
Welcome to the ICCRTS-KSCO 2017 Conference Program Site

Conference Venue  

The US Army Research Laboratory (ARL) is hosting the 22nd ICCRTS in the Los Angeles area, on November 6-8,2017.

Army Research Laboratory - West and USC Institute for Creative Technologies
12015 Waterfront Drive
Playa Vista, CA 90094-2536

For more details on the venue location, see http://ict.usc.edu/about/location/

Conference Program  

A pdf version of the conference program available on EasyChair is available on the IC2I website (https://static1.squarespace.com/static/53bad224e4b013a11d687e40/t/59f33b86692670b730eed8d2/1509112710993/ICCRTS+Program+10-27-17.pdf).

Notice that Wi-Fi access will be available at the conference venue.

Conference Registration

Online registration is open at http://internationalc2institute.org/registration-form-2017-mc 

Registration at 2017 ICCRTS – KSCO covers the following:

  • Admission for one person to the whole event;
  • A continental breakfast, morning and afternoon “coffee” breaks, and lunch each of the three days ( November 6, 7 and 8);
  • Admission for one person to a 'meet the track chairs and authors' reception (refreshments and soft drinks will be provided; adult beverages must be separately purchased; guests tickets are available at the registration desk);
  • A complimentary one year membership in the International Command and Control Institute that entitles you to on-line access the to the symposium proceedings, ICCRTS archives, and the other research and educational materials.

2017 ICCRTS-KSCO registration fee is: 

  • Before August 30, 2017: $ 485.00 USD;
  • Between September 1, 2017 and September 30, 2017: $565.00 USD;
  • Between October 1, 2017 and November 5, 2017:  $650.00 USD;
  • At the Symposium: $700.00 USD. 

A limited number of partial scholarships that reduce the fee to $250.00 USD are available to full-time students.  Preference will be given to students who are presenting papers. Students who wish to apply for one of these scholarships should send an email to: david.alberts@internationalc2institute.org .

Notice that registration is a two-step process — the fee that is being charged is the fee applicable the day of the payment, not the day the form has been filled in.

Conference Hotels

There is a range of hotels in close vicinity of the venue. For a list of nearby hotels, visit: http://ict.usc.edu/hotels/ .

Information about the area can be found at: http://playavista.com/

Conference Proceedings

The track papers and the associated presentation material will be available through: http://internationalc2institute.org/proceedings/ .

Information about ICCRTS and KSCO

ICCRTS (http://internationalc2institute.org/2017-iccrts) - In 1995, the US DoD Command and Control Research Program (CCRP) (1994-2015), within the Office of the Secretary of Defense, held the first International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (ICCRTS) at the National Defense University in Washington, D.C. This meeting built upon a series of meetings during the 1970s by the Office of Naval Research and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that brought together interested researchers to exchange ideas on command and control (C2), its measurement and assessment, and the impact of new technologies on C2 processes. While the initial meeting was modest in size (63 participants) and included only a handful of non-U.S. participants, ICCRTS has grown substantially, to include hundreds of participants from dozens of nations. Nowadays, the Symposium provides an unparalleled opportunity for professional researchers, academics, active duty and reserve officers, and policymakers to interact with one another, understand the state of the art of C2, and influence the state of the practice among defence coalition partners. The ICCRTS focuses on leading-edge issues involving (a) new concepts in C2 (b) new technologies and their potential impact on C2, and (c) feedback and evidence from experiments, exercises, and real-world operations. The Symposium is also an important forum for discussion of coalition and collective C2 issues and for examining the complex endeavors (stabilization, operations, disaster relief) involving a variety of entities including military, civilian, government, international organizations, Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). ICCRTS 2017 is the 22nd event of ICCRTS.

KSCO (http://ksco.info/ksco-2017.html) - Knowledge Systems for Coalition Operations is an international working group exploring research in Knowledge-based Systems and Information Management, with a focus on the challenges of Coalition Operations. KSCO regularly organizes a technical conference where practitioners and key decision makers in coalition operations management meet and discuss with researchers from areas of knowledge-based systems, information management, planning, and multi-agent systems, exchange experience and ideas, share inspiration, and suggest novel concepts. KSCO 2017 is the 9th event of KSCO.

Additional Information

For more information about this event, please contact 2017iccrts@dodccrp.org or ksco-2017@ksco.info.