CCGC Conference 2019: Chinese Culture in the Global Context Conference 2019 The Open University of Hong Kong Hong Kong, Hong Kong, March 13-15, 2019 |
Conference website | |
Submission link | |
Abstract registration deadline | October 19, 2018 |
Submission deadline | October 19, 2018 |
Topics: chinese culture global chinese literature chinese drama and film translations of chinese culture
Chinese Culture in the Global Context Conference 2019
13 – 15 March 2019
Call for Papers
- Chinese Culture in the 21st Century and its Global Dimensions
- The global impact of China lies as much in its soft cultural power as in its economic growth. Hence, the teaching of Chinese language, literature, history, philosophy, communication, film and art cannot be isolated from an understanding of the internationalization of Chinese culture in recent decades. With this in view, this conference will be organized to serve as a platform to promote the sharing of research ideas and the dissemination of research findings on Chinese culture in the 21st century and its global dimension.
Aims and Objectives
- Explore the contemporary significance of Chinese culture in its philosophical, literary and artistic manifestations
- Investigate how Chinese culture has been taught and studied in different parts of the world, particularly in (a) East Asia, (b) Southeast Asia, (c) Europe, and (d) North America
- Facilitate the study of the increasingly important role that Chinese culture plays in the global world
We welcome submissions that include, but not limited to, the following themes:
- Chinese studies (culture, philosophy, history and literature) as an academic discipline in the West
- Chinese culture in the 21st century world
- Global Chinese literature
- The translations of Chinese culture in the West
- Chinese drama and Western stage art
- Chinese film in the global context
- The reinterpretations of Chinese culture in Mainland China in the 21st century
- Innovative ways of studying and researching Chinese humanities
- The influx of Western methods and ideas and the growth of new forms of culture in China
- The rise of cultural industries in China and new forms of Chinese culture
- The reception of Chinese culture, traditional and contemporary, in academia in the West and other parts of Asia
* Selected papers will be considered for publication.
Languages of presentation
- Presentations can be made in English, Putonghua or Cantonese.
Abstract Submission Guideline
- The abstract should give a good description of the aims and key points of the paper to be presented. The submission should be no more than 300 words and it should follow the abstract style guide available on the conference website. The author(s) should provide: (1) the title of the paper; (2) the name(s) of the author(s); (3) author affiliation(s); and (4) keywords (at least three and no more than six).
- Submission of abstracts to the conference can be made via the EasyChair system or by sending the file via email. The file should be in Microsoft Word format, and the subject line should be "CCGC Conference 2019 Abstract Submission_Your Name".
- Submissions should be made on or before 19 October 2018 (Friday). Applicants will be notified of the results by 16 November 2018 (Friday).
Full Paper Submission Guideline (for those whose would like to be considered for peer-reviewed publication):
The submission should be 4,000 to 8,000 words (excluding references).
Important Dates
19 October 2018 (Fri): | Deadline of abstract submission | |
16 November 2018 (Fri): | Notification of acceptance | |
1 February 2018 (Fri): | Deadline of Full Paper submission (for those whose would like to be considered for peer-reviewed publication) | |
13 – 15 March 2019 (Wed to Fri): | CCGC Conference 2019 |
- The Open University of Hong Kong, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
- Chinese Culture in the Global Context Conference 2019 is substantially supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (UGC/IDS16/16).
- This conference is co-organised by the research programme Chinese Culture in the Global Context of the School of Arts and Social Sciences, the Open University of Hong Kong and OUHK Tin Ka Ping Centre of Chinese Culture.
Mr Tyler Tsui (Conference Secretary)
Telephone: (852) 2768 6502/ (852) 2768 5903
Conference website:
全球背景下的中國文化 學術會議2019
- 二十一世紀中國文化與國際視野
- 中國對全球的影響取決於其歷史文化及經濟增長力量。因此,在教授中國語文、文學、歷史、哲學、傳意、電影、藝術時決不可少對近年中國文化國際步伐的理解。是次學術會議旨在提供一個學術交流平台,促進就二十一世紀中國文化與國際視野課題研究方面成果的交流與分享。
- 探討中國文化在哲學、文學、藝術在現代的重要性
- 探究世界各地教授和研究中國文化的方法,特別是東亞、 南亞、歐洲以及北美洲等地區
- 促進就中國文化在國際日趨重要的地位之研究
歡迎各界學者就二十一世紀中國文化與國際視野提交論文,論文主題可包括以下範疇 (亦歡迎其他相關研究):
- 漢學(包括文化、哲學、歷史及文學)在西方作為學科的情況
- 二十一世紀中國文化
- 全球中華文學
- 中華文化的英語或外語翻譯
- 中國戲劇與西方舞台藝術
- 全球背景下的中文電影
- 二十一世紀中華文化在中國本地的新闡釋
- 中國人文學科創新學習及研究方法
- 西方研究方法的流入與中國新文化的發展
- 中國本地文化產業的發展與新中華文化
- 中國文化(傳統及現代)在西方及其他亞洲地區學界的接受情況
- 英語、普通話、廣東話
- 論文摘要需準確概括論文的目的及要點,字數不多於300字(包括標點符號),並按照論文摘要格式撰寫(格式請見此網頁。作者須提供:(1) 論文題目、(2) 作者姓名、(3) 所屬機構、(4) 論文關鍵字 (三至六項)。
- 論文摘要可經電郵發送至,或透過網上論文管理系統EasyChair此網頁提交。經電郵投稿的文件須為Microsoft Word 文檔,檔案名稱及電郵主旨請列明為「CCGC2019論文摘要_作者姓名」。請於2018年10月19日(星期五)或之前提交論文摘要。論文摘要審查結果將於2018年12月14日或之前以電郵通知。
- 請於2018年11月2日(星期五)或之前提交論文摘要。論文摘要審查結果將於2018年12月14日或之前以電郵通知。
2018年10月19日(星期五): | 論文摘要截稿 |
2018年11月16日(星期五): | 論文摘要審查結果發布 |
2019年2月1日(星期五): | 完整論文截稿 (如欲參與出版) |
2019年3月13-15日 (星期三至五): | 學術會議2019 |
- 香港九龍何文田 香港公開大學
- 全球背景下的中國文化學術會議2019大部分由中國香港特別行政區研究資助局 (項目編號:UGC/IDS16/16) 撥款資助。
- 是次學術會議由香港公開大學人文社會科學院籌劃的研究項目「全球背景下的中國文化」及香港公開大學田家炳中華文化中心合辦。
- 會議秘書: 徐先生
電話: (852) 2768 6502 / (852) 2768 5903