Download PDFOpen PDF in browserTake Care of Those Who Care!EasyChair Preprint 37449 pages•Date: July 4, 2020AbstractWe present the experience of the first author in professional and higher technical education in the area of well-being and health and of the Project “Caring for those who Care!”, Developed since 2007. The reflection focuses on the integral view of the human being, discussed in the discipline Complementary Integrative Practice (PIC). We seek, in the concept of a comprehensive view, to develop the attention of professionals who exercise some type of care in the health and disease process. In this sense, and in a preventive way, we associate the conceptions of Eastern and Western medicines, with an emphasis on comprehensive care in well-being in the Aesthetics and Massage Therapy Courses. In these activities, the body, the mind, the spirit and the environment experienced are understood as complex and inseparable entities. The tools used to promote individual and collective health, through humanization in social relations, promote disease prevention, develop practices that reverberate beyond discipline, which allows the understanding of human beings in the world, sharpening the view on processes of illness and cure. Regarding the therapist-patient relationship, it was possible to observe the bond provided by touch and integral attention. We continue with these activities of guidance and assistance (quick massage, auriculotherapy and Do-In). The analysis of the results shows that respect and care for those who provide care allows delivery and participation in the project, providing participants with a reflection on their actions and preparation to BE a caregiver. Based on Bloise (2011), Zabala (2002), Padilha (2002) and Veiga (2001), we make use of Vasconcellos' (2006, p.51) statement: “the subject of the reflection is also the subject of the decision, share and usufruct ”. We wish, a teaching in health centered on individual well-being, aiming at collective well-being and incorporating preventive medicine as cultural well-being. Keyphrases: Docência em saúde, cuidar de quem cuida, saúde integral