Download PDFOpen PDF in browserBranch-and-Bound Algorithm for Sparse Approximation in Signal Processing and StatisticsEasyChair Preprint 25692 pages•Date: February 5, 2020AbstractSparse approximation aims to adjust a model in the least-squares sense and imposing a small number of non-zero components (the l_0 "norm"). This problem amounts to considering a mixed-integer program with binary constraints. We propose a Branch-and-Bound algorithm for the exploration of binary variables. We show that the evaluation of each node by continuous relaxation can be performed by solving l_1 norm minimization problems with box constraints, for which we propose a specific algorithm. The resulting method outperforms the generic CPLEX solver, especially when the size of the problem increases. Keyphrases: Algorithme Branch-and-Bound, Cardinalité, Optimisation en norme L0, Programmation en Nombres Mixtes