Days: Wednesday, January 25th Thursday, January 26th Friday, January 27th
Wednesday, January 25th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
14:30-16:10 Session 2A: Forecasting
Location: Room IV
14:30 | An inflation-predicting measure of the output gap in the euro area ( abstract ) |
14:55 | Improved Tests for Robust Forecast Comparison ( abstract ) |
14:30-16:10 Session 2B: Volatility and covariance matrix
Location: Room VI
14:30 | Adding overnight to the Daily Covariance ( abstract ) |
14:55 | News Measures for Volatility Modelling and Forecasting ( abstract ) |
15:20 | Asymmetric semi-volatility spillover effects in the EMU stock markets ( abstract ) |
14:30-16:10 Session 2C: Estimation I
Location: Room VII
14:30 | Weighted-average least squares estimation of generalized linear models ( abstract ) |
14:55 | Dynamic vector mode regression ( abstract ) |
15:20 | Consistent non-Gaussian pseudo maximum likelihood estimators ( abstract ) |
14:30-16:10 Session 2D: Social and behavioral economics
Location: Room VIII
14:30 | Freedom, Diversity, and the Taste for Revolt ( abstract ) |
14:55 | Social Interactions Through Space and Time: Evidence from college enrollment and academic mobility ( abstract ) |
15:20 | The effect of police on crime: Evidence from the 2014 World Cup in São Paulo ( abstract ) |
16:40-18:20 Session 3A: Regression models for binary dependent variables: theory and application
Location: Room IV
16:40 | A deeper analysis on pharmaceutical submarket Concentration: the US market in 1987-1998 ( abstract ) |
17:05 | Pseudo-Conditional inference in binary short panels with predetermined covariates ( abstract ) |
17:30 | Incorporating Preference axioms in Discrete Choice Experiment design ( abstract ) |
16:40-18:20 Session 3B: Uncertainty
Location: Room VI
16:40 | Monetary policy, uncertainty and gross capital flows: A mixed frequency approach ( abstract ) |
17:05 | Measuring economic uncertainty using news-media textual data ( abstract ) |
17:30 | Uncertainty Through the Lenses of A Mixed-Frequency Bayesian Panel Markov Switching Model ( abstract ) |
16:40-18:20 Session 3C: Microeconometrics
Location: Room VII
16:40 | Wealth Effects and the Consumption of Italian Households in the Great Recession ( abstract ) |
17:05 | Political Contributions and Public Procurement: Evidence from Lithuania ( abstract ) |
17:30 | Persuadable perceptions: The effect of exposure to media on corruption measures ( abstract ) |
17:55 | The Effect of Unexpected Inheritances on Wealth Accumulation: Precautionary Savings or Liquidity Constraints? ( abstract ) |
16:40-18:20 Session 3D: Cointegration
Location: Room VIII
16:40 | An Integrated Modified OLS RESET Test for Cointegrating Regressions ( abstract ) |
17:05 | Co-integration rank determination in partial systems using information criteria ( abstract ) |
17:30 | General representation theorems for cointegration ( abstract ) |
Thursday, January 26th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
08:50-10:30 Session 4A: Financial econometrics I
Location: Room IV
08:50 | Jump risk and pricing implications ( abstract ) |
09:15 | The predictive density of a GARCH process ( abstract ) |
09:40 | Bootstrapping non-causal autoregressions: with an application to tests for bubbles ( abstract ) |
10:05 | Combining Markov Switching and Smooth Transition in Modeling Volatility: A Fuzzy Regime MEM ( abstract ) |
08:50-10:30 Session 4B: Applied microeconometrics
Location: Room VI
08:50 | Early Childcare and Child Non Cognitive Outcomes ( abstract ) |
09:15 | Economic effects of Venice Carnivals: An ex-post econometric verification approach ( abstract ) |
09:40 | Balanced variable addition in linear models, with an application to the long-term health effects of childhood circumstances ( abstract ) |
08:50-10:30 Session 4C: Identification and estimation
Location: Room VII
08:50 | Inferring Cognitive Heterogeneity from Aggregate Choices ( abstract ) |
09:15 | Risk Aversion: Differential Conditions for the Concavity in Transformed Two-Parameter Distributions ( abstract ) |
09:40 | Uncertain Identification ( abstract ) |
10:05 | Estimation and model-based combination of causality networks ( abstract ) |
08:50-10:30 Session 4D: Credit
Location: Room VIII
08:50 | An Assessment of the Access to Credit – Welfare Nexus: Evidence from Mauritania ( abstract ) |
09:15 | Credit demand and supply shocks in Italy ( abstract ) |
09:40 | Specialisation in mortgage risk under Basel II ( abstract ) |
08:50-10:30 Session 4E: Macroeconomics I
Location: Room IX
08:50 | The Italian GDP at t+30 days: model estimation, real time analysis and performance evaluation ( abstract ) |
09:15 | Do Seasonal Adjustments Induce Noncausal Dynamics in Inflation Rates? ( abstract ) |
11:00-13:00 Session 5: Plenary session - ICEEE 7th keynote talks
Location: Aula Magna 1
11:00 | Saving during retirement ( abstract ) |
12:00 | Nowcasting ( abstract ) |
14:30-16:10 Session 6A: Panel data
Location: Room IV
14:30 | Indirect inference estimation of nonlinear dynamic panel data models ( abstract ) |
14:55 | Estimation of Nonlinear Panel Models with Multiple Unobserved Effects ( abstract ) |
15:20 | A diagnostic criterion for approximate factor structure ( abstract ) |
15:45 | Asymmetric Macroeconomic Volatility in European Regions ( abstract ) |
14:30-16:10 Session 6B: Parametric and nonparametric estimation
Location: Room VI
14:30 | Market credit risk in Europe ( abstract ) |
14:55 | Parametric and Semiparametric IV Estimation of Network Models with Selectivity ( abstract ) |
15:20 | Bayesian Tensor Regression ( abstract ) |
15:45 | Bayesian nonparametric sparse seemingly unrelated regression models (SUR) ( abstract ) |
14:30-16:10 Session 6C: Fiscal policy
Location: Room VII
14:30 | The Effect of Audits on Tax Compliance: Evidence from Italy ( abstract ) |
14:55 | Dynamic quantile regression models and capital structure: heterogeneous reaction to tax incentives and profitability ( abstract ) |
15:20 | Audit publicity and tax compliance: a quasi-natural experiment ( abstract ) |
15:45 | Politics and Budget of the Regional Government ( abstract ) |
14:30-16:10 Session 6D: Banking and financial crises
Location: Room VIII
14:30 | Bank performance and financial stability. How does the manager handle risk-taking in different market structures? ( abstract ) |
14:55 | End of the Sovereign-Bank Doom Loop in the European Union? The Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive ( abstract ) |
15:20 | Full Disclosure and Financial Stability: How Does the Market Digest the Transparency Shock? ( abstract ) |
15:45 | Banks, firms and jobs ( abstract ) |
14:30-16:10 Session 6E: Structural and rational expectation models
Location: Room IX
14:30 | Nonparametric Estimation for Regulation Models ( abstract ) |
14:55 | The Linear Systems Approach to Linear Rational Expectations Models ( abstract ) |
15:20 | Proxy-SVAR as a Bridge between Mixed Frequencies ( abstract ) |
16:40-18:20 Session 7A: Macroeconomics II
Location: Room IV
16:40 | The response of asset prices to monetary policy shocks: stronger than thought ( abstract ) |
17:05 | The Financial Stability Dark Side of Monetary Policy ( abstract ) |
17:30 | Bootstrapping DSGE models ( abstract ) |
17:55 | On the Identification of Interdependence and Contagion of Financial Crises ( abstract ) |
16:40-18:20 Session 7B: Nonlinear models
Location: Room VI
16:40 | Adaptive state space models with applications to the business cycle and financial stress ( abstract ) |
17:05 | Sign restricted Smooth Transition VAR models ( abstract ) |
17:30 | Dynamic Adaptive Mixture Models ( abstract ) |
17:55 | Understanding the Sources of Macroeconomic Uncertainty ( abstract ) |
16:40-18:20 Session 7C: Microeconomics
Location: Room VII
16:40 | The Convergence of the Gender Pay Gap. An Alternative Estimation Approach ( abstract ) |
17:05 | Transgenerational effects of war: Evidence from WWII in Europe ( abstract ) |
17:30 | Quality Time with Parents: Reconsidering Equality Concerns among Families with an Ill Child ( abstract ) |
17:55 | WHO SHOULD MONITOR JOB SICK LEAVE? ( abstract ) |
16:40-18:20 Session 7D: Casuality and cointegration
Location: Room VIII
16:40 | Granger causality between vectors of time series: A Puzzling Property ( abstract ) |
17:05 | Fully Modified OLS Estimation of Spatially Correlated Cointegrated Relationships ( abstract ) |
17:30 | Does threshold cointegration matter for short-term interactions between US commodity prices and inflation? A historical perspective ( abstract ) |
17:55 | FORMULA I(1): Circuits for Likelihood Maximization Algorithms in I(1) and I(2) VAR models ( abstract ) |
16:40-18:20 Session 7E: Session SIS - Measuring financial and banking systems risks
Location: Room IX
16:40 | Mending the broken link: heterogeneous bank lending and monetary policy pass-through ( abstract ) |
17:05 | Bank distress in news and numerical financial data ( abstract ) |
17:30 | Bail-in or Bail-out? The Atlante example from a systemic risk perspective ( abstract ) |
17:55 | Measuring contagion risk in international banking flows ( abstract ) |
Friday, January 27th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
08:50-10:30 Session 8A: Risk evaluation
Location: Room IV
08:50 | Tree based methods for classifying risky financial institutions ( abstract ) |
09:15 | Estimating Risk Premia Using Large Cross-Sections ( abstract ) |
09:40 | Asset Allocation Strategies Based on Penalized Quantile Regression ( abstract ) |
10:05 | Conditional alphas and realized betas ( abstract ) |
08:50-10:30 Session 8B: Testing
Location: Room VI
08:50 | A test for monotonicity of the investment-cash flow sensitivity ( abstract ) |
09:15 | Normality tests for latent variables ( abstract ) |
09:40 | Wald tests when restrictions are locally singular ( abstract ) |
10:05 | Testing for Serial Correlation in Spatial Panels ( abstract ) |
08:50-10:30 Session 8C: Firm dynamics and business cycle
Location: Room VII
08:50 | Offshoring and firm overlap ( abstract ) |
09:15 | Firm Dynamics and Employment Protection: Evidence from Sectoral Data ( abstract ) |
08:50-10:30 Session 8D: Financial econometrics II
Location: Room VIII
08:50 | The seasonal heterogeneous INGARCH model ( abstract ) |
09:15 | New Insights into Financial Markets Efficiency: A Present Value Approach ( abstract ) |
09:40 | Comparing multivariate volatility forecasts by direct and indirect approaches ( abstract ) |
10:05 | Semiparametric Estimation of Multivariate GARCH Models ( abstract ) |
08:50-10:30 Session 8E: Productivity and business cycle
Location: Room IX
08:50 | Cross-Section Dependence and Latent Heterogeneity to Evaluate the Impact of Human Capital on Country Performance: a Robust Nonparametric Frontier Model ( abstract ) |
09:15 | Natives and Migrants in Home Production: The Case of Germany ( abstract ) |
09:40 | State dependence and unobserved heterogeneity in a double hurdle model for remittances: evidence from immigrants to Germany ( abstract ) |
11:00-12:40 Session 9A: Estimation II
Location: Room IV
11:00 | Is a matrix exponential specification suitable for the modeling of spatial correlation structures? ( abstract ) |
11:25 | Copula-Based Random Effects Models for Clustered Data ( abstract ) |
11:50 | On the Estimation of Structural Gravity Models ( abstract ) |
12:15 | Bootstrap inference under random distributional limits ( abstract ) |
11:00-12:40 Session 9B: Choice model
Location: Room VI
11:00 | Swine Flu, Class Attendance, and Exam Performance: Should we force students to go to class? ( abstract ) |
11:25 | Hospital Choice in the NHS ( abstract ) |
11:50 | Intertemporal discrete choice ( abstract ) |
12:15 | Do free choice and control affect individual preferences for redistribution? Evidence from a sample of 74 countries ( abstract ) |
11:00-12:40 Session 9C: Factor models
Location: Room VII
11:00 | Interpreting latent dynamic factors by threshold FAVAR model ( abstract ) |
11:25 | Unstable Diffusion Indexes: With an Application to Bond Risk Premia ( abstract ) |
11:50 | Evaluating Restricted Common Factor models for non-stationary data ( abstract ) |
12:15 | Estimating Stable Latent Factor Models by Indirect Inference ( abstract ) |
11:00-12:40 Session 9D: Monetary policy
Location: Room VIII
11:00 | Changing Monetary Regime: Does It Improve Macroeconomic Performance? ( abstract ) |
11:25 | Forecast uncertainty in the neighborhood of the effective lower bound: How much asymmetry should we expect? ( abstract ) |
11:50 | Macroeconomic responses to an independent monetary policy shock: a (more) agnostic identification procedure ( abstract ) |
11:00-12:40 Session 9E: Session SIE - Measuring crime and politics in economics
Location: Room IX
11:00 | The Legacy of Political History 1000-1800 for Attitudes Towards the State: Disaggregated Analysis for Italy ( abstract ) |
11:25 | War of the Waves: Radio Propaganda, Violence and Political Polarization ( abstract ) |
11:50 | The Political Cost of Being Soft on Crime: Evidence from a Natural Experiment ( abstract ) |
12:45-13:15 Session 10: Closing conference - Award ceremony of Carlo Giannini Prize and Labour Prize
Location: Aula Magna 1