
6 | |
6G | |
A | |
AC/DC grid | |
achievability bounds | |
Acknowledgement Feedback | |
Active Exploration | |
Actor- critic method | |
Adaptive experimentation | |
adaptive stepsize | |
Admittance matrix estimation | |
adversarial classification | |
adversarial label noise | |
Age of Gossip | |
Agent Model | |
agnostic learning | |
AI Safety | |
Alignment | |
Anomaly detection | |
APPR | |
approximate message passing | |
arbitrarily varying multiple-access channel | |
Asymmetric and Symmetric Hypothesis Testing | |
Asymptotic bias | |
asymptotic statistics | |
authentication | |
average-case optimization | |
AWGN Channel | |
AWGN channel with feedback | |
B | |
B-SAT | |
Backdoor Threats | |
Balanced truncation model order reduction | |
Bandits | |
Barrier function | |
Bayesian estimation | |
Bayesian game | |
belief-propagation decoding | |
Best of both worlds | |
biclustering | |
bicycle codes | |
Binary images | |
Boolean satisfiability problem | |
Brunn-Minkowski theory | |
C | |
Caching | |
capacity | |
capacity region | |
Carrier Frequency Offset | |
Cascade connection | |
causality | |
CCPA | |
censorship | |
change detection | |
Change-point detection | |
channel capacity | |
channel simulation | |
channel synthesis | |
Channels with memory | |
characteristic graph entropy | |
Chernoff information | |
Circuit Synthesis | |
Classification | |
closed box testing | |
clustering | |
Coding Theorem | |
Coding Theory | |
communication | |
Communication Complexity | |
communication efficiency | |
communication-efficiency | |
communication-efficient | |
competitive ratio | |
composition | |
Compound Channel | |
compound matrices | |
Computational limits | |
confidence sequences | |
conjunctive normal form (CNF) | |
Constrained optimization | |
Contextual bandits | |
Continuous optimization | |
contraction coefficient | |
Contraction theory | |
Control emulation | |
Control under communication constraints | |
Controllability and Observability | |
Controlled sensing | |
convergence analysis | |
converse bounds | |
convex bodies | |
Coordination | |
Correlated equilibrium | |
correlation | |
Coupled Constraints | |
coupled power-transportation systems | |
CSS codes | |
CSS-T code | |
CVaR | |
Cyber Deception | |
Cyber-attack Detection | |
D | |
data correlations | |
Data Privacy | |
Data-driven model predictive control | |
Decentralized control | |
Decentralized Learning | |
Decentralized multiagent systems | |
Decentralized optimization | |
Decision-making | |
deep learning | |
deep-learned error-correcting codes | |
Delays | |
Design-based inference | |
Detection | |
Dictionary learning | |
Dictionary-based compression | |
Difference of Convex optimization | |
Difference-of-convex functions | |
Difference-of-convex programming | |
differential inclusion | |
differential privacy | |
diffusion models | |
Digital storage | |
dimension reduction | |
Directed graphs | |
Directed topologies | |
distance learning | |
Distributed Average Consensus | |
Distributed computation | |
Distributed Computing | |
Distributed control | |
Distributed energy resources | |
distributed fact-checking | |
Distributed gradient algorithm | |
Distributed gradient descent | |
Distributed learning | |
Distributed optimization | |
distributionally robust models | |
Distributionally robust optimization | |
diverse preferences | |
Domain adaptation | |
Drift Method | |
Duality | |
Dynamic Games | |
dynamic programming | |
Dynamic Stability | |
dynamical transport of measure | |
E | |
e-detector | |
Efficiency | |
Electricity markets | |
electronic design automation(EDA) | |
Energy communities | |
ensemble models | |
entanglement | |
Entropic regularization | |
Entropy | |
Entropy regularization | |
equity | |
Equity and efficiency tradeoff | |
equivalent-circuit modeling | |
Equivalent-circuit models | |
erasure tolerance | |
Error correction codes | |
estimation | |
event-triggered communication | |
exact trajectory predictions | |
F | |
fairness | |
fault analysis | |
fault tolerance | |
Feature Extraction | |
Federated learning | |
federated learning (FL) | |
Feedback-based optimization | |
Filter stability | |
finite bit-rates | |
Finite State Machines | |
finite-length regime | |
finite-time convergence analysis | |
Fisher divergence | |
Fisher-Rao gradient flow | |
Foundation Models | |
frequency moment | |
FSMC | |
Function approximation | |
functional compression | |
G | |
Game Theory | |
Gates | |
Gauge group | |
Gaussian channels | |
GDPR | |
General-Sum Games | |
Generalized games | |
generative modeling | |
Geodesic Convexity | |
Geometrically local quantum codes | |
Gibbs channel | |
Global convergence | |
global optimization | |
gradient descent optimization | |
gradient estimate | |
Gradient Tracking | |
Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization | |
Graph Convolutional Neural Networks | |
Graph Diffusion | |
graph learning algorithm | |
graph-based learning | |
Graphs | |
Green's function | |
Grid-following control | |
grid-forming control | |
grid-forming inverters | |
Group Testing (GT) | |
Grover’s Search | |
guesswork | |
H | |
Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations | |
Hazard rate | |
Heavy-traffic analysis | |
high-dimensional inference | |
High-Dimensional Linear Models | |
high-dimensional probability | |
higher criticism | |
higher-order optimization | |
Hopf bifurcation | |
Human-AI Collaboration | |
hybrid ac/dc power systems | |
Hypothesis Testing | |
I | |
ideal point model | |
Image compression | |
Incentive analysis | |
Incentive Mechanism | |
Incentivizing Exploration | |
Index Coding | |
Inference | |
infinite-horizon control | |
Information density | |
Information Falsification | |
information geometry | |
Information structure | |
Information Theory | |
information-theoretic bounds | |
infrastructure planning | |
Integer linear programming | |
interior-point methods | |
interpretation | |
intervention | |
inverse problems | |
Inverter-based resources | |
inverters | |
iSWAP | |
iterative algorithms | |
Iterative decoding | |
J | |
JCAS | |
K | |
kernel methods | |
KNN | |
Kron reduction | |
kronecker products | |
Kullback-Leibler divergence | |
L | |
Lagrangian multipliers | |
Langevin dynamic | |
large language model | |
Large Language Models | |
large linear systems | |
Large-language models | |
large-signal stability assessment | |
Las layer retraining | |
Learning | |
Learning for Control | |
learning from people | |
Learning in Markets | |
linear convergence | |
Linear regression | |
Linear systems | |
linearly separable functions | |
LLM | |
LLMs | |
Local Updates | |
Local Volt/Var control | |
Long Context | |
Lossless compression | |
Lossy Computation | |
Low-rank matrix recovery | |
Lyapunov function | |
Lyapunov methods | |
Lyapunov stability | |
M | |
machine learning | |
machine learning theory | |
Machine unlearning | |
Malicious nodes | |
MAP | |
Margulis code | |
Market Equilibrium | |
Markov Chains | |
Markov decision process | |
Markov Games | |
Markov Processes | |
Markov-modulated arrivals | |
maximal correlation | |
Maximum likelihood estimation | |
method of moments | |
metric learning | |
minimal sufficiency | |
Minimax Rate | |
minimum distance | |
Minkowski sums | |
Mirror descent | |
Mirror descent method | |
misinformation | |
mixed $H_2 / H_\infty$ control | |
Mobility | |
Model-identification | |
monogamy of entanglement | |
Monotone system theory | |
Multi-agent MDP | |
Multi-agent Network Systems | |
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning | |
multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) | |
Multi-agent systems | |
Multi-armed Bandits | |
multi-start | |
Multiagent network systems | |
multiple timescales | |
multistability | |
multistationarity | |
N | |
Nash equilibrium | |
Natural gradient method | |
Network control | |
Network games | |
networked control systems | |
Networked systems | |
neural collapse | |
neuroscience | |
noise contrastive estimation | |
non-coherent communications | |
Non-convex optimization | |
non-local games | |
Non-monotone VI | |
non-parametric statistics | |
Nonconvex optimization | |
Nonlinear Filtering | |
nonlinear functions | |
Nonlinear system | |
Nonlinear systems | |
nonnegative supermartingale | |
Nonsmooth stochastic approximation | |
Normal vectors | |
Numerical optimization | |
O | |
oblivious transfer | |
Observer design | |
offline reinforcement learning | |
one-way marginals | |
Online decision-making | |
Online learning | |
Online optimization | |
operator algebra | |
opinion dynamics | |
Optimal Control | |
optimal noise | |
Optimal Power Flow | |
optimal sample complexity | |
Optimal transport | |
Optimal Transportation | |
optimization | |
Optimization in Networks | |
optimization-based control design | |
Oscillations | |
overestimation bias | |
P | |
Packet Drops | |
PageRanks | |
Parameter sensitivity | |
partial correction | |
Partially observed control | |
Peer-to-peer network | |
Physical World | |
Physical-layer security and privacy | |
Pliable Index Coding | |
Polynomial Codes | |
posterior sampling | |
potential function | |
Power Grid | |
Power Grid Universal Learning | |
power method | |
power system dynamics | |
power systems | |
Power systems control | |
power-one tests | |
Pre-fetching | |
predictive coding | |
preference learning | |
Preference Optimization | |
Prelimit coupling | |
Price of anarchy | |
Principal Component Analysis | |
Privacy | |
privacy leakage | |
Privacy-utility trade-off | |
Privacy-utility tradeoff | |
private information retrieval | |
Private Information Retrieval (PIR) | |
Private Linear Computation | |
probabilistic graphical models | |
Probability Sampling | |
product channel | |
Proportionally fair resource allocation | |
Pruning algorithms | |
Q | |
Q-learning | |
Q-Value Function | |
Quadratic assignment problems | |
quadratic optimization | |
quantization | |
Quantized systems | |
Quantum algorithms | |
quantum chemistry | |
Quantum chip design | |
Quantum Circuits | |
quantum codes | |
quantum computing | |
Quantum Control | |
quantum erasure channel | |
quantum error correction | |
quantum error-correcting codes | |
Quantum Fisher information | |
Quantum Information Theory | |
Quantum LDPC | |
quantum low-density parity check codes | |
Quantum low-density parity-check codes | |
Quantum State Discrimination | |
Queueing Theory | |
Quickest change detection | |
R | |
Random geometric graphs | |
Randomized Algorithms | |
rank minimization | |
Rate-distortion function | |
Reachability analysis | |
recurrent neural networks | |
redundancy | |
regularization | |
Reinforcement learning | |
Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback | |
remote state estimation | |
representation learning | |
Resilience | |
Richardson-Romberg extrapolation | |
Riemannian optimization | |
Risk Aversion | |
Risk-sensitive RL | |
RLHF | |
Robot Learning | |
Robotic Manipulation | |
Robust | |
robust control | |
Robust Federated Learning | |
robust reinforcement learning | |
robust statistics | |
Robust tests | |
robustness | |
Rényi divergence | |
S | |
Safety | |
Sample complexity | |
Sampling Algorithms | |
Scheduling | |
Schrödinger bridge | |
Schur complement | |
Secret Sharing | |
Secure Distributed Matrix Multiplication | |
Self Play | |
Semi-parametric statistics | |
sequential | |
sequential change detection | |
sequential estimation | |
sequential testing | |
Set invariance | |
shadow banning | |
Shannon theory | |
Shapley-Folkman theorem | |
single-index models | |
Sinkhorn algorithm | |
skewed statistics | |
slow learning | |
Sludging | |
social learning | |
social network | |
social networks | |
Solovay-Kitaev theorem | |
Sparse Signal Recovery | |
sparse training | |
SPD manifold | |
Spectral Representation | |
stabilizer formalism | |
star bodies | |
state evolution | |
statistical dependence | |
statistical estimation | |
Statistical limits | |
Steady-state convergence | |
stochastic algorithms | |
Stochastic Approximation | |
Stochastic Bandits | |
Stochastic block coordinate descent | |
stochastic block models | |
stochastic control | |
stochastic gradient methods | |
Stochastic Hybrid Systems | |
Stochastic Optimal Control | |
stochastic traffic | |
strong data processing inequality | |
strong invariance | |
structure learning | |
sublinear algorithms | |
sublinear space | |
Subsystem codes | |
Sustainability | |
Switched systems | |
symmetric channel | |
symmetric private information retrieval | |
Symmetrized KL information | |
Symmetry | |
Symplectic basis | |
synthetic data | |
T | |
text-guided image editing | |
Throughput | |
Topological entropy | |
Transform Method | |
Transportation electrification | |
tree exploration | |
Tree networks | |
triorthogonal code | |
Tunable privacy measures | |
turnstile | |
two-block group algebra codes | |
Type-1 and Type-2 Error | |
U | |
unbalanced faults | |
Uncertainty quantification | |
unclonable cryptography | |
Universal Adversarial Perturbation | |
unnormalized and score-based models | |
V | |
Variance Estimation | |
Ville's inequality | |
Vision-Language | |
Viterbi Algorithm (VA) | |
Voltage source converter | |
W | |
Wasserstein distance | |
watermarking | |
Weak Coupling | |
Weyl calculus | |
Wireless Networks | |
Wishart distribution | |
worst group accuracy | |
X | |
XY interaction | |
Z | |
zero-order | |
zero-sum game |