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09:00-10:30 Session 4: Opening Plenary Session, Michael Hitt, R. Duane Ireland, and Donald C. Hambrick

Three prominent scholars will talk about their current research, especially featuring the projects they are most passionate about.  They will also eagerly interact with the audience, regarding trends and issues in the academic field of management.

Location: Esplanade Ballroom
10:30-11:00Networking Coffee Break
11:00-13:00 Session 5A: Marketing
Location: Marigny 1
Purchasing-Marketing Integration: a Contingent Analysis
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Recent literature has drawn considerable attention to the benefits of purchasing-marketing functional integration (PMFI). This paper uncovers PMFI relevance during New Product Development (NPD). Based on Information Processing Theory (IPT), data from 141 Spanish firms are used to conduct a moderated regression analysis to test the direct effect PMFI has on the Speed in New Product Development (NPD), as well as the moderating role that environmental dynamism plays on this effect. The information on supply aspects that the purchasing function shares with marketing is used as a PMFI proxy. Our findings show that the effect is positive when the rate of environmental dynamism is medium or high, but negative when it is low. This study value added lies in the following: (1) its IPT grounding; (2) its unit of analysis; (3) its capacity to reconcile the contradictory results often found while studying the impact of functional integration on innovation speed.

Celebrities Are Just like Us: the Moderating Role of Self-Esteem on Attitudes Toward Advertising with Celebrities - a Cross-Cultural Study (Brazil-USA)
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Celebrity endorsement is a popular advertising strategy for promoting products. However, the influence of self-esteem on attitudes toward advertising with celebrities has not been extensively examined before in the marketing literature. We suggest that consumer self-esteem is fundamental to understanding the conditions under which it is more advantageous to present celebrity in advertisements. We draw on theories about celebrity endorsement, self-esteem and social identification to propose that the degree of the consumers’ self-esteem (low vs. high) differentially affects their responses to the identities of celebrities (real vs. ideal). In four experiments we demonstrate that LSEs have a more favorable attitude towards advertisements with real celebrities than ideal celebrities or products, while HSEs prefer advertisements with ideal celebrities versus real celebrities or products. There was also the mediating effect of social identification with celebrities. We call the moderating effect of self-esteem on attitudes towards advertising with celebrities in the celebrity endorsement transfer model as "real celebrity and ideal celebrity". There are purchase intent for real (ideal) celebrities for LSEs (HSEs). This work contributes to extend the literature on self-esteem and celebrities, and it can assist managers and practitioners in choosing the celebrity that best fit to their product and target audience.

Efectividad Del Folleto Publicitario Desde Una Doble Perspectiva
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Este trabajo trata de analizar, basándose en el proceso cognitivo y el inductivo del consumidor, cómo diferentes cuestiones relacionadas con la posición que ocupa un producto determinado dentro del folleto y cómo se presenta, influyen a la hora de aumentar las ventas los productos presentados en él. Además, también se analiza las principales motivaciones de los consumidores para utilizar el folleto publicitario. Para ello, se llevan a cabo dos estudios en los que se combinan datos provenientes de encuesta a consumidores, de la observación de los folletos publicitarios de un minorista durante un año completo y de datos de escáner sobre ventas facilitados por el propio minorista. Además, se introducirán diversas variables de control. Se espera que los resultados sean muy útiles, especialmente para los fabricantes a la hora de negociar y diseñar un folleto publicitario óptimo que maximice las ventas de sus productos.

The Mediating Effect of Marketing Orientation on the Entrepreneurial Orientation and Strategic Alliances Relationship: the Art of Forming Alliances
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Strategic Alliances (SA) and Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) has each been the subject of much scholarly attention, but have largely been considered separately rather than in conjunction with each other. Previous research suggests that Marketing Orientation (OM) is linked to great performance. The objective of this paper is to develop and empirically test a model where EO is associated with SA and this relationship is mediated by MO. The data was collected from 101 Brazilian firms and analyzed by structural equation modeling, which supported those hypotheses. Improving a firm’s EO, especially with regard to autonomy, risk taking and proactiveness, exalts SA. The MO influences SA where firms which have an EO, especially autonomy and risk-taking competence and MO itself, are more prone to foster SA and carry out their implementation. For this reason, the present research study contributed: (1) to extend the works relating to EO and SA by showing the mediation effect of the MO on the EO-SA relationship. (2) to consolidate the design of the EO by using it in a multidimensional way in a reflexive model, - in particular, the autonomy, risk-taking and proactiveness dimension. (3) to ensure that the model used is strong and very representative of the entrepreneurship field (i.e. 30% as explained later).

11:00-13:00 Session 5B: International Management
Location: Marigny 2
Internationalisation of Manufacturing SMEs from Latin American Emerging Markets
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Using an in-depth analysis of cases of emerging-markets SMEs in the manufacturing sector, this paper provides new insight on the internationalisation of this type of firms. Two types of companies were identified. The first type is young businesses that venture into international markets soon after their inception; the internationalisation processes of these companies are not planned strategically, but they use skilful, risk-averse, and creative approaches to make use of and leverage their resources and capacities, thereby achieving a successful and fast immersion in foreign markets. The second type is companies that are older, more conservative, and more cautious. These companies plan and develop a process of gradual internationalisation through the use and development of their existing resources and capabilities. The results exhibit strong evidence of the importance of entrepreneurs and their personal networks for understanding market-selection factors, input modes, and the international performance of SMEs.

De-Internationalization of Brazilian Retailers: Reasons for Divestments
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. The central objective of this paper is to present the reasons that lead to the de-internationalization process in Brazilian retail companies. Additionally, the study ought to bring to light the factors that influence de-internationalization. Recent geopolitical changes, such as the economic advancement of other BRIC members, political questions, currency movements, and financial problems, among other factors, have created an environment in which movements towards de-internationalization are under course. A mixed method is used in this research, as it combines qualitative (Content Analysis) and quantitative (Correspondence Analysis) techniques. The in-depth interviews were conducted with a manager of each company of the sample. Each interview was taped, transcribed verbatim and, treated statistically. The sample of this study contains five Brazilian retail businesses that underwent a de-internationalization process: footwear, footwear and handbags, accessories, textile (clothing), and jewelry enterprises. Contributions are of a theoretical and practical nature. The theorization regarding the phenomenon provided a proposal for classifying factors that interfere in the advancement and retraction processes in international markets. The study brings attention to the organization of the internationalization process in retail companies, since it reveals factors that can be crucial for the international success of a retail company.

Spillovers de La IED y Su Efecto En Las Multilatinas Colombianas
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Analizamos la influencia que han tenido los spillovers (derrames) de la Inversión Extranjera Directa –IED- en Colombia y su efecto en el proceso de internacionalización de las Multilatinas nacionales. Como hipótesis central, la presencia de empresas extranjeras en el país ha generado externalidades positivas que han impulsado la internacionalización de las empresas colombianas. Utilizando una muestra de 14 estudios de caso correspondientes a Multilatinas de diferentes sectores productivos, realizamos una medición cualitativa a través de la aplicación de una encuesta-entrevista con el fin de contrastar con los directivos de estas compañías, la percepción que tienen frente a dos asuntos en particular: (I) el proceso de internacionalización de las firmas locales y (II) el papel que ha representado la presencia de las compañías extranjeras por la vía de los spillovers de exportación de la IED. En general, los hallazgos indican un patrón de expansión influenciado por la oportunidad del entorno, el aprendizaje exportador, la mejora en la productividad, la implementación de acuerdos comerciales y la presión de la competencia por parte de firmas extranjeras.

Organizational, HRM and Line Manager Ambidexterity in Illegitimate Institutional Contexts
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Employees in emerging markets confront illegitimate institutional arrangements characterized by organized crime and violence. We know little regarding employee capabilities to comply with global manufacturing standards while simultaneously surviving in environments characterized by a high level of civil violence. The question of whether management theories hold true in these environments is also unclear. We explore these issues for a sample of 58 employees at three organizational levels in Colombia and Mexico over a period of three years. Our novel findings indicate that organized crime and violence forced organizations, human resources departments and line managers to strategically exploit security measures to protect firm assets while simultaneously implementing innovative explorative strategies to improve employee work conditions, survive in these environments and remain internationally competitive. Our findings suggest line manager ambidexterity is an organizational advantage in the illegitimate institutional context. Our study aims to contribute to the literature linking ambidexterity and institutional theory by providing a robust framework with which to examine employment relationships in unsafe environments.

11:00-13:00 Session 5C: Technology & Innovation
Location: Uptown 1,2
The Impact of Organisational Complexity and Resources on Construction Sites Risk
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Our research is aimed to study the relationship between risk level on constructions sites and organisational complexity and resources. Our general hypotheses are that site complexity increases the risk, whilst more structure resources decrease the risk. A Structural Equation Model (SEM) approach was adopted to validate our theoretical model. To develop our research, we have visited and assessed 957 building sites in Spain during the period 2003-2009. All needed data were obtained using a specific tool developed by the authors to assess site risk, structure and resources (Construction Sites Risk Assessment Tool, CONSRAT). This tool operationalizes the variables to fit our model, specifically, a site risk index (SRI) and 10 organisational variables. Our random sample is composed manly by small building sites with general high levels of risk, moderate complexity, and low resources on site. The model obtained adequate fit and results showed empirical evidence that the factors of complexity and resources can be considered as predictors of sites risk level. As a consequence, these results can help companies, managers of construction and regulators to identify which organisational aspects should be improved in order to prevent the risks on sites and consequently accidents.

Human Resources and Product Innovation Performance: the Mediating Role of Employees Creativity
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. The analysis of human resources and innovation through organizational variables is useful but at the same time, it is limited to predict complex interactions. This paper tries to overcome this limitation, proposing three Structural Equations Modelling (SEM) with variables at two levels for development of creativity (individual level) and product innovation performance (PIP) (organizational level). It is proposed that knowledge, motivation and relationships (individual level) can predict creativity. In addition, creativity is analyzed as a mediator between human resources and product innovation performance. Information was obtained through an online questionnaire to a sample of 245 Spanish innovative companies. Results show important findings: a) knowledge, b) motivation and c) relationships have positively impact on creativity; d) three models hold that creativity mediates completely between human resources and product innovation performance. In addition, the paper contributes to the literature by analizing variables at two levels, measuring the most internal aspects of employees and justifying the mediating role of employees creativity.

Active Seniors and Their Perceived Values of Digital Museum Transformation
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Over the last three decades, technology has improved the wellbeing of both producers and consumers. However, the evolution of the digital world and ambiguous access to knowledge have created a bifurcation between those who have the right skills versus those who have insufficient skills to use it. Amidst the fast technological development, this research will answer fundamental questions on perceived value of active senior visitors (55+ years old) in the context of cultural heritage sites, when using immersive technologies and social media. Using semi-structured interviews, an inductive, single-case study was conducted. This paper contributes to cultural heritage literature conceptualizing technological experience for active senior travelers through illustrating an extended space in the pre/during/post phases of visit. These findings offer insight into the nature of museum seniors visitors, their particularities and consider what is appropriate for organizational goals in the given organizational and environmental context.

11:00-13:00 Session 5D: Strategy
Location: Uptown 3
Explore or Exploit? Ambidextrous Strategic Alliances and Organizational Aspirations in Dynamic Networks
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Performance based aspiration models and their effect on strategic alliances have largely focused on specific dimensions of firm’s ability to balance co-exploration and co-exploitation often neglecting the dynamic nature of alliances and their impact across ambidexterity domains. We address this issue through a multidimensional approach by studying the behavior of the global pharmaceutical firms from 1991 to 2012, and observing the effect that performance above and below aspirations have on firm's strategic decision to both explore and exploit its partnering relationships. Our results find support for the determinant effect of organizational aspirations on alliance ambidexterity for both structural and functional domains of decision-making as well as observe the significant moderating effect of dynamic network centrality measures in the aspiration – ambidexterity relationship. Our study provides a new theoretical perspective that integrates aspirations, ambidexterity and network dynamic embeddedness as well as enhances previous literature on the effect of new dynamic centrality measures.

Environmental Sustainability Based on Supply Chain Integration and Proactivity
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. This research attempts to identify the potential effects of supply chain integration (SCI) on environmental performance (EP). Besides, it examines how EP may vary when considering high or low levels of environmental proactivity as SCI increases. To achieve it, this study uses empirical data collected from a survey and panel of experts from the horticultural marketing sector. A total of 53 responses were used. An ordered probit analysis and the maximum-likelihood estimation method are used to test the proposed hypotheses. The results confirm that SCI and environmental proactivity have a direct and positive effect on EP. However, these effects vary when considering different SCI dimensions (internal, with customers or with suppliers). This study helps to understand other ways of considering the effects of SCI beyond those based on operational issues. In particular, it considers SCI as an enabler of EP by analyzing the role of environmental proactivity in such processes.

Make or Buy as Antecedent of Environmental Performance
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. The process of designing the environmental practices of an organization can be developed internally or outsourced to a specialized contractor. When managers make such decisions, they set the boundaries of their firm and determine its organizational structure. There is an outstanding gap in research in organizations and the natural environment in terms of the impact of boundary-setting decisions as an antecedent of corporate environmental performance. This papers addresses such gap exploring the consequences of make or buy decisions for the completeness of environmental design (scope of practices adopted) and the quality of environmental performance. We test our hypothesis using a sample of 357 Welsh companies. Our results show that a) firms outsourcing a higher extent of their environmental design will have a more complete environmental design and better environmental performance; b) firms using more than one contractor will obtain better results than firms relying on one.

Municipalities and the Citizens´ Perception of Social Responsibility in the Region of Extremadura in Spain
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. After the recent global economic crisis, the general and ambitious global goal of sustainability is in risk because inequality is increasing, and not only between countries, but also within countries at the regional level. What are the implications of these global economic changes and how can local governments support this transformation are the two main questions of this study. Social Responsibility in the Public Administration has been considered as a multi-level phenomena responding to the challenges and opportunities for public institutions faced by the rapidly evolving world. This work is a multilevel research because it addresses the levels of theory, measurement of citizens´ perceptions about the social responsibility of municipalities, and a structural model analysis with PLS-SEM method to examine and to answer the research question.

11:00-13:00 Session 5E: IM & Technology & Innovation
Location: Salon 3
de-Internationalization by Multinationals in Crises: Surviving in Venezuela
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Much of the organizational literature has focused on stable, growing, or successful organizations, but little attention has been paid to managing organizations in crisis. We chose Venezuela, currently facing an ongoing crisis, as an ideal country for analyzing the detrimental effects of adverse business environments on multinational enterprises’ (MNEs) internationalization efforts. Despite this persistent crisis, many MNEs are still operating in oil rich Venezuela facing government intervention threats, rampant inflation, currency shortages, unfavorable labor laws, etc. The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of national corporate systems on the MNEs’ decelerating internationalization or de-internationalization. By integrating resource-based view and institutional theory, we present a set of testable propositions to further guide research on the effects of institutional factors on the MNEs’ development of innovative, absorptive, and adaptive capabilities and MNEs’ de-internationalization. We provide some examples of such capabilities and suggest directions for future research.

an Institutional Theory Perspective of Resource Development in the Internationalization and Growth of Multilatinas
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Many Latin American MNEs (referred to as “Multilatinas”) have become leaders in their respective industries in spite of operating in inefficient economies with a high risk of government intervention and a high degree of uncertainty. This paper examines competitive advantages Multilatinas have in internationalization, particularly through entry mode. By integrating institutional theory and resource-based view we address gaps in the literature by analyzing internationalization efforts in Multilatinas and roles of institutional factors on firm resources. The developed model proposes home country conditions influence development of strategic resources within firms, and in turn drive internationalization efforts. Implications and future research suggestions are discussed.

Brand Personality: an Archetypal Approach in Four Ibero-American Countries
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Brand personality is one of the major components of brand identity. It includes human personality traits as one of the components of brand identity in what Kapferer (1995) calls the “Brand Identity Prism.” Along with a significantly widespread brand personality scale (Aaker 1997), a brand may adopt an archetypal approach that includes a set of human characteristics associated with the brand. In this research, we develop a framework to analyze customers’ perceptions about the brand archetypes of three leading global brands in four Ibero-American countries. Based on Mark and Pearson’s (2001) approach, we propose a list of words for each archetype and measure the intensity of consumers’ brand archetype associations. The results suggest that consumers develop strong associations with brands. There is frequently a strong and coherent connection with a specific archetype for some brands. However, we found some significant differences among countries, which might lead to a possible insufficient global brand efforts in a coherent brand personality/global-archetypal approach. The lack of empirical studies suggests that important research opportunities exist in this field.

Internacionalização Articulada Pelo Consultor Profissional Praticante Da Estratégia: Estudo de Caso Da Empresa Zehn Bier

ABSTRACT. O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender como ocorre o processo de internacionalização à luz da estratégia como prática articulada pelo consultor profissional praticante da estratégia. Foi adotada a metodologia qualitativa por meio do estudo de caso único. A seleção do caso ocorreu de forma não aleatória, por acessibilidade e intencional pelo fenômeno que se buscou analisar. Foi selecionada uma empresa do ramo cervejeiro localizada em Santa Catarina (SC), sul do Brasil, a Zehn Bier. As técnicas de coleta de dados incluíram entrevista semiestruturada tanto com os consultores como com a empresa contratante do serviço, análise documental e observação direta, assegurando a triangulação para a interpretação dos dados. Os dados foram analisados por meio da análise da narrativa e pela técnica pattern-matching. Os resultados apontam que há a integração entre a prática, práxis e praticantes da estratégia de internacionalização da empresa Zehn Bier e que os consultores têm influência, de forma positiva, em todo o processo, conforme diagrama de Whittington (2006).

Social Progress and International Patent Collaboration

ABSTRACT. This study focuses on how international patent collaboration (IPC) influences social development at the country level. Although researchers have traditionally stressed the effects of IPC on countries’ technological development, there are indications that it can also have important social effects. In this context, this paper provides an empirical evaluation of the influence of different types of patents (i.e., patents invented abroad and patents invented in the focal country by foreign researchers) on the Social Progress Index. Using panel data on a sample of 35 OECD countries over the period 2009-2016, the results support the conclusion that different types of IPC may have different implications for countries’ social development. The findings also show that patents invented abroad have a positive influence on those aspects of social progress related to personal rights, freedom and choice, tolerance and advanced education, more than on basic human needs. Overall, this paper is relevant for policy making with regard to the type of IPC that is most beneficial in terms of social impact.

ICT Use, Technology Transfer, and Institutions in the Co-Devolution of MNE Parent Company and Subsidiary
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. In this research, we extend co-evolution theory to develop the argument that the use of information and communication technologies for technology transfer is beneficial for a co-evolutionary relationship between an MNE parent company and a wholly-owned subsidiary. We propose the idea that a lack of technology transfer between a parent company and a wholly-owned subsidiary is disadvantageous to both organizational entities, and that technology gap is likely to exist when a parent company is located in a developed economy and when a wholly-owned subsidiary is located in an emerging economy. We posit that this gap will lead to a detrimental impact on both organizational entities insofar as they will be more likely to co-devolve in at least two ways, namely, in the short- to medium- term, a failure to adopt and diffuse the parent company’s innovations (i.e., core competence), and in the longer-term, the scaling back, or restructuring, of the ownership structure of the wholly-owned subsidiary. Though the creation of innovation for wholly-owned subsidiaries may serve the local market, its products and processes are dissociated from the brand name of the MNE, and the wholly-owned subsidiary does not adopt innovations from its parent company.

O Processo de Internacionalização de Uma Multinacional Brasileira: Desafios E Oportunidades
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. As empresas multinacionais de países emergentes ganharam destaque na economia global nos últimos anos. Apesar dos diversos estudos para compreender as características e os caminhos percorridos por estas empresas durante seu processo de internacionalização, não há um consenso, pois elas representam um grupo bastante heterogêneo. A contribuição desse artigo consiste em descrever, por meio de um estudo de caso único, o processo de internacionalização da única empresa brasileira do setor de bens de capital que sobreviveu à abertura de mercado e às crises causadas por mudanças tecnológicas e aumento do padrão de qualidade exigido em um setor de intensa tecnologia. O estudo nos permitiu explicar as vantagens competitivas decorrentes da trajetória da empresa, dos aprendizados e dos recursos desenvolvidos, o passo a passo do processo de internacionalização, as razões que motivaram as escolhas da empresa sobre como, para onde e por que se internacionalizar e como os achados se relacionam com a literatura. Concluímos que a empresa não percorreu um caminho previsível se guiando pelos desafios e oportunidades de mercado encontrados ao longo da sua trajetória de internacionalização.

13:00-14:00Lunch Break (Not provided by IAoM)
14:00-16:00 Session 6A: OB & HRM
Location: Marigny 1
Emotional Intelligence, Emotions and Decision Making
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. This study is focused on the analysis of a series of elements which might favor people’s capacities to set objectives in areas in which they are personally invested in making right decisions. The capacity to set objectives is one of the main variables to assess management skills found in the academic literature. Our empirical findings reveal that even though the level of emotional intelligence and the frame of mind of participants have an important effect on this capacity, the activation of the neuronal circuits strongly linked to creativity and insightful problem solving, by means of some simple exercises based on recent discoveries in the neuroscience field, results in significant improvements in individuals’ capacity to generate appropriate objectives.

High Potentials in Multilatinas: Creation of Latin American-Specific Models or Convergence Towards Existing Ones?
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Multilatinas are emergent multinational enterprises from Latin America that have successfully transitioned to doing business in the developed world. This article seeks to understand, through the perceptions of Senior Corporate Talent Management Executives, the way in which the talent identification models were conceived: where the model was sourced from (national business systems or international know-how) and who contributed to the design (internal actors or local or international consultants). With this objective, semi-structured in-depth interviews with 17 participants were conducted. Even though we have identified a fragmented scenario, multilatinas, in general, do not copy a complete or “best practice” model exactly. They chose different components from a variety of models and added their own, thereby creating a new hybrid model. Nevertheless, multilatinas rely on European and US models for the design of their own models, revealing some mimetic and normative pressures. Besides, participant firms, in general, count on internal actors to build the talent identification models, downplaying the importance of international consultancy firms. Finally, based on the identified models, a typology is proposed. These findings may be significant for Human Resources managers seeking to develop effective talent management tools in emerging countries.

Being Globally Engaged: the Role of Cultural Intelligence, Organizational Culture and Individualism-Collectivism
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Purpose: To examine the effects of cultural intelligence, individualism-collectivism and organizational culture on work engagement in a multinational organization within the conservation of resources theory (COR). Design/methodology/approach: Sample consisted of 219 employees of a multinational company. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to test the research model. Findings: The results suggest that cultural intelligence is positively related to work engagement and that this relationship is moderated by employees’ individualism-collectivism, as well as by the adaptability dimension of organizational culture. Research limitations/implications: Greater generalizability of the findings could be achieved by a higher geographically dispersed sample. Other cultural dimensions, as well as personal and organizational characteristics, should be considered in order to ascertain more clearly the relationships between these variables. Practical implications: The findings suggest that cultural intelligence is a powerful tool in order to develop employee engagement within a multinational organization. Furthermore, the importance of building a highly adaptive organizational culture, as well as considering employee’s cultural values is discussed. Originality/value: This study identifies relevant resources that can aide to manage diversity and increase employees' engagement in companies that operate across national borders.

Job Characteristic Values-Supplies Congruence and Incongruence in Perceived Work Stress Across Countries
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Drawing from Warr’s Vitamin Model and perspective of person-environment congruence, we hypothesize that job characteristic values-supplies congruence will be negatively associated with employees’ perceived work stress and job characteristics values-supplies incongruence will be positively associated with employees’ perceived work stress. We further theorize that those relationships will be moderated by uncertainty avoidance. We examined our hypotheses with seven out of the ten Globe clusters and found that uncertainty avoidance partially moderated the relationship between job characteristics values-supplies congruence and employees’ perceived work stress.

14:00-16:00 Session 6B: OB & HRM
Location: Marigny 2
Influencia de La Calidad de Vida En Las Competencias de Emprendimiento de Los Adultos Mayores En Ecuador
SPEAKER: Paola Ochoa

ABSTRACT. La proyección demográfica de las Naciones Unidas (2015) plantea que América Latina será el lugar donde más crezca la población de adultos mayores a nivel mundial. Junto con esta información, la escasez de investigaciones sobre el emprendimiento en adultos mayores en Latinoamérica y en particular en Ecuador, fueron algunos de los elementos que justificaron esta investigación. El objetivo del trabajo fue analizar el impacto de la calidad de vida en las competencias de emprendimiento en un grupo de adultos mayores de Ecuador. Método: El estudio fue transversal. La muestra fue incidental y estuvo constituida por 89 adultos mayores de Ecuador. Se utilizó el cuestionario de habilidades emprendedoras de Geri (2013) y de Calidad de vida laboral WHOQOL-OLD. Se realizaron los análisis de validez del instrumento y fiabilidad de los datos, y se obtuvieron las puntuaciones de las subescalas del cuestionario WHOQOL-OLD y del de habilidades emprendedoras. Finalmente se exploró la relación entre las variables habilidades de emprendimiento y calidad de vida, a través de una regresión jerárquica múltiple. Resultados: A pesar de encontrarse un bajo interés de los adultos mayores en emprender, los resultados demostraron que algunas dimensiones de la calidad de vida influyen en las habilidades de emprender de los encuestados. Específicamente dos dimensiones de la calidad de vida resultaron significativas. Los resultados indican que en la medida que el adulto mayor se percibe mejor sensorialmente las habilidades de emprendimiento son menores y también que existe una influencia positiva de la dimensión actividades pasadas, presentes y futuras en las habilidades de emprendimiento.

Criatividade E Improviso No Desporto: Lições Do Ténis
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. In the modern business world, the acquisition of competitive advantage depends on a number of internal and external factors; however, the ultimate factor is how workers make use of such factors on a creative way. Creativity and improvisation have been the target for much research in the last years; knowledge about improvisation in particular has been fuelled by the use of the jazz and the theatre metaphors. The current study aimed to understand how creativity and improvisation are present in top-level tennis, how they are observed, what is their importance, and what are their benefits. The purpose is to comprehend any specificities of improvisation in tennis, and to transpose such learnings into organisational behaviour. To meet the previously proposed objectives, 15 semi-structured interviews were conducted: 6 coaches, 4 players, 1 referee and 4 fans. The text material was content-analysed, and data was complemented with observations from the field and insight knowledge. Results show that both creativity and improvisation are shown in tennis, and that improvisation seems to be best defined as something which is inherent to the individual, i.e., it makes part of his/her being. In other words, improvisation seems to be a non-learned competency, which challenged current views of creativity, in which this concept is defined within a context. The paper ends with a plea to recover and rethink traditional definitions of creativity, in which the notion was essentially viewed as an internal aptitude, relatively independent from context.

Hospital Organizational Integration and Relational Coordination: the Mediating Role of Workplace Spirituality and Work Engagement in Predicting Quality and Efficiency Outcomes
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Hospital organizational integration (HOI) and relational coordination (RC) are associated with positive organizational outcomes in healthcare organizations, in what concerns both quality and efficiency (Gillies et al., 2006; Mattke et al., 2007; Gittell, 2011; Weinberg, 2007). This study analyses the relationship of HOI and RC with both objective performance outcomes, which measure efficiency, and perceived performance outcomes, which measure service quality. The double mediating role of workplace spirituality and work engagement is also analysed. The study is a survey, in a large public hospital with 395 healthcare professionals. Results revealed the crucial role of HOI in the promotion of efficiency and quality in healthcare services and, on the other hand, highlighted the important role of RC in fostering the quality of the healthcare service provision, but not in terms of achieving operational efficiency. Additionally, WS and WE are performance predictors and mediating variables, in what concerns the quality of hospital performance.

Culture and Love of Money: Evidence from Iberian Peninsula
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Nowadays, we are living in the era of globalization and shrouded in capitalism, with permanent and intense relations at various levels and between different cultures. Thus, it is urgent to pay attention to the importance that sounds attach to money in different cultural contexts. Although there are several studies on these two topics in separate, too little attention has been given to study them together. In this study, a questionnaire was carried out to measure a relationship between cultural values and the love of money in Iberian Peninsula: Spain and Portugal. A final valid sample of 613 of Spanish and Portuguese individuals was obtained aiming to study the relationship between cultural values and the love of money. The study tests the hypotheses using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) in the software PLS (Partial Least Squares). Results evidence that both individualism and masculinity are positively related to love of money success and motivator factors. The findings also evidence that both power distance and uncertainty avoidance are positively related to love of money budget factor. Additionally, both long term orientation and indulgence positively relates to Love of Money Budget and Evil factors. This study presents new evidence to managers and companies, in order to assign the adequate importance to the question of money when dealing with individuals (in general) and with employees (in particular) according to their cultural setting. With this study, it is believed that organizational policies and practices at the level of ethics, motivation or leadership can be properly defined and implemented.

14:00-16:00 Session 6C: Economics & Finance / Strategy
Location: Uptown 1,2
Efectos de Los Spillovers de Exportación de La IED: Evidencia de Un Meta-Análisis En La Economía Mundial
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Este paper analiza la literatura disponible acerca de los spillovers (derrames) de exportación de la Inversión Extranjera Directa –IED- y sus efectos en la actividad exportadora de las empresas nacionales de los países receptores, a partir del trabajo pionero de Aitken et al (1997). Utilizando una selección de 73 artículos correspondientes a 29 economías para el período 1997-2016, se confirma mediante el uso de un modelo probit, la alta posibilidad de encontrar efectos positivos cuando se estudian los diferentes tipos de derrames, con probabilidades del 83,6% y 79% para 13 economías avanzadas y 71,3% para 16 países emergentes. La conclusión principal es que para las economías avanzadas los derrames impulsan un efecto complemento que genera vínculos comerciales más directos entre las empresas nacionales y las multinacionales extranjeras; mientras para los países emergentes, la naturaleza del spilllover genera un efecto competencia que presiona a las empresas nacionales a mejorar su inserción internacional.

Os Critérios de Investimento Utilizados Pelos Investidores Anjo No Brasil: Uma Análise Sobre Suas Priorizações
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. As startups, geralmente precisam de financiamento para crescer e estes novos empreendimentos frequentemente se voltam a investidores anjos como opção de capital. Investidores anjo são indivíduos com grande disponibilidade de recursos financeiros que decidem investir em negócios de risco trazendo frequentemente não somente capital, mas também conhecimento e experiência. O objetivo deste estudo é compreender melhor o processo decisório de investimento anjo em startups, identificando e analisando quais são os critérios de investimento priorizados pelos investidores anjo brasileiros em seus investimentos em startups. O ambiente principal de pesquisa deste trabalho foi a Gávea Angels, a mais antiga associação de anjos do Brasil, e de forma secundária, os investidores da rede de contatos dos pesquisadores. Em linha com grande parte dos estudos internacionais sobre o assunto, os resultados demonstraram que a despeito da importância dos critérios ligados ao mercado, produto e dados financeiros, os critérios priorizados foram aqueles ligados ao empreendedor e seu time de gestão, conforme segue: (1) confiabilidade/honestidade do empreendedor; (2) entusiasmo/comprometimento do empreendedor; (3) time de gestão; (4) expertise de domínio do empreendedor. Os critérios ‘resiliência’ e ‘paixão do time’ foram os atributos mais importantes na análise particular do ‘time de gestão’.

Mecanismos de Controle Externo E Interno Em Meta-Organizações: O Caso FIFA
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. O estudo tem como objetivo investigar como organizações constituídas por outras organizações, denominadas meta-organizações, operam sistemas internos e externos de controle para lidar com problemas típicos de governança e estratégia frente ao contexto de free-rider e agravamento dos problemas de agência decorrentes da ausência de um principal que captura os benefícios da ação coletiva da meta-organização. Se em uma empresa típica os acionistas definem estratégias e controlam ações que trarão os maiores benefícios àqueles com maior poder político, e os agentes de mercado e investidores supervisionam e fortalecem os mecanismos de controle externo, nas meta-organizações a fragilidade e dispersão dos interesses coletivos e limitação dos controles externos e enforcement podem ampliar os espaços para ações de oportunismo gerencial ou mesmo corrupção e problemas similares. Nesse sentido, tendo por base o referencial teórico associado aos problemas da governança corporativa e a literatura recente sobre meta-organizações, o artigo apresenta análise do caso de corrupção envolvendo a Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA). As análises evidenciaram fragilidades e problemas de transparência, acúmulo de cargos, falta de membros independentes nos comitês e o sistema de votação utilizado no Congresso da entidade como fatores cruciais no desdobramento dos problemas de corrupção enfrentados. Os resultados, apesar das limitações à generalização inerentes ao estudo de caso, permitem avançar na compreensão dos problemas inerentes à governança e controle das meta-organizações, modelo que apresenta significativo crescimento internacional, não compartilhados por empresas e organizações tradicionais de associados individuais.

Reliability of Financial Reporting and Corporate Governance in Spanish Central Government Agencies
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. This research focuses on the contribution of Corporate Governance (CG) to the reliability of the financial information of public agencies. For this purpose, the earning management of accounting figures of different types of CG of Spanish Central Government Agencies (SCGA) are analysed. The information has been mainly obtained through the financial reports available at the websites of the governmental agencies studied. The sample is made up of 177 SCGA. The outsider members of the boards of directors are revealed in this study as the key issue for explaining the reliability of the financial reports of the agencies studied. The variety of origins of the outsiders provides technical and ideological independence and background diversity, encouraging the display of information.

14:00-16:00 Session 6D: Strategy
Location: Uptown 3
Corporate Governance and Transparency in Spanish Central Government Agencies
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. This research focuses on the contribution of Corporate Governance (CG) to the transparency of public agencies. For this purpose, the different types of CG of Spanish Central Government Agencies (SCGA) are analysed. The information has been mainly obtained through the websites of the governmental agencies studied. The sample is made up of 177 SCGA. The composition of the boards of directors is revealed in this study as the key issue for explaining the transparency of the agencies studied. The variety of origins of the outsiders provides technical and ideological independence and background diversity, encouraging the display of information

Politicians in the Boardroom: Is It a Convenient Burden?
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. The paper analyzes the governance of the corporation when politicians hold board positions. Specifically, we study whether former politicians have different probabilities of holding relevant positions on boards of directors and delegated committees compared to other directors. Our results provide strong evidence against a lower probability and weak evidence of higher involvement. Our results suggest that when deciding on the positions held by their directors, firms estimate the quality of former politicians as corporate directors, in terms of monitoring and advising, to be similar to that of other directors. This quality is also corroborated, especially when politicians serve as independent directors, by studying whether their presence affects board performance in terms of CEO turnover control, executive director compensation, audit qualifications, and earnings management. Only when politicians serve as proprietary directors, representing large shareholders, we find some evidence of board performance deterioration, weak evidence when they serve as executive directors.

CEO Turnover in Public and Private Organisations: Analysis of the Relevance of Differences in Temporal Horizons
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. This paper investigates how past performance changes, prior CEO replacements, changes in the chairperson and ownership impact CEO turnover in public and large private businesses. We analyse 1,679 CEO replacements documented in a sample of 1,493 Spanish public and private firms during 1998-2004 by computing dynamic binary choice models that control for endogeneity in CEO turnovers. The results reveal that discrepancies in temporal horizons explain the differences in CEO turnover rates in public and private firms. While private firms exercise monitoring patience and path dependency characterises the evaluation of CEOs, public companies’ short-sightedness leads to increased monitoring and alternative controls—ownership and changes in the chairperson—improve the quality of the evaluation of management. The findings confirm that exposure to market controls affects the functioning of internal controls in evaluating CEOs. Our results also show the importance of controlling for path dependency to accurately examine the quality and abilities of top executives.

La Adopción de Negocio Electronico En Empresas Establecidas y Su Impacto Sobre Los Resultados
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Examinamos el proceso de adopción del negocio electrónico y su impacto sobre los resultados de las empresas establecidas dadas las presiones que ejerce la economía digital sobre las empresas. Entendemos que el negocio electrónico facilita directamente el incremento de ventas al ampliar las fronteras geográficas de cualquier negocio. Dado que el éxito de la implantación de un proceso en el seno de una organización depende de la predisposición al cambio interno de las personas analizamos dos fuerzas contrapuestas: la flexibilidad del personal y la resistencia al cambio. Nos centramos en empresas establecidas, dado que son las que arrastran determinadas inercias organizativas que pueden frenar las presiones a la adaptación que provienen del entorno. Utilizando una muestra de 162 empresas de más de 10 años, mostramos las relaciones propuestas en un modelo teórico. A partir de la aplicación de ecuaciones estructurales, los resultados muestran que el empleo del negocio electrónico influye positivamente sobre el ROS, medida que valora directamente el incremento de beneficios sobre ventas. Además, para dar respuesta a los problemas de implantación y desalineamiento entre tecnología y organización de empresas establecidas, nuestros resultados sugieren que la flexibilidad de los RRHH juega un papel determinante sobre el negocio electrónico. La resistencia al cambio no es determinante cuando emergen presiones para la transformación.

14:00-16:00 Session 6E: MLE & BPS
Location: Salon 3
A Systematic Review of Serious Games in Medical Education: Evidence on Effectiveness and Pedagogical Strategy
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Background: Literature shows an optimistic picture of game effectiveness in medical education. Nevertheless, teachers do not hurry to build their curricula on games like a key didactic method. If medical teachers are not impressed by the reports on game effectiveness, something happens. Two research questions arise: What is the pedagogical strategy supporting the use of games for medical education? What is the quality of evidence on the effectiveness of the games?

Methods: We made a systematic review in accordance with the Cochrane Collaboration guidelines by a multidisciplinary team of researchers. We included peer-reviewed journal articles which described or assessed serious games or gamified apps in medical education. We used Medical Education Research Study Quality Instrument (MERSQI) to assess the pedagogical effect of games.

Results: Based on 26 final articles we found that the average level of evidence measured by MERSQI was low: 8,6 out of 18 possible. Roughly a third of articles used the randomized controlled trial, and four studies did not include any effectiveness test at all. The majority of games were designed to be used in class settings. Only four articles reported the implementation of games in clinical settings with residents. The game authors were parsimonious when discussing the pedagogical aspects. Nevertheless we could conclude that 19 papers revealed the behaviorist and cognitivist preferences, emphasizing knowledge transmission over problem-solving.

Conclusions: The evidence on game effectiveness is weak. Games are high place specific niche product whose massive use is not warranted. Paper authors avoid making explicit reference to pedagogical theory. Nevertheless, the majority of the games authors revealed themselves as behaviorists or cognitivists, emphasizing knowledge transmission over problem-solving, and simulation over full fledges serious games.

Estrategias Institucionales y Transformaciones En La Carrera Académica En El Perú: Propuesta de Un Modelo Explicativo Multinivel

ABSTRACT. Diversos estudios sobre los procesos de cambio en las organizaciones universitarias reportan que las reformas nacionales de los 90s, influencias por el neoliberalismo y los principios de la Nueva Gestión Pública, fueron el principal driver de los procesos de transformación de la carrera académica a nivel mundial. Los hallazgos de éstos, en su mayor parte de origen europeo y anglosajón, podrían diferir de los resultantes en países emergentes, en los que predomina una baja inversión del Estado en la universidad pública y una alta oferta por parte de universidades privadas. En países como el Perú, de manera similar a Chile y Colombia, la amplia oferta universitaria privada configura un mercado de educación universitario diversificado y competitivo, en el que destaca que las dos primeras universidades del país sean privadas y no públicas. La presente investigación - en curso - parte del supuesto que la posición alcanzada por las dos primeras universidades del Perú es resultado de estrategias institucionales que responden a estímulos del sistema global del conocimiento antes que a procesos de reforma y estructura de mercado nacionales, y que el grado de transformación alcanzado por cada una de ellas es moderado por la intensidad de su cultura organizacional. En este sentido, el estudio tiene por objetivo proponer un modelo explicativo multinivel que contribuya con el entendimiento de la formulación de estrategias y el desempeño organizacional, a partir de dos estudios de caso comparados. El modelo propuesto considera tres niveles de análisis: a nivel macro la influencia de la globalización en la educación universitaria, en especial del sistema global del conocimiento en las estrategias institucionales; a nivel meso, las condiciones locales o de país, tanto en estructura de mercado como de regulación del sector, y a nivel micro, la cultura organizacional como moderadora en los procesos de cambio de la carrera académica.

Perception of Channels and Roles of Media in the Communication Process Among Peruvian, French, Dutch and American Students

ABSTRACT. Information Communication Technologies (ICT) has become a potential resource for higher education institutions to promote student’s interaction no limited by geographic distances. One of the traditional internationalization component in higher education is based on student’s mobility that is limited just for few due to the high costs of travelling and living abroad. In this paper is presented an analysis of an intervened class in Peru using synchronous technology in a collaborative international class. We analyze if ICT capabilities, as perception of channels and roles of media in the communication process are affected or not by cultural differences. For the study, 199 students of 12 nationalities were surveyed as they participated in a collaborative class using communication technologies between 2012 and 2014. The analysis was conducted by applying quantitative methods. The results revealed videoconference was found to have a medium level capability and appropriateness as a means to acquire Intercultural awareness and Intercultural Competence (IC). In addition, we discovered that cross-cultural differences have an impact upon the appreciation of media capability among Peruvian, French, Dutch and American students. These findings mean that utilization of information communication technologies is a feasible means of achieving internationalization at home in higher education institutions.

A Aprendizagem Organizacional E a Formação de Gestores No Serviço Social Do Comércio No Estado Da Bahia (SESC-Bahia)
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. O propósito deste artigo é investigar como ocorre a aprendizagem organizacional e a formação de gestores no Serviço Social do Comércio no Estado da Bahia (SESC-Bahia). Dessa forma, foram realizadas 18 entrevistas com os gestores do SESC-Bahia. A investigação caracterizou-se como sendo qualiquantitativa, utilizando Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo como método tabulação, organização e análise do material empírico. A partir dos discursos dos respondentes chegou-se a nove ideias centrais, demonstrando que o processo de aprendizagem e formação de gestores no SESC-Bahia é híbrido, diverso e original. Os resultados, por um lado, corroboram o referencial teórico e, por outro, trazem progressos à literatura sobre o fenômeno.

Aspirations and Ambivalences for Gaining Legitimacy at Business School in Post-Conflict Context
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. Which business school (BS) initiatives respond to current global challenges? Should global challenges be a concern for BSs? Researchers suggest that BSs’ priorities center on developing legitimacy by meeting goals dictated by accreditation agencies, which do not necessarily reflect the changing societal context, and by developing students’ skills aimed at academic proficiency in terms of firms’ profitability. The management education literature contains little information about BSs’ responses to the consequences of armed and post-conflict contexts. Based on legitimacy theory, we present a case study in which we identified tensions between maintaining national legitimacy and obtaining international accreditation. We identified mechanisms to respond to the social tensions identified in our case that have been implemented by the BS and its faculty. Although these initiatives have helped BSs maintain local legitimacy, BSs’ strategies have arguably tended to be invisible both to international accreditation judgment criteria and to the rhetoric of business profitability. This extreme setting of our case might help place academics as key players who lead BSs’ efforts in gaining and maintaining legitimacy. Our results might help inspire academics, practitioners and accreditation agencies to re-think their assessment criteria, helping them respond to today’s problems.

AAprendizagem Organizacional E Os Inibidores/Facilitadores Ao Surgimento de Comunidades de Prática: Um Olhar Sobre as Organizações Afrodite, Apolo, Atenas E Hera
SPEAKER: unknown

ABSTRACT. O propósito deste artigo é identificar quais são os fatores inibidores/facilitadores ao surgimento de comunidades de prática (CoP) em organizações. Para alcançar o objetivo desta investigação, este trabalho tomou como base as pesquisas de Souza-Silva (2005; 2007; 2009) no sentido de contrastar (ampliando, confirmando ou discordando) os achados desta investigação com os desenvolvidos por esse autor que representa um dos pioneiros na literatura a discorrer sobre os fatores inibidores ao surgimento de comunidades de prática em organizações. A pesquisa adotou uma abordagem qualiquantitativa, tendo o Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC) como estratégia metodológica de tabulação, organização e análise do material empírico. Com base no discurso dos entrevistados, identificaram-se 11 ideias centrais. Ao contrastar os resultados desta pesquisa com os trabalhos de Souza-Silva (2005; 2007; 2009), percebe-se, por um lado, avanços e, por outro, confirmações da base teórica tomada como referência. Finalmente, esta investigação sugere novas pesquisas com vistas a aprofundar e enriquecer as discussões sobre este instigante campo de estudos.

16:00-16:30Networking Coffee Break
16:30-18:00 Session 7: Keynote "Building Bridges not Walls", Herman Aguinis and Angelo DeNisi

This presentation includes two keynotes addressing the same general theme of “building bridges not walls” but taking different perspectives. First, Angelo DeNisi, Albert Harry Cohen Chair of Business Administration at Tulane University, will focus on barriers that make it more difficult for faculty from any non-U.S. schools to publish in top-tier journals. These barriers are discussed in terms of whether they represent real limitations or stereotypes, and the discussion then goes on to some specific types of contributions that Iberoamerican could make to the field of management—contributions that are often unique to these members. Second, Herman Aguinis, Avram Tucker Distinguished Scholar at George Washington University, will focus on some barriers that prevent the transfer of knowledge from science to practice. Specifically, this presentation will focus on the current credibility crisis in management and many other fields (e.g., international business, economics, psychology). This keynote will describe reasons for the credibility crisis from a talent management perspective and possible ways of addressing these barriers to build a stronger science that can more credibly be transferred to organizational practices.

Location: Esplanade Ballroom
19:30-22:30 Session : GALA DINNER
Location: Esplanade Ballroom