This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
acute stress | |
Addcition | |
addiction | |
additive model | |
Adenosine A2A Receptor | |
ADHD | |
age | |
aggression | |
aggressivity | |
Aging | |
alcohol | |
alcohol consumption | |
alcohol preference | |
alcohol seeking | |
alcohol seeking behaviors | |
alcohol use disorder | |
alcohol withdrawal | |
Alcoholism | |
allogrooming | |
alternative polyadenylation | |
altruism | |
Alzheimer's | |
Alzheimer's disease | |
Alzheimer’s | |
Alzheimer’s Disease | |
amygdala | |
animal research | |
Anorexia | |
anxiety | |
anxiety disorders | |
ASD | |
autism spectrum disorder | |
autonomic circuits | |
aversive effects | |
aversive stimuli | |
B | |
Bdnf | |
behavior | |
binge drinking | |
binge eating | |
bipolar disorder | |
Birk-Barel mental retardation | |
bone | |
brain image | |
burrowing behavior | |
BXD | |
BXDs | |
C | |
C. elegans | |
cavefish | |
CCN proteins | |
cerebellum | |
chemosensory stimuli | |
Chirper mice | |
cholinergic signaling | |
Chronic alcohol consumption | |
Ciliopathies | |
circadian clock | |
circadian rhythm | |
Cisd2 | |
CNVs | |
cocaine | |
Cocaine’omics | |
cognitive-behavioral deficits | |
collaborative cross | |
collaborative cross mice | |
complex behaviors | |
complex operant | |
Congenital hydrocephalus | |
corticosterone | |
courtship | |
CRH neurons | |
cross-sectional study | |
D | |
D2 dopamine receptor | |
Decapods | |
decision making | |
depression subtypes | |
development | |
Diet | |
diversity outbred mice | |
DNA variants | |
DOCK3 | |
dopamine transporter | |
dopaminergic | |
dopaminergic neurons | |
Dorsomedial Striatum | |
drug development | |
drug discovery | |
drug targets | |
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy | |
dystroglycanopathies | |
E | |
eating disorders | |
endocrine circuit | |
enrichment | |
ensheathing glia | |
environmental enrichment | |
environmental knowledge | |
epigenetics | |
essential tremor phenotype | |
evolution of behavior | |
exercise | |
extracellular matrix | |
F | |
fatty acids | |
fear learning | |
FGF21 | |
first trimester embryo development | |
Fmr-1 | |
food deprivation | |
Fragile X | |
Frailty | |
G | |
GABRA2 | |
Gap junctions | |
gene variants | |
genetic background | |
genetic variants | |
Genomics | |
glucocorticoid | |
glucocorticoid receptor | |
glucocorticoid receptors | |
Glucocorticoid regulation | |
glucocorticoids | |
Glutamate Transporter | |
gradient sensing | |
Gulf war illness | |
GWAS | |
H | |
habituation | |
Harmaline | |
heritable variation | |
hippocampal learning | |
hippocampal neurons | |
hippocampus | |
histone acetylome | |
Hnrnph1 | |
housing condidtions | |
hybrid swine | |
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis | |
hypothalamus | |
I | |
immune response | |
impulsive behavior | |
impulsivity | |
inbred strains | |
information processing | |
inhibitory control | |
Ionotropic Receptor 56d | |
K | |
KCNK9 | |
L | |
learned song | |
LMO4 | |
locomotor response | |
long non-coding RNAs | |
LXS recombinant inbred mice | |
M | |
MA-related behaviors | |
macrocephaly | |
male courtship | |
Marbled Crayfish | |
mechanotransduction | |
Medial Habenula | |
memory | |
metabolism | |
methamphetamine | |
methamphetamine sensitivity | |
MiR-138 | |
motivation | |
MYO7A | |
N | |
Nav1 | |
nematode model | |
neural circuit coding | |
neuro development | |
neurochemical connectome | |
neurodegenerative disease | |
neuroimmune signaling | |
neuroinflammation | |
neurological disorders | |
neuromodulation | |
neuronal expression | |
neuronal phenotype | |
Neuropeptide F | |
nicotine | |
nicotine exposure | |
nicotine sensitivity | |
nicotine withdrawal | |
non-coding RNAs | |
non-cognitive symptoms | |
NPAS2 | |
NR1D1 | |
nucleus accumbens | |
O | |
OCT3 | |
oculocutaneous albinism | |
open-field | |
opiods | |
orientiation | |
P | |
pappaa | |
parasitic nematodes | |
Parkinson’s Disease | |
Pde4 | |
personalized medicine | |
pharmachological fMRI | |
pharmacist's knowledge | |
Pharmacogenetics | |
pharmacotherapy | |
phenomics | |
photoreceptor | |
PHOX2B | |
precision medicine | |
prefrontal cortex | |
prenatal stress | |
prolonged stress | |
psychiatric disease | |
Psychiatric Disorders | |
psychostimulant | |
PTEN | |
public misunderstanding | |
Q | |
QTLs | |
quantitative trait | |
R | |
red foxes | |
reduced complexity cross | |
regeneration | |
resilience | |
reversal learning | |
RNAi | |
S | |
schizophrenia | |
search strategies | |
Seizure | |
sensation seeking | |
sensory cues | |
sensory hair cells | |
sensory stimuli | |
serotonin | |
serotonin receptor | |
sex dependence | |
sex specific symptoms | |
SLC6A3 gene | |
sleep | |
Slitrks | |
social behavior | |
social bonding | |
sound processing | |
spinal cord injury | |
stimuli response | |
stress | |
stress response | |
striatum | |
synapsin III | |
Synaptotagmin 2 | |
systems genetics | |
T | |
TAAR1 | |
taste discrimination | |
tmie | |
toll-like receptor | |
tomt | |
topography | |
trace amine-associated receptor 1 | |
transcription | |
transcription regulation | |
Transgenic crustaceans | |
translational model | |
transposon library | |
tremorgenesis | |
Tyrosine Hydroxylase | |
U | |
Usher Syndrome | |
V | |
variants | |
Variomics | |
ventral striatum | |
Virtual chromatin conformation capture | |
vocal learning | |
voluntary locomotion | |
Vulpes vulpes | |
W | |
Wolfram Syndrome | |
Y | |
Y chromosome | |
β | |
β-arrestin |