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Research on the Impact of the Use of Electronic Medical Record System on Doctor's Work demand: From the Perspective of Doctor's Diagnosis and Treatment Process*

EasyChair Preprint no. 1503

8 pagesDate: September 12, 2019


Abstract With the popularity of electronic medical record system in hospitals, its impact on doctors'work requirements has attracted widespread attention. From the perspective of doctor's diagnosis and treatment process, this paper selected 14 public hospitals in Nanjing and conducted a questionnaire survey. Structural equation model was used for empirical analysis. The study found that: Doctors perceive the ease of use of electronic medical record system has a significant positive impact on perceived usefulness; perceived usefulness and ease of use of electronic medical record system have a negative impact on the radicality of perceived diagnosis and treatment process; after the use of electronic medical record system, doctors perceive the radicality of diagnosis and treatment process has a positive impact on their work overload and work overload. Work-family conflict perception; and work overload has a significant positive impact on work-family conflict. Therefore, doctors need to actively adapt to and actively learn the use of electronic medical record system, so as to reduce the impact of system use on workload and alleviate the pressure of system use.

Keyphrases: 工作家庭冲突;, 工作要求;, 工作过载;, 电子病历系统;, 结构方程模型

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Change Zhu and Baoxiang Song and Mengfei Sheng},
  title = {Research on the Impact of the Use of Electronic Medical Record System on Doctor's Work demand: From the Perspective of Doctor's Diagnosis and Treatment Process*},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 1503},

  year = {EasyChair, 2019}}
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