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Resilience of Structural Systems to Seismic Events: Determined as Economic Losses for Their Rehabilitation

EasyChair Preprint no. 5061

10 pagesDate: February 27, 2021


This research describes the methodology and results of the resilience experienced by a set of structural systems, applied to characteristic school buildings in Peru (prior to 1997) called 780PRE (41,000 centers). The latest earthquakes in Peru have shown that educational buildings built before 1997 are highly vulnerable. However, structures built with the 2003 standard have better seismic performance since it improves the stiffness and resistance requirements. In this work, the design of the 780PRE school buildings was reviewed following the indications of La Norma Peruana (NDSR-2016). However, these buildings, due to the fact that in their conception they had permissible design codes for flexibility (NDSR-97), they do not have adequate capacity and rigidity in the event of occasional seismic movements and leading them to collapse, thus establishing that their degree of resilience is nil. Therefore, several levels of incremental reinforcement are proposed to improve performance based on vulnerability and its resilience index. The methodology considered is divided into two parts.

Keyphrases: Reforzamiento Incremental, Resiliencia, Viabilidad económica., Vulnerabilidad

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Hector Aroquipa Velasquez},
  title = {Resilience of Structural Systems to Seismic Events: Determined as Economic Losses for Their Rehabilitation},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 5061},

  year = {EasyChair, 2021}}
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