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Development and optimization of manufactured interconnectors by powder metallurgy for applications in high temperature fuel cell based power generation systems (SOFC)

EasyChair Preprint no. 1008

2 pagesDate: May 25, 2019


An intrinsic problem associated with the use of renewable energy sources is consumer demand, so energy storage becomes essential for new low-carbon scenarios. During periods of the day when energy production exceeds demand, excess power can be used to produce hydrogen by electrolysis of water (SOEC) while in the opposite situation the hydrogen produced can be converted back into electricity using a fuel cell (SOFC). Fuel cells or electrochemical generators are the most efficient systems to take advantage of the high energy content of hydrogen. In order to generate the stack of the SOFC or SOEC system, cells (multilayer ceramics with anode, cathode and electrolyte function) and interconnectors are necessary. The operating temperature of these systems (700 - 850ºC) allows the manufacture of ferritic stainless steel (FSS) interconnectors produced by conventional powder metallurgy (PM). Both the composition of the FSS and the design and processing parameters in PM (compaction pressure, sintering temperature and atmosphere) have been optimised. In order to limit and avoid chromium poisoning of the ceramic cell, a study has been carried out of different techniques (roll-painting and direct inkjet printing) for the application of these chromium barrier coatings (manganese cobalt oxide spinels) which must be electrically conductive and have thermal expansion coefficients (TEC) similar to the electrolyte and the interconnector. Interconnector ASR measurements have been performed under different atmospheres and I-V curve of a repetition unit (IC-cell-IC).

Keyphrases: envenamiento por cromo, inoxidable ferrítico, Interconector, pila de combustible, Recubrimiento

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Maria Carmen Monterde and Lucile Bernadet and Marc Torrell and José Antonio Calero Martínez and Emilio Jiménez-Piqué},
  title = {Development and optimization of manufactured interconnectors  by powder metallurgy for applications in high temperature fuel cell based power generation systems (SOFC)},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 1008},

  year = {EasyChair, 2019}}
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