Call for Workshops

Workshops should focus in presenting results and promoting discussion about specific sub-topics or a well-defined active research area of interest for the Aerospace or related engineering communities. We are interested in proposals that cover material or use presentation formats that are not found within the main conference. We highly welcome creative new formats that increase the number of participants, that encourage participants to stay for the full duration of the event, that enhance discussion among them, that also increase the level of interaction between established experts and early-career researchers, and that make useful connections to fields outside of aerospace. Workshop proposals should highlight how the workshops will be structured in order to encourage open-ended discussion and active participation of all attendees that is not possible in the regular 2019 IEEE AEI sessions. They should also highlight how each of the invited speakers contributes to the workshop, including how they will contribute to the development of an engaging workshop throughout the entire event. When an invited speaker or organizer is on more than one workshop proposal, this must be noted, including which proposal he/she identifies as the most relevant to them. If good proposals on closely related topics are received, acceptance may be conditional on merging similar proposals into one workshop. The proposers of 2019 IEEE AEI workshops are encouraged to consider submitting a proposal for an Special Issue by IEEE or SNAS journal. Special Issues publish peer reviewed manuscripts responding to an open call, and could be proposed by the workshop organizers, who – upon acceptance by the IEEE or SNAS Editorial Boards, and under its supervision – would assist or also act as Guest Editors.

Proposals must be submitted to General Chair via e-mail and must address these points: Type and Duration, Title, Organizers, Objectives, List of speakers, Intended audience, Expected attendance, Why this workshop is not expected to be covered by a regular session in 2019 IEEE AEI, Details of any other workshops/tutorials at 2019 IEEE AEI in which the proposers are involved, Support/Endorsements, Special requests (equipment or other issues)

This Microsoft Word Template will help you structure the proposal. Accepted proposals will be asked to provide an abstract and a dedicated website for their event. Contact General Chair for more info.

Important Dates

10 January 2019: workshop proposal submission deadline

20 January 2018: notification of acceptance

22-23 April 2019: Workshops

Call for Tutorials

2019 IEEE AEI seeks to provide an extensive program of workshops and tutorials to be held prior to and after the conference. Proposals that address topics related to the conference theme are welcome. We invite proposals for half-day or full-day tutorials. Tutorial proposals should identify proposed mechanisms for content delivery and identify how the proposed tutorial will complement and enhance the AEI technical program. We particularly welcome creative new formats that increase the number of participants, that encourage participants to stay for the full duration of the event, that enhance discussion among participants, that increase the level of interaction between established experts and early-career researchers and general audiences, and that make useful connections to fields outside of aerospace. Proposals must be submitted to Prof George Dekoulis and must address these points: Type and Duration, Title, Organizers, Objectives, List of speakers, Intended audience, Expected attendance, Why this tutorial is not expected to be covered by other 2019 IEEE AEI activities, Details of any other workshops/tutorials at AEI in which the proposers are involved, Support/Endorsements, Special requests (equipment or other issues)

Microsoft Word Template is available to help you structure the proposal.  Accepted proposals will be asked to provide an abstract and a dedicated website for their event. For any questions regarding the tutorials, contact General Chair.

Important Dates

10 January 2019: workshop proposal submission deadline

20 January 2019: notification of acceptance

20-23 April 2019: Tutorials

Call for Videos

2019 IEEE AEI seeks to provide focused discussions on new topics and innovative applications of established approaches during the conference. Therefore, the organization of Special Video Session(s) is encouraged. The submitted videos to 2019 IEEE AEI can show novel research results or interesting applications in relevance to the conference topics. We welcome videos showing early results as well as well-researched results. Submitted videos will be reviewed by the Conference Video Committee. To submit a video, please refer to the following instructions: Duration: 1-3 minutes, Size: Less than 50 Mb, Formats: The MPEG format (.mpg) will be accepted, Codecs: Do not use special codecs in order to provide as much portability across platforms as possible. Any variance from the suggested formatting may result in difficulties playing the file on different platforms and could be blocked. Structure: The video must include at the beginning a video cover with the title, authors and affiliation and the credits at the end. When preparing the video, please make it as professional as possible. Producing a video already requires a significant amount of effort, and therefore, spending a little more effort to raise the quality can make a big difference in how it is received. The video contributions should not have any commercial pitch and the authors of each video must have clear copyright of the audio and visual content. Each video must be accompanied by a one-page description in PDF: a) title, authors and affiliation, b) 200-word abstract, and c) contact information. The selected videos (and the PDF descriptions) will be linked in the electronic conference proceedings and will also be displayed during the conference. For more information or details on video submission, please Contact General Chair for more info.

Important Dates

10 January 2019: video submission deadline

20 January 2019: notification of acceptance

20-23 April 2019: Videos

Call for Competitions

The 2019 IEEE AEI Organizing Committee invites proposals for competitions. The competitions provide a unique venue for state-of-the-art technical demonstrations from research labs from academia and industry. Conference attendees and media representatives will have the opportunity to experience live demonstrations of various Aerospace and related engineering technologies via these competitions. Proposals must include: Title of the competition, a brief description of the competition, including what particular task(s) are under evaluation and why the competition is of interest to the AEI community, a draft of the rules and scoring system, title and type of prices or grants, time schedule for competition day(s), a list of possible/potential participants, awards planning, including any financial plans, request for the Organizing Committee for facilities including a) required space (area in square meters and minimum height), b) energy, telecommunications network, c) human resources needed, and d) any specific infrastructure you may need to do the competition, competition organizers’ names, contact information, and brief CVs of the competition organizers, describing previous experience in organizing competitions, workshops, etc. All submissions will undergo a standard review process within the Competition Committee. Acceptance decisions will be based upon the potential significance, sustainability in 2019 IEEE AEI, and logistical requirements.​

Microsoft Word Template is available to help you structure the proposal. Accepted proposals will be asked to provide a dedicated website for their event. All the submissions should be made via email to General Chair​ with the subject: “Competition Proposal from (your name and surname)”.

Important Dates

10 January 2019: video submission deadline

20 January 2019: notification of acceptance

20-23 April 2019: Videos

Call for Special Sessions

2019 IEEE AEI seeks to provide focused discussions on new topics and innovative applications of established approaches during the conference. Therefore, the organization of Special Sessions is encouraged. A special session consists of eight related papers, which could all address for example a particular theme or consist of work done in some particular international project, or a specific subfield of aerospace. The goal of these sessions is the proposed authors can meet to discuss the topic and their papers. 2019 IEEE AEI welcomes active members or coordinators of ongoing collaborative projects, focused PhD research training groups, special interest groups, or any other organizers to submit their proposals for Special Sessions.

How to write a proposal for a Special Session. Sessions are divided into eight slots. Proposals for special sessions should include: a proposed title for the session, a brief 2-3 paragraph summary for the session explaining the goal of the session and the overarching themes of the submitted papers, a list of papers with name and a short biography of contributing authors, and tentative abstracts (max. 2 page extended) for the papers, which will not be published in the proceedings. Prospective organizers are invited to submit their "Special Session Proposals" according to the template for Word, and submit it completed to General Chair. Proposals with significant overlap will possibly be merged. These papers will undergo the same strict review process like all other 2019 IEEE AEI papers and, if accepted, published in the proceedings.

Important Dates

10 January 2019: special session proposal submission deadline

20 January 2019: notification of acceptance

20-23 April 2019: Special sessions

Call for Forums

2019 IEEE AEI is willing to host several forums in order to exchange innovative ideas, points of view and discuss issues around different approaches on aerospace and related fields. We are particularly interested in forums that discuss non-technical issues of aerospce such as aviation, aviation management, ethics in technologies, logistics, airline operations, civil aviation, airworthiness, regulations, policies, and similar topics from all aerospace related engineering fields. We are open to different proposals and themes that may be of broad interest for 2019 IEEE AEI attendees.

How to write a proposal for a Forum. Proposals for forums should include: a proposed title for the Forum, a brief 3-4 paragraph summary for the session explaining the goal of the Forum and the themes to be discussed, a proposed format for the Forum (time, presenters…), a list of presenters with names, a short biography and topic, Prospective organizers are invited to submit their "Forum Proposals" to General Chair to be revised by the organizing committee. Proposals with significant overlap will possibly be merged.

Important Dates

10 January 2019: forum proposal submission deadline

20 January 2019: notification of acceptance

20-23 April 2019: Forums

Call for Industrial Activities 

2019 IEEE AEI would like to host an Industrial Activity Forum, where different companies, technological institutes and research centres could introduce their most recent activities around industry in aerospace and high-tech innovation, bringing the opportunity to exchange ideas with attendees in a forum open to discussion. 

Proposals for Industrial Activities should include: a proposed title for the session, a brief 2-3 paragraph summary for the session explaining the themes to be introduced and discussed, the names and affiliation of organizers/presenters, together with a short biography of them, name/s of the company, institute of technology, research centre, etc. and a brief summary of their activity and why its presentation should be of interest for 2019 IEEE AEI. Prospective organizers are invited to submit their "Industrial Activities proposals" to General Chair to be reviewed by the organizing committee. Please, write your full name on the subject of the mail. Proposals with significant overlap will possibly be merged.

Important Dates

10 January 2019: industrial activities proposal submission deadline

20 January 2019: notification of acceptance

20-23 April 2019: Industrial activities forum

Call for Entrepreneurship Activities

To foster the entrepreneurial spirit and to provide a platform to encourage researchers and practitioners to transition ideas and prototypes to marketable products, the 2019 IEEE AEI is inviting the aerospace community and related fields to participate to and propose Entrepreneurial Activities. The events are intended to inspire, educate, enable, and empower researchers, students, young professionals and all interested citizens of any country, age and social condition to foster the creation of new innovative aerospace start-ups and spin-offs for the benefit of engineering, education and society. The objective is also to bring closer the investors and financial agencies to the opportunities opened by the steep progress in intelligent aerospace systems, to spur a new global wave of aerospace and related engineering entrepreneurship. Proposals for Entrepreneurship Activities should include: a proposed title for the Activity, a brief 2-3 paragraph summary for the activity explaining the themes to be introduced and discussed and the how the activity will be carried out, the names and affiliation of organizers/presenters, together with a short profile of them. Prospective organizers are invited to submit their "Entrepreneurship Activities” proposals to General Chair

Important Dates

10 January 2019: Entrepreneurship Activities proposals submission deadline

20 January 2019: notification of acceptance

20-23 April 2019: Entrepreneurship Activities

Late Breaking Results Poster Session

2019 IEEE AEI introduces the Late Breaking Results Poster Sessions, in poster format, in which researchers have an opportunity to present recent results and work-in-progress. This component of the conference technical program is intended to reach out to the broader aerospace research community. The submissions are not peer-reviewed, and do not count as publications. Indeed, this session is ideal for researchers to get feedback on their work prior to submitting it for formal publication. Prospective poster presenters should submit a 1-page abstract by January 10 through our submission system. We believe that Late Breaking Results Poster Sessions will be a great addition to 2019 IEEE AEI and we strongly encourage you to submit your interesting new work to these sessions. Accepted abstracts will not be included in the conference proceedings, and they will not be submitted to IEEE for inclusion in the Xplore database. See the FAQ below for more information.

Submission Guidelines: Language: English, Paper size: US letter, format: two-column IEEE journal, abstract length: one (1) page, file format: PDF. Abstract templates: LateX template and MS Word template

Important Dates

20 March 2019: Deadline for Submissions of Late Breaking Results (abstracts)

22-23 April 2019: Poster sessions

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the Late breaking results Poster Session about? This session is to allow as many people as possible to share their work at 2019 IEEE AEI. Abstracts are reviewed for basic quality only, and are not held to the same standards as full papers.

​What's the poster conference format? Poster sessions will run at the coffee breaks morning and afternoon. Bring your paper poster (up to DIN A0 size, portrait orientation) and put it on your board at the allocated time, and talk to your colleagues about your work over refreshments.

​How many authors of each accepted abstract present the poster at 2019 IEEE AEI? At least one of the authors of each accepted poster is expected to be present at the poster during the entire session.

Does the presenter/s (author/s) need to register to the conference? Yes. You need to register to the Conference as any other attendees, via “Without paper”.

What are the criteria for accepting abstract-only submissions? The abstract should describe aerospace research or applications that will be of interest to the AEI audience. Abstracts are not formally peer-reviewed but normal standards of academic integrity and presentation apply. References should be given to prior work. Applications papers, including projects in education are welcome.

​I had a paper rejected from AEI or another conference or journal. Can I submit an abstract based on that paper? Yes.

​I had a paper accepted to AEI or another conference or journal. Can I submit an abstract based on that paper? Yes. The abstract document itself must be unique and not reproduced elsewhere. 

​Can I submit an abstract on work in progress? Yes. If you are proud of your work so far, and your ideas will be of interest to the AEI audience. Abstracts can be somewhat speculative. 

For additional information, please contact 2019 IEEE AEI General Chair at dekoulis@aeispace.org