![]() | CADE-29: 29th international Conference on Automated Deduction Sapienza University of Rome Rome, Italy, July 1-5, 2023 |
Conference website | https://www.cadeinc.org/conferences |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cade29 |
Conference program | https://easychair.org/smart-program/CADE-29/ |
Abstract registration deadline | February 27, 2023 |
Submission deadline | March 6, 2023 |
Notification | May 3, 2023 |
CADE is the major international forum for presenting research on all aspects of automated deduction. High-quality submissions on the general topic of automated deduction, including logical foundations, theory and principles, applications in and beyond computer science and mathematics, and implementations of automated reasoning systems are solicited. CADE-29 aims to present research that reflects the broad range of interesting and relevant topics in automated deduction.
CADE-29 is in cooperation with ACM SIGLOG.
CADE-29 and affiliated satellite events will take place in Rome, Italy and will be co-located with FSCD 2023.
CADE-29 proceedings will be published in Springer's Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series in Gold Open Access mode at a CADE special rate of €200.00 per paper. Funding will be available for authors of accepted papers who cannot cover the €200 fee.
Special Issue
The authors of a selection of the best CADE-29 papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper after the conference, to be published in a special issue of the Journal of Automated Reasoning.
Submission Guidelines
Submission authors should consult Springer's guidelines and technical instructions and are expected to adhere to Springer's code of conduct. All submission must be formatted in the LNCS style and must include the ORCID id of at least the corresponding author, and preferably of all authors.
Submissions can be made in two categories:
- Regular papers. Up to 15 pages in LNCS style, excluding references. Proofs of theoretical results that do not fit in the page limit may be provided in an appendix.
- Short papers. This includes system descriptions, user experiences, case studies and domain models. Up to 10 pages in LNCS style, excluding references.
Reviewers may consider material provided in appendices, but submissions must be self-contained within the page limit. Submissions must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. They will be judged on relevance, originality, significance, correctness, and readability. If software or data is relevant to a paper, a link that provides access to the software/data must be provided to enable reproduction of results.
The review process will include a feedback/rebuttal period where authors will have the option to respond to reviewer comments. The PC chairs may solicit further reviews after the rebuttal period. Selected accepted papers will be considered by Program Committee for the CADE Best Paper Award.
Papers must be submitted to EasyChair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cade29
Important Dates
Abstract deadline: February 27, 2023
Submission deadline: March 6, 2023
Rebuttal phase: April 18-20, 2023
Notification: May 3, 2023
Final version: May 24, 2023
Main Conference: July 1-4, 2023
Satellite events: July 4-6, 2023
Program Committee Chairs
Brigitte Pientka, MacGill University
Cesare Tinelli, The University of Iowa
CADE implements the ACM policy against harassment.
All questions about CADE-29 paper submissions should be emailed to the PC Chairs (cade29 at easychair.org).
Call for Workshops, Tutorials and Competitions (Jointly with FSCD 2023)
We invite proposals for workshops, tutorials, competitions or other satellite events, on any topic related to formal structures in computation, deduction and automated reasoning, from theoretical foundations to tools and applications.
FSCD satellite events will take place before the main conference on July 1-2, and CADE satellite events will take place after the main conference on July 4 (afternoon)-5. It is expected that satellite events will run for 1/2, 1 or 2 days (max 1 and 1/2 day for CADE satellite events), and be open to participants of parallel events. Please note overlaps between FSCD workshops and CADE conference and between CADE workshops and FSCD conference (see Important Dates below).
Event Proposals
Proposals must be limited to three pages and should be submitted via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=fscd23cade29ws
Each workshop proposal should consist of the following two parts.
- A description part including:
- a short scientific justification of the proposed topic, its significance, and the particular benefits of the workshop to the community, as well as a list of previous or related workshops (if relevant);
- a brief description (up to 120 words) of the event for the website and publicity material.
- An organisational part including:
- contact information for the workshop organisers;
- proposed affiliated conference;
- estimate of the number of workshop participants;proposed format and agenda (e.g. paper presentations, tutorials, demo sessions, etc.)
- potential invited speakers;
- procedures for selecting papers and participants;
- tentative schedule for paper submission and notification of acceptance;
- plans for dissemination, if any (e.g. a journal special issue);
- duration (which may vary from half a day to two days (max 1 and 1/2 days for CADE);
- any other special requirements.
Each tutorial proposal should provide the following information:
- tutorial title;
- names and affiliations of organizers;
- proposed tutorial duration (from half to one day) and the preferred day;
- brief description of the tutorial's goals and topics to be covered;
- whether or not a version of the tutorial has been given previously, and if/how the intended presentation differs.
Each competition proposal should include thefollowing information:
- competition title;
- names and affiliations of organizers;
- duration and schedule of the competition;
- room/space requirements;
- description of the competition task and the evaluation procedure;
- is the competition new or has it been organized before? In the latter case information on previous competitions should be given;
- what computing resources are required and how will they be provided?
The Organising Committee of FSCD-CADE will determine the final list of accepted events based on the recommendations from the Workshop Chairs of the hosting conferences and availability of space and facilities.
As applicable, the organisers of satellite events are expected to create and maintain a website for the event; handle paper selection, reviewing and acceptance; draw up a tentative programme of talks; advertise their event though specialist mailing lists; prepare the informal pre-proceedings in a timely fashion; and arrange any post-proceedings.
The FSCD-CADE organising committee will handle promotion of the event on the main conference website; integration of the event’s programme into the overall timetable; registration of participants; arrangement of an appropriate meeting room; and provision of lunch and coffee breaks for participants.
The organisers may rely on one free registration for every workshop, to be used e.g. for one invited speaker. No other cost will be covered by the local organisation. Workshop organisers are encouraged to find sponsors for financing workshop expenses.
Important Dates
Main Conferences:
CADE July 1-4, 2023
FSCD July 3-6, 2023
Satellite Events:
CADE July 4 (afternoon) and 5, 2023
FSCD July 1-2, 2023
Submission of workshop proposals: December 18, 2022
Notification of success of proposals: December 23rd, 2022
All questions about submissions should be emailed to the CADE/FSCD workshop chair Ivano Salvo.