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Experiences and Experiences of Working Conditions in Musicians of a Symphony Orchestra of Ecuador; a Phenomenological Approach

EasyChair Preprint no. 3670

10 pagesDate: June 24, 2020


 Our study was carried out in the Loja-Ecuador Symphony Orchestra, due to its national and international cultural connotation. Therefore, our question is based on what are the experiences and experiences of working conditions in the selected population, with the approach of a problem that goes from ethic to emic, studying non-observances due to exposure to risk inherent in musicians. The objectives set are to understand the existing working conditions. The methodology is qualitative with a phenomenological design. The results are collected based on in-depth interviews, the analysis of qualitative data according to Patton, phases of; description, reduction or thematization and interpretation. Conclusions The relationships lived in family, their profession is described in inheritance and culture, they coexist for years, in time there are joys, emotions, competition, ego, fame, and above all sacrifice. In space lived in rehearsals and concerts, dedicated long hours to their profession, also since their childhood they have sacrificed many situations at their age. The findings of working conditions were found predominantly ergonomic risk due to the presence of repetitive neuromuscular disorders injuries, leading to licenses or absences from work, for reluctant periods.

Keyphrases: condiciones laborales, Fenomenología, Musicos, orquesta sinfónica

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Janeth Fernanda Jiménez Rey and Mónica Isabel Contreras Estrada and Miguel Alfonso Mercado Ramirez},
  title = {Experiences and Experiences of Working Conditions in Musicians of a Symphony Orchestra of Ecuador; a Phenomenological Approach},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 3670},

  year = {EasyChair, 2020}}
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