Tags:Components, Digital educational environment, Digital technologies, Ecosystem and SMART-TNPU
Facing novel challenges, we have proposed the innovative-digitalized educa-tional-scientific ecosystem "SMART-TNPU" which was invented at Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University (TNPU). The particular traits of the "SMART-TNPU" are its interactivity and opportunity for close interplay between different structural components. The ecosystem "SMART-TNPU" composes from several structural components namely technology, education, science, administration, management and marketing which are permanently cooperate and being coordinated by each other. The technologi-cal aspect plays an important role in the implementation of the SMART-TNPU ecosystem. The experience of TNPU IT infrastructure development, local and cloud digital space, as well as the evolution of SMART-TNPU eco-system performance have been described. The peculiarities of the develop-ment of the digital educational environment of TNPU as an important com-ponent of the ecosystem "SMART-TNPU" in the context of the development of digital competence of students and academic staff have been analyzed. The organizational component (structural centers and laboratories; corporate standards); content component (educational and methodological aspect); and monitoring component pertain to constituents of the digital educational envi-ronment. One of the results of "Digital Science" and "Digital Management" intercommunication is modern and prospective degree programs (e.g. BA program "Game study"). One of the more significant findings to emerge from this study is that only essential collaboration and interplay between all struc-tural components of Smart-University ecosystem with deep involvement of human resources within University developmental Strategy could provide visible way to success.